Nuvve Unveils Groundbreaking AC V2G Technology at Exelon Event, Leveraging SAE J3068/2

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Nuvve Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: NVVE) showcased a breakthrough in AC Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology at an Exelon-hosted event. The demonstration featured Nuvve's PowerPort3 Ultra chargers enabling Ford Mach-E EVs to provide grid services using SAE J3068/2 standards. This innovation aligns with safety and regulatory requirements, positioning Nuvve as a leader in V2G technology.

The global V2G market is projected to reach $34.7 billion by 2034, growing at a CAGR of 22.7% from 2024 to 2034. Nuvve's GIVe™ aggregator software plays a important role in integrating EVs into the grid efficiently. The company's compliance with FERC Order 2222 strengthens its position to capture value from distributed energy resources.

The event demonstrated Nuvve's ability to provide scalable solutions for grid stabilization, a critical component in the transition to clean energy. Over the coming year, the performance of V2G-enabled Ford Mach-E vehicles will be monitored to assess their value as both fleet vehicles and grid assets.

Nuvve Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: NVVE) ha mostrato un'innovazione nella tecnologia AC Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) durante un evento ospitato da Exelon. La dimostrazione ha messo in evidenza i caricatori PowerPort3 Ultra di Nuvve, che permettono ai veicoli elettrici Ford Mach-E di fornire servizi alla rete utilizzando gli standard SAE J3068/2. Questa innovazione si allinea agli standard di sicurezza e normativi, posizionando Nuvve come leader nella tecnologia V2G.

Il mercato globale V2G è previsto raggiungere $34,7 miliardi entro il 2034, con una crescita annuale composta (CAGR) del 22,7% dal 2024 al 2034. Il software aggregatore GIVe™ di Nuvve gioca un ruolo importante nell'integrazione efficiente dei veicoli elettrici nella rete. La conformità dell'azienda con l'Ordine FERC 2222 rafforza la sua posizione per ottenere valore dalle risorse energetiche distribuite.

L'evento ha dimostrato la capacità di Nuvve di fornire soluzioni scalabili per la stabilizzazione della rete, un componente critico nella transizione verso l'energia pulita. Nel corso dell'anno prossimo, sarà monitorata la performance dei veicoli Ford Mach-E abilitati V2G per valutare il loro valore sia come veicoli di flotta che come risorse della rete.

Nuvve Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: NVVE) presentó un avance en la tecnología AC Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) en un evento organizado por Exelon. La demostración presentó los cargadores PowerPort3 Ultra de Nuvve, que permiten a los vehículos eléctricos Ford Mach-E proporcionar servicios a la red siguiendo los estándares SAE J3068/2. Esta innovación cumple con los requisitos de seguridad y regulación, posicionando a Nuvve como líder en tecnología V2G.

Se proyecta que el mercado global V2G alcance $34.7 mil millones para 2034, creciendo a una tasa compuesta anual (CAGR) del 22.7% desde 2024 hasta 2034. El software agregador GIVe™ de Nuvve desempeña un papel importante en la integración eficiente de los vehículos eléctricos en la red. La conformidad de la empresa con la Orden FERC 2222 fortalece su posición para capturar valor de los recursos energéticos distribuidos.

El evento demostró la capacidad de Nuvve para proporcionar soluciones escalables para la estabilización de la red, un componente crítico en la transición hacia la energía limpia. Durante el próximo año, se monitoreará el rendimiento de los vehículos Ford Mach-E habilitados para V2G para evaluar su valor tanto como vehículos de flota como activos de la red.

Nuvve Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: NVVE)는 Exelon 주최 행사에서 AC Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) 기술의 혁신을 선보였습니다. 이 시연에서는 Nuvve의 PowerPort3 Ultra 충전기가 Ford Mach-E 전기차가 SAE J3068/2 기준을 사용하여 전력망 서비스 제공을 가능하게 했습니다. 이 혁신은 안전 및 규제 요구 사항을 충족하며, Nuvve를 V2G 기술의 선두주자로 자리매김하고 있습니다.

전 세계 V2G 시장은 2034년까지 347억 달러에 이를 것으로 예측됩니다, 2024년부터 2034년까지 연평균 성장률(CAGR) 22.7%로 성장할 것입니다. Nuvve의 GIVe™ 집계 소프트웨어는 전기차를 효율적으로 전력망에 통합하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. FERC 주문 2222 준수는 분산 에너지 자원으로부터 가치를 확보할 수 있는 회사의 위치를 강화합니다.

이번 행사는 Nuvve가 전력망 안정화를 위한 확장 가능한 솔루션을 제공할 수 있는 능력을 보여주었습니다. 이는 청정 에너지로의 전환에서 중요한 요소입니다. 다음 해에는 V2G 기능이 있는 Ford Mach-E 차량의 성능을 모니터링하여 플릿 차량과 전력망 자산으로서의 가치를 평가할 것입니다.

