HOPE Therapeutics, Inc. and NRx Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq:NRXP) Announce Arbitration Order Enabling HOPE Therapeutics Spinoff

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NRx Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRXP) announced a significant legal victory as a Utah arbitrator denied Streeterville Capital's petition to block the planned spinoff of HOPE Therapeutics. This decision allows NRx to proceed with its intention to distribute 49% of HOPE Therapeutics shares to current NRx shareholders, subject to regulatory compliance. The arbitrator also rejected Streeterville's attempt to prevent NRx from selling additional shares for operational funding.

HOPE Therapeutics, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NRx, is developing a network of clinics offering ketamine and other therapies for suicidal depression. The spinoff aims to create value for shareholders and potentially list HOPE Therapeutics on a national securities exchange. Prof. Jonathan Javitt, NRx's Founder and Chairman, expressed gratitude for shareholder support as the company moves forward with its plans.

NRx Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRXP) ha annunciato una significativa vittoria legale dopo che un arbitro dell'Utah ha respinto la richiesta di Streeterville Capital di bloccare la prevista scissione di HOPE Therapeutics. Questa decisione consente a NRx di procedere con l'intenzione di distribuire il 49% delle azioni di HOPE Therapeutics agli attuali azionisti di NRx, soggetto al rispetto delle normative. L'arbitro ha inoltre respinto il tentativo di Streeterville di impedire a NRx di vendere ulteriori azioni per il finanziamento operativo.

HOPE Therapeutics, una sussidiaria interamente controllata da NRx, sta sviluppando una rete di cliniche che offrono ketamina e altre terapie per la depressione suicidaria. La scissione mira a creare valore per gli azionisti e potenzialmente a quotare HOPE Therapeutics su una borsa valori nazionale. Il Prof. Jonathan Javitt, fondatore e presidente di NRx, ha espresso gratitudine per il supporto degli azionisti mentre l'azienda prosegue con i suoi piani.

NRx Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRXP) anunció una importante victoria legal cuando un árbitro de Utah negó la petición de Streeterville Capital para bloquear la escisión planificada de HOPE Therapeutics. Esta decisión permite a NRx continuar con su intención de distribuir el 49% de las acciones de HOPE Therapeutics a los actuales accionistas de NRx, sujeto al cumplimiento de las regulaciones. El árbitro también rechazó el intento de Streeterville de evitar que NRx vendiera acciones adicionales para financiar operaciones.

HOPE Therapeutics, una subsidiaria de propiedad total de NRx, está desarrollando una red de clínicas que ofrecen ketamina y otras terapias para la depresión suicida. La escisión tiene como objetivo crear valor para los accionistas y potencialmente listar a HOPE Therapeutics en una bolsa de valores nacional. El Prof. Jonathan Javitt, fundador y presidente de NRx, expresó su gratitud por el apoyo de los accionistas mientras la empresa avanza en sus planes.

NRx Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRXP)는 유타 주 중재자가 Streeterville Capital의 HOPE Therapeutics 스핀오프 계획을 차단하겠다는 청원을 기각하였다는 중요한 법적 승리를 발표했습니다. 이 결정은 NRx가 현재 NRx 주주들에게 HOPE Therapeutics의 주식 49%를 분배할 의도를 계속 진행할 수 있게 해줍니다. 이는 규제 준수에 따라 이루어질 것입니다. 중재자는 또한 NRx가 운영 자금을 위해 추가 주식을 판매하는 것을 막으려는 Streeterville의 시도를 기각했습니다.

HOPE Therapeutics는 NRx의 100% 자회사로, 자살 우울증에 대한 케타민 및 기타 요법을 제공하는 클리닉 네트워크를 개발하고 있습니다. 스핀오프는 주주들에게 가치를 창출하고 HOPE Therapeutics를 국가 증권 거래소에 상장할 가능성을 목표로 하고 있습니다. NRx의 창립자이자 회장인 조너선 자빗 교수는 회사가 계획을 진행하면서 주주들의 지원에 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다.

NRx Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRXP) a annoncé une victoire juridique significative après qu'un arbitre de l'Utah a rejeté la demande de Streeterville Capital de bloquer la scission prévue de HOPE Therapeutics. Cette décision permet à NRx de poursuivre son intention de distribuer 49 % des actions de HOPE Therapeutics aux actionnaires actuels de NRx, sous réserve de conformité réglementaire. L'arbitre a également rejeté la tentative de Streeterville d'empêcher NRx de vendre des actions supplémentaires pour financer ses opérations.

HOPE Therapeutics, une filiale entièrement détenue par NRx, développe un réseau de cliniques offrant de la kétamine et d'autres thérapies pour la dépression suicidaire. La scission vise à créer de la valeur pour les actionnaires et potentiellement à introduire HOPE Therapeutics sur une bourse nationale. Le Prof. Jonathan Javitt, fondateur et président de NRx, a exprimé sa gratitude envers le soutien des actionnaires alors que l'entreprise avance dans ses projets.

