NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals Announces Joint Research Agreement, Together with Dong-A ST and ImmunoForge to Develop a Long-Acting Once-Monthly Formulation of DA-1726 for the Treatment of Obesity

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NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) has entered a joint research agreement with Dong-A ST and ImmunoForge to develop a long-acting, once-monthly formulation of DA-1726 for obesity treatment. DA-1726 is a novel, dual oxyntomodulin analog agonist functioning as a GLP1R and GCGR agonist, currently in Phase 1 studies. The collaboration will utilize ImmunoForge's Elastin-Like Polypeptide (ELP) platform technology, which can potentially increase a drug's half-life by up to 200 times.

This agreement aims to enhance patient compliance and ease of administration for obesity treatment. The ELP technology could overcome limitations in creating longer-acting forms of peptides like DA-1726. The collaboration seeks to develop what could be a first-in-class, once-monthly obesity treatment. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) ha stipulato un accordo di ricerca congiunta con Dong-A ST e ImmunoForge per sviluppare una formulazione a lunga durata d’azione, somministrabile una volta al mese di DA-1726 per il trattamento dell'obesità. DA-1726 è un nuovo analogo di oxintomodulina, capace di agire come agonista del GLP1R e del GCGR, attualmente in fase di studio clinico Fase 1. La collaborazione utilizzerà la tecnologia della piattaforma di Polipeptide simile all'Elastina (ELP) di ImmunoForge, che può potenzialmente aumentare la vita media di un farmaco fino a 200 volte.

Questo accordo punta a migliorare la compliance dei pazienti e la facilità di somministrazione per il trattamento dell'obesità. La tecnologia ELP potrebbe superare i limiti nella creazione di forme a lunga durata d'azione di peptidi come DA-1726. La collaborazione cerca di sviluppare ciò che potrebbe essere un trattamento per l'obesità innovativo, somministrabile una volta al mese. I termini finanziari dell'accordo non sono stati resi noti.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) ha firmado un acuerdo de investigación conjunta con Dong-A ST e ImmunoForge para desarrollar una formulación de acción prolongada, administrada una vez al mes de DA-1726 para el tratamiento de la obesidad. DA-1726 es un nuevo agonista del análogo de oxintomodulina que actúa como agonista del GLP1R y del GCGR, actualmente en estudios de Fase 1. La colaboración utilizará la tecnología de la plataforma de Polipéptido Similar a la Elastina (ELP) de ImmunoForge, que puede potencialmente aumentar la vida media de un medicamento hasta 200 veces.

Este acuerdo tiene como objetivo mejorar la adherencia de los pacientes y la facilidad de administración para el tratamiento de la obesidad. La tecnología ELP podría superar las limitaciones en la creación de formas de peptidos de acción prolongada como DA-1726. La colaboración busca desarrollar lo que podría ser un tratamiento innovador para la obesidad, administrado una vez al mes. Los términos financieros del acuerdo no fueron divulgados.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO)는 Dong-A ST 및 ImmunoForge와 함께 한 달에 한 번 투여하는 장기 작용 제형의 DA-1726을 비만 치료를 위한 연구 협력 계약을 체결하였습니다. DA-1726은 GLP1R 및 GCGR의 두 가지 역할을 하는 새로운 옥신토모듈린 유사체로 현재 1상 연구 중에 있습니다. 이 협력은 ImmunoForge의 엘라스틴 유사 펩타이드(ELP) 플랫폼 기술를 활용하여 약물의 반감기를 최대 200배까지 늘릴 수 있는 가능성을 가지고 있습니다.

이 계약의 목표는 비만 치료를 위한 환자의 순응도와 투여 용이성을 향상시키는 것입니다. ELP 기술은 DA-1726과 같은 펩타이드의 장기 작용 제형을 만드는 데 한계를 극복할 수 있습니다. 이 협력은 한 달에 한 번 투여할 수 있는 첫 번째 비만 치료제를 개발하려고 합니다. 계약의 재정 조건은 공개되지 않았습니다.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) a signé un accord de recherche conjoint avec Dong-A ST et ImmunoForge pour développer une formulation à action prolongée, à administrer une fois par mois de DA-1726 pour le traitement de l'obésité. DA-1726 est un nouvel analogue de l'oxyntomoduline, agissant comme un agoniste du GLP1R et du GCGR, actuellement en études de Phase 1. La collaboration utilisera la technologie de plateforme de Polypeptide semblable à l'Élastine (ELP) d'ImmunoForge, qui peut potentiellement augmenter la demi-vie d'un médicament jusqu'à 200 fois.

Cet accord vise à améliorer l'adhésion des patients et la facilité d'administration pour le traitement de l'obésité. La technologie ELP pourrait surmonter les limitations liées à la création de formes à action prolongée de peptides tels que DA-1726. La collaboration cherche à développer ce qui pourrait être un traitement innovant de l'obésité, administré une fois par mois. Les conditions financières de l'accord n'ont pas été divulguées.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: NRBO) hat eine gemeinsame Forschungsvereinbarung mit Dong-A ST und ImmunoForge unterzeichnet, um eine langwirksame, monatlich einzunehmende Formulierung von DA-1726 zur Behandlung von Fettleibigkeit zu entwickeln. DA-1726 ist ein neuartiger agonistischer Dual-Oxyntomodulin-Analogon, der als GLP1R- und GCGR-Agonist fungiert und sich derzeit in Phase-1-Studien befindet. Die Zusammenarbeit wird die Elastin-ähnliche Polypeptid (ELP) Plattformtechnologie von ImmunoForge nutzen, die möglicherweise die Halbwertszeit eines Arzneimittels um bis zu 200-fach verlängern kann.

