NETSCOUT Applauded by Frost & Sullivan for Enabling Real-Time Visibility into Network Traffic with Competitive Strategies
NETSCOUT has been awarded the 2025 Global Competitive Strategy Leadership Award by Frost & Sullivan for its next-generation application and network visibility platform. The company's Visibility Without Borders strategy, built around its nGeniusONE portfolio, provides real-time network traffic visibility across cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments.
The company's solutions, including nGenius Enterprise Performance Management, Omnis Cyber Intelligence, and Arbor Edge Defense, serve 90% of US Fortune 100 companies, offering comprehensive monitoring, service assurance, and DDoS protection. NETSCOUT's approach focuses on breaking down operational silos and enabling data sharing across SecOps, NetOps, and AIOps, resulting in improved mean time to resolution and operational efficiency.
The company's multi-dimensional scalability, deployment flexibility, and ability to provide visibility into multi-cloud environments have been key differentiators. NETSCOUT's integration of AI/ML, cloud-native solutions, and partnerships with providers like Cisco and VMware have strengthened its market position.
NETSCOUT è stata premiata con il Global Competitive Strategy Leadership Award 2025 da Frost & Sullivan per la sua piattaforma di visibilità delle applicazioni e delle reti di nuova generazione. La strategia dell'azienda, Visibility Without Borders, costruita attorno al portafoglio nGeniusONE, offre visibilità in tempo reale del traffico di rete attraverso ambienti cloud, on-premises e ibridi.
Le soluzioni dell'azienda, tra cui nGenius Enterprise Performance Management, Omnis Cyber Intelligence e Arbor Edge Defense, servono il 90% delle aziende Fortune 100 statunitensi, offrendo monitoraggio completo, garanzia di servizio e protezione DDoS. L'approccio di NETSCOUT si concentra sulla rottura dei silos operativi e sulla possibilità di condividere dati tra SecOps, NetOps e AIOps, portando a un miglioramento del tempo medio di risoluzione e dell'efficienza operativa.
La scalabilità multidimensionale dell'azienda, la flessibilità di distribuzione e la capacità di fornire visibilità in ambienti multi-cloud sono stati fattori chiave di differenziazione. L'integrazione di AI/ML, soluzioni cloud-native e partnership con fornitori come Cisco e VMware hanno rafforzato la posizione di mercato di NETSCOUT.
NETSCOUT ha sido galardonada con el Global Competitive Strategy Leadership Award 2025 por Frost & Sullivan por su plataforma de visibilidad de aplicaciones y redes de próxima generación. La estrategia de la empresa, Visibility Without Borders, construida en torno a su portafolio nGeniusONE, proporciona visibilidad del tráfico de red en tiempo real a través de entornos en la nube, locales e híbridos.
Las soluciones de la empresa, que incluyen nGenius Enterprise Performance Management, Omnis Cyber Intelligence y Arbor Edge Defense, sirven al 90% de las empresas Fortune 100 de EE. UU., ofreciendo monitoreo integral, garantía de servicio y protección contra DDoS. El enfoque de NETSCOUT se centra en romper los silos operativos y permitir el intercambio de datos entre SecOps, NetOps y AIOps, lo que resulta en una mejora en el tiempo medio de resolución y la eficiencia operativa.
La escalabilidad multidimensional de la empresa, la flexibilidad de implementación y la capacidad de proporcionar visibilidad en entornos multi-nube han sido factores clave de diferenciación. La integración de AI/ML, soluciones nativas de la nube y asociaciones con proveedores como Cisco y VMware han fortalecido la posición de mercado de NETSCOUT.
NETSCOUT은 Frost & Sullivan로부터 차세대 애플리케이션 및 네트워크 가시성 플랫폼으로 2025년 글로벌 경쟁 전략 리더십 어워드를 수상했습니다. 회사의 Visibility Without Borders 전략은 nGeniusONE 포트폴리오를 중심으로 구축되어 클라우드, 온프레미스 및 하이브리드 환경에서 실시간 네트워크 트래픽 가시성을 제공합니다.
