NVIDIA and GE HealthCare Collaborate to Advance the Development of Autonomous Diagnostic Imaging With Physical AI

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NVIDIA and GE HealthCare announced a collaboration to advance autonomous imaging technology, focusing on X-ray and ultrasound applications. GE HealthCare will utilize the new NVIDIA Isaac™ for Healthcare medical device simulation platform, which includes pretrained models and physics-based simulations to accelerate R&D workflows.

The partnership aims to address the global healthcare access gap, as nearly two-thirds of the world's population lacks access to diagnostic imaging. The platform combines three key NVIDIA technologies: DGX™, Omniverse™, and Holoscan, enabling developers to create and test autonomous imaging systems in virtual environments before real-world deployment.

Early adopters of Isaac for Healthcare include Moon Surgical, Neptune Medical, and Xcath, with ecosystem partners such as Ansys, Franka, ImFusion, Kinova, and Kuka. The platform is now available in early access, offering simulation capabilities for various medical scenarios, from microscopic structures to full hospital facilities.

NVIDIA e GE HealthCare hanno annunciato una collaborazione per avanzare nella tecnologia di imaging autonomo, concentrandosi sulle applicazioni di raggi X e ultrasuoni. GE HealthCare utilizzerà la nuova piattaforma di simulazione per dispositivi medici NVIDIA Isaac™ for Healthcare, che include modelli pre-addestrati e simulazioni basate sulla fisica per accelerare i flussi di lavoro di ricerca e sviluppo.

La partnership mira a colmare il divario nell'accesso alla salute globale, poiché quasi due terzi della popolazione mondiale non ha accesso all'imaging diagnostico. La piattaforma combina tre tecnologie chiave di NVIDIA: DGX™, Omniverse™ e Holoscan, consentendo agli sviluppatori di creare e testare sistemi di imaging autonomi in ambienti virtuali prima del loro utilizzo nel mondo reale.

I primi utilizzatori di Isaac for Healthcare includono Moon Surgical, Neptune Medical e Xcath, con partner dell'ecosistema come Ansys, Franka, ImFusion, Kinova e Kuka. La piattaforma è ora disponibile in accesso anticipato, offrendo capacità di simulazione per vari scenari medici, da strutture microscopiche a intere strutture ospedaliere.

NVIDIA y GE HealthCare anunciaron una colaboración para avanzar en la tecnología de imagen autónoma, centrándose en aplicaciones de rayos X y ultrasonido. GE HealthCare utilizará la nueva plataforma de simulación de dispositivos médicos NVIDIA Isaac™ for Healthcare, que incluye modelos preentrenados y simulaciones basadas en la física para acelerar los flujos de trabajo de I+D.

La asociación tiene como objetivo abordar la brecha de acceso a la atención médica a nivel global, ya que casi dos tercios de la población mundial carece de acceso a la imagenología diagnóstica. La plataforma combina tres tecnologías clave de NVIDIA: DGX™, Omniverse™ y Holoscan, lo que permite a los desarrolladores crear y probar sistemas de imagen autónoma en entornos virtuales antes de su implementación en el mundo real.

Los primeros adoptantes de Isaac for Healthcare incluyen a Moon Surgical, Neptune Medical y Xcath, con socios del ecosistema como Ansys, Franka, ImFusion, Kinova y Kuka. La plataforma ya está disponible en acceso anticipado, ofreciendo capacidades de simulación para varios escenarios médicos, desde estructuras microscópicas hasta instalaciones hospitalarias completas.

NVIDIAGE HealthCare가 자율 이미징 기술을 발전시키기 위한 협력을 발표했습니다. 이 협력은 X-ray와 초음파 응용 프로그램에 중점을 두고 있습니다. GE HealthCare는 새로운 NVIDIA Isaac™ for Healthcare 의료 기기 시뮬레이션 플랫폼을 활용할 예정이며, 이 플랫폼은 사전 훈련된 모델과 물리 기반 시뮬레이션을 포함하여 연구 및 개발 워크플로우를 가속화합니다.

