Lindy Biosciences Enters Licensing and Collaboration Agreement With Novartis for Multi-target Drug Delivery Innovation

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Lindy Biosciences and Novartis Pharma AG have entered into a multi-target exclusive global licensing agreement and strategic collaboration. The partnership aims to leverage Lindy's microglassification suspension technology to transition select Novartis medicines to convenient, self-administered subcutaneous injections. This technology enables high-concentration biologic delivery, potentially reducing healthcare costs and improving patient compliance.

Key financial terms include:

  • Upfront payment of $20 million to Lindy Biosciences
  • Potential for up to $934 million in additional milestone payments
  • Tiered single-digit royalties on net sales

The collaboration aims to transform drug delivery, particularly for antibody therapeutics, which are often administered intravenously due to high dose requirements. Lindy's technology could enable home administration via pre-filled syringes or autoinjectors, significantly improving patient care and treatment access globally.

Lindy Biosciences e Novartis Pharma AG hanno stipulato un accordo di licenza globale esclusivo multi-target e una collaborazione strategica. L'obiettivo della partnership è sfruttare la tecnologia di sospensione in microvetro di Lindy per trasformare alcuni medicinali di Novartis in iniezioni sottocutanee pratiche e autoadministrate. Questa tecnologia consente la somministrazione di biologici ad alta concentrazione, potenzialmente riducendo i costi sanitari e migliorando la compliance dei pazienti.

I principali termini finanziari includono:

  • Pagamento iniziale di 20 milioni di dollari a Lindy Biosciences
  • Potenziale di fino a 934 milioni di dollari in pagamenti addizionali legati a traguardi
  • Royalties a singolo digit scalate sulle vendite nette

La collaborazione mira a trasformare la somministrazione dei farmaci, in particolare per le terapie a base di anticorpi, che spesso sono somministrate per via endovenosa a causa degli elevati requisiti di dosaggio. La tecnologia di Lindy potrebbe consentire l'autosomministrazione a casa tramite siringhe pre-riempite o autoiniettori, migliorando significativamente l'assistenza ai pazienti e l'accesso ai trattamenti a livello globale.

Lindy Biosciences y Novartis Pharma AG han firmado un acuerdo de licencia global exclusivo multiobjetivo y una colaboración estratégica. La asociación tiene como objetivo aprovechar la tecnología de suspensión de microvidrio de Lindy para convertir ciertos medicamentos de Novartis en inyecciones subcutáneas autoadministradas y convenientes. Esta tecnología permite la administración de biológicos de alta concentración, lo que potencialmente puede reducir los costos de atención médica y mejorar la adherencia del paciente.

Los principales términos financieros incluyen:

  • Pago inicial de 20 millones de dólares a Lindy Biosciences
  • Potencial de hasta 934 millones de dólares en pagos adicionales por hitos
  • Regalías escalonadas de un solo dígito sobre las ventas netas

La colaboración tiene como objetivo transformar la entrega de medicamentos, particularmente para terapias con anticuerpos, que a menudo se administran por vía intravenosa debido a los altos requisitos de dosis. La tecnología de Lindy podría permitir la administración en casa a través de jeringas precargadas o autoinyectores, mejorando significativamente la atención al paciente y el acceso al tratamiento a nivel global.

Lindy Biosciences와 Novartis Pharma AG는 다기관 독점 글로벌 라이선스 계약 및 전략적 협력을 체결했습니다. 이 파트너십은 Lindy의 마이크로 유리 현탁액 기술을 활용하여 선택된 Novartis 의약품을 편리한 자가 투여 피하 주사로 전환하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 기술은 고농축 생물학적 제제를 전달할 수 있게 해주며, 의료비를 절감하고 환자의 순응도를 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

주요 재정 조건은 다음과 같습니다:

  • Lindy Biosciences에 대한 2000만 달러의 선불금
  • 최대 9억3400만 달러의 추가 이정표 지급 가능성
  • 순매출에 대한 단일 자릿수 로열티 비율

이번 협력은 특히 고용량 요구로 인해 종종 정맥내 투여되는 항체 치료제를 위한 약물 전달 방식을 혁신하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Lindy의 기술은 프리필드 주사기나 자가주입기를 통해 가정에서의 투여를 가능하게 하여 환자 관리와 치료 접근성을 전 세계적으로 크게 개선할 수 있습니다.

