U.S. Housing Market Faces 4 Million-Home® Calls on Lawmakers to Let America Build

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Tags reports that the U.S. faces a critical housing shortage of 3.8 million homes, marking the third-largest annual gap since 2012. Despite reaching a two-decade high of 1.6 million home completions in 2024, closing this gap would take an estimated 7.5 years nationwide.

Regional disparities are significant: the South could catch up in 3 years, the West in 6.5 years, the Midwest in 41 years, while the Northeast shows no progress. The shortage has led to approximately 1.63 million 'pent-up' households, primarily affecting Millennials and Gen Zers who opt to live with family or roommates.

In response, launched the 'Let America Build' campaign to advocate for policy changes addressing supply constraints. While 2024 saw new construction outpace household formations for the first time since 2016, with 1.36 million homes started, multi-family housing starts fell to their lowest level since 2017. riporta che gli Stati Uniti affrontano una grave carenza abitativa di 3,8 milioni di case, segnando il terzo divario annuale più grande dal 2012. Nonostante si preveda un picco di completamenti di case di 1,6 milioni nel 2024, chiudere questo divario richiederebbe circa 7,5 anni a livello nazionale.

Le disparità regionali sono significative: il Sud potrebbe recuperare in 3 anni, il West in 6,5 anni, il Midwest in 41 anni, mentre il Nord-Est non mostra progressi. La carenza ha portato a circa 1,63 milioni di 'nuclei familiari trattenuti', che colpiscono principalmente i Millennial e i membri della Gen Z che scelgono di vivere con la famiglia o con coinquilini.

In risposta, ha lanciato la campagna 'Let America Build' per sostenere cambiamenti politici che affrontino le restrizioni dell'offerta. Sebbene nel 2024 la nuova costruzione abbia superato per la prima volta dal 2016 le formazioni di famiglie, con 1,36 milioni di case avviate, i nuovi avvii di abitazioni multifamiliari sono scesi ai livelli più bassi dal 2017. informa que Estados Unidos enfrenta una grave escasez de viviendas de 3.8 millones de casas, marcando la tercera brecha anual más grande desde 2012. A pesar de alcanzar un máximo en dos décadas de 1.6 millones de viviendas completadas en 2024, cerrar esta brecha tomaría un estimado de 7.5 años a nivel nacional.

Las disparidades regionales son significativas: el Sur podría ponerse al día en 3 años, el Oeste en 6.5 años, el Medio Oeste en 41 años, mientras que el Noreste no muestra progreso. La escasez ha llevado a aproximadamente 1.63 millones de 'hogares retenidos', afectando principalmente a los Millennials y a la Generación Z que optan por vivir con familiares o compañeros de cuarto.

En respuesta, lanzó la campaña 'Let America Build' para abogar por cambios en las políticas que aborden las limitaciones de suministro. Aunque en 2024 la nueva construcción superó por primera vez desde 2016 las formaciones de hogares, con 1.36 millones de casas iniciadas, los inicios de viviendas multifamiliares cayeron a su nivel más bajo desde 2017.

Realtor.com에 따르면 미국은 380만 채의 주택 부족 문제에 직면해 있으며, 이는 2012년 이후 세 번째로 큰 연간 격차를 기록하고 있습니다. 2024년에는 160만 채의 주택이 완공되는 20년 만의 최고치를 기록했지만, 이 격차를 해소하는 데는 전국적으로 약 7.5년이 소요될 것으로 예상됩니다.

지역 간 차이는 상당합니다: 남부는 3년 안에 회복할 수 있고, 서부는 6.5년, 중서부는 41년이 걸리며, 북동부는 진전을 보이지 않고 있습니다. 이 주택 부족으로 약 163만 가구가 '억제된' 상태에 있으며, 주로 밀레니얼 세대와 Z세대가 가족이나 룸메이트와 함께 사는 선택을 하고 있습니다.