이번 파트너십은 전 세계 인구의 거의 3분의 2가 진단 이미징에 접근할 수 없는 상황에서 의료 접근성 격차를 해소하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 플랫폼은 NVIDIA의 세 가지 핵심 기술인 DGX™, Omniverse™ 및 Holoscan을 결합하여 개발자들이 실제 배포 전에 가상 환경에서 자율 이미징 시스템을 만들고 테스트할 수 있도록 합니다.

Isaac for Healthcare의 초기 사용자로는 Moon Surgical, Neptune Medical 및 Xcath가 있으며, Ansys, Franka, ImFusion, Kinova 및 Kuka와 같은 생태계 파트너들이 있습니다. 이 플랫폼은 현재 조기 접근이 가능하며, 미세 구조에서부터 전체 병원 시설에 이르는 다양한 의료 시나리오에 대한 시뮬레이션 기능을 제공합니다.

NVIDIA et GE HealthCare ont annoncé une collaboration pour faire avancer la technologie d'imagerie autonome, en se concentrant sur les applications de rayons X et d'échographie. GE HealthCare utilisera la nouvelle plateforme de simulation de dispositifs médicaux NVIDIA Isaac™ for Healthcare, qui comprend des modèles pré-entraînés et des simulations basées sur la physique pour accélérer les flux de travail de R&D.

Le partenariat vise à combler le fossé d'accès aux soins de santé à l'échelle mondiale, car près des deux tiers de la population mondiale n'a pas accès à l'imagerie diagnostique. La plateforme combine trois technologies clés de NVIDIA : DGX™, Omniverse™ et Holoscan, permettant aux développeurs de créer et de tester des systèmes d'imagerie autonomes dans des environnements virtuels avant leur déploiement dans le monde réel.

Les premiers utilisateurs d'Isaac for Healthcare incluent Moon Surgical, Neptune Medical et Xcath, avec des partenaires de l'écosystème tels qu'Ansys, Franka, ImFusion, Kinova et Kuka. La plateforme est désormais disponible en accès anticipé, offrant des capacités de simulation pour divers scénarios médicaux, allant des structures microscopiques aux installations hospitalières complètes.

NVIDIA und GE HealthCare haben eine Zusammenarbeit angekündigt, um die autonome Bildgebungstechnologie voranzubringen, wobei der Fokus auf Röntgen- und Ultraschallanwendungen liegt. GE HealthCare wird die neue NVIDIA Isaac™ for Healthcare Plattform für die Simulation medizinischer Geräte nutzen, die vortrainierte Modelle und physikbasierte Simulationen umfasst, um die F&E-Workflows zu beschleunigen.

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die globale Gesundheitszugangsproblematik anzugehen, da fast zwei Drittel der Weltbevölkerung keinen Zugang zur diagnostischen Bildgebung haben. Die Plattform kombiniert drei Schlüsseltechnologien von NVIDIA: DGX™, Omniverse™ und Holoscan, die es Entwicklern ermöglichen, autonome Bildgebungssysteme in virtuellen Umgebungen zu erstellen und zu testen, bevor sie in der realen Welt eingesetzt werden.

Frühzeitige Anwender von Isaac for Healthcare sind unter anderem Moon Surgical, Neptune Medical und Xcath, mit Ökosystempartnern wie Ansys, Franka, ImFusion, Kinova und Kuka. Die Plattform ist jetzt im frühen Zugang verfügbar und bietet Simulationsmöglichkeiten für verschiedene medizinische Szenarien, von mikroskopischen Strukturen bis hin zu kompletten Krankenhausanlagen.

  • Partnership addresses significant market opportunity with two-thirds of global population lacking imaging access
  • Platform enables faster R&D and validation of autonomous medical devices
  • Early adoption by multiple medical technology companies and ecosystem partners
  • Technology could help address healthcare staffing shortages
  • Platform is still in early access phase
  • Success depends on market adoption and regulatory approvals
  • Implementation costs and timeline for healthcare facilities not specified


NVIDIA's collaboration with GE HealthCare represents a strategic expansion of its AI technology into critical healthcare applications. This partnership leverages NVIDIA's new Isaac for Healthcare platform to develop autonomous imaging systems that address significant global healthcare challenges, including the fact that nearly two-thirds of the world's population lacks access to common diagnostic imaging tools.