Lindy Biosciences et Novartis Pharma AG ont conclu un accord de licence mondiale exclusive multi-cibles et une collaboration stratégique. Ce partenariat vise à tirer parti de la technologie de suspension microglassifiée de Lindy pour transformer certains médicaments de Novartis en injections sous-cutanées pratiques et autoadministrées. Cette technologie permet une délivrance de biologiques à haute concentration, pouvant potentiellement réduire les coûts de santé et améliorer l'adhésion des patients.

Les principaux termes financiers comprennent :

  • Paiement initial de 20 millions de dollars à Lindy Biosciences
  • Potentiel de jusqu'à 934 millions de dollars en paiements supplémentaires liés à des jalons
  • Redevances en pourcentage à un seul chiffre sur les ventes nettes

La collaboration vise à transformer l'administration des médicaments, en particulier pour les thérapies par anticorps, qui sont souvent administrées par voie intraveineuse en raison des exigences de dose élevées. La technologie de Lindy pourrait permettre une administration à domicile via des seringues pré-remplies ou des auto-injecteurs, améliorant considérablement les soins aux patients et l'accès au traitement à l'échelle mondiale.

Lindy Biosciences und Novartis Pharma AG haben eine exklusive globale Lizenzvereinbarung und strategische Zusammenarbeit mit mehreren Zielsetzungen geschlossen. Das Partnerschaftsprojekt zielt darauf ab, Lindys Microglassification-Suspensionstechnik zu nutzen, um ausgewählte Novartis-Medikamente in bequeme, selbstverwendbare subkutane Injektionen umzuwandeln. Diese Technologie ermöglicht die Lieferung von hochkonzentrierten Biologika und könnte die Gesundheitskosten senken und die Patientenadhärenz verbessern.

Wesentliche finanzielle Bedingungen umfassen:

  • Vorauszahlung von 20 Millionen Dollar an Lindy Biosciences
  • Potenzial für bis zu 934 Millionen Dollar an zusätzlichen Meilensteinzahlungen
  • Gestaffelte Einzelziffern-Lizenzgebühren auf Nettoumsatz

Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Medikamentenverabreichung, insbesondere für Antikörpertherapien, die häufig aufgrund hoher Dosisanforderungen intravenös verabreicht werden, zu transformieren. Lindys Technologie könnte eine Heimverabreichung über vorgefüllte Spritzen oder Autoinjektoren ermöglichen, wodurch die Patientenversorgung und der Zugang zu Behandlungen weltweit erheblich verbessert werden.

  • Exclusive global licensing agreement for Lindy's microglassification technology across multiple biologic targets
  • Potential to enable high-concentration self-administered drug treatments
  • $20 million upfront payment to Lindy Biosciences
  • Up to $934 million in additional milestone payments
  • Tiered single-digit royalties on net sales for Lindy Biosciences
  • Technology could reduce healthcare costs and improve patient compliance
  • None.

This licensing agreement marks a significant financial milestone for Lindy Biosciences. The $20 million upfront payment provides immediate capital, while the potential for up to $934 million in milestone payments offers substantial long-term value. The deal structure, including tiered royalties, aligns interests and incentivizes success. For Novartis, this represents a strategic investment in innovative drug delivery technology, potentially enhancing its product portfolio and market position. The focus on enabling self-administered treatments could lead to reduced healthcare costs and improved patient outcomes, potentially driving market expansion and increased revenue streams for both companies.

Lindy's microglassification technology represents a potential breakthrough in biologic drug delivery. By enabling high-concentration subcutaneous injections, it addresses a critical limitation in current antibody therapeutics. This could revolutionize treatment protocols for various diseases, shifting from intravenous to subcutaneous administration. The technology's ability to increase maximum dosage in a single injection may lead to:

  • Improved drug efficacy
  • Reduced treatment frequency
  • Enhanced patient compliance
These factors could significantly improve clinical outcomes and quality of life for patients across multiple therapeutic areas.

