Nuvini (Nasdaq: NVNI) joins Russell 3000E Index

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Nuvini (Nasdaq: NVNI), a leading serial acquirer of private SaaS B2B companies in Latin America, has joined several Russell indexes, including the Russell 3000E Index. This inclusion, effective as of July 22, 2024, is seen as a significant benchmark for the company, potentially enhancing its visibility to a broader market.

CEO Pierre Schurmann expressed excitement about the development, emphasizing its importance as Nuvini continues to focus on executing its corporate and capital allocation strategies. The Russell US Indexes reconstitution, which took place on April 30th, ranks the 4,000 largest US stocks based on total market capitalization. Nuvini's inclusion in these indexes is expected to last for one year.

Nuvini (Nasdaq: NVNI), un importante acquirente seriale di aziende private SaaS B2B in America Latina, è entrata a far parte di diversi indici Russell, incluso il Russell 3000E Index. Questa inclusione, effettiva dal 22 luglio 2024, è considerata un importante punto di riferimento per l'azienda, potenzialmente aumentando la sua visibilità su un mercato più ampio.

Il CEO Pierre Schurmann ha espresso entusiasmo riguardo a questo sviluppo, sottolineando la sua importanza mentre Nuvini continua a concentrarsi sull'attuazione delle sue strategie aziendali e di allocazione di capitale. La ricostituzione degli indici statunitensi Russell, avvenuta il 30 aprile, classifica le 4.000 maggiori azioni statunitensi in base alla capitalizzazione di mercato totale. Si prevede che l'inclusione di Nuvini in questi indici duri per un anno.

Nuvini (Nasdaq: NVNI), un importante adquirente en serie de empresas privadas SaaS B2B en América Latina, se ha unido a varios índices de Russell, incluido el Índice Russell 3000E. Esta inclusión, efectiva a partir del 22 de julio de 2024, se considera un referente significativo para la empresa, potencialmente aumentando su visibilidad en un mercado más amplio.

El CEO Pierre Schurmann expresó su entusiasmo por este desarrollo, enfatizando su importancia mientras Nuvini continúa enfocándose en la ejecución de sus estrategias corporativas y de asignación de capital. La reconstitución de los índices de EE. UU. de Russell, que tuvo lugar el 30 de abril, clasifica las 4,000 acciones más grandes de EE. UU. según la capitalización de mercado total. Se espera que la inclusión de Nuvini en estos índices dure un año.

Nuvini (Nasdaq: NVNI)은 라틴 아메리카에서 B2B SaaS 기업을 인수하는 선도적인 기업으로, Russell의 여러 지수, 특히 Russell 3000E Index에 포함되었습니다. 이 포함은 2024년 7월 22일부터 유효하며, 회사에 중요한 이정표로 간주되며 더 넓은 시장에서의 가시성을 높일 것으로 예상됩니다.

CEO인 Pierre Schurmann은 이 발전에 대해 흥분감을 표명하며, Nuvini가 기업 및 자본 배분 전략을 실행하는 데 계속 집중하고 있다는 점의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 4월 30일에 실시된 Russell 미국 지수의 재구성은 총 시장 자본금 기준으로 미국의 4,000대 주식을 분류합니다. Nuvini의 이러한 지수 포함은 1년 동안 지속될 것으로 예상됩니다.

Nuvini (Nasdaq: NVNI), un acquéreur en série de premier plan d'entreprises privées SaaS B2B en Amérique Latine, a intégré plusieurs indices Russell, notamment l'indice Russell 3000E. Cette inclusion, effective à partir du 22 juillet 2024, est considérée comme un repère significatif pour l'entreprise, pouvant améliorer sa visibilité sur un marché plus large.

Le PDG Pierre Schurmann a exprimé son enthousiasme à propos de ce développement, soulignant son importance alors que Nuvini continue de se concentrer sur l'exécution de ses stratégies d'entreprise et d'allocation de capital. La reconstitution des indices américains de Russell, qui a eu lieu le 30 avril, classe les 4 000 plus grandes actions américaines en fonction de leur capitalisation boursière totale. On s'attend à ce que l'inclusion de Nuvini dans ces indices dure un an.

Nuvini (Nasdaq: NVNI), ein führender Serienkäufer von privaten SaaS-B2B-Unternehmen in Lateinamerika, ist mehreren Russell-Indizes beigetreten, darunter dem Russell 3000E Index. Diese Aufnahme, die am 22. Juli 2024 wirksam wird, wird als maßgeblicher Benchmark für das Unternehmen angesehen und könnte dessen Sichtbarkeit auf einem breiteren Markt erhöhen.

CEO Pierre Schurmann äußerte sich begeistert über die Entwicklung und betonte deren Bedeutung, während Nuvini weiterhin auf die Umsetzung seiner Unternehmens- und Kapitalallokationsstrategien fokussiert. Die Rekonstitution der Russell US-Indizes, die am 30. April stattfand, listet die 4.000 größten US-Aktien anhand der gesamten Marktkapitalisierung. Es wird erwartet, dass Nuvinis Aufnahme in diese Indizes ein Jahr lang bestehen bleibt.

