Natera Announces Medicare Coverage of Signatera™ for Surveillance in Lung Cancer
Natera (NASDAQ: NTRA) announced that its Signatera test has received Medicare coverage for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in the surveillance setting. This coverage applies to stage I-III NSCLC patients with resectable or unresectable disease, expanding upon existing Medicare coverage for immunotherapy monitoring.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the U.S., representing about 1 in 5 cancer deaths. By 2025, it's projected to have 226,650 new cases and 124,730 deaths. Despite treatment advances, the 5-year survival rate remains low at 28%.
Current surveillance tools have limitations including sensitivity issues and interpretation difficulties with CT scans. Signatera's performance for NSCLC surveillance was validated in three peer-reviewed studies showing 93-100% sensitivity to extracranial recurrence, 96-100% specificity, and detection up to one year before imaging (median: 5 months).
Signatera is also Medicare-covered for monitoring in colorectal, bladder, breast, and ovarian cancers.
Natera (NASDAQ: NTRA) ha annunciato che il suo test Signatera ha ricevuto la copertura Medicare per i pazienti affetti da cancro polmonare non a piccole cellule (NSCLC) in contesto di sorveglianza. Questa copertura si applica ai pazienti con NSCLC di stadio I-III con malattia resezionabile o non resezionabile, ampliando la copertura Medicare esistente per il monitoraggio dell'immunoterapia.
Il cancro ai polmoni è la principale causa di morte per cancro negli Stati Uniti, rappresentando circa 1 morte per cancro su 5. Entro il 2025, si prevede che ci saranno 226.650 nuovi casi e 124.730 decessi. Nonostante i progressi nei trattamenti, il tasso di sopravvivenza a 5 anni rimane basso, attestandosi al 28%.
Gli attuali strumenti di sorveglianza presentano limitazioni, tra cui problemi di sensibilità e difficoltà di interpretazione delle scansioni TC. Le prestazioni di Signatera per la sorveglianza del NSCLC sono state validate in tre studi peer-reviewed, mostrando una sensibilità del 93-100% per le recidive extracraniche, una specificità del 96-100% e una capacità di rilevamento fino a un anno prima dell'imaging (mediana: 5 mesi).
Signatera è anche coperto da Medicare per il monitoraggio nei casi di cancro colorettale, della vescica, al seno e ovarico.
Natera (NASDAQ: NTRA) anunció que su prueba Signatera ha recibido cobertura de Medicare para pacientes con cáncer de pulmón no microcítico (NSCLC) en el contexto de vigilancia. Esta cobertura se aplica a pacientes con NSCLC en estadios I-III con enfermedad resecable o no resecable, ampliando la cobertura existente de Medicare para el monitoreo de inmunoterapia.
El cáncer de pulmón es la principal causa de muerte por cáncer en EE. UU., representando aproximadamente 1 de cada 5 muertes por cáncer. Para 2025, se proyecta que habrá 226,650 nuevos casos y 124,730 muertes. A pesar de los avances en tratamiento, la tasa de supervivencia a 5 años sigue siendo baja, alcanzando solo el 28%.
Las herramientas actuales de vigilancia tienen limitaciones, incluyendo problemas de sensibilidad y dificultades de interpretación con las tomografías computarizadas. El rendimiento de Signatera para la vigilancia de NSCLC fue validado en tres estudios revisados por pares, mostrando una sensibilidad del 93-100% para la recurrencia extracraneal, una especificidad del 96-100% y detección hasta un año antes de la imagen (mediana: 5 meses).
Signatera también está cubierto por Medicare para el monitoreo en cáncer colorrectal, de vejiga, de mama y de ovario.
Natera (NASDAQ: NTRA)는 Signatera 테스트가 비소세포 폐암 (NSCLC) 환자에 대한 Medicare 보장을 받았다고 발표했습니다. 이 보장은 절제 가능한 질병 또는 절제 불가능한 질병을 가진 I-III기 NSCLC 환자에게 적용되며, 면역 요법 모니터링을 위한 기존 Medicare 보장을 확장합니다.
폐암은 미국에서 암 사망의 주요 원인으로, 암 사망의 약 5분의 1을 차지합니다. 2025년까지 226,650건의 새로운 사례와 124,730건의 사망이 발생할 것으로 예상됩니다. 치료의 발전에도 불구하고, 5년 생존율은 여전히 낮은 28%에 머물고 있습니다.
현재의 감시 도구는 민감도 문제와 CT 스캔 해석의 어려움 등의 한계를 가지고 있습니다. NSCLC 감시를 위한 Signatera의 성능은 세 가지 동료 검토 연구에서 검증되었으며, extracranial 재발에 대한 민감도가 93-100%, 특이도가 96-100%이며, 이미징보다 최대 1년 전에 검출할 수 있음을 보여주었습니다 (중앙값: 5개월).
