Dow Jones Smart Money and Operation HOPE Partner to Provide $3.5 Million in MarketWatch Subscriptions to U.S. High Schools

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Dow Jones and Operation HOPE have partnered to provide $3.5 million worth of MarketWatch subscriptions to U.S. high schools, benefiting teachers and students. This initiative, part of Dow Jones Smart Money, aims to enhance financial literacy by combining MarketWatch's journalism with Operation HOPE's network. The collaboration addresses the fact that only one in four American students have access to personal finance resources.

The partnership aligns with Dow Jones CEO Almar Latour's vision to make financial literacy more accessible. Mark DeCambre, editor-in-chief at MarketWatch, emphasized the importance of bringing financial information to classrooms. John Hope Bryant, Operation HOPE's founder, highlighted the initiative's role in helping students understand the free enterprise system.

Teachers and administrators can apply for a free one-year subscription for their schools. Additionally, a virtual panel on the election, economy, and markets is scheduled for October 24, 2024.

Dow Jones e Operation HOPE hanno collaborato per fornire abbonamenti a MarketWatch del valore di 3,5 milioni di dollari alle scuole superiori statunitensi, a beneficio di docenti e studenti. Questa iniziativa, parte di Dow Jones Smart Money, mira a migliorare l'alfabetizzazione finanziaria combinando il giornalismo di MarketWatch con la rete di Operation HOPE. La collaborazione affronta il fatto che solo uno studente americano su quattro ha accesso a risorse di finanza personale.

Il partenariato è in linea con la visione del CEO di Dow Jones, Almar Latour, di rendere l'alfabetizzazione finanziaria più accessibile. Mark DeCambre, direttore responsabile di MarketWatch, ha sottolineato l'importanza di portare informazioni finanziarie nelle aule. John Hope Bryant, fondatore di Operation HOPE, ha evidenziato il ruolo dell'iniziativa nell'aiutare gli studenti a comprendere il sistema di libero mercato.

I docenti e gli amministratori possono fare domanda per un abbonamento gratuito di un anno per le loro scuole. Inoltre, un panel virtuale sulle elezioni, l'economia e i mercati è previsto per il 24 ottobre 2024.

Dow Jones y Operation HOPE se han asociado para proporcionar suscripciones a MarketWatch por un valor de 3.5 millones de dólares a las escuelas secundarias de EE. UU., beneficiando a maestros y estudiantes. Esta iniciativa, parte de Dow Jones Smart Money, busca mejorar la educación financiera combinando el periodismo de MarketWatch con la red de Operation HOPE. La colaboración aborda el hecho de que solo uno de cada cuatro estudiantes estadounidenses tiene acceso a recursos de finanzas personales.

La asociación está alineada con la visión del CEO de Dow Jones, Almar Latour, de hacer la educación financiera más accesible. Mark DeCambre, editor en jefe de MarketWatch, enfatizó la importancia de llevar la información financiera a las aulas. John Hope Bryant, fundador de Operation HOPE, destacó el papel de la iniciativa en ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender el sistema de libre empresa.

Los maestros y administradores pueden solicitar una suscripción gratuita de un año para sus escuelas. Además, se programó un panel virtual sobre la elección, la economía y los mercados para el 24 de octubre de 2024.

다우 존스와 오퍼레이션 호프가 협력하여 350만 달러 상당의 마켓워치 구독권을 미국 고등학교에 제공하여 교사와 학생들에게 혜택을 줍니다. 이 이니셔티브는 다우 존스 스마트 머니의 일환으로, 마켓워치의 저널리즘과 오퍼레이션 호프의 네트워크를 결합하여 금융 교육을 강화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 협력은 미국 학생들 중 단 4명 중 1명만이 개인 금융 자원에 접근할 수 있다는 사실을 다룹니다.

