NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals Announces Positive Top-Line Data From the SAD Part 1 of Its Phase 1 Clinical Trial Evaluating DA-1726 for the Treatment of Obesity

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NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) announced positive top-line data from Part 1 of its Phase 1 clinical trial evaluating DA-1726, a novel dual oxyntomodulin analog agonist for obesity treatment. The single ascending dose (SAD) study revealed favorable safety, tolerability, and dose-linear pharmacokinetics in 45 obese participants. Key findings include:

- No serious adverse events reported
- Only 5 subjects in the DA-1726 group reported adverse events vs. 3 in placebo
- Dose-linear PK profile observed across investigated dose range
- Additional cohorts being added to explore maximum tolerated dose

The company has initiated the multiple ascending dose (MAD) Part 2 study and expects top-line data in Q1 2025. A planned Part 3 will evaluate early proof of concept. NeuroBo believes DA-1726 could become a best-in-class obesity drug with better tolerability than current GLP-1 agonists.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) ha annunciato dati positivi dalla fase 1 del suo studio clinico di fase 1 che valuta DA-1726, un nuovo analogo di ossitomodulina duale agonista per il trattamento dell'obesità. Lo studio di somministrazione a dose singola crescente (SAD) ha rivelato una sicurezza, tollerabilità e farmacocinetica lineare della dose favorevoli in 45 partecipanti obesi. I risultati chiave includono:

- Nessun evento avverso grave riportato
- Solo 5 soggetti nel gruppo DA-1726 hanno segnalato eventi avversi contro 3 nel gruppo placebo
- Profilo PK lineare rispetto alla dose osservato nell'intervallo di dosi investigate
- Aggiunta di coorti aggiuntive per esplorare la dose massima tollerata

L'azienda ha avviato lo studio di somministrazione a dose multipla crescente (MAD) della fase 2 e si aspetta dati top-line nel Q1 2025. Una fase 3 pianificata valuterà le prime evidenze di concetto. NeuroBo crede che DA-1726 potrebbe diventare un farmaco per l'obesità di prima classe con una migliore tollerabilità rispetto agli attuali agonisti GLP-1.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) anunció datos positivos de la fase 1 de su ensayo clínico de fase 1 que evalúa DA-1726, un nuevo análogo dual de agonista de oxitomodulina para el tratamiento de la obesidad. El estudio de dosis única ascendente (SAD) reveló una seguridad, tolerabilidad y farmacocinética lineal de dosis favorables en 45 participantes obesos. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- No se reportaron eventos adversos graves
- Solo 5 sujetos en el grupo DA-1726 informaron eventos adversos frente a 3 en el grupo placebo
- Se observó un perfil PK lineal en el rango de dosis investigado
- Se están añadiendo cohortes adicionales para explorar la dosis máxima tolerada

La empresa ha iniciado el estudio de dosis múltiples ascendentes (MAD) de la fase 2 y espera datos top-line en Q1 2025. Una fase 3 planificada evaluará la prueba de concepto temprana. NeuroBo cree que DA-1726 podría convertirse en un medicamento de primera clase para la obesidad con mejor tolerabilidad que los actuales agonistas de GLP-1.

NeuroBo 제약 (Nasdaq: NRBO)은 비만 치료를 위한 새로운 이중 옥시토모듈린 유사체 작용제인 DA-1726의 1상 임상 시험 1부에서 긍정적인 상위 결과 데이터를 발표했습니다. 단일 상승 용량(SAD) 연구에서 45명의 비만 참가자에 대해 유리한 안전성, 내약성 및 용량 선형 약리학적 행동이 나타났습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 심각한 부작용 없음 보고
- DA-1726군에서 5명의 피험자만 부작용을 보고했으며, 위약군에서는 3명
- 조사된 용량 범위에서 선형 PK 프로필 관찰됨
- 최대 내약 용량을 탐색하기 위해 추가 코호트 추가 중

