Yankee Candle® Unveils New 'Hello, Italy!' Collection - A Celebration of Mediterranean Fragrances and Beauty
Yankee Candle, a Newell Brands (NWL) subsidiary, has launched the 'Hello, Italy!' Collection, featuring five new -edition fragrances inspired by Italian destinations and experiences. The collection includes: Capri Glow, Azure Sky, Lemon Gelato, Olive & Cypress, and Pistachio Latte, each designed to capture different aspects of Italian culture and landscapes.
The products are available in various sizes ranging from 1.3-ounce votives to 22-ounce apothecary jars, and can be purchased through YankeeCandle.com, Yankee Candle retail locations, and major retailers including Target, Meijer, and Kohl's. Select fragrances are offered in multiple formats including ScentPlug® refills, wax melts, and various candle sizes.
The collection features designs incorporating mystic-inspired prints, pictorial patchwork, and ceramic-inspired textures, reflecting Italian art and architecture. Each fragrance combines earthy, citrusy, and sweet notes to evoke different aspects of Italian life and culture.
Yankee Candle, una filiale di Newell Brands (NWL), ha lanciato la Collezione 'Hello, Italy!', che presenta cinque nuove fragranze in edizione limitata ispirate a destinazioni ed esperienze italiane. La collezione include: Capri Glow, Azure Sky, Lemon Gelato, Olive & Cypress e Pistachio Latte, progettate per catturare diversi aspetti della cultura e dei paesaggi italiani.
I prodotti sono disponibili in varie dimensioni, da votivi da 1,3 once a barattoli da 22 once, e possono essere acquistati su YankeeCandle.com, nei punti vendita Yankee Candle e presso grandi rivenditori come Target, Meijer e Kohl's. Selezionate fragranze sono offerte in diversi formati, inclusi refill ScentPlug®, cera profumata e varie dimensioni di candele.
La collezione presenta design che incorporano stampe ispirate al misticismo, patchwork fotografici e texture ispirate alla ceramica, riflettendo l'arte e l'architettura italiane. Ogni fragranza combina note terrose, agrumate e dolci per evocare diversi aspetti della vita e della cultura italiana.
Yankee Candle, una subsidiaria de Newell Brands (NWL), ha lanzado la colección 'Hello, Italy!', que presenta cinco nuevas fragancias de edición limitada inspiradas en destinos y experiencias italianas. La colección incluye: Capri Glow, Azure Sky, Lemon Gelato, Olive & Cypress y Pistachio Latte, diseñadas para capturar diferentes aspectos de la cultura y los paisajes italianos.
Los productos están disponibles en varios tamaños, desde velas votivas de 1.3 onzas hasta tarros de botiquín de 22 onzas, y se pueden comprar a través de YankeeCandle.com, en locales de venta de Yankee Candle y en retailer importantes como Target, Meijer y Kohl's. Algunas fragancias se ofrecen en múltiples formatos, incluyendo recargas ScentPlug®, ceras aromáticas y diversas tamaños de velas.
La colección presenta diseños que incorporan estampados inspirados en lo místico, patchwork pictórico y texturas inspiradas en la cerámica, reflejando el arte y la arquitectura italianos. Cada fragancia combina notas terrosas, cítricas y dulces para evocar diferentes aspectos de la vida y cultura italianas.
Yankee Candle는 Newell Brands (NWL)의 자회사로서, 이탈리아의 목적지와 체험에서 영감을 받은 다섯 가지 새로운 에디션 향초를 특징으로 하는 'Hello, Italy!' 컬렉션을 출시했습니다. 이 컬렉션에는 Capri Glow, Azure Sky, Lemon Gelato, Olive & Cypress, Pistachio Latte가 포함되어 있으며, 각각은 이탈리아 문화와 경관의 다양한 측면을 포착하도록 설계되었습니다.
이 제품들은 1.3온스의 보티브에서 22온스의 약제병까지 다양한 크기에서 제공되며, YankeeCandle.com, Yankee Candle 소매점 및 Target, Meijer, Kohl's와 같은 주요 소매점을 통해 구매할 수 있습니다. 선택된 향기는 ScentPlug® 리필, 왁스 멜트 및 다양한 크기의 양초 포함 여러 형태로 제공됩니다.
컬렉션은 이탈리아의 예술과 건축을 반영한 신비로운 영감을 받은 프린트, 회화 패치워크 및 도자기 영감을 받은 질감을 통합한 디자인을 특징으로 합니다. 각 향기는 이탈리아의 삶과 문화의 다양한 측면을 불러일으키기 위해 earthy, citrusy 및 sweet 노트를 혼합합니다.
