Nu Skin Introduces MYND360™, a New Line of Clinically Proven Supplements and Topicals for Mental Well-Being

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Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS) has introduced MYND360, a new line of clinically proven supplements and topicals for mental well-being. The product line is the result of five years of research and includes six products designed to support sleep, stress management, focus, and memory.

Key products in the MYND360 line include:

  • Feel Calm: Supports mood and stress reduction
  • Mind Full: Protects against mental fatigue and supports memory
  • Night Time: Aids in sleep quality and duration
  • Sharp Focus: Supports brain function and concentration
  • Relaxing Body Cream and Energizing Hand and Body Wash

Nu Skin conducted three clinical studies on key ingredient blends, demonstrating significant improvements in sleep quality, stress reduction, and memory performance. The company also emphasizes its commitment to sustainability, with some products featuring innovative packaging that uses 81% less plastic and produces 81% lower carbon emissions.

Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS) ha lanciato MYND360, una nuova linea di integratori e topici clinicamente provati per il benessere mentale. Questa linea di prodotti è il risultato di cinque anni di ricerca e comprende sei articoli progettati per supportare il sonno, la gestione dello stress, la concentrazione e la memoria.

I prodotti chiave della linea MYND360 includono:

  • Feel Calm: Sostiene l'umore e la riduzione dello stress
  • Mind Full: Protegge dalla fatica mentale e supporta la memoria
  • Night Time: Aiuta a migliorare la qualità e la durata del sonno
  • Sharp Focus: Supporta la funzione cerebrale e la concentrazione
  • Creama corpo rilassante e Gel energizzante per mani e corpo

Nu Skin ha condotto tre studi clinici sui blend di ingredienti chiave, dimostrando miglioramenti significativi nella qualità del sonno, nella riduzione dello stress e nelle performance di memoria. L'azienda sottolinea anche il suo impegno per la sostenibilità, con alcuni prodotti che presentano imballaggi innovativi che utilizzano l'81% in meno di plastica e producono l'81% in meno di emissioni di carbonio.

Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS) ha presentado MYND360, una nueva línea de suplementos y tópicos clínicamente comprobados para el bienestar mental. La línea de productos es el resultado de cinco años de investigación e incluye seis productos diseñados para apoyar el sueño, la gestión del estrés, la concentración y la memoria.

Los productos clave en la línea MYND360 incluyen:

  • Feel Calm: Apoya el estado de ánimo y la reducción del estrés
  • Mind Full: Protege contra la fatiga mental y apoya la memoria
  • Night Time: Ayuda en la calidad y duración del sueño
  • Sharp Focus: Soporta la función cerebral y la concentración
  • Crema corporal relajante y Gel energizante para manos y cuerpo

Nu Skin realizó tres estudios clínicos sobre las mezclas de ingredientes clave, demostrando mejoras significativas en la calidad del sueño, la reducción del estrés y el rendimiento de la memoria. La compañía también enfatiza su compromiso con la sostenibilidad, con algunos productos que cuentan con empaques innovadores que utilizan 81% menos plástico y producen 81% menos emisiones de carbono.

Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS)이 MYND360을 출시했습니다. 이는 정신 건강을 위한 임상적으로 입증된 보충제 및 국소제의 새로운 라인입니다. 이 제품 라인은 5년 간의 연구 결과물이며, 수면, 스트레스 관리, 집중력 및 기억력을 지원하기 위해 설계된 여섯 가지 제품으로 구성되어 있습니다.

MYND360 라인의 주요 제품은 다음과 같습니다:

  • Feel Calm: 기분과 스트레스 감소를 지원
  • Mind Full: 정신적 피로로부터 보호하고 기억력 지원
  • Night Time: 수면의 질과 지속 시간 개선
  • Sharp Focus: 뇌 기능과 집중력 지원
  • 편안한 바디 크림 및 에너자이징 핸드와 바디 워시

Nu Skin은 주요 성분 혼합물에 대해 3건의 임상 연구를 수행하여 수면의 질, 스트레스 감소 및 기억력 향상에서 상당한 개선을 입증했습니다. 회사는 또한 81% 적은 플라스틱을 사용하고 81% 낮은 탄소 배출량을 생산하는 혁신적인 포장을 사용하는 일부 제품에서 지속 가능성에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다.

Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS) a lancé MYND360, une nouvelle gamme de compléments et de topiques cliniquement prouvés pour le bien-être mental. Cette ligne de produits est le résultat de cinq années de recherche et comprend six produits conçus pour soutenir le sommeil, la gestion du stress, la concentration et la mémoire.

Les produits clés dans la gamme MYND360 comprennent :

  • Feel Calm : Soutient l'humeur et réduit le stress
  • Mind Full : Protège contre la fatigue mentale et soutient la mémoire
  • Night Time : Améliore la qualité et la durée du sommeil
  • Sharp Focus : Soutient la fonction cérébrale et la concentration
  • Crème corporelle relaxante et Gel énergisant pour les mains et le corps

Nu Skin a réalisé trois études cliniques sur les mélanges d'ingrédients clés, démontrant des améliorations significatives dans la qualité du sommeil, la réduction du stress et les performances mémorielles. L'entreprise souligne également son engagement pour la durabilité, avec certains produits bénéficiant d'emballages innovants utilisant 81% moins de plastique et produisant 81% d'émissions de carbone en moins.

Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS) hat MYND360 eingeführt, eine neue Produktlinie von klinisch getesteten Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln und topischen Anwendungen fürs mentale Wohlbefinden. Die Produktlinie ist das Ergebnis von fünf Jahren Forschung und umfasst sechs Produkte, die zur Unterstützung von Schlaf, Stressbewältigung, Konzentration und Gedächtnis entwickelt wurden.

Wichtige Produkte der MYND360-Linie umfassen:

  • Feel Calm: Unterstützt die Stimmung und reduziert Stress
  • Mind Full: Schützt vor geistiger Ermüdung und unterstützt das Gedächtnis
  • Night Time: Hilft bei der Qualität und Dauer des Schlafes
  • Sharp Focus: Unterstützt die Gehirnfunktion und Konzentration
  • Entspannende Körpercreme und belebendes Hand- und Duschgel

Nu Skin hat drei klinische Studien zu den wichtigsten Inhaltsstoff-Mischungen durchgeführt, die signifikante Verbesserungen in der Schlafqualität, Stressreduzierung und Gedächtnisleistung zeigen. Das Unternehmen betont auch sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit, wobei einige Produkte innovative Verpackungen aufweisen, die 81% weniger Plastik verwenden und 81% weniger Kohlenstoffemissionen erzeugen.

  • Introduction of a new product line (MYND360) targeting the growing mental well-being market
  • Clinical studies showing efficacy of key ingredients in improving sleep, reducing stress, and enhancing memory
  • Alignment with sustainability goals through innovative packaging reducing plastic use and carbon emissions
  • Potential to address a large market with 93% of consumers reporting concerns related to sleep, focus, or memory
  • None.


The launch of MYND360 by Nu Skin represents a strategic move into the growing mental wellness market. With 93% of consumers reporting concerns related to sleep, focus, or memory, this product line addresses a significant market need. The five years of research and clinical studies backing these products add credibility and differentiation in a competitive supplement space.

The holistic approach targeting sleep, stress, focus and memory aligns with current consumer trends towards comprehensive wellness solutions. The inclusion of both supplements and topicals provides multiple entry points for consumers and potential for cross-selling. The sustainability focus, with innovative pouches reducing plastic use by 81%, appeals to environmentally conscious consumers and may enhance brand perception.

While this launch could drive new revenue streams for Nu Skin, the impact on overall financial performance remains to be seen, given the company's $305 million market cap. Investors should monitor initial sales traction and consumer reception to gauge the potential long-term impact on Nu Skin's growth strategy and market position in the wellness sector.

The MYND360 line demonstrates Nu Skin's commitment to evidence-based product development. The three clinical studies conducted on key ingredients provide a solid scientific foundation for the product claims. Notably, the studies were double-blind and placebo-controlled, which are gold standards in clinical research.

The results are promising, with 89% of participants reporting improved wakefulness for Night Time, 98% noting reduced anxiousness for Feel Calm and statistically significant improvements in cognitive performance for Mind Full. The inclusion of biomarker data, such as increased BDNF and decreased oxidative stress markers, adds depth to the efficacy claims.

However, it's important to note that these studies were commissioned by Nu Skin, which could introduce potential bias. Additionally, the sample sizes (40-100 participants) and study durations (28 days to 12 weeks) are relatively modest. While these results are encouraging, larger, independent studies over longer periods would further solidify the products' efficacy claims and potentially increase their market impact.

MYND360 provides holistic, cognitive support for core areas of mental well-being, including sleep, calm, focus and memory

PROVO, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS), a global beauty and wellness leader, today introduced MYND360, a new line of clinically proven nutritional formulas to support core needs for cognitive well-being. MYND360 is the culmination of five years of research and clinical studies, and features six products designed to help users sleep better, manage stress, stay focused and even support a strong memory.

MYND360 features six products designed to help users sleep better, stay focused, manage stress and even support a strong memory. (Photo: Business Wire)

MYND360 features six products designed to help users sleep better, stay focused, manage stress and even support a strong memory. (Photo: Business Wire)

“Sleep, stress, memory and mental cognition all have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being,” said Steve Hatchett, executive vice president and chief product officer at Nu Skin. “Our global research shows that 93% of consumers have one or more concerns related to sleep, focus or memory. It’s also clear that consumers want products that are scientifically proven and shown to be safe and effective through clinical research. We feel this holistic approach will support consumer’s desires to live happier, healthier lives.”

The new MYND360 line supports mental well-being in areas that matter most, including calm, focus, sleep and memory.