이에 Realtor.com은 공급 제약 문제를 해결하기 위한 정책 변화를 촉구하는 'Let America Build' 캠페인을 시작했습니다. 2024년에는 새로운 건축이 2016년 이후 처음으로 가구 형성을 초과하여 136만 채의 주택이 시작되었지만, 다가구 주택 시작은 2017년 이후 최저 수준으로 떨어졌습니다. rapporte que les États-Unis sont confrontés à une pénurie critique de logements de 3,8 millions de maisons, marquant le troisième plus grand écart annuel depuis 2012. Bien qu'atteignant un sommet de deux décennies avec 1,6 million de maisons achevées en 2024, combler cet écart prendrait environ 7,5 ans à l'échelle nationale.

Les disparités régionales sont significatives : le Sud pourrait rattraper son retard en 3 ans, l'Ouest en 6,5 ans, le Midwest en 41 ans, tandis que le Nord-Est ne montre aucun progrès. La pénurie a conduit à environ 1,63 million de 'ménages retenus', touchant principalement les Millennials et la génération Z qui choisissent de vivre avec leur famille ou des colocataires.

En réponse, a lancé la campagne 'Let America Build' pour plaider en faveur de changements politiques visant à résoudre les contraintes d'offre. Bien que 2024 ait vu la nouvelle construction dépasser pour la première fois depuis 2016 les formations de ménages, avec 1,36 million de maisons commencées, les débuts de logements multifamiliaux ont chuté à leur niveau le plus bas depuis 2017. berichtet, dass die USA mit einem kritischen Wohnungsengpass von 3,8 Millionen Häusern konfrontiert sind, was die drittschlechteste jährliche Lücke seit 2012 darstellt. Obwohl 2024 mit 1,6 Millionen Fertigstellungen von Wohnungen ein Höchststand seit zwei Jahrzehnten erreicht wird, würde es schätzungsweise 7,5 Jahre dauern, diese Lücke landesweit zu schließen.

Die regionalen Unterschiede sind erheblich: Der Süden könnte in 3 Jahren aufholen, der Westen in 6,5 Jahren, der Mittlere Westen in 41 Jahren, während der Nordosten keinen Fortschritt zeigt. Der Mangel hat zu etwa 1,63 Millionen 'gestauten' Haushalten geführt, die hauptsächlich Millennials und der Generation Z betreffen, die sich entscheiden, bei Familie oder Mitbewohnern zu wohnen.

Als Reaktion darauf hat die Kampagne 'Let America Build' ins Leben gerufen, um für politische Veränderungen zu plädieren, die die Angebotsengpässe angehen. Während 2024 die neue Bauweise erstmals seit 2016 die Haushaltsgründungen mit 1,36 Millionen begonnenen Häusern übertraf, fielen die Neubauten von Mehrfamilienhäusern auf den niedrigsten Stand seit 2017.

  • Home completions reached 1.6 million in 2024, highest in nearly two decades
  • New construction outpaced household formations for first time since 2016
  • Single-family housing starts reached second-highest level since 2007
  • South region reduced housing gap by 24.9% in 2024
  • West region narrowed housing gap by 13.4%
  • 3.8 million home supply shortfall persists nationwide
  • Northeast region's housing gap widened by 1.2%
  • Multi-family housing starts fell to lowest level since 2017
  • Midwest showing minimal progress with only 2.4% gap reduction
  • 1.63 million potential households unable to form due to housing constraints

Insights's launch of the "Let America Build" campaign represents a strategic positioning move by News Corp (NWSA) to address the 3.8 million home shortage in the US housing market. This initiative shifts beyond merely providing listings toward becoming an influential policy advocate in the housing sector.

The comprehensive market analysis accompanying this announcement provides valuable insights: despite housing completions reaching 1.6 million in 2024 (highest in nearly two decades), the persistent supply gap remains the third-largest since 2012. The regional disparities are particularly telling - closing the gap would take just 3 years in the South versus 41 years in the Midwest, highlighting geographic opportunities for News Corp's real estate services.

Perhaps most significant is the identification of 1.63 million "pent-up" households that didn't materialize in 2024 due to affordability constraints. This represents substantial latent demand that could eventually flow through's platform if housing supply expands.