Yankee Candle, une filiale de Newell Brands (NWL), a lancé la collection 'Hello, Italy!', comprenant cinq nouvelles fragrances en édition limitée inspirées des destinations et des expériences italiennes. La collection inclut : Capri Glow, Azure Sky, Lemon Gelato, Olive & Cypress et Pistachio Latte, chacune conçue pour capturer différents aspects de la culture et des paysages italiens.
Les produits sont disponibles en plusieurs tailles, allant de votives de 1,3 once à des bocaux de 22 onces, et peuvent être achetés via YankeeCandle.com, dans les points de vente Yankee Candle, ainsi que chez des détaillants majeurs tels que Target, Meijer et Kohl's. Certaines fragrances sont proposées dans plusieurs formats, y compris des recharges ScentPlug®, des cires fondantes et diverses tailles de bougies.
La collection présente des designs incorporant des impressions inspirées par le mystique, des patchworks picturaux et des textures inspirées de la céramique, reflétant l'art et l'architecture italiens. Chaque fragrance combine des notes terreuses, citriques et sucrées pour évoquer différents aspects de la vie et de la culture italiennes.
Yankee Candle, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Newell Brands (NWL), hat die Kollektion 'Hello, Italy!' ins Leben gerufen, die fünf neue -Edition-Düfte enthält, die von italienischen Reisezielen und Erfahrungen inspiriert sind. Die Kollektion umfasst: Capri Glow, Azure Sky, Lemon Gelato, Olive & Cypress und Pistachio Latte, die jeweils verschiedene Aspekte der italienischen Kultur und Landschaften einfangen sollen.
Die Produkte sind in verschiedenen Größen von 1,3-Unzen-Votivkerzen bis zu 22-Unzen-Apothekergefäßen erhältlich und können über YankeeCandle.com, die Einzelhandelsstandorte von Yankee Candle und großflächige Einzelhändler wie Target, Meijer und Kohl's erworben werden. Ausgewählte Düfte sind in mehreren Formaten erhältlich, darunter ScentPlug®-Nachfüllungen, Wachs-Schmelzen und verschiedene Kerzengrößen.
Die Kollektion umfasst Designs mit mystischen, inspirierten Drucken, bildlichen Patchworks und keramik-inspirierten Texturen, die die italienische Kunst und Architektur widerspiegeln. Jeder Duft kombiniert erdige, zitrusartige und süße Noten, um verschiedene Aspekte des italienischen Lebens und der Kultur hervorzurufen.
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New Fragrances Capture the Essence of
From the sun-kissed beaches of Capri to
A Journey Through Fragrance
The Hello,
The collection features five new fragrances, available for a limited time only:
- Capri Glow: Bask in the summer glow of Capri's sandy beaches with scents of sun-kissed amber, frangipani blossoms, and a splash of citrus zest.
- Azure Sky: Aromas of fresh mango, sweet coconut cream, and solar tuberose waft through the air, washing over you like a gentle wave on the Positano coastline.
- Lemon Gelato: Cool down your Sicilian summer afternoon with a delicious frozen dessert, complete with scents of icy lemon, sweet gelato, and fizzy citrus.
- Olive & Cypress: Stroll through
Tuscany's magnificent forests, surrounded by the captivating fragrances of olive trees, rosemary, and lush cypress. - Pistachio Latte: Grab a quick pick-me-up at a Roman coffee bar, where notes of pistachio, creamy coconut milk, and sugared vanilla swirl together in a sumptuous concoction.
Sizing and Availability
The Hello,
To explore the full range of Yankee Candle fragrances, please visit www.YankeeCandle.com and follow us on Instagram (@YankeeCandle), Facebook (@YankeeCandle) and Pinterest (@YankeeCandle).
About Yankee Candle
The Yankee Candle Company, Inc. is an American company with a unique 50-year history of creating evocative, mood-setting, and long-lasting fragrance for the home. The company offers a wide range of distinctive products, from the brand's iconic candles to home & car air fresheners, gifts and more. The Yankee Candle Company, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Newell Brands Inc. and is sold through mass and specialty retailers, online and in Yankee Candle retail stores. Outside of
About Newell Brands
Newell Brands (NASDAQ: NWL) is a leading global consumer goods company with a strong portfolio of well-known brands, including Rubbermaid, Sharpie®, Graco®, Coleman®, Rubbermaid Commercial Products®, Yankee Candle®, Paper Mate®, FoodSaver®, Dymo®, EXPO®, Elmer's®, Oster®, NUK®, Spontex® and Campingaz®. Newell Brands is focused on delighting consumers by lighting up everyday moments.
This press release and additional information about Newell Brands are available on the company's website, www.newellbrands.com.
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SOURCE Newell Brands