BNSF reaches tentative collective agreements with two additional labor unions

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BNSF Railway, in partnership with Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC), has reached tentative five-year collective bargaining agreements with The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) and The National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO). This comes four months before the next collective bargaining round, providing covered employees early assurances on future improvements.

The agreements include a 3.5% average annual wage increase over the next five years, more vacation time earlier in employees' careers, and enhancements to health care benefits. BNSF President & CEO Katie Farmer emphasized the importance of employee well-being and collaboration in delivering exceptional freight service.

BNSF Railway, in collaborazione con Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC), ha raggiunto accordi collettivi provvisori di cinque anni con l'International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) e la National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO). Questo avviene quattro mesi prima del prossimo ciclo di contrattazione collettiva, fornendo ai dipendenti coperti assicurazioni anticipate su future migliorie.

Gli accordi prevedono un aumento medio salariale del 3,5% annuo nei prossimi cinque anni, più giorni di vacanza all'inizio della carriera dei dipendenti, e miglioramenti ai benefici sanitari. Katie Farmer, Presidente e CEO di BNSF, ha sottolineato l'importanza del benessere dei dipendenti e della collaborazione nel fornire un servizio merci eccezionale.

BNSF Railway, en colaboración con Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC), ha alcanzado acuerdos colectivos tentativos de cinco años con la International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) y la National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO). Esto ocurre cuatro meses antes de la próxima ronda de negociaciones colectivas, ofreciendo a los empleados cubiertos garantías anticipadas sobre mejoras futuras.

Los acuerdos incluyen un aumento salarial promedio del 3.5% anual durante los próximos cinco años, más tiempo de vacaciones al inicio de la carrera de los empleados y mejoras en los beneficios de salud. Katie Farmer, presidenta y CEO de BNSF, enfatizó la importancia del bienestar de los empleados y la colaboración para ofrecer un servicio de carga excepcional.

BNSF 철도는 Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC)과 협력하여 국제 보일러 조합(IBB) 및 전국 화물 및 석유자 모임(NCFO)과 5년간의 잠정적인 단체 교섭 협약을 체결했습니다. 이는 다음 단체 교섭 라운드 4개월 전에 이루어져, 해당 직원들에게 향후 개선 사항에 대한 조기 보장을 제공합니다.

이 협약에는 향후 5년 동안 연평균 3.5%의 급여 인상, 직원들의 경력 초기 더 많은 휴가 시간, 그리고 의료 혜택 개선이 포함됩니다. BNSF의 회장 겸 CEO인 Katie Farmer는 직원의 복지와 협력이 탁월한 화물 서비스를 제공하는 데 얼마나 중요한지 강조했습니다.

BNSF Railway, en partenariat avec Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC), a conclu des accords collectifs provisoires de cinq ans avec l'International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) et la National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO). Cela intervient quatre mois avant le prochain tour de négociations collectives, offrant aux employés concernés des garanties anticipées sur les améliorations futures.

Les accords incluent une augmentation salariale annuelle moyenne de 3,5% sur les cinq prochaines années, plus de temps de congé au début de la carrière des employés, et des améliorations des prestations de santé. Katie Farmer, présidente et PDG de BNSF, a souligné l'importance du bien-être des employés et de la collaboration pour fournir un service de fret exceptionnel.

BNSF Railway hat in Zusammenarbeit mit Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) vorläufige kollektive Tarifverträge über fünf Jahre mit der International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) und der National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO) erzielt. Dies geschieht vier Monate vor der nächsten Tarifrunde und gibt den betroffenen Mitarbeitern frühzeitige Zusicherungen für zukünftige Verbesserungen.

Die Vereinbarungen sehen eine durchschnittliche Gehaltserhöhung von 3,5% pro Jahr über die nächsten fünf Jahre, mehr Urlaubstage zu Beginn der Karriere der Mitarbeiter und Verbesserungen der Gesundheitsleistungen vor. Katie Farmer, Präsidentin und CEO von BNSF, betonte die Bedeutung des Wohlbefindens der Mitarbeiter und der Zusammenarbeit zur Bereitstellung eines außergewöhnlichen Frachtservice.

  • Reached tentative agreements with two additional labor unions ahead of schedule
  • 3.5% average annual wage increase over the next five years
  • Enhanced vacation benefits for employees earlier in their careers
  • Improvements to health care benefits package
  • None.