Nuvve Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: NVVE) a présenté une avancée dans la technologie AC Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) lors d'un événement organisé par Exelon. La démonstration a présenté les chargeurs PowerPort3 Ultra de Nuvve permettant aux véhicules électriques Ford Mach-E de fournir des services au réseau conformément aux normes SAE J3068/2. Cette innovation est en accord avec les exigences de sécurité et réglementaires, plaçant Nuvve en position de leader dans la technologie V2G.

Le marché mondial du V2G devrait atteindre 34,7 milliards de dollars d'ici 2034, avec un taux de croissance annuel composé (CAGR) de 22,7 % entre 2024 et 2034. Le logiciel agrégateur GIVe™ de Nuvve joue un rôle important dans l'intégration efficace des véhicules électriques dans le réseau. La conformité de l'entreprise avec l'Ordre FERC 2222 renforce sa position pour tirer profit des ressources énergétiques distribuées.

L'événement a démontré la capacité de Nuvve à fournir des solutions évolutives pour la stabilisation du réseau, un élément critique dans la transition vers l'énergie propre. Au cours de l'année à venir, la performance des véhicules Ford Mach-E habilités V2G sera surveillée pour évaluer leur valeur à la fois en tant que véhicules de flotte et en tant qu'actifs du réseau.

Nuvve Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: NVVE) stellte auf einer von Exelon ausgerichteten Veranstaltung einen Durchbruch in der AC Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technologie vor. Die Demonstration zeigte die PowerPort3 Ultra Charger von Nuvve, die es Ford Mach-E Elektrofahrzeugen ermöglichen, Netzdienste gemäß den SAE J3068/2 Standards anzubieten. Diese Innovation erfüllt Sicherheits- und Regulierungsvorgaben und positioniert Nuvve als führendes Unternehmen in der V2G-Technologie.

Der globale V2G-Markt wird voraussichtlich bis 2034 34,7 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen und von 2024 bis 2034 mit einer jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 22,7% wachsen. Die GIVe™ Aggregator-Software von Nuvve spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der effizienten Integration von Elektrofahrzeugen in das Netz. Die Einhaltung der FERC-Anordnung 2222 stärkt die Position des Unternehmens, um Wert aus verteilten Energiequellen zu ziehen.

Die Veranstaltung demonstrierte Nuvves Fähigkeit, skalierbare Lösungen zur Netzstabilisierung anzubieten, eine entscheidende Komponente im Übergang zu sauberer Energie. Im kommenden Jahr wird die Leistung von V2G-fähigen Ford Mach-E-Fahrzeugen überwacht, um ihren Wert sowohl als Flottenfahrzeuge als auch als Netzressourcen zu bewerten.

  • Nuvve showcased breakthrough AC V2G technology using SAE J3068/2 standards
  • Global V2G market projected to reach $34.7 billion by 2034, with 22.7% CAGR from 2024-2034
  • Nuvve's GIVe™ aggregator software enables efficient integration of EVs into the grid
  • Compliance with FERC Order 2222 strengthens Nuvve's position in distributed energy resources
  • Demonstration of scalable solutions for grid stabilization enhances Nuvve's market position
  • None.


Nuvve's demonstration of AC V2G technology using SAE J3068/2 standards is a significant advancement in the EV infrastructure space. This breakthrough allows for more efficient and scalable integration of EVs into the power grid, potentially revolutionizing how we manage energy resources. The use of 3-phase Nuvve PowerPort3 Ultra chargers with Ford Mach-E EVs showcases practical applications of bi-directional power flow, which could lead to new revenue streams for EV owners and utilities alike. The compliance with safety and regulatory requirements positions Nuvve ahead in the market, potentially accelerating V2G adoption. With the global V2G market projected to reach $34.7 billion by 2034, growing at a CAGR of 22.7%, Nuvve is well-positioned to capture a significant market share. Their GIVe™ aggregator software further enhances their competitive edge by enabling efficient management of multiple EVs as a unified power resource.

This development signals strong potential for Nuvve's future revenue growth and market position. The company's leadership in AC V2G technology, compliant with SAE J3068/2, opens up new opportunities in the rapidly expanding V2G market. With projections indicating a $34.7 billion market by 2034, Nuvve's early mover advantage could translate into substantial long-term value for shareholders. The demonstration with Ford Mach-E EVs suggests potential partnerships with major automakers, which could accelerate adoption and scale. Recurring revenue streams from grid services and the company's GIVe™ software platform present a compelling business model. However, investors should note that while the technology is promising, the full financial impact will depend on widespread adoption and successful monetization of these services. Nuvve's compliance with FERC Order 2222 also positions it favorably to capitalize on the growing distributed energy resources market.