The announcement highlights NVIDIA's multi-layered approach to healthcare AI through three computing platforms: DGX for training, Omniverse for simulation, and Holoscan for edge computing deployment. This comprehensive stack creates high barriers to entry for competitors while establishing NVIDIA as the infrastructure backbone for next-generation medical technologies.

From a business perspective, this collaboration extends NVIDIA's total addressable market into the substantial medical imaging sector while creating recurring revenue opportunities through its platform licensing. The early ecosystem adoption by companies like Moon Surgical and partners including Ansys and Kuka demonstrates market validation for this approach.

What's particularly noteworthy is how this partnership continues NVIDIA's successful pattern of industry-specific AI platform development, creating specialized tools that encourage broader adoption across entire sectors. This is consistent with NVIDIA's strategy of building comprehensive AI ecosystems rather than just selling chips, which has been central to their exponential growth and market dominance in AI infrastructure.

The NVIDIA-GE HealthCare collaboration represents a significant technological leap in medical imaging automation. By applying physical AI to diagnostic systems, these companies are addressing the fundamental workflow challenges that currently limit healthcare access and efficiency.

The innovation centers on developing systems that can understand and navigate the physical world—autonomously managing patient positioning, image acquisition, and quality assurance. This goes well beyond conventional AI image analysis to create truly intelligent medical devices capable of reducing the technical expertise required for operation.

What makes this development particularly valuable is the simulation-based approach. The Isaac for Healthcare platform creates physics-based digital twins of medical environments, allowing developers to train robotic systems on countless scenarios before real-world deployment. This dramatically accelerates the development cycle while enhancing safety.

For healthcare providers facing critical staffing shortages, these autonomous systems could effectively multiply the productivity of existing specialists. A single technologist could potentially supervise multiple imaging systems simultaneously, with AI handling routine positioning and capture tasks.

The depth of this collaboration—building on a nearly two-decade relationship—suggests this isn't merely experimental but a strategic direction for medical imaging. The ecosystem approach, with early adopters across surgical robotics and specialized interventions, indicates NVIDIA is positioning its technology as the foundation for an entire generation of autonomous healthcare devices that could fundamentally transform access to diagnostic imaging globally.

New NVIDIA Isaac for Healthcare Medical Device Simulation Platform to Fast-Track Development of Autonomous Imaging Systems and Robotics

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GTC -- NVIDIA today announced a collaboration with GE HealthCare to advance innovation in autonomous imaging, focused on developing autonomous X-ray technologies and ultrasound applications.

Building autonomy into systems like X-ray and ultrasound requires medical imaging systems to understand and operate in the physical world. This enables the automation of complex workflows such as patient placement, image scanning and quality checking.

To accomplish this, GE HealthCare, a pioneering partner, is using the new NVIDIA Isaac™ for Healthcare medical device simulation platform, which includes pretrained models and physics-based simulations of sensors, anatomy and environments. The platform accelerates research and development workflows, enabling GE HealthCare to train, test and validate autonomous imaging system capabilities in a virtual environment before deployment in the physical world.

“The healthcare industry is one of the most important applications of AI, as the demand for healthcare services far exceeds the supply,” said Kimberly Powell, vice president of healthcare at NVIDIA. “We are working with an industry leader, GE HealthCare, to deliver Isaac for Healthcare, three computers to give lifesaving medical devices the ability to act autonomously and extend access to healthcare globally.”

Expanding Access to Imaging With Physical AI
Ultrasounds and X-ray are the most common and widely used diagnostic imaging systems, yet nearly two-thirds of the global population lack access. Enhancing imaging systems with robotic capabilities will help expand access to care.

NVIDIA and GE HealthCare have been working together for nearly two decades, building innovative image-reconstruction techniques across CT and MRI, image-guided therapy and mammography.

“GE HealthCare is committed to developing innovative technologies that redefine and enhance patient care,” said Roland Rott, president and CEO of Imaging at GE HealthCare. “We look forward to taking advantage of physical AI for autonomous imaging systems with NVIDIA technology to improve patient access and address the challenges of growing workloads and staffing shortages in healthcare.”

