URZ3 Energy Announces Passing of Director Benjamin D. Leboe

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URZ3 Energy Corp. (TSX-V: URZ; OTCQB: NVDEF) has announced the passing of Company director Benjamin D. Leboe. Leboe was a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA), business valuator, and management consultant with extensive experience in executive roles and directorships. He previously served as Chief Financial Officer for various organizations, including Uranerz Energy Corp., and held a directorship with URZ Energy Corp.

The Company praised Leboe's expert advice, business acumen, calm wisdom, and generous mentorship. URZ3 Energy Corp. and its board of directors have extended their deepest condolences to Leboe's family, friends, and business associates. For further information, interested parties can contact Darcy Higgs, Director, at (604) 644-6580 or visit the company's website at

URZ3 Energy Corp. (TSX-V: URZ; OTCQB: NVDEF) ha annunciato la scomparsa del direttore della società Benjamin D. Leboe. Leboe era un Commercialista Professionista Qualificato (CPA, CA), valutatore d'azienda e consulente di gestione con una vasta esperienza in ruoli dirigenziali e cariche direttive. In precedenza ha ricoperto il ruolo di Direttore Finanziario per diverse organizzazioni, tra cui Uranerz Energy Corp., e ha avuto un ruolo di direttore con URZ Energy Corp.

La società ha elogiato il consiglio esperto di Leboe, la sua acume imprenditoriale, la saggezza calma e il suo generoso mentore. URZ3 Energy Corp. e il suo consiglio di amministrazione hanno esteso le loro più sentite condoglianze alla famiglia, agli amici e ai collaboratori di Leboe. Per ulteriori informazioni, le parti interessate possono contattare Darcy Higgs, Direttore, al (604) 644-6580 o visitare il sito web della società all'indirizzo

URZ3 Energy Corp. (TSX-V: URZ; OTCQB: NVDEF) ha anunciado el fallecimiento del director de la compañía Benjamin D. Leboe. Leboe era Contador Público Certificado (CPA, CA), tasador de negocios y consultor de gestión con amplia experiencia en roles ejecutivos y directorios. Anteriormente se desempeñó como Director Financiero de varias organizaciones, incluida Uranerz Energy Corp., y ocupó un puesto en el directorio de URZ Energy Corp.

La compañía elogió los consejos expertos de Leboe, su perspicacia empresarial, su sabia calma y su generoso mentoreo. URZ3 Energy Corp. y su junta directiva han expresado sus más profundas condolencias a la familia, amigos y asociados comerciales de Leboe. Para más información, las partes interesadas pueden contactar a Darcy Higgs, Director, al (604) 644-6580 o visitar el sitio web de la empresa en

URZ3 에너지 Corp. (TSX-V: URZ; OTCQB: NVDEF)는 회사 이사 벤자민 D. 레보에의 별세를 발표했습니다. 레보는 공인회계사(CPA, CA), 비즈니스 평가사 및 경영 컨설턴트로서 경영 직책과 이사회에서의 광범위한 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 그는 이전에 Uranerz Energy Corp.의 최고재무책임자(CFO)로 근무했으며, URZ Energy Corp.에서 이사직을 맡고 있었습니다.

회사는 레보의 전문적인 조언, 비즈니스 감각, 차분한 지혜 및 관대한 멘토십을 칭찬했습니다. URZ3 에너지 Corp.와 이사회는 레보의 가족, 친구 및 비즈니스 동료에게 깊은 애도를 표했습니다. 더 많은 정보가 필요하신 분은 다르시 히그스 이사에게 (604) 644-6580으로 문의하시거나 회사 웹사이트 www.urz3.com을 방문하시기 바랍니다.

URZ3 Energy Corp. (TSX-V: URZ; OTCQB: NVDEF) a annoncé le décès du directeur de l'entreprise Benjamin D. Leboe. Leboe était un Comptable Professionnel Agréé (CPA, CA), évaluateur d'entreprises et consultant en management avec une vaste expérience dans des rôles exécutifs et des conseils d'administration. Il a précédemment occupé le poste de Directeur Financier pour diverses organisations, dont Uranerz Energy Corp., et a été membre du conseil d'administration de URZ Energy Corp.

L'entreprise a salué les conseils d'expert de Leboe, son sens des affaires, sa sagesse calme et son mentorat généreux. URZ3 Energy Corp. et son conseil d'administration ont présenté leurs plus sincères condoléances à la famille, aux amis et aux associés commerciaux de Leboe. Pour plus d'informations, les parties intéressées peuvent contacter Darcy Higgs, Directeur, au (604) 644-6580 ou visiter le site internet de l'entreprise à

URZ3 Energy Corp. (TSX-V: URZ; OTCQB: NVDEF) hat den Tod des Unternehmensleiters Benjamin D. Leboe bekannt gegeben. Leboe war ein Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA), Unternehmensbewerter und Managementberater mit umfassender Erfahrung in Führungspositionen und Aufsichtsräten. Zuvor war er Chief Financial Officer für verschiedene Organisationen, darunter Uranerz Energy Corp., und hatte eine Direktorposition bei URZ Energy Corp.

Das Unternehmen lobte Leboes fachkundige Beratung, Geschäftssinn, ruhige Weisheit und großzügige Mentorschaft. URZ3 Energy Corp. und ihr Vorstand haben der Familie, den Freunden und Geschäftspartnern von Leboe ihr tiefstes Beileid ausgesprochen. Für weitere Informationen können sich Interessierte an Darcy Higgs, Direktor, unter (604) 644-6580 wenden oder die Unternehmenswebsite besuchen.

  • None.
  • None.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- URZ3 Energy Corp. (“URZ” or the “Company”) (TSX-V: URZ; OTCQB: NVDEF) announces with great sadness the passing of Company director Ben Leboe - our wonderful friend, mentor and business partner.

An experienced director and business executive, Ben was a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA), business valuator and management consultant. After beginning his career with KPMG, he went on to serve as the Chief Financial Officer to many organizations, among them Uranerz Energy Corp., and held many directorships, including with URZ Energy Corp. As much or more than his expert advice and considerable business acumen, we valued Ben’s calm wisdom, unassuming style, generous mentorship, quick wit and wise perspective.

A devoted husband and father, we are grateful Ben was surrounded by his loving family in his final days. He will be missed dearly.

The Company and the board of directors extends their deepest condolences to Ben's family, friends and business associates.

For further information, please contact:

URZ3 Energy Corp.
Darcy Higgs, Director
Telephone: (604) 644-6580


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Who was Benjamin D. Leboe and what was his role at URZ3 Energy Corp (NVDEF)?

Benjamin D. Leboe was a director at URZ3 Energy Corp (NVDEF). He was a Chartered Professional Accountant, business valuator, and management consultant with extensive experience in executive roles and directorships.

What previous positions did Benjamin D. Leboe hold before joining URZ3 Energy Corp (NVDEF)?

Before joining URZ3 Energy Corp (NVDEF), Benjamin D. Leboe served as Chief Financial Officer for various organizations, including Uranerz Energy Corp. He also held a directorship with URZ Energy Corp.

How can investors get more information about URZ3 Energy Corp (NVDEF) following this announcement?

Investors can contact Darcy Higgs, Director of URZ3 Energy Corp (NVDEF), at (604) 644-6580 or visit the company's website at for more information.



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