회사는 다중 상승 용량(MAD) 2부 연구를 시작했으며, 2025년 1분기(Q1)에 상위 데이터가 나올 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 계획된 3부에서는 초기 개념 증명을 평가할 것입니다. NeuroBo는 DA-1726이 현재의 GLP-1 작용제보다 더 나은 내약성을 가진 비만 치료제의 최고 수준이 될 수 있다고 믿고 있습니다.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) a annoncé des données positives de la partie 1 de son essai clinique de phase 1 évaluant DA-1726, un nouvel agoniste d'analogue d'oxyntomoduline dual pour le traitement de l'obésité. L'étude de dose unique croissante (SAD) a révélé une sécurité, une tolérabilité et une pharmacocinétique linéaire de dose favorables chez 45 participants obèses. Les principales conclusions comprennent :

- Aucun événement indésirable grave signalé
- Seuls 5 sujets du groupe DA-1726 ont signalé des événements indésirables contre 3 dans le groupe placebo
- Profil PK linéaire observé dans la plage de doses étudiées
- Cohortes supplémentaires ajoutées pour explorer la dose maximale tolérée

L'entreprise a lancé l'étude de dosage multiple croissant (MAD) de la partie 2 et s'attend à des données clés au Q1 2025. Une partie 3 planifiée évaluera une preuve de concept précoce. NeuroBo croit que DA-1726 pourrait devenir un médicament de premier plan pour l'obésité avec une meilleure tolérabilité que les agonistes GLP-1 actuels.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) hat positive Ergebnisse aus Teil 1 seiner Phase-1-Studie zur Bewertung von DA-1726, einem neuartigen dualen Oxyntomodulin-Analoga-Agonisten zur Behandlung von Fettleibigkeit, bekannt gegeben. Die Einzelsteigendosis (SAD)-Studie zeigte günstige Sicherheits-, Verträglichkeits- und dosislineare Pharmakokinetik bei 45 fettleibigen Teilnehmern. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

- Keine berichteten schwerwiegenden unerwünschten Ereignisse
- Nur 5 Teilnehmer in der DA-1726-Gruppe berichteten von unerwünschten Ereignissen, verglichen mit 3 in der Placebo-Gruppe
- Dosis-lineares PK-Profil im untersuchten Dosisbereich beobachtet
- Weitere Kohorten werden hinzugefügt, um die maximale verträgliche Dosis zu erforschen

Das Unternehmen hat die Studie zur mehrfachen aufsteigenden Dosis (MAD) Teil 2 begonnen und erwartet im Q1 2025 obere Daten. Ein geplanter Teil 3 wird den frühen Nachweis des Konzeptes bewerten. NeuroBo ist der Ansicht, dass DA-1726 ein Spitzenmedikament zur Behandlung von Fettleibigkeit mit besserer Verträglichkeit als die derzeitigen GLP-1-Agonisten werden könnte.

  • Positive top-line safety and tolerability data from Phase 1 SAD study
  • Dose-linear pharmacokinetics observed across investigated dose range
  • No serious adverse events reported in the trial
  • Early initiation of multiple ascending dose (MAD) study
  • Potential for DA-1726 to become a best-in-class obesity drug
  • Top-line data from MAD Part 2 not expected until Q1 2025
  • Additional cohorts being added to SAD Part 1, potentially extending timeline


The positive top-line data from the SAD Part 1 of NeuroBo's Phase 1 trial for DA-1726 is encouraging for the company's obesity treatment program. Key points include:

  • Favorable safety and tolerability profile with no serious adverse events
  • Dose-linear pharmacokinetics across the investigated dose range
  • Only 5 subjects in the DA-1726 group reported AEs vs. 3 in placebo

The accelerated initiation of the MAD study and plans to explore higher doses indicate confidence in the drug's potential. DA-1726's dual agonist mechanism (GLP1R and GCGR) could potentially offer advantages over current GLP-1 agonists. However, it's important to note that efficacy data is still pending, with MAD Part 2 results expected in Q1 2025.

For investors, this represents a positive early-stage milestone, but significant development hurdles remain before DA-1726 could reach the market and compete in the increasingly crowded obesity treatment space.