While this campaign positions NWSA as a thought leader addressing a critical economic issue, its immediate financial impact remains uncertain. Success would ultimately depend on influencing policy changes that typically move slowly. However, any meaningful increase in housing supply would likely drive transaction volume through's platform, potentially benefiting News Corp's digital real estate services segment over the long term.

The "Let America Build" campaign represents a calculated move by News Corp to influence housing policy at a critical juncture. By highlighting the 3.8 million home shortfall and advocating against "restrictive zoning" and "outdated regulations," is positioning itself to shape legislative conversations across local, state, and federal levels.

This initiative is particularly timely given the increasing political focus on housing affordability. By framing the issue as "holding back economic growth" and making homeownership "increasingly out of reach," is strategically aligning with broad bipartisan concerns while potentially influencing policy in ways that would expand its addressable market.

The campaign's showcase at SXSW, featuring prominent speakers including Austin's mayor, demonstrates NWSA's efforts to build coalitions with "builders, policymakers and housing advocates." This multi-stakeholder approach increases the campaign's potential policy impact beyond what could achieve alone.

From an investment perspective, this represents an intriguing long-term strategy. While most real estate platforms focus solely on transaction facilitation, NWSA is attempting to expand the overall market size through policy change. If successful in even partially addressing zoning restrictions, the initiative could generate substantial value by increasing housing starts and transactions - though such policy changes typically face significant local resistance and implementation delays, limiting near-term financial impact.

  • The 3.8 million home shortfall is the third-largest since 2012
  • At the current pace, closing the housing gap would take an estimated 7.5 years nationwide—3 years in the South, 6.5 years in the West, 41 years in the Midwest, and the Northeast making no progress
  • Many Millennials/Gen Zers chose to live with others, leaving an estimated 1.63 million "pent-up" households unformed in 2024 that would have otherwise widened the gap

AUSTIN, Texas, March 10, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- More than a decade of underbuilding has left the U.S. with a shortage of nearly 4 million homes, according to a new analysis from®. With home prices and rents stretching budgets to their limits, this persistent supply gap is pushing homeownership increasingly out of reach for millions of Americans. To tackle one of the biggest barriers to affordability,® is launching Let America Build, a national campaign advocating for solutions that expand housing supply.

While recent construction gains show progress, they highlight the urgent need for bold policy action.®'s recent analysis found that in 2024, home completions grew to 1.6 million, the highest level in nearly two decades, driven by an increase in both single- and multi-family construction. For the first time since 2016, new construction activity outpaced household formations. Yet, the nation still faces a supply shortfall of 3.8 million homes—the third-largest annual gap since 2012, trailing only 2020 and 2023. At the 2024 pace, closing the gap would take 7.5 years, with the South catching up in three years, the West in 6.5 years, the Midwest in a staggering 41 years, and the Northeast making little to no progress.

Despite more homes being started last year, rising housing costs compounding on top of a lack of availability has kept many young adults from forming new households. Instead, many Millennials and Gen Zers opted to live with family or roommates, leading to an estimated 1.63 million "pent-up" households that didn't materialize in 2024. These households are an important part of understanding the challenge, and contribute to the almost 4 million total housing supply gap, highlighting the unmet demand for homes.

"While builders made strides last year, the scale of the historic housing shortage, paired with strong pent-up demand, meant that new supply couldn't fully close the nearly 4 million-home gap," said Danielle Hale, chief economist,®. "Young households are particularly feeling the strain, as buying a home on an early- to mid-career salary is increasingly out of reach for many. Though a rise in both multi- and single-family construction offered some relief amid low existing inventory, addressing the gap will take sustained effort and smart policy."® Launches Let America Build®'s national Let America Build campaign is advocating for solutions that cut through red tape, restrictive zoning, and outdated regulations that are constricting the ability to build the homes America needs. The initiative calls on lawmakers at every level to make bold, pro-building choices.® aims to join forces with some of the biggest industry leaders, including builders, policymakers and housing advocates to push for actionable change that will help create more homes—faster.

