Northern Trust Asset Management Strengthens Investment Stewardship Capabilities

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Northern Trust Asset Management (NTAM), managing $1.2 trillion in assets, has announced two significant moves to enhance its investment stewardship capabilities:

1. Appointment of Paul Clark as Global Head of Stewardship, based in London. With over 35 years of industry experience, Clark will lead NTAM's investment stewardship strategy and chair the Northern Trust Proxy Voting Committee.

2. Introduction of proxy voting choice for investors in select U.S. common and collective funds. This rollout allows eligible clients representing $250 billion in assets to choose from four voting guideline options, joining $342 billion in separately managed accounts that already have this optionality.

These actions aim to protect and enhance client assets, with NTAM now offering approximately 76% of client equity assets the ability to exercise proxy voting preferences.

Northern Trust Asset Management (NTAM), che gestisce 1,2 trilioni di dollari in asset, ha annunciato due importanti iniziative per potenziare le proprie capacità di stewardship degli investimenti:

1. Nomina di Paul Clark come Responsabile Globale dello Stewardship, con sede a Londra. Con oltre 35 anni di esperienza nel settore, Clark guiderà la strategia di stewardship degli investimenti di NTAM e presiederà il Comitato di Voto per Delegato di Northern Trust.

2. Introduzione della scelta di voto per delegato per gli investitori in specifici fondi comuni e collettivi negli Stati Uniti. Questa iniziativa consente ai clienti idonei, che rappresentano 250 miliardi di dollari in asset, di scegliere tra quattro opzioni di linee guida sul voto, unendosi ai 342 miliardi di dollari in conti gestiti separatamente che già dispongono di questa opzione.

Queste azioni mirano a proteggere e migliorare gli asset dei clienti, con NTAM che ora offre circa il 76% degli asset azionari dei clienti la possibilità di esercitare preferenze di voto per delegato.

Northern Trust Asset Management (NTAM), que gestiona 1.2 billones de dólares en activos, ha anunciado dos movimientos significativos para mejorar sus capacidades de administración de inversiones:

1. Designación de Paul Clark como Jefe Global de Stewardship, con sede en Londres. Con más de 35 años de experiencia en la industria, Clark liderará la estrategia de administración de inversiones de NTAM y presidirá el Comité de Votación por Poder de Northern Trust.

2. Introducción de elección de votación por poder para inversores en ciertos fondos comunes y colectivos de EE. UU. Este lanzamiento permite a los clientes elegibles que representan 250 mil millones de dólares en activos elegir entre cuatro opciones de directrices de votación, uniéndose a los 342 mil millones de dólares en cuentas gestionadas por separado que ya tienen esta opción.

Estas acciones tienen como objetivo proteger y mejorar los activos de los clientes, con NTAM ahora ofreciendo aproximadamente el 76% de los activos de capital de los clientes la capacidad de ejercer preferencias de votación por poder.

노던 트러스트 자산 관리(NTAM), 1.2 조 달러의 자산을 관리하고 있는 NTAM은 투자 책임 능력을 강화하기 위해 두 가지 중요한 조치를 발표했습니다:

1. 폴 클락(Paul Clark)를 글로벌 스튜어드십 책임자로 임명, 런던에 본사를 두고 있습니다. 35년 이상의 업계 경험을 가진 클락은 NTAM의 투자 책임 전략을 이끌고 노던 트러스트 위임 투표 위원회를 주재하게 됩니다.

2. 미국의 특정 일반 및 집합 펀드에 대한 위임 투표 선택 도입. 이 실행은 2500억 달러의 자산을 대표하는 자격이 있는 고객들이 네 가지 투표 지침 옵션 중에서 선택할 수 있게 하며, 이미 이 선택권을 가진 3420억 달러의 별도 관리 계좌에 합류하게 됩니다.

이러한 조치는 고객 자산을 보호하고 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하며, NTAM은 이제 고객 주식 자산의 약 76%에 대해 위임 투표 선호도를 행사할 수 있는 기능을 제공합니다.

Northern Trust Asset Management (NTAM), gérant 1,2 trillion de dollars d'actifs, a annoncé deux mesures significatives pour renforcer ses capacités de gestion d'investissements :

1. Nommer Paul Clark en tant que Responsable Mondial de l’Engagement, basé à Londres. Avec plus de 35 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie, Clark dirigera la stratégie d'engagement d'investissement de NTAM et présidera le Comité de Vote par Procuration de Northern Trust.

2. Introduction de la possibilité de vote par procuration pour les investisseurs dans certains fonds communs et collectifs américains. Ce déploiement permet aux clients éligibles représentant 250 milliards de dollars d'actifs de choisir parmi quatre options de lignes directrices de vote, rejoignant ainsi les 342 milliards de dollars en comptes gérés séparément qui disposent déjà de cette option.

Ces actions visent à protéger et à améliorer les actifs des clients, NTAM offrant désormais à environ 76 % des actifs en actions des clients la possibilité d'exercer des préférences de vote par procuration.

