Nova Pacific Metals Update: Expanded Lara Project, Secured Funding, and Upcoming Drill Program

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Nova Pacific Metals Corp. (CSE: NVPC) (OTCQB: NVPCF) has provided a corporate update highlighting recent achievements and future plans for growth in critical and precious metals markets. The company's flagship Lara Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Project on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, is positioned as their cornerstone for growth.

Key developments include:

  • Submission of a drill permit application for up to 10,000 meters in 50 diamond drill holes, with approval expected soon
  • Expansion of the planned drill program to 10,000 meters following analysis of historical data
  • Completion of a $2,640,540 flow-through financing on December 17, 2024, fully funding the intended drill program
  • Enhancement of the existing database incorporating data from 226 historical drill holes
  • Confirmation of high-grade zones through man-portable drilling with impressive intercepts including 21.7 g/t Gold and 48.12% Zinc
  • Strategic expansion through the acquisition of the Anita Property (658 hectares) and additional westward expansion of 976 hectares announced February 19, 2025

CEO J. Malcolm Bell stated that the upcoming drill program aims to establish an updated Mineral Resource Estimate to advance toward a mining permit application.

Nova Pacific Metals Corp. (CSE: NVPC) (OTCQB: NVPCF) ha fornito un aggiornamento aziendale evidenziando i recenti successi e i piani futuri per la crescita nei mercati dei metalli critici e preziosi. Il progetto di punta dell'azienda, il Progetto VMS Lara Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide situato nell'isola di Vancouver, Columbia Britannica, è posizionato come il loro pilastro per la crescita.

Sviluppi chiave includono:

  • Presentazione di una domanda per il permesso di perforazione per un massimo di 10.000 metri in 50 fori di perforazione a diamante, con approvazione prevista a breve
  • Espansione del programma di perforazione previsto a 10.000 metri dopo l'analisi dei dati storici
  • Completamento di un finanziamento di $2.640.540 a flusso attraverso il 17 dicembre 2024, finanziando completamente il programma di perforazione previsto
  • Miglioramento del database esistente incorporando dati provenienti da 226 fori di perforazione storici
  • Conferma di zone ad alta legge attraverso perforazioni portatili con intercettazioni impressionanti, inclusi 21,7 g/t di oro e 48,12% di zinco
  • Espansione strategica attraverso l'acquisizione della proprietà Anita (658 ettari) e ulteriore espansione verso ovest di 976 ettari annunciata il 19 febbraio 2025

Il CEO J. Malcolm Bell ha dichiarato che il prossimo programma di perforazione mira a stabilire una Stima delle Risorse Minerarie aggiornata per avanzare verso una domanda di permesso minerario.

Nova Pacific Metals Corp. (CSE: NVPC) (OTCQB: NVPCF) ha proporcionado una actualización corporativa destacando logros recientes y planes futuros para el crecimiento en los mercados de metales críticos y preciosos. El proyecto insignia de la compañía, el Proyecto VMS Lara Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide en la Isla de Vancouver, Columbia Británica, se posiciona como su piedra angular para el crecimiento.

Los desarrollos clave incluyen:

  • Presentación de una solicitud de permiso de perforación para hasta 10,000 metros en 50 perforaciones de diamante, con aprobación esperada pronto
  • Expansión del programa de perforación planificado a 10,000 metros tras el análisis de datos históricos
  • Finalización de un financiamiento de $2,640,540 a flujo a través del 17 de diciembre de 2024, financiando completamente el programa de perforación previsto
  • Mejora de la base de datos existente incorporando datos de 226 perforaciones históricas
  • Confirmación de zonas de alta ley mediante perforaciones portátiles con intercepciones impresionantes que incluyen 21.7 g/t de oro y 48.12% de zinc
  • Expansión estratégica a través de la adquisición de la Propiedad Anita (658 hectáreas) y una expansión adicional hacia el oeste de 976 hectáreas anunciada el 19 de febrero de 2025

El CEO J. Malcolm Bell declaró que el próximo programa de perforación tiene como objetivo establecer una Estimación de Recursos Minerales actualizada para avanzar hacia una solicitud de permiso de minería.

노바 퍼시픽 메탈스 코퍼레이션 (CSE: NVPC) (OTCQB: NVPCF)은 최근 성과와 귀금속 및 중요 금속 시장에서의 성장 계획을 강조하는 기업 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 회사의 주력 프로젝트인 라라 화산성 대규모 황화물(VMS) 프로젝트는 브리티시컬럼비아주 밴쿠버 섬에 위치하며, 성장의 초석으로 자리 잡고 있습니다.

주요 개발 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 50개의 다이아몬드 드릴 홀에서 최대 10,000미터에 대한 드릴 허가 신청서 제출, 곧 승인될 것으로 예상됨
  • 역사적 데이터 분석 후 계획된 드릴 프로그램을 10,000미터로 확장
  • 2024년 12월 17일에 $2,640,540의 플로우스루 자금 조달 완료, 예정된 드릴 프로그램 전액 자금 지원
  • 226개의 역사적 드릴 홀 데이터를 통합한 기존 데이터베이스 개선
  • 21.7 g/t 금 및 48.12% 아연을 포함한 인상적인 간섭을 통해 고품질 구역 확인
  • 2025년 2월 19일에 발표된 658헥타르의 아니타 부동산 인수 및 추가로 976헥타르의 서쪽 확장을 통한 전략적 확장

CEO J. 말콤 벨은 다가오는 드릴 프로그램이 광산 허가 신청을 진행하기 위한 업데이트된 광물 자원 추정치를 수립하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다고 밝혔습니다.

