The Power of Giving

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NRG Energy recently concluded its 17th annual positiveNRG Impact Week, a week-long volunteerism initiative. This year's focus was on food insecurity, with employees across 43 cities in the U.S. and Canada providing one million meals to local nonprofits. The event highlights NRG's commitment to corporate social responsibility through its philanthropic arm, positiveNRG.

PositiveNRG aims to promote healthy choices, enable community resilience, and support environmental health. The initiative has fostered a culture of caring and responsibility among NRG employees, creating strong ties and a shared sense of purpose. NRG encourages following their social media channels for more information about their achievements during this week and beyond.

NRG Energy ha recentemente concluso la sua diciassettesima positiveNRG Impact Week, un'iniziativa di volontariato della durata di una settimana. Quest'anno l'attenzione è stata posta sulla insicurezza alimentare, con dipendenti di 43 città negli Stati Uniti e in Canada che hanno fornito un milione di pasti a organizzazioni locali no-profit. L'evento evidenzia l'impegno di NRG verso la responsabilità sociale d'impresa attraverso il suo braccio filantropico, positiveNRG.

PositiveNRG mira a promuovere scelte salutari, a potenziare la resilienza delle comunità e a sostenere la salute ambientale. L'iniziativa ha favorito una cultura di cura e responsabilità tra i dipendenti di NRG, creando legami forti e un senso condiviso di scopo. NRG incoraggia a seguire i propri canali social per ulteriori informazioni sui loro successi durante questa settimana e oltre.

NRG Energy recientemente concluyó su décima séptima positiveNRG Impact Week, una iniciativa de voluntariado de una semana de duración. El enfoque de este año estuvo en la inseguridad alimentaria, con empleados de 43 ciudades en EE.UU. y Canadá proporcionando un millón de comidas a organizaciones locales sin fines de lucro. El evento resalta el compromiso de NRG con la responsabilidad social corporativa a través de su brazo filantrópico, positiveNRG.

PositiveNRG tiene como objetivo promover elecciones saludables, fomentar la resiliencia comunitaria y apoyar la salud ambiental. La iniciativa ha cultivado una cultura de cuidado y responsabilidad entre los empleados de NRG, creando fuertes lazos y un sentido compartido de propósito. NRG anima a seguir sus canales de redes sociales para obtener más información sobre sus logros durante esta semana y más allá.

NRG 에너지는 최근 제17회 positiveNRG Impact Week를 마쳤습니다. 이는 일주일간의 자원봉사 이니셔티브로, 올해의 초점은 식량 불안이었습니다. 미국과 캐나다의 43개 도시에서 직원들이 지역 비영리단체에 백만 끼니를 제공했습니다. 이 행사는 NRG의 기업 사회적 책임에 대한 헌신과 긍정적인 영향을 보여줍니다.

PositiveNRG는 건강한 선택을 촉진하고, 지역 사회의 회복력을 높이며, 환경 건강을 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 NRG 직원들 사이에 돌보고 책임지는 문화를 조성하여 강한 유대감과 공동의 목적 의식을 만들어냈습니다. NRG는 이 주와 그 이후의 성과에 대한 더 많은 정보를 위해 소셜 미디어 채널을 팔로우할 것을 권장합니다.

NRG Energy a récemment conclu sa 17e positiveNRG Impact Week, une initiative de bénévolat d'une semaine. Cette année, l'accent a été mis sur l'insécurité alimentaire, avec des employés dans 43 villes des États-Unis et du Canada qui ont fourni un million de repas à des organisations à but non lucratif locales. L'événement souligne l'engagement de NRG envers la responsabilité sociale des entreprises à travers son bras philanthropique, positiveNRG.

PositiveNRG vise à promouvoir des choix sains, à renforcer la résilience communautaire et à soutenir la santé environnementale. L'initiative a favorisé une culture de soin et de responsabilité parmi les employés de NRG, créant ainsi des liens solides et un sentiment partagé de but. NRG encourage à suivre ses canaux de médias sociaux pour plus d'informations sur leurs réalisations pendant cette semaine et au-delà.

NRG Energy hat kürzlich die 17. jährliche positiveNRG Impact Week abgeschlossen, eine einwöchige Freiwilligeninitiative. In diesem Jahr lag der Fokus auf Lebensmittelunsicherheit, wobei Mitarbeiter in 43 Städten in den USA und Kanada eine Million Mahlzeiten an lokale gemeinnützige Organisationen bereitstellten. Die Veranstaltung hebt das Engagement von NRG für die soziale Verantwortung von Unternehmen durch sein philanthropisches Arm, positiveNRG, hervor.

PositiveNRG hat das Ziel, gesunde Entscheidungen zu fördern, die Resilienz der Gemeinschaft zu stärken und die Umweltgesundheit zu unterstützen. Die Initiative hat eine Kultur der Fürsorge und Verantwortung unter den NRG-Mitarbeitern gefördert, wodurch starke Bindungen und ein gemeinsames Gefühl von Zweck geschaffen wurden. NRG ermutigt dazu, ihre Social-Media-Kanäle zu verfolgen, um mehr Informationen über ihre Erfolge während dieser Woche und darüber hinaus zu erhalten.

  • NRG Energy provided one million meals to local nonprofits during positiveNRG Impact Week
  • The company's CSR initiatives foster employee engagement and community connections
  • NRG's philanthropic arm, positiveNRG, promotes healthy choices and community resilience
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 25, 2024 / NRG Energy:

positiveNRG Impact Week

Originally published on NRG Insights

By Gin Kinney

With the conclusion of our 17th annual week of volunteerism, positiveNRG Impact Week, I've been reflecting on the importance of giving back and community. Both can profoundly shape our lives and leave a lasting impact. Giving back, at its core, is about dedicating time, resources, skills, or financial support to help others. Being part of a community requires more than just belonging - it requires action.

I continue to be inspired by the generosity, passion, and unwavering commitment of NRG employees for the communities where we live and work. Their readiness to give their time, effort, and care to enrich the lives of others, demonstrates the heart of what it means to truly be part of something greater than ourselves.

Making a difference

PositiveNRG, the philanthropic arm of NRG, has always been key in defining who we are as a company. It enables us to put our values into action by promoting healthy choices, enabling community resilience, and supporting environmental health. I am proud to work for a company that is dedicated to making a real difference.

Our corporate social responsibility initiatives including positiveNRG, have created a culture of caring and responsibility at NRG, one that has fostered strong ties across our employee base and instilled a shared sense of purpose that continues to drive connection among each other and within our communities.

It was amazing to connect and build lasting bonds while giving back. This year's focus for positiveNRG Impact Week was food insecurity. Our colleagues united across 43 cities in the U.S. and Canada to provide one million meals to local nonprofits. I hope you will tune in to NRG's social media channels to learn more and be encouraged by what the NRG team was able to achieve together this week and beyond.

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What was the focus of NRG Energy's (NRG) 17th annual positiveNRG Impact Week in 2024?

The focus of NRG Energy's 17th annual positiveNRG Impact Week in 2024 was food insecurity. Employees across 43 cities in the U.S. and Canada provided one million meals to local nonprofits.

How many cities participated in NRG Energy's (NRG) positiveNRG Impact Week in 2024?

NRG Energy's positiveNRG Impact Week in 2024 involved employees from 43 cities across the United States and Canada.

What are the main goals of NRG Energy's (NRG) philanthropic arm, positiveNRG?

The main goals of NRG Energy's philanthropic arm, positiveNRG, are to promote healthy choices, enable community resilience, and support environmental health.

NRG Energy, Inc.


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