Norfolk Southern Reaches Tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

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Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) has reached a tentative five-year collective bargaining agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). This agreement, subject to ratification, comes ahead of the next collective bargaining round and covers approximately 67% of the union workforce. The deal offers significant improvements in pay, healthcare, and vacation benefits.

Key points of the agreement include:

  • An average wage increase of 3.5% per year over the next five years
  • More vacation time earlier in employees' careers
  • Enhancements to existing health care benefits

Norfolk Southern has now reached tentative agreements with 10 out of its 13 unions, demonstrating its commitment to rewarding its workforce for their critical contributions to the American economy.

Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) ha raggiunto un accordo collettivo provvisorio di cinque anni con la International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). Questo accordo, soggetto a ratifica, arriva in preparazione del prossimo round di contrattazione collettiva e copre circa il 67% della forza lavoro sindacale. L'intesa offre miglioramenti significativi in salario, assistenza sanitaria e benefici per le ferie.

I punti chiave dell'accordo includono:

  • Un aumento salariale medio del 3,5% all'anno nei prossimi cinque anni
  • Più tempo di ferie all'inizio della carriera dei dipendenti
  • Miglioramenti ai benefici sanitari esistenti

Norfolk Southern ha ora raggiunto accordi provvisori con 10 dei suoi 13 sindacati, dimostrando il suo impegno a premiare la propria forza lavoro per i loro contributi fondamentali all'economia americana.

Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) ha alcanzado un acuerdo colectivo tentativo de cinco años con la International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). Este acuerdo, sujeto a ratificación, llega antes de la próxima ronda de negociaciones colectivas y cubre aproximadamente el 67% de la fuerza laboral sindical. El acuerdo ofrece mejoras significativas en salarios, atención médica y beneficios por vacaciones.

Los puntos clave del acuerdo incluyen:

  • Un aumento salarial promedio del 3,5% por año durante los próximos cinco años
  • Más tiempo de vacaciones al inicio de las carreras de los empleados
  • Mejoras en los beneficios de salud existentes

Norfolk Southern ha alcanzado ahora acuerdos tentativos con 10 de sus 13 sindicatos, demostrando su compromiso de recompensar a su fuerza laboral por sus contribuciones críticas a la economía estadounidense.

노퍽 서던(NYSE: NSC)은 국제 전기 노동자 형제단(IBEW)과 5년 임시 단체 협약을 체결했습니다. 이 협약은 비준을 조건으로 하며, 다음 단체 협상 라운드를 앞두고 있으며, 노조 인력의 약 67%을 포함합니다. 이번 합의는 임금, 의료 혜택 및 휴가 혜택에서 상당한 개선을 제공합니다.

협약의 핵심 포인트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 향후 5년 동안 연평균 3.5% 임금 인상
  • 직원 경력 초기에 더 많은 휴가 시간
  • 기존 건강 관리 혜택 개선

노퍽 서던은 지금까지 13개 노조 중 10개 노조와 임시 합의를 이루었으며, 이는 미국 경제에 대한 중요한 기여를 인정하기 위한 노력의 일환입니다.

Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) a conclu un accord collectif provisoire de cinq ans avec la Fraternité Internationale des Électriciens (IBEW). Cet accord, soumis à ratification, intervient avant le prochain round de négociations collectives et couvre environ 67% de la main-d'œuvre syndicale. L'accord propose des améliorations significatives en matière de salaires, de soins de santé et d'avantages en vacances.

Les points clés de l'accord incluent :

  • Une augmentation salariale moyenne de 3,5% par an pendant les cinq prochaines années
  • Plus de temps de vacances au début de la carrière des employés
  • Renforcement des prestations de soins de santé existantes

Norfolk Southern a maintenant atteint des accords provisoires avec 10 de ses 13 syndicats, démontrant son engagement à récompenser sa main-d'œuvre pour leurs contributions décisives à l'économie américaine.

Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) hat eine vorläufige fünfjährige Tarifvereinbarung mit der International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) getroffen. Diese Vereinbarung, die der Ratifikation unterliegt, kommt vor der nächsten Tarifverhandlungsrunde und umfasst etwa 67% der Gewerkschaftsarbeitskräfte. Der Vertrag bietet erhebliche Verbesserungen bei Löhnen, Gesundheitsversorgung und Urlaubsansprüchen.

Die wichtigsten Punkte der Vereinbarung sind:

  • Eine durchschnittliche Lohnerhöhung von 3,5% pro Jahr über die nächsten fünf Jahre
  • Mehr Urlaubszeit zu Beginn der Berufslaufbahn der Mitarbeiter
  • Verbesserungen der bestehenden Gesundheitsleistungen

Norfolk Southern hat nun vorläufige Vereinbarungen mit 10 von 13 Gewerkschaften erzielt und zeigt damit sein Engagement, seine Mitarbeiter für deren wichtige Beiträge zur amerikanischen Wirtschaft zu belohnen.

  • Tentative agreement reached with IBEW, covering approximately 67% of union workforce
  • Average wage increase of 3.5% per year for the next five years
  • Improvements in healthcare benefits and vacation time
  • Agreement reached ahead of next collective bargaining round, providing early assurances to employees
  • Norfolk Southern has now reached tentative agreements with 10 out of 13 unions
  • None.