NRx Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRXP) gab bekannt, dass ein Schiedsrichter in Utah den Antrag von Streeterville Capital abgelehnt hat, um die geplante Ausgliederung von HOPE Therapeutics zu blockieren. Diese Entscheidung ermöglicht es NRx, mit der Absicht fortzufahren, 49 % der Aktien von HOPE Therapeutics an die aktuellen NRx-Aktionäre zu verteilen, vorbehaltlich der Einhaltung der Vorschriften. Der Schiedsrichter wies auch den Versuch von Streeterville zurück, NRx zu verhindern, zusätzliche Aktien zur Finanzierung der Betriebskosten zu verkaufen.

HOPE Therapeutics, eine zu 100 % im Besitz von NRx befindliche Tochtergesellschaft, entwickelt ein Netzwerk von Kliniken, die Ketamin und andere Therapien zur Behandlung von suizidaler Depression anbieten. Die Ausgliederung zielt darauf ab, den Aktionären Wert zu schaffen und möglicherweise HOPE Therapeutics an einer nationalen Wertpapierbörse zu listen. Prof. Jonathan Javitt, Gründer und Vorsitzender von NRx, drückte seine Dankbarkeit für die Unterstützung der Aktionäre aus, während das Unternehmen mit seinen Plänen voranschreitet.

  • Arbitrator's decision allows NRx to proceed with the planned spinoff of HOPE Therapeutics
  • NRx can continue selling additional shares to finance ongoing operations
  • Potential value creation for shareholders through the HOPE Therapeutics spinoff
  • Possible future listing of HOPE Therapeutics on a national securities exchange
  • Spinoff still subject to compliance with disclosure and regulatory requirements
  • Legal challenges from Streeterville Capital indicate potential ongoing disputes

The arbitration order denying Streeterville Capital's petition for injunctive relief is a significant development for NRx Pharmaceuticals and its shareholders. This decision clears a major legal hurdle for the company's planned spinoff of HOPE Therapeutics. Here are the key implications:

  • Spinoff Proceeds: NRx can now move forward with its plan to distribute 49% of HOPE Therapeutics shares to current NRx shareholders, subject to regulatory compliance and board approval.
  • Financing Flexibility: The arbitrator's denial of Streeterville's request to prevent NRx from selling additional shares provides the company with important financial flexibility to fund ongoing operations.
  • Shareholder Value: The spinoff could potentially unlock value for NRx shareholders by allowing them to directly participate in HOPE Therapeutics' growth and possible future listing on a national exchange.
  • Legal Precedent: This decision may discourage similar attempts by other parties to interfere with NRx's strategic decisions through legal means.

However, it's important to note that the spinoff still faces regulatory hurdles. NRx must comply with Securities Act and Exchange Act requirements, which could impact the timeline and execution of the spinoff. Investors should monitor the company's progress in meeting these regulatory obligations.

The arbitration outcome presents a mixed bag of financial implications for NRx Pharmaceuticals:

  • Capital Structure: The ability to proceed with the HOPE Therapeutics spinoff could lead to a significant restructuring of NRx's balance sheet. This may improve the company's financial flexibility and potentially its valuation.
  • Funding Options: With the arbitrator's decision allowing NRx to sell additional shares, the company has more options to raise capital. This could dilute existing shareholders but also provide necessary funds for operations and development.
  • Market Perception: The legal victory might boost investor confidence in NRx's management and strategy, potentially leading to improved market sentiment and stock performance.
  • Future Revenue Streams: If HOPE Therapeutics succeeds in developing its clinic network for ketamine therapies, it could become a significant revenue generator. However, NRx's 51% stake post-spinoff means it won't fully capture this potential upside.

Investors should carefully consider the potential dilution from share issuances and the long-term value proposition of holding both NRx and HOPE Therapeutics shares. The success of HOPE Therapeutics' clinic network and ketamine therapy offerings will be important in determining the ultimate value created by this spinoff strategy.

The arbitration decision allowing NRx to proceed with the HOPE Therapeutics spinoff has significant implications for the development of novel depression treatments:

  • Ketamine Therapy Focus: HOPE Therapeutics' emphasis on ketamine and other lifesaving therapies for suicidal depression represents a growing trend in psychiatric treatment. This approach could potentially address a critical unmet need in mental health care.
  • Clinical Network Development: The creation of a "best-in-class network of clinics" could accelerate patient access to these innovative therapies. This model may prove important for the widespread adoption of ketamine-based treatments.
  • Research Opportunities: As a separate entity, HOPE Therapeutics may have more flexibility to pursue research and development in the rapidly evolving field of psychedelic-assisted therapies.
  • Competitive Landscape: The spinoff could position HOPE Therapeutics as a significant player in the emerging market for alternative depression treatments, competing with other companies developing similar therapies.

