Enviri certified as a Most Loved Workplace

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Enviri (NYSE: NVRI) has been certified as a 2024 Most Loved Workplace®, reaffirming its commitment to cultural excellence. This certification, awarded by the Best Practice Institute (BPI), is based on employee satisfaction and sentiment measured through the Love of Workplace Index® Pulse Validation.

Key highlights include:

  • High scores in trust, honesty, and teamwork
  • Additional certifications for supporting Parents and Caregivers, Diversity, Young Professionals, and Women
  • Employee feedback emphasizing the company's core values, mission, and inclusive culture

Jennifer Kozak, Chief Human Resources Officer, expressed gratitude for the team's dedication and emphasized how this recognition reflects Enviri's inclusive and empowering culture. The certification underscores Enviri's commitment to creating a positive work environment and aligns with its mission of creating a better future through environmental solutions for industrial and specialty waste streams.

Enviri (NYSE: NVRI) è stata certificata come 2024 Most Loved Workplace®, confermando il suo impegno per l'eccellenza culturale. Questa certificazione, assegnata dal Best Practice Institute (BPI), si basa sulla soddisfazione e sul sentimento dei dipendenti misurati attraverso l'indice Love of Workplace Index® Pulse Validation.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Punteggi elevati in fiducia, onestà e lavoro di squadra
  • Certificazioni aggiuntive per il supporto a Genitori e Caregiver, Diversità, Giovani Professionisti e Donne
  • Feedback dei dipendenti che mette in evidenza i valori fondamentali, la missione e la cultura inclusiva dell'azienda

Jennifer Kozak, Chief Human Resources Officer, ha espresso gratitudine per la dedizione del team e ha sottolineato come questo riconoscimento rifletta la cultura inclusiva e potenziante di Enviri. La certificazione sottolinea l'impegno di Enviri nel creare un ambiente di lavoro positivo e si allinea alla sua missione di costruire un futuro migliore attraverso soluzioni ambientali per i flussi di rifiuti industriali e specializzati.

Enviri (NYSE: NVRI) ha sido certificada como 2024 Most Loved Workplace®, reafirmando su compromiso con la excelencia cultural. Esta certificación, otorgada por el Best Practice Institute (BPI), se basa en la satisfacción y el sentimiento de los empleados medidos a través del Love of Workplace Index® Pulse Validation.

Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Altas puntuaciones en confianza, honestidad y trabajo en equipo
  • Certificaciones adicionales por apoyo a Padres y Cuidadores, Diversidad, Jóvenes Profesionales y Mujeres
  • Comentarios de empleados que enfatizan los valores centrales, la misión y la cultura inclusiva de la empresa

Jennifer Kozak, Chief Human Resources Officer, expresó su agradecimiento por la dedicación del equipo y enfatizó cómo este reconocimiento refleja la cultura inclusiva y empoderadora de Enviri. La certificación subraya el compromiso de Enviri de crear un ambiente de trabajo positivo y se alinea con su misión de crear un futuro mejor a través de soluciones ambientales para flujos de desechos industriales y especializados.

엔비리 (NYSE: NVRI)2024 가장 사랑받는 직장®으로 인증받아 문화적 우수성에 대한 약속을 재확인했습니다. 이 인증은 베스트 프랙티스 인스티튜트(BPI)에서 수여하며, 직원들의 만족도와 감정을 Love of Workplace Index® Pulse Validation을 통해 측정한 결과에 기반합니다.

주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 신뢰, 정직, 팀워크에서 높은 점수를 기록
  • 부모와 돌봄 제공자, 다양성, 젊은 전문가, 여성을 지원하기 위해 추가 인증
  • 회사 핵심 가치, 사명 및 포용적인 문화에 대한 직원 피드백 강조

제니퍼 코작 인사 책임자는 팀의 헌신에 감사를 표하며, 이 인식이 엔비리의 포용적이고 힘을 주는 문화를 반영한다고 강조했습니다. 이 인증은 긍정적인 근무 환경 조성에 대한 엔비리의 헌신을 강조하며, 산업 및 전문 폐기물 흐름을 위한 환경 솔루션을 통해 더 나은 미래를 창조하려는 사명과 일치합니다.

Enviri (NYSE: NVRI) a été certifiée comme 2024 Most Loved Workplace®, réaffirmant son engagement envers l'excellence culturelle. Cette certification, décernée par le Best Practice Institute (BPI), repose sur la satisfaction des employés et le sentiment mesuré à l'aide de l'index Love of Workplace Index® Pulse Validation.