파트너십은 다우 존스 CEO 알마르 라투르의 재정 교육 접근성을 높이려는 비전과 일치합니다. 마켓워치의 편집장 마크 드캄브르는 교실에 금융정보를 가져오는 것의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 오퍼레이션 호프의 창립자 존 호프 브라이언트는 학생들이 자유 기업 시스템을 이해하는 데 도움을 주는 이니셔티브의 역할을 강조했습니다.

교사와 관리자들은 자신의 학교를 위해 1년 무료 구독권을 신청할 수 있습니다. 또한, 선거, 경제 및 시장에 대한 가상 패널이 2024년 10월 24일에 예정되어 있습니다.

Dow Jones et Operation HOPE se sont associés pour fournir des abonnements MarketWatch d'une valeur de 3,5 millions de dollars aux lycées américains, au bénéfice des enseignants et des étudiants. Cette initiative, dans le cadre de Dow Jones Smart Money, vise à améliorer l'éducation financière en combinant le journalisme de MarketWatch avec le réseau d'Operation HOPE. La collaboration aborde le fait que un étudiant américain sur quatre seulement a accès à des ressources en matière de finances personnelles.

Ce partenariat s'aligne avec la vision du PDG de Dow Jones, Almar Latour, de rendre l'éducation financière plus accessible. Mark DeCambre, rédacteur en chef de MarketWatch, a souligné l'importance d'apporter des informations financières dans les salles de classe. John Hope Bryant, fondateur d'Operation HOPE, a mis en avant le rôle de l'initiative dans l'aide aux étudiants pour comprendre le système d'entreprise libre.

Les enseignants et les administrateurs peuvent demander un abonnement gratuit d'un an pour leurs écoles. De plus, un panel virtuel sur les élections, l'économie et les marchés est prévu pour le 24 octobre 2024.

Dow Jones und Operation HOPE haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um MarktWatch-Abonnements im Wert von 3,5 Millionen US-Dollar an amerikanische High Schools bereitzustellen, die Lehrern und Schülern zugutekommen. Diese Initiative, Teil von Dow Jones Smart Money, zielt darauf ab, die Finanzkompetenz zu fördern, indem sie den Journalismus von MarketWatch mit dem Netzwerk von Operation HOPE kombiniert. Die Zusammenarbeit geht das Problem an, dass nur einer von vier amerikanischen Schülern Zugang zu persönlichen Finanzressourcen hat.

Die Partnerschaft steht im Einklang mit der Vision von Dow Jones CEO Almar Latour, die finanzielle Bildung zugänglicher zu machen. Mark DeCambre, Chefredakteur von MarketWatch, betonte die Bedeutung, finanzielle Informationen in die Klassenzimmer zu bringen. John Hope Bryant, Gründer von Operation HOPE, hob die Rolle der Initiative hervor, den Schülern zu helfen, das System der freien Marktwirtschaft zu verstehen.

Lehrer und Administratoren können einen kostenlosen einjährigen Abonnement für ihre Schulen beantragen. Darüber hinaus ist ein virtuelles Panel zu Wahlen, Wirtschaft und Märkten für den 24. Oktober 2024 geplant.

  • Providing $3.5 million worth of MarketWatch subscriptions to U.S. high schools
  • Expanding access to financial literacy resources for students and teachers
  • Potential for increased brand awareness and user base for MarketWatch
  • None.

Joint Initiative Reinforces Partnership Aimed to Bolster Both Organizations' Commitment to Financial Literacy

NEW YORK, Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dow Jones today announced a new initiative between its comprehensive financial literacy and proficiency resource, Dow Jones Smart Money and Operation HOPE, a nationally recognized non-profit organization providing financial literacy empowerment and economic education to youth and adults, to provide $3.5 million worth of MarketWatch subscriptions to U.S. high schools for the benefit of their teachers and students. This partnership is aimed at empowering students and educators with essential personal finance tools, bringing together Dow Jones's award-winning MarketWatch journalism and Operation HOPE's extensive network to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to build a secure financial future. This initiative is another key moment in Dow Jones's efforts, led by CEO Almar Latour, to make financial literacy more accessible.