However, investors should be aware that ketamine therapy, while promising, is still a relatively new approach with ongoing research into its long-term efficacy and safety. The success of HOPE Therapeutics will depend on its ability to navigate regulatory challenges, demonstrate consistent clinical outcomes and achieve widespread acceptance in the medical community.

  • Petition for a temporary restraining order brought by Streeterville Capital, LLC seeking injunctive relief to prevent spinoff of 49% of HOPE Therapeutics shares to current NRx Shareholders has been denied by Utah arbitrator.
  • Petition by Streeterville Capital, LLC seeking injunctive relief to prevent sales of NRx shares has been denied by Utah arbitrator.
  • NRx to proceed with spinoff of HOPE Therapeutics as previously announced.

RADNOR, Pa., July 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: NRXP) ("NRx Pharmaceuticals", the "Company"), a clinical stage pharmaceutical company, today announced the issuance of an order by a Utah arbitrator denying the petition of Streeterville Capital, LLC to enjoin NRx's planned spinoff of 49% of the shares in HOPE Therapeutics to current shareholders of NRx pharmaceuticals. While the proposed spinoff remains subject to compliance with certain disclosure and other requirements under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, the spinoff is intended to provide NRx shareholders with an opportunity to participate in the anticipated value created as a result of the spinoff and to enable a potential listing of HOPE Therapeutics (currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of NRx) on a national securities exchange. The arbitrator also denied Streeterville's petition to enjoin NRx from selling additional shares of NRx stock to finance ongoing operations.

"As we have previously shared with the public, HOPE Therapeutics is in the process of developing a best-in-class network of clinics that currently offer ketamine and other lifesaving therapies to patients with suicidal depression. This arbitration decision enables us to keep our promise to shareholders to spin out 49% of HOPE Therapeutics shares held by NRx to our shareholders, subject to approval by our Board of Directors and compliance with applicable law. We appreciate the support and loyalty of our shareholders as we work to bring HOPE to life," said Prof. Jonathan Javitt, Founder and Chairman of NRx Pharmaceuticals and Co-CEO of HOPE Therapeutics.

About NRx Pharmaceuticals

NRx Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing therapeutics based on its NMDA platform for the treatment of central nervous system disorders, specifically suicidal bipolar depression, chronic pain and PTSD. The Company is developing NRX-101, an FDA-designated investigational Breakthrough Therapy for suicidal treatment-resistant bipolar depression and chronic pain. NRx has partnered with Alvogen and Lotus around the development and marketing of NRX-101 for the treatment of suicidal bipolar depression. NRX-101 additionally has potential to act as a non-opioid treatment for chronic pain, as well as a treatment for complicated UTI.

NRx has recently announced plans to submit a New Drug Application for NRX-100 (IV ketamine) for the treatment of suicidal depression, based on results of well-controlled clinical trials conducted under the auspices of the US National Institutes of Health and newly obtained data from French health authorities, licensed under a data sharing agreement. NRx was awarded Fast Track Designation for development of ketamine (NRX-100) by the US FDA as part of a protocol to treat patients with acute suicidality.

About HOPE Therapeutics, Inc.

HOPE Therapeutics, Inc. ( is a care delivery company developing a best-in-class network of clinics that currently offer ketamine and other lifesaving therapies to patients with suicidal depression, together with a digital therapeutic-enabled platform designed to augment and preserve the clinical benefit of NMDA-targeted drug therapy.

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

The information contained herein includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These statements include, among others, statements regarding the proposed public offering and the timing and the use of the proceeds from the offering. Forward-looking statements generally include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as "may," "will," "should," "would," "expect," "plan," "believe," "intend," "look forward," and other similar expressions among others. These statements relate to future events or to the Company's future financial performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond the Company's control and which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Any forward-looking statement reflects the Company's current views with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to the Company's operations, results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC's website at Except as may be required by applicable law, The Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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SOURCE NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


What was the outcome of the arbitration between NRx Pharmaceuticals (NRXP) and Streeterville Capital?

The Utah arbitrator denied Streeterville Capital's petition to block NRx's planned spinoff of HOPE Therapeutics and rejected their attempt to prevent NRx from selling additional shares for operational funding.

What percentage of HOPE Therapeutics shares will be distributed to NRx Pharmaceuticals (NRXP) shareholders?

NRx plans to distribute 49% of HOPE Therapeutics shares to current NRx shareholders, subject to regulatory compliance and board approval.

What therapies does HOPE Therapeutics, a subsidiary of NRx Pharmaceuticals (NRXP), offer?

HOPE Therapeutics is developing a network of clinics that offer ketamine and other lifesaving therapies to patients with suicidal depression.

What are NRx Pharmaceuticals' (NRXP) plans for HOPE Therapeutics following the arbitration decision?

NRx intends to proceed with the spinoff of HOPE Therapeutics and potentially list it on a national securities exchange, aiming to create value for shareholders.

NRX Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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