Strategic Sustainability: Navigating Compliance and Seizing Growth Opportunities

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NRG Energy experts Megan Owen and Greg Kandankulam discuss how businesses can navigate sustainability compliance and seize growth opportunities. The conversation covers key policy requirements, offsetting compliance costs, overcoming challenges, and developing holistic energy strategies.

Key points include:

  • Understanding local and federal sustainability policies
  • Creating a comprehensive roadmap for compliance
  • Conducting regular energy audits
  • Implementing energy efficiency improvements
  • Benchmarking and reporting best practices

The experts emphasize the importance of setting sustainability goals and working with experienced partners to achieve them. NRG helps customers strategically plan for a sustainable future, manage risks, identify funding sources, and improve efficiencies.

NRG Energy esperti Megan Owen e Greg Kandankulam discutono di come le aziende possono affrontare la conformità alla sostenibilità e cogliere opportunità di crescita. La conversazione copre i requisiti chiave delle politiche, le strategie per ridurre i costi di conformità, le sfide da superare e lo sviluppo di strategie energetiche olistiche.

Punti chiave includono:

  • Comprendere le politiche locali e federali sulla sostenibilità
  • Creare una roadmap completa per la conformità
  • Condurre regolarmente audit energetici
  • Implementare miglioramenti dell'efficienza energetica
  • Impostare e riferire le migliori pratiche

Gli esperti sottolineano l'importanza di fissare obiettivi di sostenibilità e di collaborare con partner esperti per raggiungerli. NRG aiuta i clienti a pianificare strategicamente un futuro sostenibile, gestire i rischi, identificare fonti di finanziamento e migliorare le efficienze.

NRG Energy los expertos Megan Owen y Greg Kandankulam discuten cómo las empresas pueden navegar la conformidad con la sostenibilidad y aprovechar las oportunidades de crecimiento. La conversación abarca requisitos clave de políticas, formas de compensar los costos de cumplimiento, superar desafíos y desarrollar estrategias energéticas holísticas.

Puntos clave incluyen:

  • Comprender las políticas de sostenibilidad locales y federales
  • Crear una hoja de ruta integral para la conformidad
  • Realizar auditorías energéticas regulares
  • Implementar mejoras en la eficiencia energética
  • Establecer y reportar las mejores prácticas

Los expertos enfatizan la importancia de establecer metas de sostenibilidad y trabajar con socios experimentados para alcanzarlas. NRG ayuda a los clientes a planificar estratégicamente un futuro sostenible, gestionar riesgos, identificar fuentes de financiamiento y mejorar eficiencias.

NRG 에너지의 전문가 메간 오웬과 그렉 칸단쿨람은 기업들이 지속 가능성 준수를 어떻게 관리하고 성장 기회를 포착할 수 있는지에 대해 논의합니다. 이 대화는 주요 정책 요구 사항, 준수 비용 상쇄, 도전 과제 극복, 전체적인 에너지 전략 개발을 다룹니다.

핵심 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 지역 및 연방의 지속 가능성 정책 이해하기
  • 준수를 위한 포괄적인 로드맵 작성하기
  • 정기적인 에너지 감사 수행하기
  • 에너지 효율성 개선하기
  • 모범 사례 벤치마킹 및 보고하기

전문가들은 지속 가능성 목표를 설정하고 이를 달성하기 위해 경험이 풍부한 파트너와 협력하는 것이 중요하다고 강조합니다. NRG는 고객이 지속 가능한 미래를 전략적으로 계획하고 위험을 관리하며 자금을 식별하고 효율성을 개선하는 데 도움을 줍니다.

NRG Energy experts Megan Owen et Greg Kandankulam discutent de la manière dont les entreprises peuvent naviguer dans la conformité à la durabilité et saisir des opportunités de croissance. La conversation aborde les exigences clés en matière de politique, l'optimisation des coûts de conformité, la surmontée des défis et le développement de stratégies énergétiques holistiques.

Les points clés incluent :

  • Comprendre les politiques de durabilité locales et fédérales
  • Créer une feuille de route complète pour la conformité
  • Réaliser des audits énergétiques réguliers
  • Mettre en œuvre des améliorations de l'efficacité énergétique
  • Établir et rendre compte des meilleures pratiques

Les experts soulignent l'importance de fixer des objectifs de durabilité et de travailler avec des partenaires expérimentés pour les atteindre. NRG aide les clients à planifier stratégiquement un avenir durable, à gérer les risques, à identifier des sources de financement et à améliorer l'efficacité.

