NV5 and U.S. Geological Survey Release High Resolution Lidar Data of Palisades Fire and Eaton Fire Burn Areas to the Public
NV5 has announced the public release of lidar-derived data for the Palisades Fire and Eaton Fire burn areas, in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The data, collected between January 21-22, 2025, was sponsored by ALERTCalifornia and is now freely accessible through the USGS's 2025 Post-Wildfire Lidar Data platform for Los Angeles.
The high-resolution data enables analysis of fire impact, damage assessment, and understanding of fire debris hazards. By comparing it with previous lidar data collected by NV5 in 2023 and 2024, experts can measure changes in terrain, vegetation density, and burn severity. This information is important for identifying risks of debris flows, flooding, and guiding restoration efforts.
The project supports the USGS's 3D Elevation Program partnership with the Los Angeles Region Imagery Acquisition Consortium Program, providing essential data for public safety, first responders, government planners, utilities, and builders to make informed decisions during recovery operations.
NV5 ha annunciato il rilascio pubblico di dati derivati dal lidar per le aree colpite dagli incendi Palisades Fire e Eaton Fire, in collaborazione con il Servizio Geologico degli Stati Uniti (USGS). I dati, raccolti tra il 21 e il 22 gennaio 2025, sono stati sponsorizzati da ALERTCalifornia e sono ora accessibili gratuitamente tramite la piattaforma USGS's 2025 Post-Wildfire Lidar Data per Los Angeles.
I dati ad alta risoluzione consentono un'analisi dell'impatto dell'incendio, della valutazione dei danni e della comprensione dei rischi legati ai detriti da incendio. Confrontando questi dati con quelli precedenti raccolti da NV5 nel 2023 e 2024, gli esperti possono misurare i cambiamenti nel terreno, la densità della vegetazione e la gravità dell'incendio. Queste informazioni sono importanti per identificare i rischi di flussi di detriti, alluvioni e per guidare gli sforzi di ripristino.
Il progetto supporta il programma di elevazione 3D dell'USGS in partnership con il programma di acquisizione di immagini della regione di Los Angeles, fornendo dati essenziali per la sicurezza pubblica, i primi soccorritori, i pianificatori governativi, le utility e i costruttori per prendere decisioni informate durante le operazioni di recupero.
NV5 ha anunciado el lanzamiento público de datos derivados del lidar para las áreas quemadas por los incendios Palisades Fire y Eaton Fire, en colaboración con el Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS). Los datos, recopilados entre el 21 y el 22 de enero de 2025, fueron patrocinados por ALERTCalifornia y ahora son accesibles de forma gratuita a través de la plataforma de Datos Lidar Post-Incendios de 2025 del USGS para Los Ángeles.
Los datos de alta resolución permiten analizar el impacto del fuego, evaluar daños y comprender los peligros de los desechos resultantes del incendio. Al comparar estos datos con los datos de lidar previos recopilados por NV5 en 2023 y 2024, los expertos pueden medir los cambios en el terreno, la densidad de la vegetación y la gravedad del incendio. Esta información es importante para identificar riesgos de flujos de desechos, inundaciones y guiar los esfuerzos de restauración.
El proyecto respalda el programa de Elevación 3D del USGS en asociación con el programa de Adquisición de Imágenes de la Región de Los Ángeles, proporcionando datos esenciales para la seguridad pública, los primeros en responder, los planificadores gubernamentales, las utilidades y los constructores para tomar decisiones informadas durante las operaciones de recuperación.
NV5는 미국 지질조사국(USGS)과 협력하여 Palisades Fire 및 Eaton Fire 화재 지역에 대한 LIDAR 기반 데이터의 공개 출시를 발표했습니다. 2025년 1월 21일부터 22일 사이에 수집된 이 데이터는 ALERTCalifornia의 후원을 받았으며 현재 로스앤젤레스를 위한 USGS의 2025년 포스트 산불 LIDAR 데이터 플랫폼을 통해 무료로 접근할 수 있습니다.
고해상도 데이터는 화재의 영향 분석, 피해 평가 및 화재 잔해 위험의 이해를 가능하게 합니다. NV5가 2023년과 2024년에 수집한 이전 LIDAR 데이터와 비교함으로써 전문가들은 지형, 식생 밀도 및 화재 심각도 변화 측정을 할 수 있습니다. 이 정보는 잔해 유출, 홍수 위험 식별 및 복구 작업을 안내하는 데 중요합니다.
이 프로젝트는 로스앤젤레스 지역 이미지 획득 컨소시엄 프로그램과 함께하는 USGS의 3D 고도 프로그램과의 파트너십을 지원하며, 공공 안전, 구조대, 정부 계획자, 공공시설 및 건축가가 복구 작업 중 정보에 기반한 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 필수 데이터를 제공합니다.
NV5 a annoncé la publication publique de données dérivées du lidar pour les zones touchées par les incendies Palisades Fire et Eaton Fire, en collaboration avec le Service Géologique des États-Unis (USGS). Les données, collectées entre le 21 et le 22 janvier 2025, ont été parrainées par ALERTCalifornia et sont désormais accessibles gratuitement via la plateforme de données lidar post-incendie 2025 de l'USGS pour Los Angeles.
