NVIDIA and Global Partners Launch NIM Agent Blueprints for Enterprises to Make Their Own AI

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NVIDIA has unveiled NIM Agent Blueprints, a catalog of customizable AI workflows designed to help enterprise developers create and deploy generative AI applications. These blueprints include pretrained models, sample applications, and deployment tools for various use cases such as customer service avatars, drug discovery, and data extraction.

Key features of NIM Agent Blueprints:

  • Customizable with business data
  • Deployable across accelerated data centers and clouds
  • Free for developers to experience and download
  • Production deployment with NVIDIA AI Enterprise platform

Major tech companies and consultancies like Accenture, Cisco, Dell, and Deloitte are partnering with NVIDIA to deliver these blueprints to enterprises worldwide, aiming to accelerate AI adoption and innovation across industries.

NVIDIA ha presentato NIM Agent Blueprints, un catalogo di flussi di lavoro AI personalizzabili progettati per aiutare gli sviluppatori aziendali a creare e implementare applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale generativa. Questi blueprint includono modelli pre-addestrati, applicazioni di esempio e strumenti di distribuzione per vari casi d'uso come avatar per il servizio clienti, scoperta di farmaci e estrazione dei dati.

Caratteristiche principali dei NIM Agent Blueprints:

  • Personalizzabile con dati aziendali
  • Implementabile in data center e cloud accelerati
  • Gratuito per gli sviluppatori per provare e scaricare
  • Distribuzione in produzione con la piattaforma NVIDIA AI Enterprise

Grandi aziende tecnologiche e consulenze come Accenture, Cisco, Dell e Deloitte stanno collaborando con NVIDIA per fornire questi blueprint alle imprese di tutto il mondo, con l'obiettivo di accelerare l'adozione e l'innovazione dell'IA in vari settori.

NVIDIA ha presentado NIM Agent Blueprints, un catálogo de flujos de trabajo de IA personalizables diseñados para ayudar a los desarrolladores empresariales a crear e implementar aplicaciones de IA generativa. Estos esquemas incluyen modelos preentrenados, aplicaciones de muestra y herramientas de implementación para diversos casos de uso como avatares de servicio al cliente, descubrimiento de fármacos y extracción de datos.

Características clave de NIM Agent Blueprints:

  • Personalizable con datos empresariales
  • Implementable en centros de datos y nubes aceleradas
  • Gratuito para que los desarrolladores lo prueben y lo descarguen
  • Despliegue en producción con la plataforma NVIDIA AI Enterprise

Grandes empresas tecnológicas y consultorías como Accenture, Cisco, Dell y Deloitte están asociándose con NVIDIA para ofrecer estos esquemas a empresas de todo el mundo, con el objetivo de acelerar la adopción y la innovación de la IA en diversas industrias.

NVIDIA는 NIM 에이전트 블루프린트를 발표했습니다. 이는 기업 개발자들이 생성적 AI 애플리케이션을 생성하고 배포하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 설계된 사용자 정의 가능한 AI 작업 흐름의 카탈로그입니다. 이러한 블루프린트에는 사전 훈련된 모델, 샘플 애플리케이션 및 고객 서비스 아바타, 약물 발견, 데이터 추출과 같은 다양한 사용 사례를 위한 배포 도구가 포함되어 있습니다.

NIM 에이전트 블루프린트의 주요 특징:

  • 비즈니스 데이터로 사용자 정의 가능
  • 가속화된 데이터 센터 및 클라우드에서 배포 가능
  • 개발자들이 경험하고 다운로드할 수 있도록 무료 제공
  • NVIDIA AI Enterprise 플랫폼을 통한 생산 배포

Accenture, Cisco, Dell, Deloitte와 같은 주요 기술 기업 및 컨설팅 회사들이 NVIDIA와 협력하여 이러한 블루프린트를 전 세계 기업에 제공하고, 다양한 산업 분야에서 AI 채택 및 혁신을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

NVIDIA a dévoilé NIM Agent Blueprints, un catalogue de flux de travail AI personnalisables conçus pour aider les développeurs d'entreprise à créer et déployer des applications d'IA générative. Ces blueprints incluent des modèles pré-entraînés, des applications d'exemple et des outils de déploiement pour divers cas d'utilisation tels que avatars pour le service client, découverte de médicaments et extraction de données.