Les principaux points forts comprennent :

  • Des scores élevés en confiance, honnêteté et travail d'équipe
  • Des certifications supplémentaires pour le soutien aux Parents et Aidants, à la Diversité, aux Jeunes Professionnels et aux Femmes
  • Des retours d'employés soulignant les valeurs fondamentales, la mission et la culture inclusive de l'entreprise

Jennifer Kozak, Directrice des Ressources Humaines, a exprimé sa gratitude pour le dévouement de l'équipe et a souligné comment cette reconnaissance reflète la culture inclusive et valorisante d'Enviri. La certification souligne l'engagement d'Enviri à créer un environnement de travail positif et s'aligne avec sa mission de construire un avenir meilleur grâce à des solutions environnementales pour les flux de déchets industriels et spécialisés.

Enviri (NYSE: NVRI) wurde als 2024 Most Loved Workplace® zertifiziert, was das Engagement für kulturelle Exzellenz bestätigt. Diese Zertifizierung, die vom Best Practice Institute (BPI) verliehen wird, basiert auf der Zufriedenheit und dem Gefühl der Mitarbeiter, die über den Love of Workplace Index® Pulse Validation gemessen werden.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • Hohe Punktzahlen in Vertrauen, Ehrlichkeit und Teamarbeit
  • Zusätzliche Zertifizierungen zur Unterstützung von Eltern und Pflegepersonen, Vielfalt, jungen Fachkräften und Frauen
  • Feedback von Mitarbeitern, das die Kernwerte, die Mission und die inklusive Kultur des Unternehmens betont

Jennifer Kozak, Chief Human Resources Officer, äußerte Dankbarkeit für das Engagement des Teams und betonte, wie diese Anerkennung die inklusive und befähigende Kultur von Enviri widerspiegelt. Die Zertifizierung unterstreicht das Engagement von Enviri für die Schaffung eines positiven Arbeitsumfelds und stimmt mit seiner Mission überein, eine bessere Zukunft durch umweltfreundliche Lösungen für industrielle und spezialisierte Abfallströme zu schaffen.

  • None.
  • None.
  • Certification through Best Practice Institute demonstrates commitment to cultural excellence and continuous improvement
  • The Company’s highest-ranking areas include trust, honesty, and teamwork

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enviri Corporation (NYSE: NVRI), a global, market-leading provider of environmental solutions for industrial and specialty waste streams, achieved certification as a 2024 Most Loved Workplace®. Enviri was also named to this list in 2022.

“We’re grateful for our dedicated Enviri team’s invaluable participation in this Most Loved Workplace certification,” said Jennifer Kozak, Chief Human Resources Officer. “Every day, our employees embody our core values and work passionately to create a better future. Receiving this certification again this year is a testament to our inclusive and empowering culture.”

The Best Practice Institute’s (BPI) Most Loved Workplaces certify companies in which employees are the happiest and most satisfied at work. Enviri became certified as a Most Loved Workplace based on its scores on the Love of Workplace Index® Pulse Validation, which surveyed employees on various elements around employee satisfaction and sentiment, including the level of respect, collaboration, support, and sense of belonging they feel inside the Company.

Within the survey, employees listed reasons they enjoy working for Enviri. The Company’s core values, mission, employee care, and culture were among the many responses submitted.

  • “Our values are truly upheld; I feel respected, involved, and a part of the organization.”
  • “My Company stands for honesty and integrity at all times and all levels.”
  • “My Company values inclusion and diversity, and our leadership trusts me and encourages new ideas.”

Enviri also received additional certifications for its support of Parents and Caregivers, Diversity, Young Professionals, and Women.

Backed by BPI’s research and analysis, in its original research that created the criteria, Most Loved Workplaces surveyed more than 175 companies and more than 3,000 executives across the United States, the Middle East/Northern Africa, and Southeast Asia. According to the organization, the Most Loved Workplaces certification is the most valid method to determine employee experience and recognize a great workplace.

About Enviri

Enviri is transforming the world to green, as a trusted global leader in providing a broad range of environmental services and related innovative solutions. The Company serves a diverse customer base by offering critical recycle and reuse solutions for their waste streams, enabling customers to address their most complex environmental challenges and to achieve their sustainability goals. Enviri is based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and operates in more than 150 locations in over 30 countries. Additional information can be found at

Investor Contact
David Martin
Media Contact
Maura Pfeiffer


What certification did Enviri (NVRI) receive in 2024?

Enviri (NVRI) was certified as a 2024 Most Loved Workplace® by the Best Practice Institute.

How did Enviri (NVRI) perform in the Love of Workplace Index® Pulse Validation?

Enviri scored highly in areas such as trust, honesty, and teamwork, leading to its certification as a Most Loved Workplace.

What additional certifications did Enviri (NVRI) receive in 2024?

Enviri received additional certifications for its support of Parents and Caregivers, Diversity, Young Professionals, and Women.

Has Enviri (NVRI) been certified as a Most Loved Workplace before?

Yes, Enviri was also named to the Most Loved Workplace list in 2022.

What aspects of Enviri (NVRI) did employees highlight in their feedback?

Employees highlighted Enviri's core values, mission, employee care, and culture as reasons they enjoy working for the company.

Enviri Corporation


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Waste Management
Services-services, Nec
United States of America