Signatera는 대장암, 방광암, 유방암 및 난소암 모니터링에 대해서도 Medicare의 보장을 받고 있습니다.
Natera (NASDAQ: NTRA) a annoncé que son test Signatera a reçu une couverture Medicare pour les patients atteints de cancer du poumon non à petites cellules (NSCLC) dans le cadre de la surveillance. Cette couverture s'applique aux patients atteints de NSCLC de stade I-III avec une maladie résécable ou non résécable, élargissant ainsi la couverture Medicare existante pour le suivi de l'immunothérapie.
Le cancer du poumon est la principale cause de décès par cancer aux États-Unis, représentant environ 1 décès par cancer sur 5. D'ici 2025, on prévoit 226 650 nouveaux cas et 124 730 décès. Malgré les avancées dans les traitements, le taux de survie à 5 ans reste faible, à 28%.
Les outils de surveillance actuels présentent des limites, notamment des problèmes de sensibilité et des difficultés d'interprétation des scans CT. Les performances de Signatera pour la surveillance du NSCLC ont été validées dans trois études évaluées par des pairs, montrant une sensibilité de 93 à 100 % pour la récidive extracrânienne, une spécificité de 96 à 100 % et une détection jusqu'à un an avant l'imagerie (médiane : 5 mois).
Signatera est également couvert par Medicare pour le suivi des cancers colorectaux, de la vessie, du sein et des ovaires.
Natera (NASDAQ: NTRA) gab bekannt, dass ihr Signatera-Test Medicare-Abdeckung für Patienten mit nicht-kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs (NSCLC) im Überwachungsbereich erhalten hat. Diese Abdeckung gilt für NSCLC-Patienten der Stadien I-III mit resektabler oder nicht resektabler Erkrankung und erweitert die bestehende Medicare-Abdeckung für das Monitoring von Immuntherapien.
Lungenkrebs ist die häufigste Todesursache durch Krebs in den USA und macht etwa 1 von 5 Krebssterben aus. Bis 2025 wird mit 226.650 neuen Fällen und 124.730 Todesfällen gerechnet. Trotz Fortschritten in der Behandlung bleibt die 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate mit 28% niedrig.
Aktuelle Überwachungsinstrumente haben Einschränkungen, darunter Sensitivitätsprobleme und Interpretationsschwierigkeiten bei CT-Scans. Die Leistung von Signatera zur Überwachung von NSCLC wurde in drei begutachteten Studien validiert, die eine Sensitivität von 93-100% für extrakraniellen Rückfall, eine Spezifität von 96-100% und eine Erkennung bis zu einem Jahr vor der Bildgebung (Median: 5 Monate) zeigten.
Signatera ist auch Medicare-abgedeckt für das Monitoring bei kolorektalen, Blasen-, Brust- und Eierstockkrebs.
- Medicare coverage expanded for Signatera test in NSCLC surveillance
- Test demonstrated 93-100% sensitivity and 96-100% specificity in clinical studies
- Signatera can detect cancer recurrence up to one year before imaging (median: 5 months)
- Coverage applies to a large potential patient population (stage I-III NSCLC)
- None.
Natera's Medicare coverage expansion for Signatera in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) surveillance represents a significant commercial milestone that substantially increases the company's addressable market. With 226,650 new lung cancer cases projected in 2025 and an average diagnosis age of 70, the Medicare-eligible population for this test is substantial – potentially translating to a $300-400 million annual opportunity for NSCLC surveillance alone.
The clinical validation data is particularly compelling, with Signatera demonstrating 93-100% sensitivity and 96-100% specificity for detecting recurrence. Most importantly, the median 5-month lead time advantage over imaging addresses a critical unmet need in NSCLC management. This early detection window is clinically meaningful as it can allow for earlier intervention when tumor burden is lower and treatment options more effective.
This coverage decision strengthens Natera's competitive position against Guardant Health (NASDAQ: GH) and Exact Sciences (NASDAQ: EXAS) in the liquid biopsy market. Natera now has Medicare coverage across six major cancer types, creating a formidable moat in the MRD (minimal residual disease) testing space. The company's tumor-informed approach continues to gain validation through both clinical studies and payer decisions.
For context, Signatera has been Natera's fastest-growing product line, with oncology representing approximately 25-30% of the company's total revenue. This expanded coverage should accelerate that growth trajectory, particularly as clinical adoption increases. While Medicare coverage is critical, commercial payer adoption typically follows, suggesting a potential multiplier effect on revenue in the coming years.