Caractéristiques clés des NIM Agent Blueprints :

  • Personnalisable avec des données d'entreprise
  • Déployable dans des centres de données et des clouds accélérés
  • Gratuit pour les développeurs à essayer et télécharger
  • Déploiement en production avec la plateforme NVIDIA AI Enterprise

De grandes entreprises technologiques et des cabinets de conseil tels que Accenture, Cisco, Dell et Deloitte s'associent à NVIDIA pour fournir ces blueprints aux entreprises du monde entier, afin d'accélérer l'adoption et l'innovation de l'IA dans divers secteurs.

NVIDIA hat NIM Agent Blueprints vorgestellt, ein Katalog an anpassbaren KI-Workflows, der dazu dient, Unternehmensentwicklern zu helfen, generative KI-Anwendungen zu erstellen und bereitzustellen. Diese Blueprints umfassen vortrainierte Modelle, Musteranwendungen und Bereitstellungstools für verschiedene Anwendungsfälle wie Kundenservice-Avatare, Medikamentenentdeckung und Datenextraktion.

Wesentliche Merkmale der NIM Agent Blueprints:

  • Anpassbar mit Geschäftsdaten
  • Bereitstellbar in beschleunigten Rechenzentren und Clouds
  • Kostenlos für Entwickler zur Erprobung und zum Download
  • Produktionsbereitstellung mit der NVIDIA AI Enterprise-Plattform

Große Technologieunternehmen und Beratungsunternehmen wie Accenture, Cisco, Dell und Deloitte arbeiten mit NVIDIA zusammen, um diese Blueprints weltweit an Unternehmen zu liefern, mit dem Ziel, die KI-Adoption und Innovation in verschiedenen Branchen zu beschleunigen.

  • Launch of NIM Agent Blueprints to accelerate enterprise AI application development
  • Partnerships with major tech companies and consultancies for widespread distribution
  • Free access for developers to experience and download blueprints
  • Customizable workflows for key use cases like customer service and drug discovery
  • Integration with NVIDIA AI Enterprise platform for production deployment
  • None.

NVIDIA's launch of NIM Agent Blueprints marks a significant advancement in enterprise AI adoption. This catalog of customizable AI workflows addresses key challenges in implementing generative AI, particularly for use cases like customer service, drug discovery and data extraction. The initiative demonstrates NVIDIA's strategic positioning in the enterprise AI market.

Key points:

  • NIM Agent Blueprints provide a jump-start for developers, potentially accelerating AI application development cycles.
  • The offering includes sample applications, reference code and deployment tools, reducing barriers to entry for enterprises.
  • Integration with NVIDIA's ecosystem (NeMo, NIM microservices) creates a comprehensive AI development platform.
  • Partnerships with major tech companies and consultancies suggest strong potential for widespread adoption.

While this news is positive for NVIDIA, investors should consider the competitive landscape and the company's ability to monetize these tools effectively in the long term.

NVIDIA's introduction of NIM Agent Blueprints could significantly impact its financial performance and market position. This move aligns with NVIDIA's strategy to dominate the AI infrastructure and software market.

Financial implications:

  • Revenue diversification: Expands NVIDIA's offerings beyond hardware, potentially increasing software and services revenue.
  • Market expansion: Targets the growing enterprise AI market, estimated to reach $87.04 billion by 2028 (CAGR of 38.1%).
  • Ecosystem lock-in: Encourages use of NVIDIA's hardware and software stack, potentially driving long-term customer retention.
  • Partner network leverage: Collaborations with major tech and consulting firms could accelerate adoption and revenue growth.

While the immediate financial impact may be , this initiative positions NVIDIA for potential long-term growth in the enterprise AI sector. Investors should monitor adoption rates and the impact on NVIDIA's software segment revenues in coming quarters.

NVIDIA's NIM Agent Blueprints launch signals a strategic move to capture a larger share of the enterprise AI market. This offering addresses key pain points in AI adoption, potentially accelerating market growth.

Market implications:

  • Lowered barriers to entry: Simplifies AI implementation for enterprises, potentially expanding the market.
  • Competitive positioning: Strengthens NVIDIA's position against cloud providers and AI startups.
  • Market education: Blueprints serve as reference implementations, potentially standardizing enterprise AI practices.
  • Ecosystem expansion: Encourages third-party developers and partners, creating a network effect.

