Nanalysis Provides Fourth Quarter Preview (Unaudited)
Nanalysis Scientific Corp (OTCQX: NSCIF) has reported strong preliminary Q4 2024 results, with revenue of at least $11 million and record quarterly adjusted EBITDA exceeding $1 million. This represents growth of at least $1.2MM in revenue and $1.8MM in adjusted EBITDA compared to Q4 2023.
The company achieved significant milestones including positive operating and free cash flow in 2024, record sales of 15 100MHz Benchtop NMR units in Q4, and approximately $26 million in security services revenue for 2024. The security services business improved from negative gross margins at the start of 2024 to positive double-digit margins by year-end.
Notable achievements include a co-published study with USP demonstrating Benchtop NMR efficacy for pharmaceutical quality control and two new US patents for NMR magnet and software platform technology. While achieving positive EBITDA and cash flow, after-tax Net Income remained negative for 2024.
Nanalysis Scientific Corp (OTCQX: NSCIF) ha riportato risultati preliminari forti per il quarto trimestre del 2024, con ricavi di almeno 11 milioni di dollari e un EBITDA rettificato trimestrale record che supera 1 milione di dollari. Questo rappresenta una crescita di almeno 1,2 milioni di dollari nei ricavi e 1,8 milioni di dollari nell'EBITDA rettificato rispetto al quarto trimestre del 2023.
L'azienda ha raggiunto traguardi significativi, tra cui un flusso di cassa operativo e libero positivo nel 2024, vendite record di 15 unità di NMR da banco a 100 MHz nel quarto trimestre, e circa 26 milioni di dollari di ricavi dai servizi di sicurezza per il 2024. Il business dei servizi di sicurezza è migliorato da margini lordi negativi all'inizio del 2024 a margini positivi a due cifre entro la fine dell'anno.
Tra i risultati notevoli ci sono uno studio co-pubblicato con USP che dimostra l'efficacia del NMR da banco per il controllo qualità farmaceutico e due nuovi brevetti statunitensi per la tecnologia di magneti NMR e piattaforme software. Sebbene sia stato raggiunto un EBITDA e un flusso di cassa positivi, il reddito netto dopo le tasse è rimasto negativo per il 2024.
Nanalysis Scientific Corp (OTCQX: NSCIF) ha reportado resultados preliminares sólidos para el cuarto trimestre de 2024, con ingresos de al menos 11 millones de dólares y un EBITDA ajustado trimestral récord que supera 1 millón de dólares. Esto representa un crecimiento de al menos 1,2 millones de dólares en ingresos y 1,8 millones de dólares en EBITDA ajustado en comparación con el cuarto trimestre de 2023.
La compañía logró hitos significativos, incluyendo flujo de caja operativo y libre positivo en 2024, ventas récord de 15 unidades de NMR de mesa a 100 MHz en el cuarto trimestre, y aproximadamente 26 millones de dólares en ingresos por servicios de seguridad para 2024. El negocio de servicios de seguridad mejoró de márgenes brutos negativos a principios de 2024 a márgenes positivos de dos dígitos para fin de año.
Logros notables incluyen un estudio co-publicado con USP que demuestra la eficacia del NMR de mesa para el control de calidad farmacéutica y dos nuevas patentes estadounidenses para la tecnología de imanes NMR y plataformas de software. Si bien se logró un EBITDA y flujo de caja positivos, el ingreso neto después de impuestos se mantuvo negativo para 2024.
Nanalysis Scientific Corp (OTCQX: NSCIF)는 2024년 4분기 강력한 예비 결과를 보고했으며, 수익은 최소 1,100만 달러에 달하고 조정된 분기 EBITDA는 100만 달러를 초과했습니다. 이는 2023년 4분기와 비교하여 수익이 최소 120만 달러, 조정된 EBITDA가 180만 달러 증가한 것을 나타냅니다.
회사는 2024년 긍정적인 운영 및 자유 현금 흐름, 4분기 100MHz 벤치탑 NMR 장치 15대의 기록적인 판매, 그리고 2024년 보안 서비스 수익 약 2,600만 달러를 포함한 중요한 이정표를 달성했습니다. 보안 서비스 사업은 2024년 초의 부정적인 총 마진에서 연말까지 긍정적인 두 자릿수 마진으로 개선되었습니다.
주목할 만한 성과로는 USP와 공동 발표한 연구가 벤치탑 NMR의 제약 품질 관리 효능을 입증하였고, NMR 자석 및 소프트웨어 플랫폼 기술에 대한 두 개의 새로운 미국 특허가 포함됩니다. 긍정적인 EBITDA와 현금 흐름을 달성했지만, 세후 순이익은 2024년 동안 여전히 부정적이었습니다.