Nova Pacific Metals Corp. (CSE: NVPC) (OTCQB: NVPCF) a fourni une mise à jour de l'entreprise mettant en évidence les réalisations récentes et les projets futurs de croissance sur les marchés des métaux critiques et précieux. Le projet phare de l'entreprise, le Projet VMS Lara Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide situé sur l'île de Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, est positionné comme leur pierre angulaire pour la croissance.

Les développements clés incluent :

  • Soumission d'une demande de permis de forage pour jusqu'à 10 000 mètres dans 50 trous de forage en diamant, avec une approbation attendue prochainement
  • Expansion du programme de forage prévu à 10 000 mètres après analyse des données historiques
  • Achèvement d'un financement de 2 640 540 $ en flux le 17 décembre 2024, finançant entièrement le programme de forage prévu
  • Amélioration de la base de données existante intégrant des données provenant de 226 forages historiques
  • Confirmation de zones à haute teneur grâce à des forages portables avec des interceptions impressionnantes, y compris 21,7 g/t d'or et 48,12 % de zinc
  • Expansion stratégique par l'acquisition de la propriété Anita (658 hectares) et une expansion supplémentaire vers l'ouest de 976 hectares annoncée le 19 février 2025

Le PDG J. Malcolm Bell a déclaré que le prochain programme de forage vise à établir une estimation mise à jour des ressources minérales pour avancer vers une demande de permis d'exploitation minière.

Nova Pacific Metals Corp. (CSE: NVPC) (OTCQB: NVPCF) hat ein Unternehmensupdate bereitgestellt, das kürzliche Erfolge und zukünftige Wachstumspläne in den Märkten für kritische und edle Metalle hervorhebt. Das Flaggschiffprojekt des Unternehmens, das Lara Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Projekt auf Vancouver Island, British Columbia, wird als Grundpfeiler für das Wachstum positioniert.

Wichtige Entwicklungen umfassen:

  • Einreichung eines Antrags auf eine Bohrgenehmigung für bis zu 10.000 Meter in 50 Diamantbohrlöchern, mit baldiger Genehmigung erwartet
  • Erweiterung des geplanten Bohrprogramms auf 10.000 Meter nach Analyse historischer Daten
  • Abschluss einer Flussfinanzierung in Höhe von 2.640.540 USD am 17. Dezember 2024, die das geplante Bohrprogramm vollständig finanziert
  • Verbesserung der bestehenden Datenbank durch Integration von Daten aus 226 historischen Bohrlöchern
  • Bestätigung von hochgradigen Zonen durch tragbare Bohrungen mit beeindruckenden Interzepten, einschließlich 21,7 g/t Gold und 48,12% Zink
  • Strategische Expansion durch den Erwerb des Anita-Grundstücks (658 Hektar) und eine zusätzliche westliche Expansion von 976 Hektar, die am 19. Februar 2025 angekündigt wurde

CEO J. Malcolm Bell erklärte, dass das bevorstehende Bohrprogramm darauf abzielt, eine aktualisierte Mineralressourcenschätzung zu erstellen, um auf einen Antrag auf Bergbaulizenz hinzuarbeiten.

  • Secured $2.64M flow-through financing to fully fund drill program
  • Expanded planned drill program to 10,000 meters in 50 diamond drill holes
  • Confirmed high-grade mineral intercepts (21.7 g/t Gold, 418 g/t Silver, 48.12% Zinc)
  • Strategic expansion through acquisition of additional 1,634 hectares of land
  • Drill permit application progressing favorably with approval expected soon
  • Enhanced database with 226 historical drill holes to support future resource estimation
  • Mining permit not yet secured
  • No current mineral resource estimate established
  • Drill program dependent on pending permit approval

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 25, 2025) - Nova Pacific Metals Corp. (CSE: NVPC) (OTCQB: NVPCF) (FSE: YQ10) (WKN: A40GFH) (the "Company", or "Nova Pacific") is pleased to provide a corporate update, highlighting recent achievements, strategic acquisitions, and future plans to position the Company for growth in the critical and precious metals markets.

Lara VMS Project: Cornerstone of Growth

Nova Pacific's flagship Lara Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Project on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, aims to leverage off its 2024 achievement. This includes:

  1. Drill Permit Application: In July 2024, the Company announced submission of a drill permit application for up to 10,000 meters in 50 diamond drill holes. This application has progressed favourably, and the Company is optimistic that the permit will be issued in the very near future.

  2. Expanded Drill Program: Following a detailed analysis of historical data the planned drill program has been expanded for up to 10,000 meters. This expansion underscores the Company's confidence in the project's potential.