This collaboration could reshape the biopharmaceutical landscape. With over 50% of antibody therapeutics currently administered intravenously, the market potential for transitioning to subcutaneous delivery is substantial. This shift could:

  • Expand the home healthcare market
  • Reduce burden on healthcare facilities
  • Drive demand for auto-injectors and pre-filled syringes
For Novartis, this technology could provide a competitive edge in drug delivery, potentially extending patent life for existing products and enhancing the attractiveness of its pipeline. The deal also validates Lindy's technology, potentially attracting interest from other pharmaceutical companies and increasing Lindy's valuation.

  • Novartis secures exclusive global rights across multiple biologic targets to Lindy Biosciences' microglassification technology
  • Collaboration aims to enable high-concentration self-administered drug treatments, improving patient outcomes and compliance
  • Lindy Biosciences to receive an upfront payment of US$20 million and eligible to receive up to US$934 million in milestone payments plus tiered royalties

RALEIGH, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Lindy Biosciences, a pioneering biotechnology company specializing in innovative drug formulation and delivery technologies, today announced a multi-target exclusive global licensing agreement and strategic collaboration with Novartis Pharma AG, a subsidiary of Novartis AG (NYSE: NVS), an innovative medicines company.

The collaboration will focus on transitioning select innovative medicines from the Novartis portfolio to convenient, self-administered subcutaneous injections using Lindy Biosciences’ proprietary microglassification suspension technology. By delivering high concentrations of biologics, this technology significantly increases the maximum dose that can be administered in a single subcutaneous injection. This has the potential to reduce healthcare costs while also improving patient comfort, convenience, and treatment compliance.

Currently, over half of all antibody therapeutics are administered intravenously in a clinical setting, primarily due to the high doses required that cannot be formulated in volumes suitable for subcutaneous injection. Lindy Biosciences’ proprietary microglassification platform technology is poised to transform this paradigm by enabling self-administration at home via pre-filled syringes or autoinjectors.

Strategic Impact and Future Outlook

Dr. Deborah Bitterfield, founder and CEO of Lindy Biosciences, expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration: "We're excited to deepen our collaboration with Novartis. This collaboration is a testament to our shared dedication to enhancing patient care and marks a significant milestone as we take Lindy’s formulation technology into the clinic for the first time. Together, we aim to transform drug delivery and improve treatment access for patients worldwide."

The agreement's financial terms include an upfront payment of US$20 million to Lindy Biosciences. Lindy Biosciences is also eligible to receive up to US$934 million in additional payments across multiple targets upon achieving certain regulatory, development and commercial milestones as well as tiered single-digit royalties on net sales.

This collaboration marks a significant step forward in addressing the growing need for patient-friendly treatment options that can be self-administered at home. By combining innovative technology from Lindy Biosciences and the global reach and expertise of Novartis, the collaboration promises to usher in a new era of drug delivery, reshaping patient care on a global scale.

About Lindy Biosciences

Lindy Biosciences is dedicated to transforming the delivery of biologic drugs and improving patients' lives through innovative biotherapeutic formulations. Our cutting-edge solutions are designed to enhance drug formulation and delivery, specializing in the subcutaneous administration of concentrated (>400 mg/mL) biologic suspensions.

Founded in 2016 and headquartered in Morrisville, NC, Lindy Biosciences leverages core microglassification technology originated at Duke University and further developed by the company. We are committed to partnering with leading pharmaceutical companies to advance treatment accessibility for patients worldwide.

For more information, visit us at or follow us on LinkedIn.

Source: Lindy Biosciences


What is the focus of the Lindy Biosciences and Novartis (NVS) collaboration?

The collaboration focuses on transitioning select Novartis medicines to convenient, self-administered subcutaneous injections using Lindy Biosciences' proprietary microglassification suspension technology.

How much is the upfront payment Lindy Biosciences will receive from Novartis (NVS)?

Lindy Biosciences will receive an upfront payment of $20 million from Novartis.

What are the potential additional payments Lindy Biosciences could receive from Novartis (NVS)?

Lindy Biosciences is eligible to receive up to $934 million in additional payments upon achieving certain regulatory, development, and commercial milestones, plus tiered single-digit royalties on net sales.

How could Lindy Biosciences' technology impact drug administration for Novartis (NVS) products?

The technology could enable high-concentration biologic delivery, allowing for self-administration at home via pre-filled syringes or autoinjectors, potentially reducing healthcare costs and improving patient compliance.

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