"America's housing shortage is holding back economic growth, driving up costs, and making it harder for millions of families to find a home," said Damian Eales, CEO of®. "Through Let America Build, we're rallying the right voices to push for real solutions that will unlock supply and make homeownership more attainable. That's a win for families, communities, and the entire economy—because when housing works, everything works."

New Construction Overtakes Household Formations; Costs Sideline Young Households
As policymakers, industry leaders, and advocates discuss solutions to address the housing shortage, recent construction data shows some progress. For the first time since 2016,®'s report found new home construction outpaced household formations in 2024. Fewer than 1 million new households were formed in 2024—the slowest annual pace since 2016. Meanwhile, 1.36 million homes were started, exceeding household formations by nearly 400,000. Despite overtaking household formations, total housing starts were at their lowest level since 2020, largely from a slowdown in multi-family construction, while single-family housing starts surged to their second-highest level since 2007, as builders ramped up production to address the shortage of existing homes on the market.

Multi-Family Construction Slows Amid Rising Rental Supply
While overall home completions grew last year, multi-family housing starts fell to their lowest level since 2017. After several years of strong multi-family activity, builders pulled back, particularly in high-density developments, responding to an oversupply in the rental market post-pandemic. This is likely foreshadowing a lower pace of new multi-family rental supply that will be completed in the near future. Still, the increase in both single- and multi-family completions helped drive overall inventory gains.

Regional Shifts: South Leads the Way
Housing supply trends varied widely by region. The South saw the most significant improvements in their housing gap in 2024, shrinking by 24.9%; however, it still has the largest gap by volume, with 1.15 million units needed. In the West, decent levels of new construction combined with only modest household formation contributed to the region's progress in narrowing its housing gap by 13.4%. The Midwest saw only modest progress, with a 2.4% reduction in its gap. In contrast, the Northeast was the only region where the gap widened, growing by 1.2% over the year, with 1.04 million units needed.® at SXSW: Sparking the Conversation on Housing Solutions
To further underscore the urgent need for more affordable homes,® hosted three key panel discussions at South by Southwest – the popular Austin, Texas-based festival and conference known for fostering innovation across tech, policy, and culture. The sessions explored innovative solutions in homebuilding, Texas' approach to housing policy, and America's inventory and affordability crisis and featured prominent speakers, including Austin Mayor Kirk Watson; John Ho, CEO of Landsea Homes;® Chief Economist Danielle Hale; and Sara Bronin, Founder & CEO of the National Zoning Atlas, among others. Watch the replays here.

To view the complete 2025 Housing Supply Gap report and its methodology, visit

About®® pioneered online real estate and has been at the forefront for over 25 years, connecting buyers, sellers, and renters with trusted insights, professional guidance and powerful tools to help them find their perfect home. Recognized as the No. 1 site trusted by real estate professionals,® is a valued partner, delivering consumer connections and a robust suite of marketing tools to support business growth.® is operated by News Corp [Nasdaq: NWS, NWSA] [ASX: NWS, NWSLV] subsidiary Move, Inc.

Media Contact: Sara Wiskerchen,


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How large is the current U.S. housing shortage according to's 2025 analysis?

The U.S. faces a shortage of 3.8 million homes, representing the third-largest annual gap since 2012.

How long would it take to close the housing supply gap at the current construction pace?

At the 2024 pace, it would take 7.5 years nationwide, varying by region: 3 years in the South, 6.5 years in the West, 41 years in the Midwest, and the Northeast showing no progress.

How many 'pent-up' households were estimated in 2024 due to housing constraints?

An estimated 1.63 million 'pent-up' households didn't materialize in 2024, as many Millennials and Gen Zers chose to live with family or roommates.

What was the level of new home construction in 2024 compared to household formations?

In 2024, 1.36 million homes were started, exceeding household formations by nearly 400,000 - the first time construction outpaced household formation since 2016.

Which U.S. region has the largest housing supply gap in 2024?

The South has the largest housing gap by volume, with 1.15 million units needed, despite showing the most significant improvement with a 24.9% reduction in 2024.
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