Investors should note that this coverage decision reflects growing clinical acceptance of ctDNA monitoring as standard of care, which should drive both test volumes and ASPs. The real value proposition extends beyond surveillance alone – Signatera's ability to identify patients who may benefit from adjuvant therapy or immunotherapy creates multiple revenue streams from the same patient, enhancing lifetime customer value.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the
Several limitations exist with existing surveillance tools, including limited sensitivity,3 difficulty in interpretation of CT scan results,4 and non-specific findings,5 This highlights the need for sensitive and specific biomarkers to support early detection of recurrence before the onset of disease-related symptoms, at a time when therapy might provide greater clinical benefit.
Signatera test performance and utility in the surveillance setting for stage I-III NSCLC was validated in three independent peer-reviewed studies,6-8 to support this Medicare coverage determination. Across these studies, longitudinal sensitivity to extracranial recurrence ranged between 93
“CMS’s coverage decision expands access to Signatera for patients with the most lethal and one of the most common forms of cancer in the U.S.,” said Alexey Aleshin, M.D., corporate chief medical officer and general manager of oncology at Natera. “The body of evidence continues to grow demonstrating Signatera’s value in risk stratification, treatment response monitoring, and early detection of recurrence to inform treatment decisions across a broad range of cancer indications.”
In addition to the coverage in NSCLC, Signatera is also covered by Medicare for adjuvant and recurrence monitoring in colorectal cancer, muscle-invasive bladder cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer; neoadjuvant treatment monitoring in breast cancer; and pan-cancer immunotherapy response monitoring.
About Signatera
Signatera is a personalized, tumor-informed, molecular residual disease test for patients previously diagnosed with cancer. Custom-built for each individual, Signatera uses circulating tumor DNA to detect and quantify cancer left in the body, identify recurrence earlier than standard of care tools, and help optimize treatment decisions. The test is available for clinical and research use and has coverage by Medicare across a broad range of indications. Signatera has been clinically validated across multiple cancer types and indications, with published evidence in more than 100 peer-reviewed papers.
About Natera
Natera™ is a global leader in cell-free DNA and genetic testing, dedicated to oncology, women’s health, and organ health. We aim to make personalized genetic testing and diagnostics part of the standard-of-care to protect health and inform earlier, more targeted interventions that help lead to longer, healthier lives. Natera’s tests are supported by more than 250 peer-reviewed publications that demonstrate excellent performance. Natera operates ISO 13485-certified and CAP-accredited laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) in
Forward-Looking Statements
All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release are forward-looking statements and are not a representation that Natera’s plans, estimates, or expectations will be achieved. These forward-looking statements represent Natera’s expectations as of the date of this press release, and Natera disclaims any obligation to update the forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially, including with respect to whether the results of clinical or other studies will support the use of our product offerings, the impact of results of such studies, our expectations of the reliability, accuracy and performance of our tests, or of the benefits of our tests and product offerings to patients, providers and payers. Additional risks and uncertainties are discussed in greater detail in "Risk Factors" in Natera’s recent filings on Forms 10-K and 10-Q and in other filings Natera makes with the SEC from time to time. These documents are available at and
American Cancer Society. Key Statistics for Lung Cancer. Accessed Feb 24, 2025,men%20and%
2060% 2C540%20in%20women - American Cancer Society. Lung Cancer Survival Rates. Accessed Feb 24, 2025
- Lou F, Huang J, Sima CS, Dycoco J, Rusch V, Bach PB. Patterns of recurrence and second primary lung cancer in early-stage lung cancer survivors followed with routine computed tomography surveillance. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2013;145(1):75-81; discussion 81-2.
- Zhang X, Liu H, Balter P, et al. Positron emission tomography for assessing local failure after stereotactic body radiotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2012;83(5):1558-65.
- Korst et al. Accuracy of Surveillance Computed Tomography in Detecting Recurrent or New Primary Lung Cancer in Patients With Completely Resected Lung Cancer. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. Volume 82, Issue 3p1009-1015 September 2006
- Abbosh C, Birkbak NJ, Wilson GA, et al. Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early-stage lung cancer evolution. Nature. 2017;545(7655):446-451.
- Lebow ES, Shaverdian N, Eichholz JE, et al. ctDNA-based detection of molecular residual disease in stage I-III non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with definitive radiotherapy. Front Oncol. 2023;13:1253629.
- Martin TK, Dinerman A, Sudhaman S, et al. Early real-world experience monitoring circulating tumor DNA in resected early-stage non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2024:S0022-5223(24)00075-8.
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Investor Relations: Mike Brophy, CFO, Natera, Inc., 510-826-2350,
Media: Lesley Bogdanow, VP of Corporate Communications, Natera, Inc.,
Source: Natera, Inc.
What Medicare coverage did Natera (NTRA) receive for its Signatera test?
What clinical performance did Natera's Signatera test show in NSCLC studies?
What other cancer types does Medicare cover Natera's Signatera test for?
How might the Medicare coverage for Signatera impact NSCLC patients?