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NeutriSci International (OTCQB: NRXCF) has completed R&D on a new effervescent functional mushroom tablet for online sales in Europe and North America. The product will feature mushrooms like Reishi and Lion’s Mane, infused with a blend of CBD, CBN, and CBG, targeting health benefits and market growth. The global functional mushroom market, valued at $2.5 billion in 2020, is projected to exceed $16 billion by 2026, fueled by rising demand for health supplements, particularly amid COVID-19. CEO Glen Rehman expressed optimism about the anticipated growth in this sector.
NeutriSci International (NRXCF) has announced a significant milestone, securing an additional purchase order valued at approximately US$250,000 from Tabletz LLC. This order includes three-tab Tabletz sticks in Mint, Lemon, and Berry flavors, slated for shipment to Japan by mid-November. CEO Glen Rehman expressed optimism about expanding their distribution network in Japan, emphasizing the order's potential to enhance market presence and sales. NeutriSci focuses on nutraceutical innovations and aims to build robust partnerships within the industry.
NeutriSci International has announced a non-brokered private placement, securing $276,550 through the exercise of 4,900,000 warrants. This placement involves 210,333 units sold at $0.15 each, granting the right to purchase additional shares at the same price for 18 months. Proceeds will be allocated to production expansion in Japan, B2B development, and general working capital. The deal is pending approval from the TSX Venture Exchange.
NeutriSci International Inc. (OTCQB:NRXCF) announced positive developments regarding its Biople project, highlighting that Tabletz products ranked #2 in sales. Consumer satisfaction with flavors, particularly Lemon and Berry, remains high. Biople is a leading CBD retailer in Japan, operating 22 locations. A sales update from Tabletz LLC is expected soon, which may provide insights into product performance and consumer feedback. NeutriSci plans a webinar for Q&A after the sales data is received.
NeutriSci International (OTCQB: NRXCF) provided an update on its projects, particularly highlighting the strong sales performance of its Tabletz brand in Japan through Biople, a major retailer of CBD products. The company is also advancing its collaboration with Pacwest Manufacturing, working on packaging production using its technology and intellectual property. Future financial agreements with partners are expected to yield various revenue streams. CEO Glen Rehman expressed optimism about the Tabletz brand’s potential in the competitive market.
NeutriSci International Inc. (NRXCF) has announced a significant update regarding the launch of its TABLETZ brand in Japan through its partnership with Tabletz LLC. A live session will be held on June 24 to discuss sales strategies and product positioning. The TABLETZ product line will be distributed across Japan, reaching over 46,000 stores, including major retailers like 7-Eleven and Biople, the leading seller of CBD products in the country. The rollout includes a new bulk bottle SKU, containing 500mg of CBD. CEO Glen Rehman emphasizes the positive outlook for the brand.
NeutriSci International Inc. (OTCQB:NRXCF) announced the successful production and shipment of a rush order for TABLETZ sticks to Biople, a leading wellness retailer in Japan. This order, which includes multiple flavors, is expected to generate revenue in the current quarter as Biople will launch the product by the end of June 2021. With Japan's growing interest in CBD products, NeutriSci aims to distribute TABLETZ in up to 46,000 locations nationwide, capitalizing on the market's increasing demand for plant-derived healthcare solutions.
NeutriSci International has successfully completed R&D to develop functional CBD beverages, aiming to enter the growing market valued at USD 2.8 billion by 2025. Collaborating with Tabletz LLC, NeutriSci is finalizing protocols for B2B partnerships. The reduction of COVID-19 cases has reignited previously stalled international MOUs, enabling further discussions on CBD beverages. With Pacwest Manufacturing's bottling line operational in July 2021, production capacity exceeds 35,000 bottles per shift. CEO Glen Rehman anticipates increased revenue from this new venture.
NeutriSci International has finalized an arrangement with Pacwest Manufacturing Group to utilize its technology and intellectual property (IP) for developing new product lines, including Delta 8, a psychoactive cannabinoid. This collaboration marks a significant step in NeutriSci's B2B product implementation, aimed at fulfilling market demand. CEO Glen Rehman expressed optimism about this partnership, indicating that the finished D8 products are expected within weeks. The company continues to explore further product development opportunities with its partners.
NeutriSci International has announced the successful completion of Phase 1 R&D for a new Cannabinol (CBN) product targeting the US market, in partnership with Pacwest. CBN is recognized for its sleep-inducing effects, addressing widespread sleep issues affecting a significant portion of the population. The global sleeping aids market is projected to grow from US$78.7 billion in 2019 to US$162.5 billion by 2030. CEO Glen Rehman highlighted the potential revenue benefits of this innovative product for individuals with sleep disorders.