Nanalysis Scientific Corp (OTCQX: NSCIF) a rapporté de solides résultats préliminaires pour le quatrième trimestre 2024, avec des revenus d'au moins 11 millions de dollars et un EBITDA ajusté trimestriel record dépassant 1 million de dollars. Cela représente une croissance d'au moins 1,2 million de dollars en revenus et 1,8 million de dollars en EBITDA ajusté par rapport au quatrième trimestre 2023.
L'entreprise a atteint des jalons significatifs, notamment un flux de trésorerie opérationnel et libre positif en 2024, des ventes record de 15 unités de NMR de table à 100 MHz au quatrième trimestre, et environ 26 millions de dollars de revenus provenant des services de sécurité pour 2024. L'activité des services de sécurité s'est améliorée, passant de marges brutes négatives au début de 2024 à des marges positives à deux chiffres d'ici la fin de l'année.
Parmi les réalisations notables, on trouve une étude co-publiée avec l'USP démontrant l'efficacité du NMR de table pour le contrôle qualité pharmaceutique et deux nouveaux brevets américains pour la technologie des aimants NMR et des plateformes logicielles. Bien que l'EBITDA et le flux de trésorerie soient positifs, le revenu net après impôts est resté négatif pour 2024.
Nanalysis Scientific Corp (OTCQX: NSCIF) hat starke vorläufige Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal 2024 gemeldet, mit Einnahmen von mindestens 11 Millionen Dollar und einem rekordverdächtigen, bereinigten EBITDA von über 1 Million Dollar. Dies stellt ein Wachstum von mindestens 1,2 Millionen Dollar bei den Einnahmen und 1,8 Millionen Dollar beim bereinigten EBITDA im Vergleich zum vierten Quartal 2023 dar.
Das Unternehmen erreichte bedeutende Meilensteine, darunter einen positiven operativen und freien Cashflow im Jahr 2024, Rekordverkäufe von 15 100 MHz Benchtop-NMR-Geräten im vierten Quartal und etwa 26 Millionen Dollar an Einnahmen aus Sicherheitsdiensten für 2024. Das Geschäft mit Sicherheitsdiensten verbesserte sich von negativen Bruttomargen zu Beginn des Jahres 2024 auf positive zweistellige Margen bis zum Jahresende.
Bemerkenswerte Erfolge umfassen eine gemeinsam veröffentlichte Studie mit USP, die die Wirksamkeit von Benchtop-NMR für die Qualitätskontrolle von Arzneimitteln demonstriert, sowie zwei neue US-Patente für NMR-Magnet- und Softwareplattformtechnologie. Während ein positives EBITDA und Cashflow erzielt wurde, blieb der Nettogewinn nach Steuern für 2024 negativ.
- Record quarterly adjusted EBITDA of $1+ million in Q4 2024
- Revenue growth of $1.2MM YoY in Q4
- Positive operating and free cash flow achieved in 2024
- Record sales of 15 100MHz Benchtop NMR units in Q4
- Security services margins improved to double-digit positive
- Two new US patents strengthening IP portfolio
- After-tax Net Income remains negative for 2024
- Potential US tariff implications for 2025
- Security services gross margins still need improvement
Achieves Record Quarterly Adjusted EBITDA of at least
CEO, Sean Krakiwsky states: " We are pleased with the way we closed 2024, particularly with regards to positive adjusted EBITDA of over
"With continued strength in our Benchtop NMR product line, the growth trajectory of the Company's airport security maintenance project, and cost cutting measures that were begun in 2023 and will continue through to the end of 2025, we are meeting our corporate objective of generating and growing positive EBITDA and will continue to do so going forward."
- New Adjusted EBITDA Record: Q4 2024 revenue will be at least
$11M M and adjusted EBITDA will be at least$1M M, driven by expansion of security services related to the Company's airport maintenance project, as well as continued strength in Benchtop NMR sales. - Co-Published Study Demonstrating Efficacy of Benchtop NMR for Quality Control with The United States Pharmacopeia (USP): The study concluded that Benchtop NMR is efficacious for quality control of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) paving the way for use in pharma/biotech quality control and helping establish the value proposition to do so.
- 100 MHz Benchtop NMR Product: In Q4, the Company sold 15 100MHz Benchtop NMR units, the highest number or 100 MHz units in a quarter since the Company cleared its backlog in 2022. This drove continued strength in Benchtop NMR revenue. Customer satisfaction is high, and we continue to seek value-added partnerships and new software applications to drive growth.
- Consistent Revenue in Security Services Business: We achieved revenue of approximately
in 2024, including approximately$26 million $5M M in parts flow-through. At the beginning of 2024, gross margin %age in this business was still negative, and rose to positive double digit gross margins by the end of the year. We must continue to make gross margin improvements in this business to achieve corporate objectives. - New Patent Grants: The Company continues to add to its IP portfolio with two important US patents associated with the Company's Benchtop NMR magnet and software platform. Among other things, these patents address fundamental materials science challenges associated with creating an accurate and stable magnetic field at 2.4 Tesla, as well as being able to identify and quantify particular "hidden" compounds in samples. Patent numbers are US 12,153,108B2 (granted) and US20230168323A1 (allowed, soon to be granted).
