NV5 Announces 4-for-1 Stock Split; Enhances Accessibility of Stock Ownership for Employees and Investors

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NV5 Global, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVEE) has announced a 4-for-1 stock split to enhance stock ownership accessibility for employees and increase liquidity in public trading. The split, approved by NV5's Board of Directors, will increase the number of outstanding common shares to approximately 65.1 million. This strategic move aims to support NV5's employee recruitment and retention efforts, as well as its mergers and acquisitions strategy.

Shareholders of record as of market close on October 9, 2024, will receive three additional shares for every one share held after market close on October 10, 2024. NV5's shares are expected to begin trading on a post-split basis on the Nasdaq Global Select Market at market open on October 11, 2024. The company believes this split will make stock ownership more attainable for existing and new employees, while also providing opportunities for new investors and allowing traditional investors to expand their positions.

NV5 Global, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVEE) ha annunciato un fraziamento delle azioni 4 a 1 per rendere l'accesso alla proprietà delle azioni più accessibile per i dipendenti e aumentare la liquidità nel commercio pubblico. Il fraziamento, approvato dal Consiglio di Amministrazione di NV5, aumenterà il numero di azioni ordinarie in circolazione a circa 65,1 milioni. Questa mossa strategica mira a supportare gli sforzi di reclutamento e retention dei dipendenti di NV5, così come la sua strategia di fusioni e acquisizioni.

Gli azionisti registrati alla chiusura del mercato il 9 ottobre 2024 riceveranno tre azioni aggiuntive per ogni azione detenuta dopo la chiusura del mercato il 10 ottobre 2024. Le azioni di NV5 dovrebbero iniziare a essere scambiate sulla base post-fraziamento sul Nasdaq Global Select Market all'apertura del mercato il 11 ottobre 2024. L'azienda crede che questo fraziamento renderà la proprietà delle azioni più accessibile sia per i dipendenti attuali che per quelli nuovi, offrendo al contempo opportunità per i nuovi investitori e consentendo agli investitori tradizionali di espandere le proprie posizioni.

NV5 Global, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVEE) ha anunciado un dividendo de acciones de 4 por 1 para mejorar la accesibilidad a la propiedad de acciones para los empleados y aumentar la liquidez en el comercio público. El dividendo, aprobado por la Junta Directiva de NV5, aumentará el número de acciones comunes en circulación a aproximadamente 65.1 millones. Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo apoyar los esfuerzos de reclutamiento y retención de empleados de NV5, así como su estrategia de fusiones y adquisiciones.

Los accionistas registrados al cierre del mercado el 9 de octubre de 2024 recibirán tres acciones adicionales por cada acción que posean después del cierre del mercado el 10 de octubre de 2024. Se espera que las acciones de NV5 comiencen a negociarse en base a la nueva división en el Nasdaq Global Select Market cuando abra el mercado el 11 de octubre de 2024. La compañía cree que este dividendo hará que la propiedad de acciones sea más accesible tanto para empleados actuales como para nuevos, mientras que también ofrece oportunidades para nuevos inversionistas y permite a los inversionistas tradicionales expandir sus posiciones.

NV5 Global, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVEE)4 대 1 주식 분할을 발표하여 직원들의 주식 소유 접근성을 높이고 공공 거래의 유동성을 증가시키기 위한 조치를 취했습니다. NV5 이사회에 의해 승인된 이번 분할은 약 6510만 개의 보통주 수를 증가시킬 것입니다. 이 전략적 조치는 NV5의 직원 채용 및 유지 노력과 인수합병 전략을 지원하기 위한 것입니다.

2024년 10월 9일 시장 종료 시점의 주주들은 2024년 10월 10일 시장 종료 이후 보유한 주식 1주당 3주를 추가로 받게 됩니다. NV5의 주식은 2024년 10월 11일 시장 개장 시점에 Nasdaq Global Select Market에서 분할 후 거래가 시작될 것으로 기대됩니다. 회사는 이 분할이 기존 및 신규 직원들에게 주식 소유를 보다 쉽게 할 수 있도록 하고, 새로운 투자자들에게 기회를 제공하며 전통적인 투자자들이 자신의 포지션을 확장할 수 있게 해줄 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.