회사 솔루션인 nGenius Enterprise Performance Management, Omnis Cyber Intelligence 및 Arbor Edge Defense는 미국 Fortune 100 기업의 90%에 서비스를 제공하며, 포괄적인 모니터링, 서비스 보장 및 DDoS 보호를 제공합니다. NETSCOUT의 접근 방식은 운영 사일로를 허물고 SecOps, NetOps 및 AIOps 간의 데이터 공유를 가능하게 하여 평균 해결 시간 및 운영 효율성을 향상시키는 데 중점을 둡니다.
회사의 다차원적 확장성, 배포 유연성 및 멀티 클라우드 환경에 대한 가시성 제공 능력은 주요 차별화 요소입니다. NETSCOUT의 AI/ML 통합, 클라우드 네이티브 솔루션 및 Cisco 및 VMware와 같은 공급업체와의 파트너십은 시장 지위를 강화했습니다.
NETSCOUT a reçu le Global Competitive Strategy Leadership Award 2025 de Frost & Sullivan pour sa plateforme de visibilité des applications et des réseaux de nouvelle génération. La stratégie de l'entreprise, Visibility Without Borders, construite autour de son portefeuille nGeniusONE, offre une visibilité en temps réel du trafic réseau à travers des environnements cloud, sur site et hybrides.
Les solutions de l'entreprise, y compris nGenius Enterprise Performance Management, Omnis Cyber Intelligence et Arbor Edge Defense, servent 90 % des entreprises du Fortune 100 aux États-Unis, offrant une surveillance complète, une garantie de service et une protection contre les DDoS. L'approche de NETSCOUT se concentre sur la suppression des silos opérationnels et la possibilité de partager des données entre SecOps, NetOps et AIOps, ce qui améliore le temps moyen de résolution et l'efficacité opérationnelle.
La scalabilité multidimensionnelle de l'entreprise, la flexibilité de déploiement et la capacité à fournir une visibilité dans des environnements multi-cloud ont été des facteurs clés de différenciation. L'intégration de l'IA/ML, des solutions cloud natives et des partenariats avec des fournisseurs comme Cisco et VMware ont renforcé la position de marché de NETSCOUT.
NETSCOUT wurde von Frost & Sullivan mit dem Global Competitive Strategy Leadership Award 2025 für ihre Plattform zur Sichtbarkeit von Anwendungen und Netzwerken der nächsten Generation ausgezeichnet. Die Strategie des Unternehmens, Visibility Without Borders, die auf dem nGeniusONE-Portfolio basiert, bietet eine Echtzeit-Sichtbarkeit des Netzwerkverkehrs in Cloud-, On-Premises- und Hybrid-Umgebungen.
Die Lösungen des Unternehmens, einschließlich nGenius Enterprise Performance Management, Omnis Cyber Intelligence und Arbor Edge Defense, bedienen 90 % der Fortune 100 Unternehmen in den USA und bieten umfassendes Monitoring, Service Assurance und DDoS-Schutz. Der Ansatz von NETSCOUT konzentriert sich darauf, operationale Silos aufzubrechen und den Datenaustausch zwischen SecOps, NetOps und AIOps zu ermöglichen, was zu einer Verbesserung der durchschnittlichen Lösungszeit und der Betriebseffizienz führt.
Die multidimensionale Skalierbarkeit, die Flexibilität bei der Bereitstellung und die Fähigkeit, Sichtbarkeit in Multi-Cloud-Umgebungen zu bieten, sind entscheidende Differenzierungsmerkmale. Die Integration von AI/ML, cloud-nativen Lösungen und Partnerschaften mit Anbietern wie Cisco und VMware haben die Marktposition von NETSCOUT gestärkt.