Les données haute résolution permettent d'analyser l'impact des incendies, d'évaluer les dommages et de comprendre les dangers liés aux débris d'incendie. En les comparant avec les données lidar précédentes collectées par NV5 en 2023 et 2024, les experts peuvent mesurer les changements dans le terrain, la densité de la végétation et la gravité de l'incendie. Ces informations sont importantes pour identifier les risques de flux de débris, d'inondations et pour guider les efforts de restauration.
Le projet soutient le programme d'élévation 3D de l'USGS en partenariat avec le programme d'acquisition d'images de la région de Los Angeles, fournissant des données essentielles pour la sécurité publique, les premiers intervenants, les planificateurs gouvernementaux, les services publics et les constructeurs afin de prendre des décisions éclairées lors des opérations de récupération.
NV5 hat die öffentliche Veröffentlichung von lidar-abgeleiteten Daten für die Brandgebiete Palisades Fire und Eaton Fire in Zusammenarbeit mit dem United States Geological Survey (USGS) angekündigt. Die Daten, die zwischen dem 21. und 22. Januar 2025 gesammelt wurden, wurden von ALERTCalifornia unterstützt und sind jetzt kostenlos über die USGS-Plattform für die Post-Waldbrand-Lidar-Daten 2025 für Los Angeles zugänglich.
Die hochauflösenden Daten ermöglichen eine Analyse der Brand Auswirkungen, eine Schadensbewertung und das Verständnis von Brand Trümmergefahren. Durch den Vergleich mit früheren lidar-Daten, die von NV5 in den Jahren 2023 und 2024 gesammelt wurden, können Experten Veränderungen im Terrain, in der Vegetationsdichte und in der Brandintensität messen. Diese Informationen sind wichtig für die Identifizierung von Risiken für Trümmerströme, Überschwemmungen und zur Anleitung von Wiederherstellungsmaßnahmen.
Das Projekt unterstützt das 3D-Höhenprogramm des USGS in Partnerschaft mit dem Los Angeles Region Imagery Acquisition Consortium Programm und bietet essentielle Daten für die öffentliche Sicherheit, Ersthelfer, Regierungsplaner, Versorgungsunternehmen und Bauherren, um informierte Entscheidungen während der Wiederherstellungsarbeiten zu treffen.
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HOLLYWOOD, Fla., Jan. 31, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NV5, a provider of technology, certification, and consulting solutions, announced today that lidar-derived data of the Palisades Fire and the Eaton Fire burn areas are now freely available to the public courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) at 2025 Post-Wildfire Lidar Data for Los Angeles, CA.
ALERTCalifornia sponsored the lidar data acquisition, which was collected by NV5 between January 21- January 22, 2025. The derived products can be used to analyze the fire's impact and provide insights for damage assessment, which is critical for recovery and rebuilding efforts, as well as understanding potential fire debris hazards.
“The Palisades and Eaton fires not only devastated and tore apart the lives, homes, businesses and neighborhoods of thousands of Angelenos, they have also shown the world that cities, counties, and jurisdictions across the globe can be hit with devastating fires during extreme climate conditions,” said Neal Driscoll, principal investigator of the ALERTCalifornia program at the University of California San Diego. “We are pleased to provide the community with the lidar data as it is essential to developing effective and time-critical plans for wildfire prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.”
Lidar data collected during the project can measure changes in terrain, vegetation density, and burn severity by comparing it to precise 3D point clouds from previous lidar data collection by NV5 in 2023 and 2024 in support of the USGS’s 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) partnership with the Los Angeles Region Imagery Acquisition Consortium (LARIAC) Program. This analysis helps to quantify fire damage, identify risks of debris flows or flooding, and guide restoration efforts. Lidar can also detect remaining hazards like unstable trees, compromised structures, and infrastructure while supporting safe recovery operations.
“It is critical that the public, first responders, government planners, utilities, businesses, and builders have consistent, highly detailed information about the local geography to make informed decisions,” said Kurt Allen, President of NV5’s Geospatial. “The release of this data is an important step in the recovery of the affected communities.”
About USGS
The USGS provides science for a changing world. Learn more at https://www.usgs.gov or follow us on Facebook @USGeologicalSurvey, YouTube @USGS, Instagram @USGS, or X (formerly Twitter) at @USGS.
About NV5
NV5 Global, Inc. (NASDAQ: NVEE) is a provider of technology, certification, and consulting solutions for public and private sector clients supporting utility, infrastructure, and building assets and systems. The Company primarily focuses on six business verticals: Utility services, infrastructure engineering, conformity assessment, buildings & technology, environmental services, and geospatial services. NV5 operates out of more than 100 offices nationwide and abroad. For additional information, please visit the Company’s website at www.NV5.com. Also visit the Company on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Vimeo.
Investor Relations Contact
Jack Cochran
Vice President, Investor Relations
Tel: +1-954-637-8048
Email: ir@nv5.com

What is the significance of NV5's lidar data release for the Palisades and Eaton Fire areas?
When was the post-wildfire lidar data collected by NV5 in Los Angeles?
How can the public access NV5's 2025 post-wildfire lidar data?
What specific insights can be gained from NV5's lidar data comparison between 2023-2025?