Northern Trust Asset Management (NTAM), das 1,2 Billionen Dollar an Vermögenswerten verwaltet, hat zwei bedeutende Maßnahmen angekündigt, um seine Investitionsverantwortung zu verbessern:

1. Ernennung von Paul Clark zum Global Head of Stewardship mit Sitz in London. Mit über 35 Jahren Branchenerfahrung wird Clark die Investitionsverantwortungsstrategie von NTAM leiten und den Northern Trust Proxy Voting Committeevorsitz führen.

2. Einführung der Wahlmöglichkeit für die Stimmabgabe durch Vollmacht für Anleger in ausgewählten US-Aktien- und Anlagefonds. Diese Einführung ermöglicht es berechtigten Kunden mit 250 Milliarden Dollar an Vermögenswerten, aus vier Abstimmungsrichtlinienoptionen zu wählen und sich 342 Milliarden Dollar an separat verwalteten Konten anzuschließen, die bereits diese Wahl möglich machen.

Diese Maßnahmen zielen darauf ab, die Vermögenswerte der Kunden zu schützen und zu verbessern, wobei NTAM nun etwa 76 % der Eigenkapitalvermögenswerte der Kunden die Möglichkeit bietet, Präferenzen für die Stimmabgabe durch Vollmacht auszuüben.

  • Appointment of experienced industry veteran Paul Clark as Global Head of Stewardship
  • Introduction of proxy voting choice for select U.S. common and collective funds
  • 76% of client equity assets now have the ability to exercise proxy voting preferences
  • NTAM manages $1.2 trillion in assets as of June 30, 2024
  • None.

The appointment of Paul Clark as Global Head of Stewardship and the introduction of proxy voting choice are significant developments for Northern Trust Asset Management (NTAM). These moves demonstrate NTAM's commitment to enhancing its investment stewardship capabilities, which is important in today's ESG-focused investment landscape.

Clark's extensive 35-year industry experience, particularly his previous role as Head of Stewardship at UBS Asset Management, brings valuable expertise to NTAM. His leadership will likely strengthen NTAM's engagement with investee companies, potentially leading to improved long-term value creation and better investment outcomes.

The phased rollout of proxy voting choice is a strategic move that aligns with the growing demand for customized ESG solutions. By offering this option to clients representing $250 billion in AUM, NTAM is empowering investors to have more control over their investments' governance aspects. This could enhance client satisfaction and potentially attract new investors seeking such flexibility.

NTAM's introduction of proxy voting choice is a significant step in empowering institutional investors. By offering four voting guideline options, including NTAM's own guidelines, the firm is providing a nuanced approach to corporate governance that can cater to diverse investor preferences and values.

The ability to exercise proxy voting preferences for 76% of client equity assets is substantial. This move aligns with the growing trend of active ownership and could potentially lead to more engaged shareholders and improved corporate governance practices across NTAM's investee companies.

However, it's important to note that with greater voting power comes increased responsibility. Investors will need to be well-informed about corporate governance issues to make effective use of this new capability. NTAM should consider providing educational resources to support clients in making informed voting decisions.

NTAM's strategic focus on strengthening investment stewardship capabilities is a smart move in the current asset management landscape. With $1.2 trillion in AUM, NTAM's actions can have a significant impact on the broader industry.

The appointment of a Global Head of Stewardship and the introduction of proxy voting choice demonstrate NTAM's commitment to differentiation in a competitive market. These initiatives could potentially attract more institutional clients who are increasingly focused on ESG considerations and active ownership.

However, the success of these initiatives will depend on execution. NTAM will need to ensure that its growing global stewardship team can effectively engage with companies across diverse markets and sectors. Additionally, the firm should monitor the uptake and impact of the proxy voting choice to refine and improve the offering over time.

NTAM Appoints Head of Global Stewardship; Unveils Proxy Voting Choice

CHICAGO & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Northern Trust Asset Management (NTAM), a leading global investment management firm with $1.2 trillion in assets under management as of June 30, 2024, announced actions to further strengthen its investment stewardship capabilities: appointing Paul Clark as Global Head of Stewardship, and unveiling the phased rollout of proxy voting choice.

Paul Clark, Global Head of Stewardship, Northern Trust Asset Management (Photo: Business Wire)

Paul Clark, Global Head of Stewardship, Northern Trust Asset Management (Photo: Business Wire)

“We believe effective investment stewardship helps protect and enhance the assets our clients have entrusted us to manage. The actions announced today support NTAM’s strong existing investment stewardship capabilities, as well as lay the foundation for growing and adding depth of expertise to our global stewardship team,” NTAM President Daniel Gamba said. “With a renewed strategic focus on strengthening investment stewardship capabilities, NTAM is well-positioned to serve the long-term financial interests of our clients.”