This positive Phase 1 data represents a significant milestone for NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, potentially de-risking their lead asset DA-1726 to some extent. Key financial implications include:

  • Potential for increased investor interest and possible share price appreciation
  • Improved partnering opportunities or licensing deals if development continues successfully
  • Justification for continued R&D investment in the program

However, with a market cap of only $28.18 million, NeuroBo remains a high-risk, early-stage biotech investment. The company will likely need additional financing to complete clinical development, which could lead to dilution for current shareholders. The obesity market is highly competitive, with established players and late-stage candidates, so commercial success is far from guaranteed even if DA-1726 continues to show promise.

Investors should closely monitor cash burn rate, upcoming milestones (especially MAD Part 2 results in Q1 2025) and any potential partnerships or financing events.

Data Revealed Favorable Safety, Tolerability and Dose-Linear Pharmacokinetics (PK)

Top-Line Data Readout from the MAD Part 2 Expected in the First Quarter of 2025

Planned Phase 1 Part 3 Will Evaluate Early Proof of Concept

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: NRBO), a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on transforming cardiometabolic diseases, today announced positive top-line safety, tolerability, and dose-linear pharmacokinetics (PK) data from the single ascending dose (SAD) Part 1 of its Phase 1 clinical trial of DA-1726, a novel, dual oxyntomodulin (OXM) analog agonist that functions as a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) and glucagon receptor (GCGR), for the treatment of obesity.

In the SAD Part 1 of the Phase 1 clinical trial, a total of 45 obese, otherwise healthy participants were randomized in a double-blind, 6:3 ratio of DA-1726 or placebo. Single ascending doses were found to be safe and well tolerated, with no serious adverse events. Only 5 subjects in the DA-1726 treatment group reported adverse events (AEs) compared with 3 subjects in the placebo group. A dose-linear PK profile was observed across the investigated dose range. Additional cohorts are being added to the SAD Part 1 to explore the maximum tolerated dose.

"The safety, tolerability and dose-linear PK data generated from the Part 1 SAD trial are highly encouraging and allowed for the accelerated initiation of our multiple ascending dose (MAD) study," stated Hyung Heon Kim, President and Chief Executive Officer of NeuroBo. "In light of the strong safety profile from the SAD Part 1 of the study, we are in the process of adding one or more cohorts to further explore the maximum tolerated dose, which will allow us to realize the full potential of DA-1726. Based on the preclinical data generated to date, as well as DA-1726's balanced activation of GLP1R and glucagon receptors, which increases energy expenditure, we continue to believe that DA-1726 may become a best-in-class obesity drug with a better tolerability profile than currently marketed GLP-1 agonists, and those now in late-stage clinical trials. We eagerly anticipate reporting top-line data from the MAD Part 2 in the first quarter of 2025, which will give us an early read on clinical efficacy. Additionally, we continue to plan Part 3 of the trial that will explore early proof of concept."

The MAD Part 2 of the Phase 1 trial is a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study to investigate the safety, tolerability, PK, and PD of multiple ascending doses of DA-1726 in obese, otherwise healthy subjects. Part 2 is expected to enroll approximately 36 participants, who will be randomized at the same 6:3 ratio into 4 planned cohorts, each to receive 4 weekly administrations of DA-1726 or placebo. The first patient in the MAD study was dosed ahead of schedule, in late June, as previously reported.

The primary endpoint of the Phase 1 trial is to assess the safety and tolerability of DA-1726 by monitoring adverse events (AEs), serious adverse events (SAEs), treatment emergent adverse events (TEAEs) and AEs leading to treatment discontinuation. Secondary endpoints include the PK of DA-1726, assessed via serum concentrations over time and metabolite profiling at the highest doses of DA-1726. Exploratory endpoints will include the effect of DA-1726 on metabolic parameters, cardiac parameters, fasting lipid levels, body weight, waist circumference and body mass index (BMI), among others.

For more information on this clinical trial, please visit: NCT06252220.