This tentative agreement between Norfolk Southern and the IBEW is a significant development in the rail industry's labor relations. The 3.5% average annual wage increase over five years is substantial, especially when coupled with enhanced healthcare and vacation benefits. This proactive approach to negotiations, occurring before the next bargaining round, demonstrates Norfolk Southern's commitment to maintaining positive labor relations.

The agreement now covers approximately 67% of the union workforce, which is a considerable portion. This could potentially set a precedent for negotiations with the remaining unions. The focus on early career vacation benefits is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses work-life balance concerns that are increasingly important to younger workers.

For investors, this agreement suggests stability in Norfolk Southern's workforce and potentially reduced risk of labor disruptions in the near term. However, the increased labor costs will likely impact the company's operating expenses, which should be monitored in future financial reports.

While the tentative agreement demonstrates Norfolk Southern's commitment to its workforce, it's important to consider the financial implications. The 3.5% average annual wage increase over five years will significantly impact labor costs, which are a major expense for railroad companies. Investors should analyze how this will affect Norfolk Southern's operating ratio and overall profitability.

On the positive side, securing labor agreements well in advance of their expiration can provide operational stability and potentially improve productivity. This proactive approach might also give Norfolk Southern an advantage in workforce retention and recruitment in a competitive labor market.

The enhanced healthcare benefits, while beneficial for employees, could also lead to increased costs for the company. Investors should look for details on how these additional expenses will be managed and whether they might be offset by potential gains in efficiency or reduced turnover.

Tentative agreement comes in advance of the next collective bargaining round, delivering significant future enhancements to pay, health care, and vacation.

ATLANTA, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Norfolk Southern Corporation (NYSE: NSC) announced today that it has reached a tentative five-year collective bargaining agreement with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). The most recent agreement pushes the coverage of the union workforce under early tentative deals to approximately 67%.

The agreement, which is subject to ratification, arrives in advance of the next collective bargaining round, providing covered employees with assurances that they will receive significant upcoming improvements to their pay, healthcare, and vacation benefits.

"Norfolk Southern is committed to working with all of our labor unions to ensure that our craft railroaders receive the best possible pay and benefits for the contributions they make every day to power the American economy," said Mark R. George, Norfolk Southern President and CEO. "We're delighted to reach this new tentative agreement with IBEW so that we can reward these employees, without delay, for the critical work they do to keep the steel wheels rolling."

''I would like to thank CEO Mark George, Norfolk Southern, and IBEW Railroad Director Al Russo for their efforts to provide this tentative agreement for our members," said Tom Owens, General Chairman IBEW System Council 6. "Our hardworking men and women deserve the opportunity to participate in this unique moment in the negotiation process. It is appropriate they receive meaningful recognition for their tireless efforts without the years of delay we've seen in the past. IBEW and Norfolk Southern have delivered on that vision."

The tentative agreement provides for a 3.5-percent average wage increase per year over the next five years. It also offers railroaders more vacation earlier in their career and makes meaningful enhancements to an already robust suite of health care benefits.

Since August, Norfolk Southern has reached tentative agreements with 10 of its 13 unions, which, in addition to IBEW, include the American Train Dispatchers Association (ATDA), the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division (BMWED), the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen Division/TCU (BRC), the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers - Mechanical Department (SMART-MD), International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers - Transportation Division (SMART-TD), the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers – Transportation Division Yardmasters (SMART-TD Yardmasters), the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers and Blacksmiths (IBBB), the National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO), and the Transportation Communications Union/IAM (TCU).

About Norfolk Southern
Since 1827, Norfolk Southern Corporation (NYSE: NSC) and its predecessor companies have safely moved the goods and materials that drive the U.S. economy. Today, it operates a customer-centric and operations-driven freight transportation network. Committed to furthering sustainability, Norfolk Southern helps its customers avoid approximately 15 million tons of yearly carbon emissions by shipping via rail. Its dedicated team members deliver more than 7 million carloads annually, from agriculture to consumer goods, and Norfolk Southern originates more automotive traffic than any other Class I Railroad. Norfolk Southern also has the most extensive intermodal network in the eastern U.S. It serves a majority of the country's population and manufacturing base, with connections to every major container port on the Atlantic coast as well as major ports in the Gulf of Mexico and Great Lakes. Learn more by visiting


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SOURCE Norfolk Southern Corporation


What is the average wage increase offered in Norfolk Southern's tentative agreement with IBEW?

The tentative agreement offers an average wage increase of 3.5% per year over the next five years for IBEW members at Norfolk Southern (NSC).

How many unions has Norfolk Southern reached tentative agreements with as of October 21, 2024?

As of October 21, 2024, Norfolk Southern (NSC) has reached tentative agreements with 10 out of its 13 unions.

What percentage of Norfolk Southern's union workforce is covered by early tentative deals?

Approximately 67% of Norfolk Southern's (NSC) union workforce is covered by early tentative deals as of the IBEW agreement announcement.

What benefits are included in Norfolk Southern's tentative agreement with IBEW?

The tentative agreement between Norfolk Southern (NSC) and IBEW includes wage increases, more vacation time earlier in employees' careers, and enhancements to health care benefits.

Norfolk Southern Corp.


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Railroads, Line-haul Operating
United States of America