- Recognition with 2025 Global Competitive Strategy Leadership Award
- 90% market penetration in US Fortune 100 companies
- Strong multi-dimensional scalability and deployment flexibility across diverse infrastructure
- Strategic partnerships with major tech providers (Cisco, VMware)
- Proven improvements in mean time to resolution (MTTR) and operational efficiency
- None.
NETSCOUT's solutions provide actionable intelligence through powerful deep packet inspection, behavioral analytics, and AI-driven insights
NETSCOUT's effective strategy stems from its focus on breaking down operational silos and enabling data sharing, which supports critical functions such as SecOps, NetOps, and AIOps. This has led to measurable improvements in mean time to resolution (MTTR) and operational efficiency, as seen by some of its largest customers across telco, BFSI, and government sectors. The company's strategic focus on providing Visibility Without Borders has strengthened its market position, expanded customer mindshare, and proved its effectiveness in meeting the evolving needs of digitally complex organizations. NETSCOUT has executed its strategy in the next-generation visibility market by leveraging strategic acquisitions, conducting continuous product innovation, and securing key client wins with its Smart Data technology that transforms raw packet data into actionable intelligence. This helps organizations gather deep insights into network performance, application performance and security threats across their entire IT infrastructure.
Vinay Biradar, principal consultant for security advisory at Frost & Sullivan, observed, "The key differentiator for NETSCOUT lies in its multi-dimensional scalability and deployment flexibility. By supporting both hardware and virtual solutions through InfiniStream/CyberStream/Arbor Edge Defense and vSTREAM/vCyberStream/vArbor Edge Defense products, NETSCOUT empowers large enterprises and government agencies to deploy visibility tools efficiently across diverse infrastructure. This capability is especially relevant for industries where network complexity demands robust and scalable solutions."
NETSCOUT's ability to offer comprehensive visibility into multi-cloud environments, east-west traffic for cybersecurity, service assurance, and monitoring has been a significant competitive differentiator that continues to help it win large deals across enterprises and telecom providers. Its customers consistently value the company's next-generation products' ability to simplify operations, reduce risks, enhance performance, and maintain trust in increasingly digital-first operations to deliver reliable outcomes across complex IT deployments. NETSCOUT's customer service and robust technical assistance help its diverse clientele troubleshoot and optimize product deployment, maximizing ROI. The company has strategically invested in its brand equity through continuous product innovation and expanding its customer base. Additionally, NETSCOUT's AI/ML integration, cloud-native solutions, and partnerships with leading providers like Cisco and VMware have reinforced its image as an innovative and reliable digital transformation partner. Through these efforts, NETSCOUT has effectively built and sustained a strong brand that resonates with existing and potential customers, ensuring its continued growth and market leadership.
"NETSCOUT consistently provides the right solutions for its customers, aligning technology with customer goals. Customer feedback highlights the company's proactive approach, scalable solutions, and expertise in addressing modern IT challenges. With continued innovation, commitment to customer success, and market expansion into 5G and multi-cloud network visibility, the company is poised for sustained growth and leadership," added Vinay. With its strong product innovation, substantial brand equity, proven customer value, and strong overall performance, NETSCOUT earns Frost & Sullivan's 2025 Global Competitive Strategy Leadership Award in the Next Generation Visibility Platform industry.
Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents this award to the company that has leveraged competitive intelligence to successfully execute a strategy that results in stronger market share, competitive brand positioning, and customer satisfaction.
Frost & Sullivan Best Practices awards recognize companies in various regional and global markets for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in leadership, technological innovation, customer service, and strategic product development. Industry analysts compare market participants and measure performance through in-depth interviews, analyses, and extensive secondary research to identify best practices in the industry.
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Ashley Shreve
NETSCOUT SYSTEMS, INC. (NASDAQ: NTCT) protects the connected world from cyberattacks and performance and availability disruptions through its unique visibility platform and solutions powered by its pioneering deep packet inspection at scale technology. NETSCOUT serves the world's largest enterprises, service providers, and public sector organizations. Learn more at or follow @NETSCOUT on LinkedIn, X, or Facebook.
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