Hope Therapeutics, Inc. and NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:NRXP) Announce Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute as the Expected First Acquisition for its International Network of Interventional Psychiatry Clinics
NRx Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:NRXP) announced its subsidiary HOPE Therapeutics plans to acquire Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute in La Jolla, CA. The institute will serve as the flagship clinic for HOPE's planned international network of interventional psychiatry clinics treating depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Kadima is a premier interventional psychiatry clinic offering treatments including Ketamine Therapy, Spravato®, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. The institute has contracts with the US Department of Veterans Affairs and treats active-duty military personnel. The acquisition is expected to be immediately accretive to NRXP's revenue and EBITDA.
Dr. David Feifel, Kadima's founder and CEO, will join HOPE as Chief Medical Innovation Officer. Dr. Feifel, a Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at UC San Diego with 150 peer-reviewed publications, will focus on evaluating new CNS disorder treatments and leading global clinical trials.
NRx Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:NRXP) ha annunciato che la sua sussidiaria HOPE Therapeutics prevede di acquisire Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute a La Jolla, CA. L'istituto fungerà da clinica principale per la rete internazionale di cliniche di psichiatria interventistica di HOPE, che si occupano di depressione, ansia e PTSD.
Kadima è una clinica di psichiatria interventistica di prestigio che offre trattamenti tra cui la terapia con Ketamina, Spravato® e stimolazione magnetica transcranica. L'istituto ha contratti con il Dipartimento degli Affari dei Veterani degli Stati Uniti e tratta militari in servizio attivo. Si prevede che l'acquisizione contribuisca immediatamente ai ricavi e all'EBITDA di NRXP.
Il Dott. David Feifel, fondatore e CEO di Kadima, entrerà a far parte di HOPE come Chief Medical Innovation Officer. Il Dott. Feifel, Professore Emerito di Psichiatria presso l'UC San Diego con 150 pubblicazioni sottoposte a revisione paritaria, si concentrerà sulla valutazione di nuovi trattamenti per i disturbi del SNC e sulla conduzione di trial clinici globali.
NRx Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:NRXP) anunció que su subsidiaria HOPE Therapeutics planea adquirir Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute en La Jolla, CA. El instituto servirá como la clínica principal para la red internacional planificada de clínicas de psiquiatría intervencionista de HOPE que tratan la depresión, la ansiedad y el PTSD.
Kadima es una clínica de psiquiatría intervencionista de primer nivel que ofrece tratamientos que incluyen Terapia con Ketamina, Spravato® y Estimulación Magnética Transcraneal. El instituto tiene contratos con el Departamento de Asuntos de Veteranos de EE. UU. y trata a personal militar en servicio activo. Se espera que la adquisición contribuya inmediatamente a los ingresos y EBITDA de NRXP.
El Dr. David Feifel, fundador y CEO de Kadima, se unirá a HOPE como Chief Medical Innovation Officer. El Dr. Feifel, Profesor Emérito de Psiquiatría en UC San Diego con 150 publicaciones revisadas por pares, se enfocará en evaluar nuevos tratamientos para trastornos del SNC y en liderar ensayos clínicos globales.
NRx Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:NRXP)는 자회사 HOPE Therapeutics가 캘리포니아 주 라호야에 있는 Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute를 인수할 계획이라고 발표했습니다. 이 연구소는 HOPE의 계획된 국제 중재 정신의학 클리닉 네트워크의 주요 클리닉으로 기능하며, 우울증, 불안 및 PTSD 치료를 진행합니다.
Kadima는 케타민 요법, Spravato® 및 경두개 자기 자극을 포함한 치료를 제공하는 최고의 중재 정신의학 클리닉입니다. 이 연구소는 미국 재향군인부와 계약을 체결하고 있으며, 현역 군인들을 치료합니다. 인수는 NRXP의 매출 및 EBITDA에 즉각적인 기여를 할 것으로 예상됩니다.
Kadima의 설립자이자 CEO인 David Feifel 박사는 HOPE에서 Chief Medical Innovation Officer로 합류할 것입니다. Feifel 박사는 UC 샌디에이고의 정신의학 명예 교수이자 150편의 동료 검토 기사를 발표한 저자로, 새로운 CNS 장애 치료 평가와 글로벌 임상 시험을 주도하는 데 집중할 것입니다.