Only one in four American students have access to personal finance resources. By providing subscriptions to MarketWatch, teachers and students will receive access to financial tools, insights and advice to help them better understand, strategize and grow their money.

"Core to Almar's vision for Dow Jones is to be a leader in providing reliable financial information to a broad audience, free of charge," said Mark DeCambre, editor in chief at MarketWatch. "This agreement builds on that effort – bringing MarketWatch's world-class journalism directly into classrooms across the country. We're excited about our collaboration with Operation HOPE and look forward to seeing all the success it brings."

"We're thrilled to partner with Dow Jones to deliver these subscriptions to deserving students and teachers across America," said John Hope Bryant, Operation HOPE founder, chairman and CEO. "We are especially committed to ensuring these subscriptions reach those who would not otherwise have access to this important information. We cannot fully succeed and thrive in a free enterprise system without understanding how that system works. This is an important step in that direction."

Dow Jones is home to the largest collection of wealth and investing publications in the world–including MarketWatch's engaging, up-to-the-minute reporting–and has distinguished itself as a champion of various financial literacy initiatives. Launched earlier this year, Dow Jones Smart Money leverages best-in-class insights and analysis from Dow Jones newsrooms to close the gap in financial literacy and ensure that anyone who needs resources to navigate finance topics, can find them with ease and confidence. Operation HOPE's expansive network will make MarketWatch available as a valuable tool for high school students throughout the nation.

Teachers and administrators can apply for a free one-year subscription for their school here.

The two organizations will join to host a virtual panel on the election, the economy and markets on October 24, 2024. Click here to register for the free event.

For more timely, relevant personal finance information, visit

About Dow Jones
Dow Jones is a global provider of news and business information, delivering content to consumers and organizations around the world across multiple formats, including print, digital, mobile and live events. Dow Jones has produced unrivaled quality content for more than 130 years and today has one of the world's largest news-gathering operations globally. It is home to leading publications and products including the flagship Wall Street Journal, America's largest newspaper by paid circulation; Barron's, MarketWatch, Mansion Global, Financial News, Investor's Business Daily, Factiva, Dow Jones Risk & Compliance, Dow Jones Newswires, OPIS and Chemical Market Analytics. Dow Jones is a division of News Corp (Nasdaq: NWS, NWSA; ASX: NWS, NWSLV).

About Operation HOPE
Since 1992, Operation HOPE has been moving America from civil rights to "silver rights" with the mission of making free enterprise and capitalism work for the underserved – disrupting poverty for millions of low and moderate-income youth and adults across the nation. Through its community uplift model, HOPE Inside, which received the 2016 Innovator of the Year recognition by American Banker magazine, Operation HOPE has served more than 4 million individuals and directed more than $3.2 billion in economic activity into disenfranchised communities—turning check-cashing customers into banking customers, renters into homeowners, small business dreamers into small business owners, minimum wage workers into living wage consumers, and uncertain disaster victims into financially empowered disaster survivors. For more information: Follow the HOPE conversation on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Press Contacts 
Dow Jones
Anthony Zurita

Jaden Jules

Operation HOPE:
Kevin E. Boucher

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SOURCE Dow Jones & Company, Inc.


What is the value of MarketWatch subscriptions being provided to U.S. high schools by Dow Jones and Operation HOPE?

Dow Jones and Operation HOPE are providing $3.5 million worth of MarketWatch subscriptions to U.S. high schools for the benefit of their teachers and students.

How can schools apply for the free MarketWatch subscription offered by Dow Jones Smart Money and Operation HOPE?

Teachers and administrators can apply for a free one-year subscription for their school through a link provided in the press release.

When is the virtual panel on the election, economy, and markets hosted by Dow Jones and Operation HOPE scheduled for?

The virtual panel on the election, economy, and markets is scheduled for October 24, 2024.

What percentage of American students currently have access to personal finance resources according to the press release?

According to the press release, only one in four American students (25%) have access to personal finance resources.

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