The company will be making announcements in Q1 2025 regarding its Benchtop NMR technology platform and new products, in association with two important Exhibitions in
The Company continues to innovate in the area of magnetic resonance products and is entrenching its leadership position in Benchtop NMR, in particular. In our services business, we are in the beginning stages of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation for better operational control. For our ERP implementation, we are taking a modular approach, with several phases. Ultimately, these tools will allow us to continue to expand profit margins, enhance performance, and grow revenue.
In 2024, while company generated positive EBITDA and cash-flow, after tax Net Income (which includes non-cash charges) was still negative, and will be quantified in our 2024 financials to filed in April. Going into 2025, we are focused on understanding the potential US tariff implications and have been contingency planning. In terms of our business internally, we expect to deliver substantial positive EBITDA growth, and also continued positive operational and free cash-flow: This is our core objective for this year.
The previewed unaudited financial results in this press release are still subject to the conduct of the year-end audit and may be subject to material change.
The Company prepares and reports its consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, as adopted by the Canadian Accounting Standards Board ("IFRS"). However, this press release may make reference to certain non-IFRS measures including key performance indicators used by management. These measures are not recognized measures under IFRS and do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS and are therefore unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. Rather, these measures are provided as additional information to complement those IFRS measures by providing further understanding of the Company's results of operations from management's perspective. Accordingly, these measures should not be considered in isolation nor as a substitute for analysis of the Company's financial information reported under IFRS.
The Company uses Adjusted Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization ("Adjusted EBITDA") as non-IFRS measures, which may be calculated differently by other companies. The Company calculates this as Net Earnings before Other items (as defined in the Company's financial statements), current tax, and deferred tax. Such non-IFRS measure are used to provide investors with a supplemental measure of the Company's operating performance and liquidity and thus highlight trends in the Company's business that may not otherwise be apparent when relying solely on IFRS measures. The Company also believes that securities analysts, investors and other interested parties frequently use non-IFRS measures in the evaluation of companies in similar industries.
About Nanalysis Scientific Corp. (TSXV: NSCI, OTCQX: NSCIF, FRA:1N1)
Nanalysis Scientific Corp. in operates two primary business segments: Scientific Equipment and Security Services. Within its Scientific Equipment business is what the Company terms "MRI and NMR for industry". The Company develops and manufactures portable Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectrometers or analyzers for laboratory and industrial markets. The NMReady-60™ was the first full-feature portable NMR spectrometer in a single compact enclosure requiring no liquid helium or any other cryogens. The Company has followed-up that initial offering with new products and continues to have a strong innovation pipeline. In 2020, the Company announced the launch of its 100MHz device, the most powerful and most advanced commercial compact NMR device ever brought to market.
The Company's devices are used in many industries (oil and gas, chemical, mining, pharma, biotech, flavor and fragrances, agrochemicals, law enforcement, and more) as well as numerous government and university research labs around the world. The Company is working to expand into new global market opportunities independently and with partners. With its partners, the Company provides scientific equipment sales and maintenance services globally.
In 2022 the Company was awarded a five-year,
USP is an independent scientific organization that collaborates with the world's top experts in health and science to develop quality resources and standards for medicines, dietary supplements and food ingredients. This includes actively collaborating with academic research centers, industry, and regulators to help with the adoption and implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies. Through our resources, standards, advocacy and education, USP helps increase the availability of quality medicines, supplements and foods for billions of people worldwide. For more information, visit:
The usage of Nanalysis NMR equipment with USP-ID in the study does not imply approval, endorsement, or certification by USP of Nanalysis products, nor does it imply that Nanalysis products are necessarily the best available product for the purpose or that any other brand or product was judged to be unsatisfactory or inadequate. As a standard setting organization, USP avoids conflicts of interest that interfere or appear to interfere with its impartiality and objectivity.
This news release contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of such statements under applicable securities law. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "anticipates", "plan", "continue", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate", "may", "will", "potential", "proposed", "positioned" and other similar words, or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. These statements are only predictions. Various assumptions were used in drawing the conclusions or making the projections contained in the forward-looking statements throughout this news release. Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions and estimates of management at the date the statements are made and are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. The Company is under no obligation, and expressly disclaims any intention or obligation, to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as expressly required by applicable law.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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SOURCE Nanalysis Scientific Corp.
What was Nanalysis Scientific's (NSCIF) Q4 2024 revenue and EBITDA performance?
How many 100MHz Benchtop NMR units did NSCIF sell in Q4 2024?
What was NSCIF's security services revenue for 2024?
How did NSCIF's security services margins progress throughout 2024?