NV5 Global, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVEE) a annoncé un fractionnement d'actions 4 pour 1 afin d'améliorer l'accès à la propriété des actions pour les employés et d'augmenter la liquidité dans le commerce public. Ce fractionnement, approuvé par le conseil d'administration de NV5, augmentera le nombre d'actions ordinaires en circulation à environ 65,1 millions. Ce mouvement stratégique vise à soutenir les efforts de recrutement et de fidélisation des employés de NV5, ainsi que sa stratégie de fusions et acquisitions.

Les actionnaires inscrits à la clôture du marché le 9 octobre 2024 recevront trois actions supplémentaires pour chaque action détenue après la clôture du marché le 10 octobre 2024. Les actions de NV5 devraient commencer à être négociées sur une base post-fragmentation sur le Nasdaq Global Select Market à l'ouverture du marché le 11 octobre 2024. L'entreprise pense que ce fractionnement rendra la possession d'actions plus accessible tant pour les employés actuels que pour les nouveaux, tout en offrant des opportunités aux nouveaux investisseurs et en permettant aux investisseurs traditionnels d'élargir leurs positions.

NV5 Global, Inc. (Nasdaq: NVEE) hat einen 4-für-1-Aktiensplit angekündigt, um die Zugänglichkeit des Aktienbesitzes für Mitarbeiter zu verbessern und die Liquidität im öffentlichen Handel zu erhöhen. Der Split, der vom Vorstand von NV5 genehmigt wurde, wird die Anzahl der ausstehenden Stammaktien auf etwa 65,1 Millionen erhöhen. Dieser strategische Schritt zielt darauf ab, die Bemühungen von NV5 um die Rekrutierung und Bindung von Mitarbeitern sowie die M&A-Strategie zu unterstützen.

Aktionäre, die am 9. Oktober 2024 zum Marktabschluss im Aktienregister stehen, erhalten nach dem Marktabschluss am 10. Oktober 2024 drei zusätzliche Aktien für jede gehaltene Aktie. Die Aktien von NV5 sollen am 11. Oktober 2024 beim Markteröffnung auf Basis des Splits im Nasdaq Global Select Market gehandelt werden. Das Unternehmen glaubt, dass dieser Split den Aktienbesitz für bestehende und neue Mitarbeiter zugänglicher machen wird, während er gleichzeitig neuen Investoren Möglichkeiten bietet und traditionellen Investoren erlaubt, ihre Positionen auszubauen.

  • 4-for-1 stock split approved to increase accessibility and liquidity
  • Strategic use of stock in employee compensation and acquisitions
  • Potential to attract new investors and allow existing investors to expand positions
  • Supports recruitment and retention of top talent
  • None.


The announced 4-for-1 stock split by NV5 Global is a strategic move that could have positive implications for the company and its stakeholders. Here's why this is significant:

  • Increased liquidity: The split will quadruple the number of outstanding shares to approximately 65.1 million, potentially improving trading volumes and making the stock more accessible to a broader range of investors.
  • Employee retention and recruitment: By making stock ownership more attainable for employees, NV5 strengthens its ability to attract and retain top talent in a competitive industry.
  • M&A strategy support: The split enhances NV5's ability to use stock as currency in acquisitions, potentially facilitating future growth through mergers and acquisitions.
  • Investor appeal: A lower per-share price post-split may attract new retail investors, potentially broadening the company's investor base.

While stock splits don't directly impact a company's market capitalization, they can indirectly boost investor interest and liquidity, which may positively influence stock performance. However, investors should focus on NV5's fundamental business performance and growth strategy rather than the split itself when making investment decisions.

NV5's stock split decision reflects sound corporate governance practices aimed at aligning stakeholder interests. Key points to consider:

  • Shareholder value: By enhancing liquidity and potentially broadening the investor base, the split may contribute to long-term shareholder value creation.
  • Employee alignment: The emphasis on making stock ownership more accessible to employees promotes a stronger sense of ownership and aligns employee interests with company performance.
  • Transparency: The clear communication of the split's rationale and implementation timeline demonstrates transparency in corporate decision-making.
  • Strategic use of equity: NV5's approach to using stock-based compensation and equity in acquisitions shows a thoughtful approach to capital allocation and growth strategy.

