Renters Rejoice:® Names the Top 10 Markets for Renters

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Tags® has released its Top 10 Markets for Renters report, highlighting cities in the South and Midwest as prime destinations for renters. Austin, Texas tops the list, followed by Oklahoma City and Birmingham, Alabama. These markets offer a combination of affordable rental options, economic opportunity, and short commutes.

Key findings include:

  • Average rent-to-income ratio of 21.0% in top markets
  • Average rental vacancy rate of 8.8%, surpassing national averages
  • Average forecasted 2024 unemployment rate of 3.3%
  • Average expected commute time of 25 minutes in 2024

The report emphasizes the importance of rental affordability, availability, economic growth, and quality of life factors in determining the best markets for renters.® ha pubblicato il suo report Top 10 Mercati per Inquilini, evidenziando le città del Sud e del Midwest come destinazioni principali per gli inquilini. Austin, Texas occupa il primo posto, seguita da Oklahoma City e Birmingham, Alabama. Questi mercati offrono una combinazione di opzioni di affitto accessibili, opportunità economiche e brevi tragitti casa-lavoro.

Le principali scoperte includono:

  • Rapporto medio affitto-reddito del 21,0% nei mercati principali
  • Percentuale media di immobili in affitto vacanti dell'8,8%, superiore alla media nazionale
  • Previsione media del tasso di disoccupazione per il 2024 del 3,3%
  • Tempo medio di pendolarismo previsto di 25 minuti nel 2024

Il rapporto mette in evidenza l'importanza dell'accessibilità degli affitti, della disponibilità, della crescita economica e dei fattori di qualità della vita nel determinare i migliori mercati per gli inquilini.® ha publicado su informe Los 10 Mejores Mercados para Inquilinos, destacando las ciudades del Sur y el Medio Oeste como destinos ideales para los inquilinos. Austin, Texas encabeza la lista, seguida por Oklahoma City y Birmingham, Alabama. Estos mercados ofrecen una combinación de opciones de alquiler asequibles, oportunidades económicas y desplazamientos cortos.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Relación promedio alquiler-ingreso del 21,0% en los principales mercados
  • Tasa de vacantes de alquiler promedio del 8,8%, superando los promedios nacionales
  • Tasa de desempleo pronosticada promedio del 3,3% para 2024
  • Tiempo promedio de desplazamiento esperado de 25 minutos en 2024

El informe enfatiza la importancia de la accesibilidad del alquiler, la disponibilidad, el crecimiento económico y los factores de calidad de vida para determinar los mejores mercados para inquilinos.®는 임차인을 위한 상위 10개 시장 보고서를 발표하며, 남부 및 중서부의 도시들을 임차인을 위한 주요 목적지로 강조했습니다. 텍사스주 오스틴이 목록에서 1위를 차지하고, 이어서 오클라호마 시티앨라배마주 버밍햄이 있습니다. 이러한 시장은 합리적인 임대 옵션, 경제적 기회 및 짧은 통근 시간을 제공합니다.

주요 발견은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 주요 시장에서 평균 임대-소득 비율이 21.0%
  • 평균 임대 공실률이 8.8%로, 전국 평균을 초과함
  • 2024년 평균 예상 실업률이 3.3%
  • 2024년 평균 예상 통근 시간이 25분

이 보고서는 임대의 접근성, 가용성, 경제 성장 및 삶의 질 요소가 임차인에게 가장 적합한 시장을 결정하는 데 얼마나 중요한지를 강조합니다.® a publié son rapport Top 10 Marchés pour Locataires, mettant en avant les villes du Sud et du Midwest comme des destinations idéales pour les locataires. Austin, Texas figure en tête de liste, suivie par Oklahoma City et Birmingham, Alabama. Ces marchés offrent une combinaison de logements locatifs abordables, d'opportunités économiques et de courtes distances de transport.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • Ratio moyen loyer-revenus de 21,0 % dans les principaux marchés
  • Taux moyen de vacance locative de 8,8 %, dépassant les moyennes nationales
  • Taux de chômage prévu moyen de 3,3 % pour 2024
  • Temps moyen de trajet prévu de 25 minutes en 2024