  3. Fully Funded Drill Program: On December 17th, 2024, the company completed a flow-through financing of $2,640,540, proceeds of which will fully fund the intended drill program.

  4. Existing Database Enhancement: A comprehensive update of the historical database has incorporated data from 226 historical drill holes, and upon completion of the 2025 drill campaign will provide a robust foundation for future resource estimation and economic

  5. Confirmation of High-Grade Zone: Recent man-portable drilling has confirmed the very high-grade nature of historical trench results, with intercepts including 2.2 m with 21.7 g/t Gold, 418 g/t Silver, 48.12% Zinc, 2.67% Copper and 4.95% Lead.

  6. Strategic Expansion: The acquisition of the Anita Property, encompassing 658 hectares contiguous to the Lara Project, significantly enhances Nova Pacific's claim holdings. Additionally, on February 19th, 2025, the Company announced further expansion westward with the new acquisition comprising three contiguous mineral claims with a combined area of approximately 976 hectares (Figure 1).

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Figure 1. Map of the Lara Project

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J. Malcolm Bell, CEO of Nova Pacific Metals, commented, "During the past months the team has been busy preparing our plans to unlock the potential of the Lara project. Our upcoming drill program is intended to establish an updated Mineral Resource Estimate with the aim of advancing a plan to move towards application for a mining permit."

Rights of Indigenous Communities Statement

Nova Pacific operates on the Traditional, Ancestral and Unceded Territory of the Stz'uminus and Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group, a politically-unified group that represents six Hul'qumi'num-speaking First Nations: Cowichan, Penelakut, Lyackson, Halalt, and Lake Cowichan.

The Company's entire team is committed to establishing lasting relationships with local communities by fostering inclusion and contributing to a shared prosperity.

About Nova Pacific

Nova Pacific is a Canadian exploration and development company focused on the Lara Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) Project on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. This brownfields, polymetallic, development project boasts a significant historic resource rich in critical and precious metals situated in a prime location with excellent infrastructure. Nova Pacific's forward-looking strategy includes confirmation and infill drilling this spring, completion of an updated mineral resource estimate (MRE) and preparation of a Pre-Feasibility Study in late Q3, if and as required. The Company is committed to creating value for its shareholders while maintaining environmental responsibility and strong community relationships.

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On behalf of the Board of Directors

J. Malcolm Bell
Chief Executive Officer, Director

Investor inquiries, or for further information, please contact:
Nova Pacific Metals Corp.

The Canadian Securities Exchange has not in any way passed upon the merits of the matters referenced herein and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release.

Forward-Looking Information

Certain statements contained in this news release may constitute forward‐looking information including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company's exploration plans and the perceived benefits of the new member of the strategic advisory board. Forward‐Looking information is often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as "anticipate", "plan", "estimate", "expect", "may", "will", "intend", "should", and similar expressions. Forward‐Looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward‐looking information. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in this forward‐looking information as a result of regulatory decisions, competitive factors in the industries in which the Company operates, prevailing economic conditions, changes to the Company's strategic growth plans, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. The Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward‐looking information are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward‐looking information should not be unduly relied upon. Any forward‐looking information contained in this news release represents the Company's expectations as of the date hereof, and is subject to change after such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward‐looking information whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities legislation.

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What is the size of Nova Pacific Metals' (NVPCF) planned drill program at the Lara VMS Project?

Nova Pacific Metals has expanded its planned drill program at the Lara VMS Project to up to 10,000 meters in 50 diamond drill holes, following detailed analysis of historical data that increased the company's confidence in the project's potential.

How is Nova Pacific Metals (NVPCF) funding its 2025 drill program at the Lara Project?

Nova Pacific Metals completed a flow-through financing of $2,640,540 on December 17, 2024, which will fully fund the intended drill program at the Lara VMS Project.

What recent property acquisitions has Nova Pacific Metals (NVPCF) made to expand the Lara Project?

Nova Pacific Metals has acquired the Anita Property (658 hectares) contiguous to the Lara Project and announced further westward expansion on February 19, 2025, comprising three contiguous mineral claims with a combined area of approximately 976 hectares.

What were the high-grade mineral intercepts confirmed by Nova Pacific Metals (NVPCF) at the Lara Project?

Recent man-portable drilling confirmed high-grade historical trench results with intercepts including 2.2 meters with 21.7 g/t Gold, 418 g/t Silver, 48.12% Zinc, 2.67% Copper, and 4.95% Lead.

What is the primary goal of Nova Pacific Metals' (NVPCF) upcoming drill program at the Lara Project?

The primary goal of Nova Pacific Metals' upcoming drill program is to establish an updated Mineral Resource Estimate with the aim of advancing toward application for a mining permit.

On whose traditional territory is Nova Pacific Metals' (NVPCF) Lara Project located?

The Lara Project is located on the Traditional, Ancestral and Unceded Territory of the Stz'uminus and Hul'qumi'num Treaty Group, representing six Hul'qumi'num-speaking First Nations: Cowichan, Penelakut, Lyackson, Halalt, and Lake Cowichan.

Nova Pacific Metals Corp


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