The split itself doesn't change the company's fundamental value, but it does signal management's confidence in future growth prospects and commitment to creating an ownership culture. This move may positively impact employee morale and retention, potentially contributing to the company's long-term success.

HOLLYWOOD, Fla., Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NV5 Global, Inc. (the “Company” or “NV5”) (Nasdaq: NVEE), a provider of technology, certification, and consulting solutions, announced that it will conduct a four-for-one stock split of the Company’s common stock to make stock ownership more accessible to employees and increase liquidity in public trading of NV5 stock.

Since NV5’s initial public offering, the Company has strategically used stock-based compensation to attract and retain the industry’s top engineers and technical professionals. Equity also plays a key role in the Company’s mergers and acquisitions strategy as a component of the payment terms in most transactions. The strategic use of stock in employee compensation and acquisition consideration creates partners and promotes alignment between the interests of the Company’s employees, executive team, and NV5’s investors.

The stock split was approved by NV5’s Board of Directors and will increase the number of shares of NV5’s outstanding common stock to approximately 65.1 million shares.

“NV5 stock ownership plays a key role in recruiting and retaining the best talent in our industry, as well as attracting quality, leading-edge companies through strategic mergers and acquisitions,” said Dickerson Wright, PE, Executive Chairman at NV5. “As a result of our continued growth and plans for future expansion, splitting of the stock will make stock ownership more attainable for existing employees and those employees joining NV5 through acquisitions. The more accessible stock price also provides an opportunity for new investors to invest in NV5 stock and for our traditional investors, who have been with us since the IPO, to expand their position in NVEE.”

Shareholders of record as of the close of market on October 9, 2024 are expected to receive three additional shares of common stock for every one share of common stock held after market close on October 10, 2024. NV5’s shares are expected to begin trading on a post-split basis on the Nasdaq Global Select Market at the market open on October 11, 2024.

About NV5
NV5 Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: NVEE) is a provider of technology, certification, and consulting solutions for public and private sector clients supporting sustainable infrastructure, utility, and building assets and systems. The Company focuses on multiple verticals: construction quality assurance, infrastructure engineering, utility services, buildings & program management, environmental health sciences, and geospatial technology services to deliver innovative, sustainable solutions to complex issues and improve lives in our communities. NV5 operates out of more than 100 offices nationwide and abroad. For additional information, please visit the Company’s website at Also visit the Company on LinkedInTwitterFacebook, and Instagram.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The Company cautions that these statements are qualified by important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected by the forward-looking statements contained in this news release. Such factors include: (a) changes in demand from the local and state government and private clients that we serve; (b) general economic conditions, nationally and globally, and their effect on the market for our services; (c) competitive pressures and trends in our industry and our ability to successfully compete with our competitors; (d) changes in laws, regulations, or policies; and (e) the “Risk Factors” set forth in the Company’s most recent SEC filings. All forward-looking statements are based on information available to the Company on the date hereof, and the Company assumes no obligation to update such statements, except as required by law.

Investor Relations Contact
NV5 Global, Inc.
Jack Cochran
Vice President, Marketing & Investor Relations
Tel: +1-954-637-8048


When will NV5 Global (NVEE) implement its 4-for-1 stock split?

NV5 Global (NVEE) will implement its 4-for-1 stock split for shareholders of record as of October 9, 2024. The shares are expected to begin trading on a post-split basis on October 11, 2024.

How many shares will NV5 Global (NVEE) have outstanding after the stock split?

After the 4-for-1 stock split, NV5 Global (NVEE) will have approximately 65.1 million shares of outstanding common stock.

What is the purpose of NV5 Global's (NVEE) stock split?

The purpose of NV5 Global's (NVEE) stock split is to make stock ownership more accessible to employees, increase liquidity in public trading, support recruitment and retention efforts, and enhance the company's mergers and acquisitions strategy.

How will the NV5 Global (NVEE) stock split affect existing shareholders?

Existing NV5 Global (NVEE) shareholders of record as of October 9, 2024, will receive three additional shares of common stock for every one share held after market close on October 10, 2024.

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Engineering & Construction
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United States of America