NRx Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:NRXP) a annoncé que sa filiale HOPE Therapeutics prévoit d'acquérir le Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute à La Jolla, Californie. L'institut servira de clinique phare pour le réseau international de cliniques de psychiatrie interventionnelle prévu par HOPE, traitant la dépression, l'anxiété et le PTSD.
Kadima est une clinique de psychiatrie interventionnelle de premier plan, offrant des traitements incluant la thérapie par kétamine, le Spravato® et la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne. L'institut a des contrats avec le département des affaires des vétérans des États-Unis et traite du personnel militaire en service actif. L'acquisition devrait immédiatement contribuer aux revenus et à l'EBITDA de NRXP.
Le Dr. David Feifel, fondateur et PDG de Kadima, rejoindra HOPE en tant que Chief Medical Innovation Officer. Le Dr. Feifel, professeur émérite de psychiatrie à l'UC San Diego avec 150 publications évaluées par des pairs, se concentrera sur l'évaluation de nouveaux traitements pour les troubles du SNC et sur la direction d'essais cliniques mondiaux.
NRx Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:NRXP) hat bekannt gegeben, dass seine Tochtergesellschaft HOPE Therapeutics plant, das Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute in La Jolla, Kalifornien, zu erwerben. Das Institut wird als Flagship-Klinik für das geplante internationale Netzwerk von HOPE für intervenierende Psychiatrie-Kliniken dienen, die Depressionen, Ängste und PTSD behandeln.
Kadima ist eine erstklassige Klinik für intervenierende Psychiatrie, die Behandlungen wie Ketamintherapie, Spravato® und transkranielle magnetische Stimulation anbietet. Das Institut hat Verträge mit dem US-Veteranenministerium und behandelt aktive Militärangehörige. Der Erwerb wird voraussichtlich sofort zu den Einnahmen und EBITDA von NRXP beitragen.
Dr. David Feifel, Gründer und CEO von Kadima, wird als Chief Medical Innovation Officer zu HOPE stoßen. Dr. Feifel, emeritierter Professor für Psychiatrie an der UC San Diego mit 150 begutachteten Veröffentlichungen, wird sich darauf konzentrieren, neue Behandlungen für ZNS-Störungen zu bewerten und globale klinische Studien zu leiten.
- Acquisition expected to be immediately accretive to revenue and EBITDA
- Existing contracts with US Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense
- Leading research site for CNS and psychedelic clinical trials
- Addition of renowned expert Dr. Feifel as Chief Medical Innovation Officer
- Acquisition still subject to financial audits and closing conditions
- Integration risks of merging operations and cultures
- Kadima Neuropsychiatry Institute in
La Jolla, CA to serve as flagship for an international network of clinics dedicated to treating depression and PTSD - Kadima's founder, David Feifel, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at University of California San Diego, a pioneer in advanced interventional treatments for neuropsychiatric conditions such as depression and PTSD, to join Hope as Chief Medical Innovation Officer
- Kadima is a leading investigative site for CNS and psychedelic research, and has served as the lead site in nearly all major clinical trials in this area
- Acquisition expected to be immediately accretive to revenue and EBITDA for NRx
Kadima is one of the world's premier interventional psychiatry clinics and was among the first to introduce Ketamine Therapy for Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders at scale in the clinic setting. The clinic offers a full range of cutting-edge treatments for suicidal depression, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and other CNS disorders. Those treatment options include Ketamine Therapy, Spravato® (nasal esketamine), Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as well as medication management.
Kadima also has a robust research division and is a leading investigative site for innovative CNS treatments, specializing in psychedelic research, for which it has served as a leading site in nearly all major clinical trials in this area. Kadima has contracts in place with the US Department of Veterans Affairs and also treats active-duty military personnel in the US Department of Defense under Tricare and other treatment programs.
Kadima's founder and CEO, Prof. David Feifel, MD PHD, has been a pioneer and international thought leader for advanced interventional treatment of psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, PTSD and related disorders for more than three decades. Among other things, he is a co-author on a recent landmark expert consensus paper for treating depression with TMS, endorsed by three leading organizations in the field (ref). He also established the first clinical program to use subanesthetic dose ketamine infusions for neuropsychiatric disorders at UC San Diego, where he is currently Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry. His 150 peer-reviewed publications and several patents have provided global thought leadership on advanced approaches to treating psychiatric conditions, including integration of medicines like ketamine with neuromodulation such as, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Digital Therapeutics. Kadima's experience will guide the growing network of HOPE Therapeutics clinics to an integrated, multi-modal approach to treating suicidal depression, anxiety and PTSD that is far more effective than ketamine alone.