This tentative agreement between BNSF and two additional labor unions represents a significant proactive move in the railroad industry. By securing agreements months ahead of the next bargaining round, BNSF demonstrates strategic foresight and a commitment to labor stability. The 3.5% average annual wage increase over five years is competitive, addressing inflation concerns. Enhanced vacation benefits and improved healthcare offerings show BNSF's focus on work-life balance and employee well-being.

From an investor perspective, this early agreement mitigates the risk of potential labor disruptions, ensuring operational continuity. It also allows BNSF to better forecast labor costs, which is important for financial planning. However, the increased labor costs may impact profit margins in the short term. Overall, this proactive approach to labor relations could position BNSF favorably in attracting and retaining talent in a competitive job market.

The financial implications of this agreement are noteworthy. A 3.5% average annual wage increase over five years, while competitive, will significantly impact BNSF's operating expenses. Assuming a large workforce, this could translate to substantial additional costs. However, the predictability of these increases allows for better financial planning and potential cost mitigation strategies.

Enhanced healthcare benefits and vacation policies, while adding to expenses, may lead to improved productivity and reduced turnover, potentially offsetting some costs. Investors should watch for the impact on BNSF's operating ratio in the coming quarters. While short-term profitability might be pressured, the long-term stability and potential efficiency gains could prove beneficial. This agreement may also set a benchmark for industry-wide labor negotiations, potentially affecting other railroads' cost structures.

Agreement comes months before next collective bargaining round, giving covered employees early assurances on significant future improvements to pay, health care, and vacation

FORT WORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- BNSF Railway, one of North America’s leading transportation companies, in partnership with Norfolk Southern Corporation (NYSE: NSC), today announced it has reached tentative, five-year collective bargaining agreements with The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) and The National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO).

The news comes days after the railroad announced tentative agreements with four other labor unions, and four months before the opening of the next collective bargaining round, giving covered employees unprecedented certainty about upcoming enhancements to their pay, health care, and vacation.

“We are pleased to come to tentative agreements with two more of our unions ahead of the scheduled bargaining round,” said BNSF President & CEO Katie Farmer. “The well-being of our people is key to our collective success, and this swift collaboration is indicative of our commitment to working together to continue delivering exceptional freight service to our customers. Thank you to our team of negotiators and labor leaders for prioritizing this agreement.”

The tentative agreements provide a 3.5-percent average wage increase per year over the next five years. They also offer railroaders more vacation earlier in their career and meaningful enhancements to an already robust suite of health care benefits.

“The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers is excited to have a tentative agreement with BNSF as it is a whole package with wage increases, vacation and insurance,” said IBB Director of Railroad Lodge Services John Mansker. “Katie Farmer and BNSF have really stepped the game up for negotiating contracts for rail labor before their contracts are up. All the unions hope this will be a standard practice in the future.”

“I want to thank President & CEO Katie Farmer on tasking the Vice President of Labor Relations Sam Macedonio and General Director of Labor Relations Derek Cargill to work on this,” said NCFO President Michael Pistone. “The NCFO welcomed the opportunity to roll up our sleeves at the bargaining table to reach this solid tentative agreement that will improve the overall quality of life for the NCFO membership and their families.”

About BNSF Railway

BNSF Railway is one of North America’s leading freight transportation companies. BNSF operates approximately 32,500 route miles of track in 28 states and also operates in three Canadian provinces. BNSF is one of the top transporters of consumer goods, grain and agricultural products, low-sulfur coal, and industrial goods such as petroleum, chemicals, housing materials, food and beverages. BNSF’s shipments help feed, clothe, supply, and power American homes and businesses every day. BNSF and its employees have developed one of the most technologically advanced, and efficient railroads in the industry. We work continuously to improve the value of the safety, service, energy, and environmental benefits we provide to our customers and the communities we serve. You can learn more about BNSF at

Kendall Kirkham Sloan

Director of External Communications

Source: BNSF Railway


What labor unions did BNSF reach tentative agreements with in 2023?

BNSF reached tentative agreements with The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB) and The National Conference of Firemen and Oilers (NCFO).

What is the duration of the new collective bargaining agreements for BNSF and NSC?

The new collective bargaining agreements are tentative five-year agreements.

What wage increase is offered in BNSF's new labor agreements?

The tentative agreements offer a 3.5% average wage increase per year over the next five years.

How do the new BNSF agreements affect employee vacation benefits?

The agreements offer railroaders more vacation time earlier in their careers.

Norfolk Southern Corp.


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Railroads, Line-haul Operating
United States of America