nVent Again Named One of the World’s Most Ethical Companies®
nVent Electric plc (NYSE:NVT) has been named one of the World's Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere for the second consecutive year. This recognition highlights nVent's commitment to business integrity through its ethics, compliance, and governance practices.
The company's Win Right values, particularly Absolute Integrity, guide its operations and are reflected in their Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which directs employee interactions with stakeholders. With a global workforce of over 10,000 employees, nVent was selected following Ethisphere's rigorous ethics evaluation framework.
nVent Chair and CEO Beth Wozniak emphasized that ethical choices build trust and transparency, strengthening their mission to help transform the world for an electrified future.
nVent Electric plc (NYSE:NVT) è stata nominata una delle Aziende più Etiche del Mondo® da Ethisphere per il secondo anno consecutivo. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia l'impegno di nVent per l'integrità aziendale attraverso le sue pratiche di etica, conformità e governance.
I valori Win Right dell'azienda, in particolare l'Integrità Assoluta, guidano le sue operazioni e si riflettono nel loro Codice di Condotta e Etica Aziendale, che orienta le interazioni dei dipendenti con gli stakeholder. Con una forza lavoro globale di oltre 10.000 dipendenti, nVent è stata selezionata dopo il rigoroso processo di valutazione etica di Ethisphere.
La Presidente e CEO di nVent, Beth Wozniak, ha sottolineato che le scelte etiche costruiscono fiducia e trasparenza, rafforzando la loro missione di contribuire a trasformare il mondo per un futuro elettrificato.
nVent Electric plc (NYSE:NVT) ha sido nombrada una de las Empresas Más Éticas del Mundo® por Ethisphere por segundo año consecutivo. Este reconocimiento resalta el compromiso de nVent con la integridad empresarial a través de sus prácticas de ética, cumplimiento y gobernanza.
Los valores Win Right de la empresa, en particular la Integridad Absoluta, guían sus operaciones y se reflejan en su Código de Conducta y Ética Empresarial, que dirige las interacciones de los empleados con los interesados. Con una fuerza laboral global de más de 10,000 empleados, nVent fue seleccionada tras el riguroso marco de evaluación ética de Ethisphere.
La presidenta y CEO de nVent, Beth Wozniak, enfatizó que las decisiones éticas construyen confianza y transparencia, fortaleciendo su misión de ayudar a transformar el mundo hacia un futuro electrificado.
nVent Electric plc (NYSE:NVT)는 Ethisphere에 의해 세계에서 가장 윤리적인 기업® 중 하나로 두 번째 연속 선정되었습니다. 이 인정은 nVent의 윤리, 준수 및 거버넌스 관행을 통한 비즈니스 무결성에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다.
회사의 Win Right 가치, 특히 절대적 무결성은 운영을 안내하며, 이해관계자와의 직원 상호작용을 지시하는 비즈니스 행동 및 윤리 강령에 반영됩니다. 10,000명 이상의 글로벌 인력을 보유한 nVent는 Ethisphere의 엄격한 윤리 평가 프레임워크에 따라 선정되었습니다.
nVent의 의장 겸 CEO인 Beth Wozniak는 윤리적 선택이 신뢰와 투명성을 구축하여 전기화된 미래를 위한 세상을 변화시키려는 그들의 사명을 강화한다고 강조했습니다.
nVent Electric plc (NYSE:NVT) a été désignée comme l'une des Entreprises les Plus Éthiques au Monde® par Ethisphere pour la deuxième année consécutive. Cette reconnaissance met en avant l'engagement de nVent envers l'intégrité commerciale à travers ses pratiques d'éthique, de conformité et de gouvernance.
Les valeurs Win Right de l'entreprise, en particulier l'Intégrité Absolue, guident ses opérations et se reflètent dans leur Code de Conduite et d'Éthique, qui dirige les interactions des employés avec les parties prenantes. Avec une main-d'œuvre mondiale de plus de 10 000 employés, nVent a été sélectionnée suite au rigoureux cadre d'évaluation éthique d'Ethisphere.