  • Inclusion in Russell 3000E and other Russell indexes
  • Potential for increased visibility to a broader market
  • Automatic inclusion in either Russell 1000 or Russell 2000 indexes
  • None.

NEW YORK, July 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nvni Group Limited (Nasdaq: NVNI) (“Nuvini”), the leading serial acquirer of private SaaS B2B companies in Latin America, announced that the Company joined the Russell Microcap Growth Index, the Russell 3000E Index, the Russell Microcap Growth Value Index, and the Russell 3000E Value Index.

“We are excited to join Russell 3000E,” said Pierre Schurmann, Nuvini’s CEO. “This is a significant benchmark for the Company as we remain focused on the execution of our corporate and capital allocation strategies. Joining the Russell 3000E Indexes gives Nuvini enhanced visibility to a broader market,” he continued.

The annual reconstitution of the Russell US Indexes identifies the 4,000 largest US stocks as of Tuesday, April 30th, ranking them based on total market capitalization. Being part of the US all-cap Russell 3000® Index for one year ensures automatic inclusion in either the large-cap Russell 1000® Index or the small-cap Russell 2000® Index, along with the relevant growth and value style indexes. FTSE Russell bases membership for its Russell indexes mainly on objective market-capitalization rankings and style attributes. Investment managers and institutional investors widely use Russell indexes for index funds and as benchmarks for active investment strategies.

For more information on the Russell 2000® Index, Russell 3000® Index and the Russell indexes reconstitution, go to the “Russell Reconstitution” section on the FTSE Russell website.

About Nuvini

Headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil, Nuvini is the leading private serial software business acquirer in Latin America. The Nuvini Group acquires software companies within SaaS markets in Latin America. It focuses on acquiring profitable “business-to-business” SaaS companies with a consolidated business model, recurring revenue, positive cash generation and relevant growth potential. The Nuvini Group enables its acquired companies to provide mission-critical solutions to customers within its industry or sector. Its business philosophy is to invest in established companies and foster an entrepreneurial environment that would enable companies to become leaders in their respective industries. The Nuvini Group’s goal is to buy, retain and create value through long-term partnerships with the existing management of its acquired companies. To date, Nuvini Group’s portfolio of SaaS companies consists of Effecti Tecnologia Web Ltda., Leadlovers Tecnologia Ltda., Ipê Tecnologia Ltda., Dataminer Dados, Informações e Documentos Ltda., OnClick Sistemas de Informação Ltda., Simplest Software Ltda. and SmartNX Tecnologia Ltda.

For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements contained in this press release include or may include “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which are intended to be covered by the safe harbors created by those laws. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the expectations, hopes, beliefs, intentions or strategies regarding the future. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based on current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effects on Nuvini. There can be no assurance that future developments affecting Nuvini will be those that we have anticipated. Where a forward-looking statement expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is expressed in good faith and believed to have a reasonable basis. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements. The words “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “forecast,” “outlook,” “aim,” “target,” “will,” “could,” “should,” “may,” “likely,” “plan,” “probably” or similar words may identify forward-looking statements, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, but are not limited to, statements about the ability of Nuvini to: realize the benefits expected from this strategic partnership; achieve projections and anticipate uncertainties relating to the business, operations and financial performance of Nuvini, including (i) expectations with respect to financial and business performance, including financial projections and business metrics and any underlying assumptions, (ii) expectations regarding market size, future acquisitions, partnerships or other relationships with third parties, (iii) expectations on Nuvini’s proprietary technology and related intellectual property rights, and (iv) future capital requirements and sources and uses of cash, including the ability to obtain additional capital in the future; enhance future operating and financial results; comply with applicable laws and regulations; stay abreast of modified or new laws and regulations applying to its business, including privacy regulation; anticipate rapid technological changes; and effectively respond to general economic and business conditions.

While forward-looking statements reflect Nuvini’s good faith beliefs, they are not guarantees of future performance. Nuvini disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect changes in underlying assumptions or factors, new information, data or methods, future events or other changes after the date of this press release, except as required by applicable law. For a further discussion of these and other factors that could cause Nuvini's future results, performance or transactions to differ significantly from those expressed in any forward-looking statement, please see the section “Risk Factors” of the Form F-4 most recently filed by Nuvini with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. You should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements, which are based only on information currently available to Nuvini.

For further information or media inquiries regarding this partnership, please contact:

Nuvini Investor and Media Contact
Camilla Carrapatoso


When did Nuvini (NVNI) join the Russell 3000E Index?

Nuvini (NVNI) joined the Russell 3000E Index on July 22, 2024, as announced in the press release.

What other Russell indexes did Nuvini (NVNI) join besides the Russell 3000E?

In addition to the Russell 3000E Index, Nuvini (NVNI) also joined the Russell Microcap Growth Index, the Russell Microcap Growth Value Index, and the Russell 3000E Value Index.

How long will Nuvini (NVNI) be included in the Russell indexes?

Nuvini (NVNI) will be included in the Russell indexes for one year, based on the annual reconstitution of the Russell US Indexes.

What is the significance of Nuvini (NVNI) joining the Russell 3000E Index?

Joining the Russell 3000E Index is considered a significant benchmark for Nuvini (NVNI), as it enhances the company's visibility to a broader market and may attract more attention from investment managers and institutional investors.

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