Intellia Therapeutics Reports Inducement Grants under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

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Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTLA), a leading clinical-stage gene editing company focused on CRISPR-based therapies, has announced the granting of inducement awards to nine new employees under its 2024 Inducement Plan. The awards, granted on October 1, 2024, consist of time-based restricted stock units (RSUs) for 54,944 shares of Intellia's common stock.

The RSUs will vest in three equal installments on October 1 of 2025, 2026, and 2027, subject to the employees' continued service. These awards were granted outside of Intellia's stockholder-approved equity incentive plans, as part of the 2024 Inducement Plan adopted by the board of directors in June 2024. The compensation committee approved the awards as a material inducement for employment, in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTLA), una società di punta nel campo della modifica genetica clinica focalizzata su terapie basate su CRISPR, ha annunciato l'assegnazione di premi di indotto a nove nuovi dipendenti sotto il suo Piano di Inducimento 2024. I premi, concessi il 1° ottobre 2024, consistono in unità di azioni riservate basate sul tempo (RSU) per 54.944 azioni delle azioni ordinarie di Intellia.

Le RSU matureranno in tre rate uguali il 1° ottobre del 2025, 2026 e 2027, a condizione della continuazione del servizio da parte dei dipendenti. Questi premi sono stati concessi al di fuori dei piani di incentivazione azionaria approvati dagli azionisti di Intellia, come parte del Piano di Inducimento 2024 adottato dal consiglio di amministrazione a giugno 2024. Il comitato compensi ha approvato i premi come un indotto materiale per l'impiego, in conformità alla Regola di Quotazione 5635(c)(4) di Nasdaq.

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTLA), una empresa líder en la edición genética en etapa clínica centrada en terapias basadas en CRISPR, ha anunciado la concesión de premios de inducción a nueve nuevos empleados bajo su Plan de Inducción 2024. Los premios, otorgados el 1 de octubre de 2024, consisten en unidades de acciones restringidas basadas en el tiempo (RSUs) para 54,944 acciones de las acciones comunes de Intellia.

Las RSUs se adjudicarán en tres cuotas iguales el 1 de octubre de 2025, 2026 y 2027, sujeto a la continuidad del servicio de los empleados. Estos premios fueron otorgados fuera de los planes de incentivos de acciones aprobados por los accionistas de Intellia, como parte del Plan de Inducción 2024 adoptado por la junta directiva en junio de 2024. El comité de compensación aprobó los premios como un inducimiento material para el empleo, de acuerdo con la Regla de Cotización 5635(c)(4) de Nasdaq.

인텔리아 테라퓨틱스 주식회사 (NASDAQ:NTLA)는 CRISPR 기반 치료법에 중점을 둔 선도적인 임상 단계 유전자 편집 회사로서, 2024 유도 계획에 따라 아홉 명의 새로운 직원에게 유인 보상을 수여한다고 발표했습니다. 이 보상은 2024년 10월 1일에 부여되었으며, 54,944주에 대한 시간 기반 제한 주식 단위(RSU)로 구성됩니다.

이 RSU는 직원의 계속된 서비스에 따라 2025년, 2026년 및 2027년 10월 1일에 세 번에 걸쳐 동등하게 분할 지급됩니다. 이 보상은 인텔리아 주주 승인 자본 인센티브 계획 외부에서 부여되었으며, 2024년 6월 이사회에서 채택된 2024 유도 계획의 일환입니다. 보상 위원회는 이 보상을 고용을 위한 물질적 유인으로 승인하였으며, 이는 나스닥 상장 규칙 5635(c)(4)에 따라 이루어진 것입니다.

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTLA), une entreprise de pointe dans le domaine de l'édition génétique en phase clinique axée sur les thérapies basées sur CRISPR, a annoncé l'octroi de récompenses d'encouragement à neuf nouveaux employés dans le cadre de son Plan d'Encouragement 2024. Les récompenses, accordées le 1er octobre 2024, consistent en unités d'actions restreintes basées sur le temps (RSUs) pour 54 944 actions de l'action ordinaire d'Intellia.