Le rapport souligne l'importance de l'accessibilité des loyers, de la disponibilité, de la croissance économique et des facteurs de qualité de vie dans la détermination des meilleurs marchés pour les locataires.® hat seinen Bericht Die 10 besten Märkte für Mieter veröffentlicht, in dem Städte im Süden und im Mittleren Westen als erstklassige Ziele für Mieter hervorgehoben werden. Austin, Texas steht an erster Stelle, gefolgt von Oklahoma City und Birmingham, Alabama. Diese Märkte bieten eine Kombination aus erschwinglichen Mietoptionen, wirtschaftlichen Möglichkeiten und kurzen Pendelzeiten.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse umfassen:

  • Durchschnittliches Verhältnis von Miete zu Einkommen von 21,0% in den Hauptmärkten
  • Durchschnittliche Leerstandsrate von 8,8%, die die nationalen Durchschnitte übertrifft
  • Durchschnittlich prognostizierte Arbeitslosenquote von 3,3% für 2024
  • Durchschnittliche erwartete Pendelzeit von 25 Minuten im Jahr 2024

Der Bericht betont die Bedeutung von Mieterschwinglichkeit, Verfügbarkeit, wirtschaftlichem Wachstum und Lebensqualitätsfaktoren bei der Bestimmung der besten Märkte für Mieter.

  • None.
  • None.

Austin, Texas, Oklahoma City, Okla., and Birmingham Ala., grab the top three spots with a combination of affordable rental options, economic opportunity, and short commutes

SANTA CLARA, Calif., July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- With a surge of would-be renters in the market right now, a new report, Top 10 Markets for Renters, from® found cities in the South and Midwest rank highest for their rental affordability, rental availability, economic growth and shorter than average commute times, making them prime destinations for those seeking both opportunity and quality of life.

Austin, Texas took the top spot with a rent-to-income ratio of 19.7% and a high rental vacancy rate of 9.0%, leading to strong affordability and availability for renters. Oklahoma City ranked second, followed by Birmingham, Ala., San Antonio and Minneapolis. Each of these leading cities is experiencing economic growth, attracting many young professionals. Austin (No. 1 on the list) and Raleigh (No. 9) were also named top rental markets for 2024 college graduates.

"Over the last year, we continued to see strong demand for rental properties, especially among younger generations prioritizing the benefits of renting, like flexibility and relative affordability, while home prices and mortgage rates remain high," said Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at®. "Despite high demand, there are some bright spots in the rental market around the U.S. in cities and towns that offer renters good job opportunities, a decent commute, flexible lease terms, maintenance free amenities, and more rental options to choose from at relatively affordable prices."

While no cities from the Northeast or West made it into the top 10, Lawrence, Mass., in the Boston metro area, is the top rental market in the Northeast, and Denver leads in the West; however, the relatively low rental affordability and low rental vacancy rates in both of these markets caused them to rank below the top 10.

These Cities Lead the Way When It Comes to Affordable Rent
The ratio of median rent to household income shows the percentage of income spent on housing. Lower is better, since that typically means households have more income to spend on other things. The top markets as a group are located in metro areas that have an average rent-to-income ratio of 21.0%, suggesting rents made up 21% of a typical household income, on average. A traditional rule of thumb is that no more than 30% of a household's gross income should go to housing expenses.

Among the top 10 markets, the rent-to-income ranged from a low of 17.7%, seen in Oklahoma City, to 23.8% in Nashville, Tenn.

More Rental Vacancies Means More Options for Renters
A common feature among the top 10 markets is a favorable rental vacancy rate. With more rental options to choose from, renters in these cities may wield greater bargaining power when negotiating with landlords.

The top markets as a group are located within metro areas that have an average rental vacancy rate of 8.8%, surpassing both the town/city average of 6.4% and the metro average of 6.9%.

Among the top 10 markets, the rental vacancy rate ranges from 5.2% to 12.3%. Birmingham (12.3%), boasts the highest rental vacancy rate and Norfolk, Va. (5.2%) has the lowest rate. Additionally, cities in Southern metros such as Nashville (9.2%) and Austin (9.0%) both rank prominently for rental availability. One important explanation for the higher vacancy rates in the top markets could be the surge in new multi-family construction and completion in the South and Midwest, which expanded the overall rental inventory.

Economic Opportunities Lead to a Stable Job Market and More Opportunities
A lower forecasted unemployment rate indicates that renters might face less competition when looking for jobs, suggesting better job security. The top 10 markets as a group are located within metro areas that have an average forecasted 2024 unemployment rate of 3.3%, lower than the 4.0% forecasted town/city average. The unemployment rates in the top 10 markets ranged from a low of 2.9%, in both Minneapolis and Nashville, to a high of 3.5% in Birmingham, Ala., and San Antonio.

