Norfolk Southern donates $100K to Red Cross, activates Employee Disaster Relief Program

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Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE: NSC) has donated $100,000 to the American Red Cross to support relief efforts for Hurricane Helene. The company has also activated its Employee Disaster Relief Program to provide grants for disaster-related losses and expenses to affected employees. Norfolk Southern, an official Disaster Responder partner, annually donates $250,000 to the Red Cross through the Annual Disaster Giving Program (ADGP). The company is encouraging employee donations with a two-to-one match and will continue hosting blood drives. CEO Mark R. George emphasized the company's commitment to supporting employees, customers, and communities, including efforts to restore impacted rail routes.

Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE: NSC) ha donato 100.000 dollari alla Croce Rossa Americana per supportare gli sforzi di soccorso per l'uragano Helene. L'azienda ha anche attivato il suo Programma di Aiuti ai Dipendenti in Caso di Disastri per fornire sovvenzioni per perdite e spese legate ai disastri ai dipendenti colpiti. Norfolk Southern, partner ufficiale dei Rispondenti ai Disastri, dona annualmente 250.000 dollari alla Croce Rossa attraverso il Programma Annuale di Donazioni per i Disastri (ADGP). L'azienda sta incoraggiando le donazioni dei dipendenti con un raddoppio delle donazioni e continuerà a ospitare campagne di donazione di sangue. Il CEO Mark R. George ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda a supportare dipendenti, clienti e comunità, comprese le iniziative per ripristinare le rotaie ferroviarie colpite.

Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE: NSC) ha donado 100,000 dólares a la Cruz Roja Americana para apoyar los esfuerzos de alivio por el huracán Helene. La compañía también ha activado su Programa de Ayuda para Desastres para Empleados para proporcionar subvenciones por pérdidas y gastos relacionados con desastres a los empleados afectados. Norfolk Southern, socio oficial de Respuesta a Desastres, dona anualmente 250,000 dólares a la Cruz Roja a través del Programa Anual de Donaciones para Desastres (ADGP). La empresa está animando las donaciones de los empleados con un doble emparejamiento y continuará organizando campañas de donación de sangre. El CEO Mark R. George enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con el apoyo a empleados, clientes y comunidades, incluidas las iniciativas para restaurar las rutas ferroviarias afectadas.

노포크 서던(Norfolk Southern Corp., NYSE: NSC)은 10만 달러를 미국 적십자사에 기부하여 허리케인 헬렌으로 인한 구호 활동을 지원하고 있습니다. 회사는 또한 재난과 관련된 손실 및 비용에 대한 보조금을 제공하기 위해 직원 재난 구호 프로그램을 활성화했습니다. 노포크 서던은 공식 재난 대응 파트너로 매년 재난 기부 프로그램(ADGP)을 통해 적십자사에 25만 달러를 기부합니다. 회사는 직원들의 기부를 2대1 매칭으로 장려하고 있으며, 혈액 기부 캠페인도 계속 진행할 것입니다. CEO 마크 R. 조지는 직원, 고객 및 지역사회를 지원하는 것에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조하며, 영향을 받은 철도 노선 복구 노력에도 힘쓰고 있다고 전했습니다.

Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE: NSC) a fait un don de 100 000 dollars à la Croix-Rouge américaine pour soutenir les efforts de secours suite à l'ouragan Helene. L'entreprise a également activé son Programme d'Aide aux Employés en Cas de Catastrophe pour fournir des subventions pour les pertes et dépenses liées aux catastrophes aux employés affectés. Norfolk Southern, partenaire officiel de Réponse aux Catastrophes, fait chaque année un don de 250 000 dollars à la Croix-Rouge par le biais du Programme Annuel de Don de Catastrophes (ADGP). L'entreprise encourage les dons des employés avec un donnateur à deux pour un et continuera à organiser des collectes de sang. Le PDG Mark R. George a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à soutenir les employés, les clients et les communautés, y compris les efforts pour rétablir les voies ferrées touchées.

Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE: NSC) hat 100.000 Dollar an das American Red Cross gespendet, um die Hilfsmaßnahmen für Hurrikan Helene zu unterstützen. Das Unternehmen hat außerdem sein Programm zur Katastrophenhilfe für Mitarbeiter aktiviert, um betroffenen Mitarbeitern Zuschüsse für katastrophenbedingte Verluste und Ausgaben zur Verfügung zu stellen. Norfolk Southern, offizieller Partner der Katastrophenreaktion, spendet jährlich 250.000 Dollar an das Rote Kreuz über das Programm für jährliche Katastrophenspenden (ADGP). Das Unternehmen ermutigt seine Mitarbeiter zu Spenden mit einer 2:1-Match und wird weiterhin Blutspendeaktionen durchführen. CEO Mark R. George betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für die Unterstützung von Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Gemeinschaften, einschließlich der Bemühungen zur Wiederherstellung der betroffenen Eisenbahnstrecken.

  • Donation of $100,000 to American Red Cross for Hurricane Helene relief efforts
  • Activation of Employee Disaster Relief Program for affected employees
  • Annual $250,000 donation to Red Cross through ADGP
  • Two-to-one match for employee donations to Red Cross
  • None.

Supports multi-state relief effort underway for Hurricane Helene

ATLANTA, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE: NSC) has donated $100,000 to the American Red Cross to support the organization's massive, multi-state relief efforts for Hurricane Helene. In addition, the company's Employee Disaster Relief Program is providing impacted employees with grants for qualified disaster-related losses and expenses.

"Our thoughts are with everyone navigating the aftermath of Helene, and our actions are in support of our employees, customers, and the communities where we all live and work," said Norfolk Southern President and CEO Mark R. George. "We are committed to supporting the American Red Cross in delivering immediate relief and long-term recovery. Our Employee Disaster Relief Program will provide financial aid directly to Norfolk Southern railroaders who have been affected. And we are working hard to get all impacted routes back online so we can provide access to those communities."

Norfolk Southern has supported Red Cross relief efforts for nearly two decades and is an official Disaster Responder partner. Each year, the company makes a donation of $250,000 to the Red Cross through the Annual Disaster Giving Program (ADGP), and this additional $100,000 contribution reinforces that commitment during this time of intense need.

The company is also encouraging its employees to contribute, matching donations two-to-one, and will continue to host blood drives in support of the overall Red Cross mission throughout the year.

About Norfolk Southern
Since 1827, Norfolk Southern Corporation (NYSE: NSC) and its predecessor companies have safely moved the goods and materials that drive the U.S. economy. Today, it operates a customer-centric and operations-driven freight transportation network. Committed to furthering sustainability, Norfolk Southern helps its customers avoid approximately 15 million tons of yearly carbon emissions by shipping via rail. Its dedicated team members deliver more than 7 million carloads annually, from agriculture to consumer goods, and Norfolk Southern originates more automotive traffic than any other Class I Railroad. Norfolk Southern also has the most extensive intermodal network in the eastern U.S. It serves a majority of the country's population and manufacturing base, with connections to every major container port on the Atlantic coast as well as major ports in the Gulf of Mexico and Great Lakes. Learn more by visiting

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SOURCE Norfolk Southern Corporation


How much did Norfolk Southern (NSC) donate for Hurricane Helene relief?

Norfolk Southern (NSC) donated $100,000 to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

What is Norfolk Southern's (NSC) Employee Disaster Relief Program?

Norfolk Southern's Employee Disaster Relief Program provides grants to impacted employees for qualified disaster-related losses and expenses.

How is Norfolk Southern (NSC) encouraging employee donations for Hurricane Helene relief?

Norfolk Southern (NSC) is matching employee donations to the Red Cross two-to-one for Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

What is Norfolk Southern's (NSC) annual contribution to the Red Cross?

Norfolk Southern (NSC) annually donates $250,000 to the Red Cross through the Annual Disaster Giving Program (ADGP).

Norfolk Southern Corp.


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Railroads, Line-haul Operating
United States of America