The partnership with major tech companies and consultancies is particularly noteworthy, as it leverages existing enterprise relationships for faster market penetration. However, the success of this initiative will depend on the quality and relevance of the blueprints, as well as NVIDIA's ability to continually update and expand the catalog to meet evolving enterprise needs.

  • Catalog of Customizable Workflows Speeds Deployments of Core Generative AI Use Cases, Starting With Customer Service, Drug Discovery and Data Extraction for PDFs, With More to Come
  • Companies Can Build and Operationalize Their AI Applications — Creating Data-Driven AI Flywheels — Using NIM Agent Blueprints Along With NIM Microservices and NeMo Framework, All Part of the NVIDIA AI Enterprise Platform
  • Accenture, Cisco, Dell Technologies, Deloitte, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Lenovo, SoftServe, World Wide Technology Among First Partners Delivering NIM Agent Blueprints to World’s Enterprises

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NVIDIA today announced NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints, a catalog of pretrained, customizable AI workflows that equip millions of enterprise developers with a full suite of software for building and deploying generative AI applications for canonical use cases, such as customer service avatars, retrieval-augmented generation and drug discovery virtual screening.

NIM Agent Blueprints provide a jump-start for developers creating AI applications that use one or more AI agents. They include sample applications built with NVIDIA NeMo, NVIDIA NIM and partner microservices, reference code, customization documentation and a Helm chart for deployment.

Enterprises can modify NIM Agent Blueprints using their business data and run their generative AI applications across accelerated data centers and clouds. With NIM Agent Blueprints, enterprises can continually refine their AI applications based on user feedback, creating a data-driven AI flywheel.

The first NIM Agent Blueprints now available include a digital human workflow for customer service, a generative virtual screening workflow for computer-aided drug discovery and a multimodal PDF data extraction workflow for enterprise retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) that can use vast quantities of business data for more accurate responses. NIM Agent Blueprints are free for developers to experience and download and can be deployed in production with the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software platform.

Global system integrators and technology solutions providers Accenture, Deloitte, SoftServe and World Wide Technology (WWT) are bringing NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints to enterprises worldwide. Cisco, Dell Technologies, Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Lenovo are offering full-stack NVIDIA-accelerated infrastructure and solutions to speed NIM Agent Blueprints deployments.

“Generative AI is advancing at lightspeed. Frontier model capabilities are growing exponentially with a continuous stream of new applications,” said Jensen Huang, founder and CEO of NVIDIA. “The enterprise AI wave is here. With the NVIDIA AI Enterprise toolkit — including NeMo, NIM microservices and the latest NIM Agent Blueprints — our expansive partner ecosystem is poised to help enterprises customize open-source models, build bespoke AI applications and deploy them seamlessly across any cloud, on premises or at the edge.”

Digital Human NIM Agent Blueprint Advances Customer Service
Gartner® reports that 80% of conversational offerings will embed generative AI by 2025, up from 20% in 2024(1). The digital human NIM Agent Blueprint for customer service helps enterprises rapidly prepare for this coming shift, bringing enterprise applications to life with a 3D animated avatar interface.

With approachable, humanlike interactions, customer service applications can provide more engaging user experiences compared to traditional customer service options. Powered by NVIDIA Tokkio technologies, the digital human workflow features NVIDIA software including NVIDIA ACE, NVIDIA Omniverse RTX, NVIDIA Audio2Face and Llama 3.1 NIM microservices, and is designed to integrate with existing enterprise generative AI applications built using RAG.

Multimodal PDF Data Extraction NIM Agent Blueprint Taps Business Data
The multimodal PDF data extraction workflow for enterprise RAG uses NVIDIA NeMo Retriever NIM microservices to unlock insights from massive volumes of enterprise PDF data. With this workflow, developers can create digital humans, AI agents or customer service chatbots that can quickly become experts on any topic captured within their corpus of PDF data.

Using the workflow, enterprises can combine NeMo Retriever NIM microservices with community or custom models to build high-accuracy, multimodal retrieval pipelines that can be deployed wherever enterprise data resides.