The top markets as a group are located within metro areas that have a high average online job posting index. The online job opening market is measured by the Indeed Job Posting Index; the higher the index, the greater the increase in job availability compared to that pre-pandemic baseline. Nashville experienced the highest increase of job openings when compared to the pre-pandemic period. Additionally, cities like San Antonio and Sandy Springs, Ga., both rank high for job openings.

Shorter than Average Commutes Common Across the Top 10 Cities 
In addition to abundant rental options and relatively affordable rents, these top markets also offer benefits that may enhance their quality of life. For example, many renters in our top 10 markets benefit from shorter commutes. The top cities on our list boast an average expected commute time of 25 minutes in 2024, this translates to a potential saving of 43 hours per year for a commuter traveling five days a week. The top cities and towns had average commutes ranging from a low of 24 minutes – seen in Oklahoma City, Birmingham, Ala., Minneapolis and Kansas City, Kan. – to a high of 27 minutes in Sandy Springs, Ga.

Top Rental Markets







Online Job

Share of
HH (25+)




Austin-Round Rock, TX

19.7 %

9.0 %



56.1 %



Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City, OK

17.7 %

10.7 %



40.0 %




Birmingham-Hoover, AL

22.9 %

12.3 %



54.1 %



San Antonio

San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX

21.3 %

8.8 %



45.2 %




Minneapolis-St.Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI

19.3 %

7.9 %



53.5 %



Sandy Springs

Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA

23.4 %

8.7 %



54.6 %




Nashville-Davidson-Murfreesboro- Franklin,TN

23.8 %

9.2 %



47.4 %



Kansas City

Kansas City, MO-KS

19.7 %

7.5 %



46.5 %




Raleigh, NC

20.0 %

8.7 %



49.0 %




Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC

22.8 %

5.2 %



54.9 %



For the purpose of the research, we ranked 325 cities and towns with a population of more than 75,000 that are located within the 50 largest metro areas. Rent-to-income ratio: Rental data are studio, 1-bedroom, or 2-bedroom units advertised as for-rent on® between June 2023 and May 2024 in the top 50 metros. Rental units include apartments as well as private rentals (condos, townhomes, single-family homes). Household income was sourced from  2024 Claritas estimates based on Census Bureau data. Rental vacancy rates were the average vacancy rates between 2023Q2 and 2024Q1 calculated from Census's Housing Vacancies and Homeownership Survey for each city/place's surrounding metro area. The stated forecasted unemployment rates are Moody's Analytics projections of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Local Area Unemployment Statistics for each city/place's surrounding metro area. The metro level online job posting index was sourced from Indeed's Hiring Lab and we took the average index between June 2023 and May 2024. The share of renters and the average commute time data were sourced from 2024 Claritas estimates based on Census Bureau data.

About®® is an open real estate marketplace built for everyone.® pioneered the world of digital real estate more than 25 years ago. Today, through its website and mobile apps,® is a trusted guide for consumers, empowering more people to find their way home by breaking down barriers, helping them make the right connections, and creating confidence through expert insights and guidance. For professionals,® is a trusted partner for business growth, offering consumer connections and branding solutions that help them succeed in today's on-demand world.® is operated by News Corp [Nasdaq: NWS, NWSA] [ASX: NWS, NWSLV] subsidiary Move, Inc. For more information, visit®.

Media Contact: Mallory Micetich,

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What are the top 3 rental markets according to's 2024 report?

According to's 2024 Top 10 Markets for Renters report, the top 3 rental markets are: 1. Austin, Texas, 2. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and 3. Birmingham, Alabama.

What is the average rent-to-income ratio in the top rental markets for 2024?

The average rent-to-income ratio in the top rental markets is 21.0%, according to's 2024 report. This means that, on average, renters in these markets spend 21% of their income on rent.

What is the average rental vacancy rate in the top 10 rental markets for 2024?

The average rental vacancy rate in the top 10 rental markets is 8.8%, according to's 2024 report. This rate is higher than both the town/city average of 6.4% and the metro average of 6.9%.

What is the forecasted unemployment rate for the top rental markets in 2024?

The average forecasted unemployment rate for the top rental markets in 2024 is 3.3%, according to's report. This is lower than the 4.0% forecasted town/city average.

What is the average expected commute time in the top rental markets for 2024?

The average expected commute time in the top rental markets for 2024 is 25 minutes, according to's report. This translates to a potential saving of 43 hours per year for a commuter traveling five days a week.

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