NRG Energy Experten Megan Owen und Greg Kandankulam diskutieren, wie Unternehmen die Einhaltung von Nachhaltigkeitsanforderungen navigieren und Wachstumschancen nutzen können. Das Gespräch umfasst wichtige politische Anforderungen, Strategien zur Kostensenkung bei der Einhaltung, das Überwinden von Herausforderungen und die Entwicklung ganzheitlicher Energiestrategien.

Wichtige Punkte sind:

  • Verständnis der lokalen und föderalen Nachhaltigkeitspolitik
  • Erstellung eines umfassenden Fahrplans für die Einhaltung
  • Regelmäßige Energieaudits durchführen
  • Verbesserungen der Energieeffizienz umsetzen
  • Benchmarking und Berichterstattung über bewährte Praktiken

Die Experten betonen die Bedeutung der Festlegung von Nachhaltigkeitszielen und der Zusammenarbeit mit erfahrenen Partnern, um diese zu erreichen. NRG unterstützt Kunden dabei, strategisch für eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu planen, Risiken zu managen, Finanzierungsquellen zu identifizieren und Effizienzen zu verbessern.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 19, 2024 / NRG Energy

By NRG Editorial Voices

Listen to the podcast here

We sat down with our experts, Megan Owen, Senior Energy Efficiency Manager, and Greg Kandankulam, Director of Sustainability, to discuss how businesses can stay compliant with local and federal policies and capitalize on available government incentives, all while plotting a course for a more sustainable future.

During our conversation, we cover:

  • Key policy and regulation requirements [05:21]

  • How to offset compliance costs [08:54]

  • How to overcome common compliance challenges [11:25]

  • How businesses know where to start [13:37]

  • The importance of setting sustainability goals [15:15]

  • How to create a comprehensive roadmap [16:54]

  • How to develop a holistic energy strategy [19:42]

  • What energy efficiency improvements businesses can implement [23:28]

  • How often energy audits need to happen [25:50]

  • How to choose the right energy efficiency strategies [26:44]

  • If businesses should consider a phased approach [27:49]

  • Best practices for energy benchmarking and reporting [28:40]

Understand key sustainability policies and regulations

As governments and businesses sharpen their focus on sustainability, companies like yours need to know what's required to comply with evolving local and federal policies. This can be challenging, as each region has its own set of requirements ranging from simple benchmarking reports to setting carbon emissions targets.

In New York, for example, there are several Local Laws designed to drive energy reduction; the aggregate of these laws makes up one of the most stringent programs in the country. There's also the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance in Boston, Washington D.C.'s Building Energy Performance Standards, and recently passed Senate Bills 253 and 261 in California. These are just a few examples of the measures cities and states are implementing today.

Set your business up for success

Complying with ever-evolving regulatory policies is no easy feat, but it's essential for your business. It can help you avoid costly penalties. Plus, it can enhance the value of your brand and potentially increase your revenue as more consumers and investors prioritize companies that are committed to environmental stewardship.

To achieve this ambitious goal, we recommend creating a holistic strategy that aligns your sustainability objectives with industry standards. Consider conducting an annual energy audit to identify efficiency improvements and cost savings. Finally, review your building's year-over-year performance and compare it to others using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool.

Work with an experienced partner

Whether you are just starting your sustainability journey or looking to optimize your existing efforts, working with a trusted partner could also benefit your business. Look for one with deep insight into these complex programs and a proven record of hitting timelines and goals.

At NRG, we help customers across the country:

  • Strategically chart their course toward a more sustainable future

  • Manage their participation risk and identify potential sources of funding, such as local utility incentives, rebates, and tax credits

  • Create comprehensive roadmaps that integrate different local and federal requirements into one cohesive plan

  • Guide them in improving efficiencies and reporting for their organization

Connect with Megan Owen on LinkedIn
Connect with Greg Kandankulam on LinkedIn

Resources and people mentioned

Start Your Sustainability Journey with Energy eBook Guide

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Spokesperson: NRG Energy


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What are some key sustainability policies NRG Energy (NRG) experts discuss?

NRG Energy experts mention several key sustainability policies, including New York's Local Laws for energy reduction, Boston's Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance, Washington D.C.'s Building Energy Performance Standards, and California's Senate Bills 253 and 261.

How often should businesses conduct energy audits according to NRG Energy (NRG)?

NRG Energy recommends conducting annual energy audits to identify efficiency improvements and cost savings for businesses.

What tool does NRG Energy (NRG) suggest for comparing building performance?

NRG Energy suggests using the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool to review a building's year-over-year performance and compare it to others in the industry.

How does NRG Energy (NRG) help customers with sustainability compliance?

NRG Energy helps customers by strategically planning for a sustainable future, managing participation risk, identifying funding sources like incentives and rebates, creating comprehensive roadmaps, and guiding them in improving efficiencies and reporting.

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