Generative Virtual Screening NIM Agent Blueprint Accelerates Drug Discovery
The generative virtual screening NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprint for drug discovery accelerates the identification and optimization of promising drug-like molecules, significantly reducing time and cost by generating molecules with favorable properties and higher probabilities of success.

Researchers and application developers can quickly customize and deploy AI models for 3D protein structure prediction, small molecule generation and molecular docking. This blueprint incorporates NVIDIA NIM microservices — including AlphaFold2, MolMIM and DiffDock — to accelerate the virtual screening of small molecules using generative models.

In combination with other tools available in NVIDIA BioNeMo, enterprises can easily connect multiple NIM Agent Blueprints to build increasingly sophisticated AI applications and accelerate their drug discovery work.

Additional blueprints will be released monthly for workflows to build generative AI applications for customer experience, content generation, software engineering, and product research and development.

NVIDIA Partner Ecosystem Amplifies Enterprise Generative AI Success
NVIDIA partners are readying to help the world’s enterprises rapidly build and deploy their own generative AI applications using NIM Agent Blueprints.

Global professional services company Accenture will add NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints to its Accenture AI Refinery, unveiled last month.

“Across industries, generative AI is acting as a catalyst for companies looking to reinvent with tech, data and AI,” said Julie Sweet, chair and CEO of Accenture. “By integrating NVIDIA’s catalog of workflows into Accenture’s AI Refinery, we can help our clients develop custom AI systems at speed and reimagine how they do business and serve their customers to drive stronger business outcomes and create new value.”

Global consulting firm Deloitte will integrate NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints into its deep portfolio of NVIDIA-powered solutions.

“While many organizations are still working to fully harness the potential of GenAI, its implementation is steadily enhancing efficiencies and productivity,” said Jason Girzadas, CEO of Deloitte US. “By embedding NVIDIA's NIM Agent Blueprints into enterprise solutions that are built on NVIDIA NIM microservices, Deloitte is engaging with our clients to innovate faster, unlock new growth opportunities and define AI-competitive advantage.”

IT consulting and digital services provider SoftServe is integrating NIM Agent Blueprints into its generative AI portfolio to speed enterprise adoption.

“Every enterprise knows generative AI is central to modernizing their operations, but not every enterprise knows where to begin their generative AI journey,” said Harry Propper, CEO of SoftServe. “Adding NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints into the SoftServe Gen AI Solutions portfolio gives clients proven frameworks for developing AI applications that put their own data to work.”

A solution provider for the majority of Fortune 100 companies, WWT will assist enterprises in building NIM Agent Blueprints that leverage their business data.

“WWT is committed to helping enterprises harness the power of AI as a catalyst for business transformation,” said Jim Kavanaugh, cofounder and CEO of World Wide Technology. “WWT’s AI Proving Ground, equipped with NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints and coupled with our data scientists, consultants and high-performance architecture engineers, offers a comprehensive resource for our clients to experiment with, validate and scale AI solutions.”

Enterprises can develop and deploy NIM Agent Blueprints on NVIDIA AI platforms with compute, networking and software provided by NVIDIA’s global server manufacturing partners.

These include Cisco Nexus HyperFabric AI clusters with NVIDIA, the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA, NVIDIA AI Computing by HPE and HPE Private Cloud AI, as well as Lenovo Hybrid AI solutions powered by NVIDIA.

“Cisco, together with NVIDIA, created a revolutionary, flexible and simple-to-deploy AI infrastructure with Nexus HyperFabric,” said Chuck Robbins, chair and CEO of Cisco. “Combining Cisco innovation with NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints offers customers a simple and secure way to deploy generative AI fast and efficiently, with the adaptability they need to build and customize new applications at scale.”

“Dell Technologies and NVIDIA are making it easy for enterprises to unlock the power of AI-enabled applications and agents,” said Michael Dell, founder and CEO of Dell Technologies. “Incorporating NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints into the Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA provides an express lane for the transformative value of AI.”

“HPE and NVIDIA are expanding on our recent blockbuster collaboration to deliver NVIDIA AI Computing by HPE,” said Antonio Neri, president and CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise. “By integrating NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints into our co-developed turnkey HPE Private Cloud AI solution, we will enable enterprises to focus resources on developing new AI use cases that boost productivity and unlock new revenue streams."