About DA-1726
DA-1726 is a novel oxyntomodulin (OXM) analogue functioning as a GLP1R/GCGR dual agonist for the treatment of obesity and Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH) that is to be administered once weekly subcutaneously. DA-1726 acts as a dual agonist of GLP-1 receptors (GLP1R) and glucagon receptors (GCGR), leading to weight loss through reduced appetite and increased energy expenditure. DA-1726 has a well understood mechanism and, in pre-clinical mice models, resulted in improved weight loss compared to semaglutide (Wegovy®) and cotadutide (another OXM analogue). Additionally, in pre-clinical mouse models, DA-1726 elicited similar weight reduction, while consuming more food, compared tirzepatide (Zepbound®) and survodutide (a drug with the same MOA), while also preserving lean body mass and demonstrating improved lipid-lowering effects compared to survodutide.

About NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals
NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on transforming cardiometabolic diseases. The company is currently developing DA-1726 for the treatment of obesity, and is developing DA-1241 for the treatment of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH). DA-1726 is a novel oxyntomodulin (OXM) analogue that functions as a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) and glucagon receptor (GCGR) dual agonist. OXM is a naturally-occurring gut hormone that activates GLP1R and GCGR, thereby decreasing food intake while increasing energy expenditure, thus potentially resulting in superior body weight loss compared to selective GLP1R agonists. DA-1241 is a novel G-protein-coupled receptor 119 (GPR119) agonist that promotes the release of key gut peptides GLP-1, GIP, and PYY. In pre-clinical studies, DA-1241 demonstrated a positive effect on liver inflammation, lipid metabolism, weight loss, and glucose metabolism, reducing hepatic steatosis, hepatic inflammation, and liver fibrosis, while also improving glucose control.

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Forward Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "may", "will", "should", "seeks", "approximately", "potential", "intends", "projects", "plans", "estimates" or the negative of these words or other comparable terminology (as well as other words or expressions referencing future events, conditions or circumstances) are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this press release, including, without limitation, those risks associated with NeuroBo's ability to execute on its commercial strategy; the timeline for regulatory submissions; the ability to obtain regulatory approval through the development steps of NeuroBo's current and future product candidates; the ability to realize the benefits of the license agreement with Dong-A ST Co. Ltd., including the impact on future financial and operating results of NeuroBo; the cooperation of NeuroBo's contract manufacturers, clinical study partners and others involved in the development of NeuroBo's current and future product candidates; potential negative interactions between NeuroBo's product candidates and any other products with which they are combined for treatment; NeuroBo's ability to initiate and complete clinical trials on a timely basis; NeuroBo's ability to recruit subjects for its clinical trials; whether NeuroBo receives results from NeuroBo's clinical trials that are consistent with the results of pre-clinical and previous clinical trials; impact of costs related to the license agreement, known and unknown, including costs of any litigation or regulatory actions relating to the license agreement; the effects of changes in applicable laws or regulations; the effects of changes to NeuroBo's stock price on the terms of the license agreement and any future fundraising; and other risks and uncertainties described in NeuroBo's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including NeuroBo's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date when made. NeuroBo does not assume any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals
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Chief Financial Officer

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SOURCE NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


What were the results of NeuroBo's Phase 1 trial for DA-1726 (NRBO)?

NeuroBo's Phase 1 SAD trial for DA-1726 showed favorable safety, tolerability, and dose-linear pharmacokinetics. No serious adverse events were reported, and only 5 subjects in the DA-1726 group had adverse events compared to 3 in the placebo group.

When will NeuroBo (NRBO) release top-line data from the MAD Part 2 study of DA-1726?

NeuroBo expects to release top-line data from the MAD Part 2 study of DA-1726 in the first quarter of 2025.

How many participants were involved in NeuroBo's Phase 1 SAD trial for DA-1726 (NRBO)?

A total of 45 obese, otherwise healthy participants were randomized in the Phase 1 SAD trial for DA-1726, with a 6:3 ratio of DA-1726 to placebo.

What is the mechanism of action for NeuroBo's DA-1726 (NRBO) in treating obesity?

DA-1726 is a novel, dual oxyntomodulin (OXM) analog agonist that functions as a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) and glucagon receptor (GCGR) agonist, potentially offering better efficacy in treating obesity.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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