  • MYND360 Feel Calm: An advanced nutritional formula supports your mood to help you remain calm. Magnolia bark and lemon balm extract work with clinically studied L-Theanine for maintaining healthy cortisol levels and reduced feelings of stress.*
  • MYND360 Mind Full: Multitasking soft gels protect against mental fatigue and support memory and recall. A clinically proven blend of astaxanthin, grape extract and vitamin E helps support healthy memory.*
  • MYND360 Night Time: A clinically supported and carefully formulated sleep supplement with magnesium, melatonin, and natural saffron stigma extract helps you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and supports better quality sleep throughout.*
  • MYND360 Sharp Focus: A supplement to support healthy brain function, including mental clarity, concentration, and improved reaction time. Choline, bacopa, B6 and B12 support natural brain function after just one use. A microencapsulated form of caffeine ensures a gradual release to avoid jitters.*
  • MYND360 Relaxing Body Cream: A rich moisturizing cream formulated with topical nutrients like calcium and magnesium absorbs quickly to avoid feeling greasy, and the light, relaxing fragrance helps support a positive mood and enhanced feelings of well-being and relaxation.
  • MYND360 Energizing Hand and Body Wash: An earth-friendly cleanser with green apple ginseng fragrance, along with natural coconut and biodegradable cleansing agents, gently removes dirt, oil and impurities without stripping away skin’s hydration.

As consumer safety is a top concern when creating supplements, Nu Skin uses its exclusive 6S Quality Process to maintain stringent quality, efficacy and safety controls through each stage of development and manufacturing. The process includes a set of highly integrated activities, multiple layers of scientific testing and an extraordinary attention to detail to ensure that each product meets the highest standards and complies with all relevant government requirements.

Clinical Studies

Nu Skin scientists commissioned three clinical studies on the key ingredient blends in Night Time, Feel Calm and Mind Full. Scientists studied a unique blend of ingredients in Night Time (magnesium and saffron, without melatonin) designed to improve sleep in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with 40 healthy adults with self-reported sleep disturbances. The 28-day study found that 89% of participants taking the Night Time blend reported feeling less drowsy when waking up and 96% noted improvement in their sleep quality.*

Scientists at Princeton Consumer Research observed the impact of Feel Calm’s unique ingredient blend (l-theanine, lemon balm, and magnolia bark extract) on stress in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with 60 healthy adults with moderate stress. This 30-day study found that 98% of participants taking the Feel Calm blend reported improvements in feelings of occasional anxiousness and 93% reported improvements in feelings of melancholy.*

For memory, Nu Skin scientists studied Mind Full’s blend of ingredients (astaxanthin, grape extract, and vitamin E) for its effect on memory in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study with 100 healthy adults with self-reported, memory concerns. The 12-week study found statistical improvement in cognitive performance and episodic memory vs. a placebo. In addition, participants taking the memory blend of ingredients had a statistically significant increase in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a compound produced by the brain related to memory and learning. They also reported a statistically significant decrease in a biomarker of oxidative stress.*


In alignment with Nu Skin’s 2030 commitment to make all packaging recycled, recyclable, reduced, reusable or renewable, three products in the MYND360 line feature innovative pouches that avoid waste and promote sustainability. These innovative pouches use 81% less plastic and 81% lower carbon emissions from shipping and manufacturing than traditional packaging. Current global sales estimates show the MYND360 pouches will avoid approximately 1.5 tons of plastic a year (these savings do not account for the impact of any consumers who purchase/use the MYND360 pods).


MYND360 products became available Oct. 10 in the U.S. For more information, please visit or the Nu Skin Store on Amazon.

About Nu Skin

The Nu Skin Enterprises Inc. (NYSE: NUS) family of companies includes Nu Skin and Rhyz Inc. Nu Skin is an integrated beauty and wellness company, powered by a dynamic affiliate opportunity platform, which operates in nearly 50 markets worldwide. Backed by 40 years of scientific research, the company's products help people look, feel and live their best with brands including Nu Skin® personal care, Pharmanex® nutrition and ageLOC® anti-aging, which includes an award-winning line of beauty device systems. Formed in 2018, Rhyz is a synergistic ecosystem of consumer, technology and manufacturing companies focused on innovation within the beauty, wellness and lifestyle categories.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Media:, (801) 345-6397

Investors:, (801) 345-3577

Source: Nu Skin Enterprises


What is MYND360 and when was it launched by Nu Skin (NUS)?

MYND360 is a new line of clinically proven supplements and topicals for mental well-being, launched by Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS) on October 10, 2023, in the U.S.

How many products are included in Nu Skin's (NUS) MYND360 line?

Nu Skin's (NUS) MYND360 line includes six products designed to support sleep, stress management, focus, and memory.

What were the results of the clinical studies for Nu Skin's (NUS) MYND360 Night Time product?

In a 28-day study, 89% of participants taking the Night Time blend reported feeling less drowsy when waking up, and 96% noted improvement in their sleep quality.

How does Nu Skin's (NUS) MYND360 packaging contribute to sustainability?

Three MYND360 products feature innovative pouches that use 81% less plastic and produce 81% lower carbon emissions from shipping and manufacturing compared to traditional packaging.

NuSkin Enterprises, Inc.


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