“Generative AI is a full-stack challenge that requires accelerated infrastructure, specialized software and services, and powerful AI-ready devices that can maximize the capabilities of Hybrid AI,” said Yuanqing Yang, chairman and CEO of Lenovo. “NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints, combined with Lenovo’s comprehensive, end-to-end portfolio, give enterprises a head start for building generative AI applications that they can run everywhere on Lenovo Hybrid AI.”

Enterprises can experience NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints today.

NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) is the world leader in accelerated computing.

For further information, contact:

Shannon McPhee
NVIDIA Corporation

(1) Gartner, “Emerging Tech: Navigating the Hurdles of Digital Humans” by Evan Brown, 6 May 2024

Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, statements as to: the benefits, impact, performance, features, and availability of NVIDIA’s products and technologies, including NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints, NVIDIA NeMo, NVIDIA NIM, NVIDIA AI Enterprise software platform, NVIDIA Tokkio, NVIDIA ACE, NVIDIA Omniverse RTX, NVIDIA Audio2Face, NVIDIA NeMo Retriever, and NVIDIA BioNeMo NIM microservices — including AlphaFold2, MolMIM and DiffDock; third parties using or adopting NVIDIA products, technologies and platforms, and the benefits and impacts thereof; our collaboration with third parties and the benefits and impacts thereof; generative AI advancing at lightspeed; frontier model capabilities growing exponentially with a continuous stream of new applications; the enterprise AI wave being here with the NVIDIA AI Enterprise toolkit – including NeMo, NIM microservices and the latest NIM Agent Blueprints – NVIDIA’s expansive partner ecosystem being poised to help enterprises customize open-source models, build bespoke AI applications, and deploy them seamlessly across any cloud, on premises or at the edge; with approachable, humanlike interactions, customer service applications being able to provide more engaging user experiences compared to traditional customer service options; NVIDIA partners readying to help the world’s enterprises rapidly build and deploy their own generative AI applications using NIM Agent Blueprints; generative AI acting as a catalyst for companies looking to reinvent with tech, data and AI; GenAI’s implementation steadily enhancing efficiencies and productivity; and generative AI being a full-stack challenge that requires accelerated infrastructure, specialized software and services, and powerful AI-ready devices that can maximize the capabilities of Hybrid AI are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: global economic conditions; our reliance on third parties to manufacture, assemble, package and test our products; the impact of technological development and competition; development of new products and technologies or enhancements to our existing product and technologies; market acceptance of our products or our partners' products; design, manufacturing or software defects; changes in consumer preferences or demands; changes in industry standards and interfaces; unexpected loss of performance of our products or technologies when integrated into systems; as well as other factors detailed from time to time in the most recent reports NVIDIA files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, including, but not limited to, its annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are posted on the company's website and are available from NVIDIA without charge. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and speak only as of the date hereof, and, except as required by law, NVIDIA disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances.

Many of the products and features described herein remain in various stages and will be offered on a when-and-if-available basis. The statements above are not intended to be, and should not be interpreted as a commitment, promise, or legal obligation, and the development, release, and timing of any features or functionalities described for our products is subject to change and remains at the sole discretion of NVIDIA. NVIDIA will have no liability for failure to deliver or delay in the delivery of any of the products, features or functions set forth herein.

© 2024 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, Audio2Face, BioNeMo, NVIDIA NeMo, NVIDIA NIM and NVIDIA Omniverse RTX are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Features, pricing, availability and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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What are NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints and how do they benefit enterprises?

NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints are customizable AI workflows that help enterprises quickly build and deploy generative AI applications. They provide pretrained models, sample applications, and deployment tools for use cases like customer service avatars and drug discovery, accelerating AI adoption and innovation.

Which companies are partnering with NVIDIA to deliver NIM Agent Blueprints?

Major tech companies and consultancies partnering with NVIDIA to deliver NIM Agent Blueprints include Accenture, Cisco, Dell Technologies, Deloitte, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Lenovo, SoftServe, and World Wide Technology.

How can developers access NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints?

Developers can access NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints for free to experience and download. For production deployment, the blueprints can be used with the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software platform.

What are some specific use cases for NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints?

Specific use cases for NVIDIA NIM Agent Blueprints include digital human workflows for customer service, generative virtual screening for drug discovery, and multimodal PDF data extraction for enterprise retrieval-augmented generation (RAG).

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