Collaborative Demonstration of Vehicle-to-Grid Integration by Leading EV Innovators, Utilities, and Grid Operators 

NEWARK, Del., Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nuvve Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: NVVE), a global leader in Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology, showcased a major breakthrough in AC V2G solutions at an exclusive event hosted by Exelon at the Delmarva Power New Castle Regional Office. This event demonstrated Nuvve's ability to provide scalable and practical solutions that meet the growing demand for grid-stabilizing technologies, a critical component for the global transition to clean energy. 

Nuvve deployed its 3-phase Nuvve PowerPort3 Ultra chargers, allowing Ford Mach-E EVs to deliver grid services while parked, highlighting the practical benefits of AC bi-directional power flow as defined by SAE J3068/2. These innovations align with stringent safety and regulatory requirements, setting Nuvve ahead of industry peers in terms of technological capability and compliance. 

"The ability to harness EVs for grid support provides both i revenue opportunities through energy markets and positions Nuvve as a key player in transforming the global energy landscape," said Gregory Poilasne, CEO of Nuvve. "Our leadership in this space continues to unlock new value for Nuvve as we pave the way for scalable V2G deployments worldwide." 

According to Future Market Insights Inc., the global Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) market is projected to grow significantly, reaching USD 34.7 billion by 2034, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.7% from 2024 to 20341. This surge is driven by the rapid adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), the need to optimize energy infrastructure, and increased demand for grid stabilization and energy storage. Nuvve is positioned to capture a significant share of this market through its innovative, scalable solutions. 

Nuvve's proprietary GIVe™ aggregator software plays a pivotal role in combining multiple EVs into a unified V2G power resource, ensuring the integration of EVs into the grid is both seamless and efficient. Hamza Lemsaddek, Nuvve's Vice President of Technology and Astrea AI, commented: 
"This demonstration is a testament to our commitment and investment in R&D since Nuvve's inception. AC V2G leveraging SAE J3068/2 represents a significant advancement, showcasing reliable, low-cost, and scalable technologies that allow V2G to expand while meeting stringent safety and regulatory requirements. We're excited to be at the forefront of enabling energy resilience and equity through electrified transportation." 

The project highlights Nuvve's ability to scale, with significant opportunities for Nuvve and its customers to generate recurring revenue streams while contributing to grid stability. As grid stabilization and energy storage become critical in the modern energy landscape, stakeholders stand to benefit from the broad deployment of V2G technologies and additional revenue streams through services like grid balancing and resource flexibility. 

Nuvve's strategic leadership in complying with FERC Order 2222 further solidifies its position to capture value from distributed energy resources (DERs). The event featured a demonstration led by Hamza Lemsaddek and Gregory Poilasne, showcasing how this AC V2G technology works in real-world conditions. Attendees, including top Exelon executives and federal representatives, witnessed firsthand the commercial and technological potential of Nuvve's solutions. 

Nuvve's involvement in this project reaffirms its leadership in advancing EV infrastructure, while also creating a sustainable, resilient energy future. Over the coming year, the performance of these V2G-enabled Ford Mach-E vehicles will be closely monitored to assess their dual roles as fleet vehicles and grid assets, providing long-term value creation for the company and customers. 

About Nuvve Holding Corp. 

Founded in 2010, Nuvve Holding Corp. (Nasdaq: NVVE) has successfully deployed vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology across five continents. The company provides turnkey electrification solutions for fleets, leading the transition to clean energy by transforming EVs into mobile energy storage units. Nuvve's headquarters are in San Diego, Calif., and more information is available at 

Nuvve Press Contact 
+1 (619) 483-3448 

1 Future Market Insights "Vehicle-to-grid Market Outlook from 2024 to 2034" June 2024

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SOURCE Nuvve Holding Corp.


What new technology did Nuvve (NVVE) showcase at the Exelon event?

Nuvve showcased breakthrough AC Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology using SAE J3068/2 standards, demonstrating Ford Mach-E EVs providing grid services while parked.

What is the projected growth of the global Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) market by 2034?

According to Future Market Insights Inc., the global V2G market is projected to reach $34.7 billion by 2034, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.7% from 2024 to 2034.

How does Nuvve's (NVVE) GIVe™ aggregator software contribute to V2G technology?

Nuvve's GIVe™ aggregator software combines multiple EVs into a unified V2G power resource, ensuring seamless and efficient integration of EVs into the grid.

What regulatory compliance has Nuvve (NVVE) achieved to strengthen its market position?

Nuvve's strategic leadership in complying with FERC Order 2222 solidifies its position to capture value from distributed energy resources (DERs).

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