Northern Trust Asset Management Head of Global Stewardship

Clark joins NTAM as an investment management expert with over 35 years of industry experience. Based in London, Clark will lead NTAM’s investment stewardship strategy, engaging with investee companies to produce long-term value, improved financial performance and better investment outcomes. Clark will serve as Chair of the Northern Trust Proxy Voting Committee and will lead a growing global team of stewardship professionals. Clark reports to NTAM Head of Investment Platform Services Sheri Hawkins, CFA.

“Paul’s expertise will be a tremendous asset to NTAM as we continue to grow our global stewardship team,” Hawkins said. “NTAM’s investment stewardship team is committed to serving the long-term financial interests of our clients. I am confident that Paul’s leadership and deep industry experience will help us achieve and exceed our clients’ investment goals.”

Prior to joining NTAM, Clark spent 30 years with UBS Asset Management, where he had been Head of Stewardship since 2015. He held a variety of roles in stewardship, tax and dividends throughout his time with UBS. Earlier in his career, Clark worked in global custody operations for Northern Trust and JP Morgan Chase.

Unveiling Proxy Voting Choice Rollout

NTAM is rolling out a proxy voting choice solution for investors in select U.S. common and collective funds. NTAM clients eligible for the new proxy voting choice solution represent $250 billion in assets under management, as of June 30, 2024. These newly eligible funds join NTAM clients invested in equities through separately managed accounts, representing $342 billion in assets under management, as of June 30, 2024, that already have optionality in their proxy voting approach. NTAM now offers approximately 76% of client equity assets the ability to exercise proxy voting preferences.

Eligible investors will be able to choose from four voting guideline options, including the option to leverage proxy voting guidelines developed by Northern Trust’s Proxy Voting Committee, giving investors in certain institutional pooled investments the ability to exercise more direct control over their votes. The proxy voting choice solution will calculate the pro-rata ownership institutional investors have in a specific security, so the investor’s voting preference can be exercised according to their selected guidelines.

“We are proud to provide investors with the ability to align their votes with their investment goals and values,” Hawkins said. “NTAM’s investment stewardship practices are designed to ensure that the companies NTAM invests in on behalf of its clients are well-positioned to navigate shifting economic conditions, display strong governance practices and manage material risks to their business models.”

NTAM’s new proxy voting choice capability will be extended to additional investors in the coming months. More information on Northern Trust’s Proxy Voting Policy is available here.

About Northern Trust Asset Management

Northern Trust Asset Management is a global investment manager that helps investors navigate changing market environments in efforts to realize their long-term objectives. Entrusted with $1.2 trillion in assets under management as of June 30, 2024, we understand that investing ultimately serves a greater purpose and believe investors should be compensated for the risks they take — in all market environments and any investment strategy. That’s why we combine robust capital markets research, expert portfolio construction and comprehensive risk management in an effort to craft innovative and efficient solutions that seek to deliver targeted investment outcomes. As engaged contributors to our communities, we consider it a great privilege to serve our investors and our communities with integrity, respect and transparency.

Northern Trust Asset Management is composed of Northern Trust Investments, Inc., Northern Trust Global Investments Limited, Northern Trust Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited, Northern Trust Global Investments Japan, K.K., NT Global Advisors, Inc., 50 South Capital Advisors, LLC, Northern Trust Asset Management Australia Pty Ltd, and investment personnel of The Northern Trust Company of Hong Kong Limited and The Northern Trust Company.

About Northern Trust

Northern Trust Corporation (Nasdaq: NTRS) is a leading provider of wealth management, asset servicing, asset management and banking to corporations, institutions, affluent families and individuals. Founded in Chicago in 1889, Northern Trust has a global presence with offices in 24 U.S. states and Washington, D.C., and across 22 locations in Canada, Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. As of June 30, 2024, Northern Trust had assets under custody/administration of US$16.6 trillion, and assets under management of US$1.5 trillion. For more than 130 years, Northern Trust has earned distinction as an industry leader for exceptional service, financial expertise, integrity and innovation. Visit us on Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @NorthernTrust or Northern Trust Corporation on LinkedIn.

Northern Trust Corporation, Head Office: 50 South La Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A., incorporated with limited liability in the U.S. Global legal and regulatory information can be found at

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Simon Ansell

US & Canada:

Doug Holt

+1 (312) 557-1571

Source: Northern Trust Asset Management


What new initiatives has Northern Trust Asset Management (NTRS) announced to strengthen its investment stewardship?

NTAM has appointed Paul Clark as Global Head of Stewardship and introduced a proxy voting choice solution for investors in select U.S. common and collective funds.

How much in assets does Northern Trust Asset Management (NTRS) manage as of June 30, 2024?

Northern Trust Asset Management manages $1.2 trillion in assets as of June 30, 2024.

What percentage of Northern Trust Asset Management's (NTRS) client equity assets can now exercise proxy voting preferences?

Approximately 76% of NTAM's client equity assets now have the ability to exercise proxy voting preferences.

Who has Northern Trust Asset Management (NTRS) appointed as Global Head of Stewardship?

NTAM has appointed Paul Clark as Global Head of Stewardship, based in London.

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