La présidente et PDG de nVent, Beth Wozniak, a souligné que les choix éthiques construisent la confiance et la transparence, renforçant leur mission d'aider à transformer le monde pour un avenir électrifié.
nVent Electric plc (NYSE:NVT) wurde von Ethisphere zum zweiten Mal in Folge als eines der weltweit ethischsten Unternehmen® ausgezeichnet. Diese Anerkennung unterstreicht das Engagement von nVent für Geschäftsintegrität durch seine Ethik-, Compliance- und Governance-Praktiken.
Die Win Right-Werte des Unternehmens, insbesondere die Absolute Integrität, leiten seine Operationen und spiegeln sich in ihrem Verhaltenskodex und Ethikrichtlinien wider, die die Interaktionen der Mitarbeiter mit den Stakeholdern lenken. Mit einer globalen Belegschaft von über 10.000 Mitarbeitern wurde nVent nach dem strengen ethischen Bewertungsrahmen von Ethisphere ausgewählt.
Die Vorsitzende und CEO von nVent, Beth Wozniak, betonte, dass ethische Entscheidungen Vertrauen und Transparenz aufbauen und ihre Mission stärken, die Welt für eine elektrifizierte Zukunft zu transformieren.
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Annual recognition honors organizations committed to business integrity through robust ethics, compliance and governance programs
nVent’s Win Right values, including Absolute Integrity, guide the company in everything it does. nVent’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics provides specific guidance for employees’ interactions with customers, partners, suppliers, global communities, investors and each other. This commitment, reflected in the everyday actions of nVent’s 10,000+ global employees, was recognized by Ethisphere, which honors the top performing companies assessed using its rigorous ethics evaluation framework each year.
“Being recognized as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® for the second year in a row is an honor. Absolute Integrity is one of our core values and defines how we interact with all our stakeholders at nVent,” said nVent Chair and CEO Beth Wozniak. “Making ethical choices builds trust and transparency, strengthening our business as we help the world transform for an electrified future. I’d like to thank all our employees for their commitment to living our values every day. It is because of this that we have received this outstanding recognition.”
“Congratulations to nVent for achieving recognition as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies®. Behind this honor is a true dedication and a commitment to advancing business integrity. This approach is good for business – employees and other stakeholders value companies that prioritize the kinds of practices we measure with our process,” said Erica Salmon Byrne, Ethisphere’s Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Chair.
To view the full list of this year’s honorees, please visit the World’s Most Ethical Companies website, at https://worldsmostethicalcompanies.com/honorees.
About nVent
nVent is a leading global provider of electrical connection and protection solutions. We believe our inventive electrical solutions enable safer systems and ensure a more secure world. We design, manufacture, market, install and service high performance products and solutions that connect and protect some of the world's most sensitive equipment, buildings and critical processes. We offer a comprehensive range of systems protection and electrical connections solutions across industry-leading brands that are recognized globally for quality, reliability and innovation. Our principal office is in
About Ethisphere
Ethisphere is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that strengthen corporate brands, build trust in the marketplace, and deliver business success. Companies turn ethics, compliance, and culture into a business advantage by leveraging Ethisphere’s data-driven program and culture assessments featuring the latest guidance and the practices of hundreds of global organizations across the 8 pillars of an ethical culture, and 240+ ethics, compliance, social, and governance data points delivered through a proprietary software platform. Ethisphere also honors superior integrity programs through World’s Most Ethical Companies® recognition, brings together a community of industry experts with the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA), and advances ethical business practices through the Global Ethics Summit, Ethisphere Magazine and the Ethicast podcast. For more information, visit https://ethisphere.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250313572799/en/
nVent Media Contact
Stacey Wempen
Director of External Communications
Ethisphere Media Contact
Anne Walker
Source: nVent