Isaac for Healthcare Closes Gap Between Simulation and Reality
NVIDIA will also support other customers with Isaac for Healthcare for use cases including simulation environments. Simulation environments enable robotic systems to safely learn skills in a physically accurate virtual environment for real-world situations, such as surgery, that would otherwise be impossible to replicate.

Isaac for Healthcare is a physical AI platform built on NVIDIA’s three computers for robotics: NVIDIA DGX™, NVIDIA Omniverse™ and NVIDIA Holoscan. It includes AI models fine-tuned for healthcare robotics that can understand, act and see using enhanced vision and language processing. It also has a simulation framework for developers to accurately simulate medical environments and provides seamless deployment on NVIDIA Holoscan, an edge AI computing platform, to power robotic decision-making in the real world, in real time.

Simulation options for medical sensors are often limited. With Isaac for Healthcare, developers can now access physics-based digital twins of medical environments, allowing them to import custom sensors, instruments and even anatomies to teach robots how to respond to various scenarios. These virtual environments help close the gap between simulation and real-world implementation, and enable rapid digital prototyping.

Isaac for Healthcare allows for multi-scale simulation ranging from microscopic structures and surgery suites to full hospital facilities. Easy policy training in simulation allows robotic systems to learn how to respond in various medical scenarios in the operating room, and how to best support physician decision-making and patient care.

Healthcare Robotics Ecosystem Rapidly Expands
Isaac for Healthcare can help speed the development of robotic healthcare solutions by simulating complex medical scenarios, training AI models and optimizing robotic applications like surgery, endoscopy and cardiovascular interventions. Early adopters include Moon Surgical, Neptune Medical and Xcath.

Isaac for Healthcare is enabling ecosystem partners to seamlessly integrate their simulation tools, sensors, robot systems and medical probes into a domain-specific simulation environment. Among early ecosystem partners are Ansys, Franka, ImFusion, Kinova and Kuka.

Issac for Healthcare is now available in early access.

NVIDIA (NASDAQ: NVDA) is the world leader in accelerated computing.

For further information, contact:
Janette Ciborowski
Enterprise Communications
NVIDIA Corporation

Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, statements as to: the benefits, impact, availability, and performance of NVIDIA’s products, services, and technologies; the collaboration between NVIDIA and GE HealthCare and the benefits and impact thereof; and GE HealthCare driving innovation in the diagnostic imaging industry — and these simulation tools being now in reach for the entire healthcare ecosystem are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include: global economic conditions; our reliance on third parties to manufacture, assemble, package and test our products; the impact of technological development and competition; development of new products and technologies or enhancements to our existing product and technologies; market acceptance of our products or our partners' products; design, manufacturing or software defects; changes in consumer preferences or demands; changes in industry standards and interfaces; unexpected loss of performance of our products or technologies when integrated into systems; as well as other factors detailed from time to time in the most recent reports NVIDIA files with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, including, but not limited to, its annual report on Form 10-K and quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. Copies of reports filed with the SEC are posted on the company's website and are available from NVIDIA without charge. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and speak only as of the date hereof, and, except as required by law, NVIDIA disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances.

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What is the main purpose of NVIDIA's collaboration with GE HealthCare in 2025?

To develop autonomous X-ray and ultrasound imaging technologies using NVIDIA's Isaac for Healthcare simulation platform, aimed at automating complex workflows like patient placement and image scanning.

How will NVIDIA's Isaac for Healthcare platform impact medical device development?

It accelerates R&D workflows by providing virtual environments for training, testing, and validating autonomous imaging systems before physical deployment.

Which companies are early adopters of NVIDIA's Isaac for Healthcare platform?

Moon Surgical, Neptune Medical, and Xcath are early adopters, while ecosystem partners include Ansys, Franka, ImFusion, Kinova, and Kuka.

What specific healthcare problem does NVIDIA's autonomous imaging initiative address?

It addresses the lack of access to diagnostic imaging, as nearly two-thirds of the global population currently cannot access ultrasound and X-ray services.

What are the three core technologies powering NVIDIA's Isaac for Healthcare platform?

The platform is built on NVIDIA DGX, NVIDIA Omniverse, and NVIDIA Holoscan technologies.
Nvidia Corporation


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