Les RSUs vont être acquises en trois versements égaux le 1er octobre 2025, 2026 et 2027, sous réserve de la continuation du service des employés. Ces récompenses ont été attribuées en dehors des plans d'incitation au capital approuvés par les actionnaires d'Intellia, dans le cadre du Plan d'Encouragement 2024 adopté par le conseil d'administration en juin 2024. Le comité de rémunération a approuvé les récompenses comme une incitation matérielle à l'emploi, conformément à la règle de cotation 5635(c)(4) de Nasdaq.

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTLA), eine führende biopharmazeutische Firma im Bereich der klinischen Gentechnologie, die sich auf CRISPR-basierte Therapien konzentriert, hat die Vergabe von Anreizzahlungen an neun neue Mitarbeiter im Rahmen ihres Induktionsplans 2024 angekündigt. Die Auszeichnungen, die am 1. Oktober 2024 gewährt wurden, bestehen aus zeitbasierten, eingeschränkten Aktieneinheiten (RSUs) in Höhe von 54.944 Aktien des Stammkapitals von Intellia.

Die RSUs werden in drei gleichen Raten am 1. Oktober 2025, 2026 und 2027 fällig, vorbehaltlich der fortgesetzten Dienstzeit der Mitarbeiter. Diese Auszeichnungen wurden außerhalb der von den Aktionären von Intellia genehmigten Eigenkapitalanreizpläne gewährt, als Teil des im Juni 2024 vom Vorstand verabschiedeten Induktionsplans 2024. Der Vergütungsausschuss genehmigte die Auszeichnungen als substantielle Anreize für die Beschäftigung, gemäß der Nasdaq-Listungsregel 5635(c)(4).

  • Attraction of new talent with inducement grants
  • Implementation of employee retention strategy through time-based RSUs
  • Potential dilution of existing shareholders due to new stock grants

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTLA), a leading clinical-stage gene editing company focused on revolutionizing medicine with CRISPR-based therapies, today announced that on October 1, 2024 it awarded inducement grants to nine new employees under Intellia’s 2024 Inducement Plan as a material inducement to employment.

The inducement grants consisted of time-based restricted stock units (“RSUs”) for 54,944 shares of Intellia’s common stock, with one-third of such RSUs vesting on October 1, 2025, 2026 and 2027.

All equity vesting is subject to each employee’s continued service as an employee of, or other service provider to, Intellia through the applicable vesting dates.

All of the above-described awards were granted outside of Intellia’s stockholder-approved equity incentive plans pursuant to Intellia’s 2024 Inducement Plan, which was adopted by the board of directors in June 2024. The awards were approved by Intellia’s compensation committee as a material inducement to entering into employment with Intellia in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

About Intellia Therapeutics

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:NTLA) is a leading clinical-stage gene editing company focused on revolutionizing medicine with CRISPR-based therapies. The company’s in vivo programs use CRISPR to enable precise editing of disease-causing genes directly inside the human body. Intellia’s ex vivo programs use CRISPR to engineer human cells outside the body for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. Intellia’s deep scientific, technical and clinical development experience, along with its people, is helping set the standard for a new class of medicine. To harness the full potential of gene editing, Intellia continues to expand the capabilities of its CRISPR-based platform with novel editing and delivery technologies. Learn more at and follow us @intelliatx.

Intellia Contacts:

Ian Karp
Senior Vice President, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications

Lina Li
Senior Director, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications

This press release was published by a CLEAR® Verified individual.


How many new employees received inducement grants from Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA) on October 1, 2024?

Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA) awarded inducement grants to nine new employees on October 1, 2024.

What type of inducement grants did Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA) award to new employees?

Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA) awarded time-based restricted stock units (RSUs) for 54,944 shares of the company's common stock.

When will the RSUs granted by Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA) vest for the new employees?

The RSUs will vest in three equal installments on October 1 of 2025, 2026, and 2027, subject to continued service with Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA).

Under which plan were the inducement grants awarded by Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA)?

The inducement grants were awarded under Intellia Therapeutics' (NTLA) 2024 Inducement Plan, which was adopted by the board of directors in June 2024.

Intellia Therapeutics, Inc


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In Vitro & in Vivo Diagnostic Substances
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