Upon consummation of the proposed acquisition, Dr. Feifel will serve as HOPE's Chief Medical Innovation Officer (CMIO), focused on identifying and evaluating new developments in the treatment of CNS disorders and insuring Hope clinics are at the forefront of interventional psychiatry delivery, and leading global clinical trials to continue to advance the ability to treat these lethal diseases.
Dr. Feifel will join NRx's Chairman, Prof. Jonathan Javitt in presenting a Keynote address at the 8th Annual Neuroscience Innovation Forum during the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in
"I am thrilled to join the leadership of HOPE at this exciting juncture," said Dr. David Feifel. "In a world where nearly 60 million Americans suffer from a mental illness in any given year (ref), our dream has been to expand the successes and learnings of Kadima to an international stage, where we can continue to innovate and refine treatments that will create a world in which suicidal depression and PTSD are
"We are honored to welcome David and the Kadima team to the HOPE family. David has helped pioneer the field of interventional psychiatry and is one of the few global thought leaders who has been able to span the worlds of academia and community health care delivery, serving the residents of his community as well as active-duty military and veterans in a town known for hosting some of America's most elite warriors. We are thrilled to count David as our partner for expanding the success of Kadima across the globe," said Jonathan Javitt, MD MPH and Matthew Duffy, Co-CEOs of HOPE Therapeutics.
The acquisition of Kadima is subject to the completion of financial audits, execution of definitive agreements, the satisfaction of standard closing conditions.
About HOPE Therapeutics, Inc.
HOPE Therapeutics, Inc. (www.hopetherapeutics.com) is a development stage healthcare delivery company that intends to develop a best-in-class network of interventional psychiatry clinics to offer ketamine transcranial magnetics stimulation (TMS) and other lifesaving therapies to patients with suicidal depression and related disorders, together with a digital therapeutic-enabled platform designed to augment and preserve the clinical benefit of NMDA-targeted drug therapy.
About NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
NRx Pharmaceuticals is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing therapeutics based on its NMDA platform for the treatment of central nervous system disorders, specifically suicidal bipolar depression, chronic pain, and PTSD. The Company is developing NRX-101, an FDA-designated investigational Breakthrough Therapy for suicidal treatment-resistant bipolar depression and chronic pain. NRx plans to file an NDA for Accelerated Approval for NRX-101 in patients with bipolar depression and suicidality or akathisia. NRX-101 additionally has potential to act as a non-opioid treatment for chronic pain, as well as a treatment for complicated UTI.
NRx has recently announced plans to submit a New Drug Application for NRX-100 (IV ketamine) for the treatment of suicidal depression, based on results of well-controlled clinical trials conducted under the auspices of the US National Institutes of Health and newly obtained data from French health authorities, licensed under a data sharing agreement. NRx was awarded Fast Track Designation for development of ketamine (NRX-100) by the US FDA as part of a protocol to treat patients with acute suicidality.
Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
The information contained herein includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These statements include, among others, statements regarding closing the acquisition of Kadima and obtaining financing necessary to consummate the acquisition. Forward-looking statements generally include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as "may," "will," "should," "would," "expect," "plan," "believe," "intend," "look forward," and other similar expressions among others. These statements relate to future events or to the Company's future financial performance, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond the Company's control and which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Any forward-looking statement reflects the Company's current views with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to the Company's operations, results of operations, growth strategy, liquidity, Hope Therapeutic's ability to consummate the acquisitions of providers for its national network, the Company's ability to raise adequate capital to fund the Hope Therapeutics acquisitions, and the Company's ability to spin-off Hope Therapeutics. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors and security holders are urged to read these documents free of charge on the SEC's website at http://www.sec.gov. Except as may be required by applicable law, The Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
For further information:
Matthew Duffy
Chief Business Officer, NRx Pharmaceuticals
Co-Chief Executive Officer, HOPE Therapeutics, Inc.
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SOURCE NRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.