Dieses Abkommen zielt darauf ab, die Patientenadhärenz und die Anwendbarkeit bei der Behandlung von Fettleibigkeit zu verbessern. Die ELP-Technologie könnte Einschränkungen bei der Schaffung von langwirksamen Formen von Peptiden wie DA-1726 überwinden. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, ein erstklassiges, monatlich einzunehmendes Fettleibigkeitsmittel zu entwickeln. Die finanziellen Bedingungen des Abkommens wurden nicht offengelegt.

  • Potential development of a long-acting, once-monthly formulation of DA-1726 for obesity treatment
  • Collaboration with Dong-A ST and ImmunoForge leveraging ELP platform technology
  • ELP technology can potentially increase drug half-life by up to 200 times
  • Possibility of creating a first-in-class, once-monthly obesity treatment
  • DA-1726 is still in early-stage Phase 1 studies
  • Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed

This joint research agreement marks a significant step in the development of DA-1726 for obesity treatment. The collaboration aims to leverage ImmunoForge's ELP platform to create a long-acting, once-monthly formulation, potentially addressing a major challenge in obesity therapeutics.

The key advantages of this approach include:

  • Improved patient compliance due to reduced dosing frequency
  • Potential for enhanced efficacy through sustained drug levels
  • Competitive edge in the rapidly growing GLP-1 market for obesity
However, investors should note that this is still in early stages and success is not guaranteed. The lack of disclosed financial terms also makes it challenging to assess the immediate impact on NeuroBo's financials.

Overall, this collaboration could significantly enhance NeuroBo's position in the obesity treatment market, but it's important to monitor the progress of ongoing Phase 1 studies and subsequent development milestones.

This collaboration highlights a growing trend in the pharmaceutical industry towards long-acting formulations, particularly in the competitive obesity treatment market. The potential to extend DA-1726's half-life by up to 200% could be a game-changer, positioning NeuroBo favorably against established players like Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly.

Key considerations:

  • Market differentiation: A once-monthly injection could provide a significant competitive advantage
  • R&D efficiency: Leveraging ImmunoForge's platform may accelerate development timelines
  • Potential for expanded indications: Success could lead to applications in other cardiometabolic diseases
While promising, investors should be aware that developing novel drug formulations carries inherent risks and regulatory hurdles. The success of this venture will depend on both the efficacy of DA-1726 and the performance of ImmunoForge's ELP technology in clinical trials.

The obesity treatment market is experiencing rapid growth, with GLP-1 agonists leading the charge. This collaboration positions NeuroBo to potentially capture a significant share of this expanding market. Key market factors to consider:

  • The global obesity treatment market is projected to reach $54 billion by 2030
  • Patient preference for less frequent dosing could drive adoption of a once-monthly formulation
  • Increased competition in the GLP-1 space may put pressure on pricing and market share
While NeuroBo's approach is innovative, success will depend on clinical outcomes and the ability to differentiate from established players. The lack of financial details in the agreement makes it difficult to assess the immediate impact on NeuroBo's valuation. Investors should closely monitor clinical trial results and regulatory milestones as key indicators of the company's potential in this lucrative market.

Collaboration to Leverage ImmunoForge's ELP Platform Technology Which Can Increase the Half-Life of a Drug by up to 200 Times

CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: NRBO), a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on transforming cardiometabolic diseases, today announced that it has signed a joint research agreement, together with Dong-A ST Co. Ltd. and ImmunoForge, to develop a long-acting, once-monthly, formulation of DA-1726, a novel, dual oxyntomodulin (OXM) analog agonist that functions as a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) and glucagon receptor (GCGR), utilizing ImmunoForge's long-lasting half-life extension Elastin-Like Polypeptide (ELP) platform technology. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

"The signing of this research agreement, together with our collaboration partners, Dong-A ST and ImmunoForge, is a step toward potentially developing a long-acting formulation of DA-1726 which would enhance patient compliance and ease of administration for the treatment of obesity," stated Hyung Heon Kim, President and Chief Executive Officer of NeuroBo. "We are hopeful that ImmunoForge's ELP platform technology may enable the formulation of DA-1726, currently in Phase 1 studies, into a once-monthly injection, allowing us to overcome the current limitations associated with changing peptides, such as DA-1726, into longer-acting forms. We look forward to working closely with both Dong-A ST and ImmunoForge to bring what could be a first-in-class, once-monthly obesity treatment to market."

"This agreement with Dong-A ST, one of the top pharmaceutical companies in Korea, and NeuroBo, reaffirms the potential of our ELP platform technology," added Sung-Min Ahn and Kiho Chang, Co-Chief Executive Officers of ImmunoForge. "Our patented, once-monthly, long-acting ELP platform technology has the capability to increase the half-life of a drug by up to 200 times and we look forward to exploring its application to NeuroBo's DA-1726, a highly promising approach for the treatment of obesity."

About ImmunoForge
ImmunoForge specializes in novel drug development with a broad pipeline, from pre-clinical through Phase 2, based on its patented Elastin-Like Polypeptide (ELP) platform technology, developed by chief technology officer, Dr. Jim Ballance, which has the ability to increase the half-life of a drug by up to 200 times. The company is currently conducting phase 2 clinical trials for Froniglutide, which has already proven to be stable and which is indicated for a range of diseases including Dermatomyositis and Polymyositis, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) and others. Pemziviptadil, a first-in class drug intended to treat cardiomyopathy associated with DMD and cystic fibrosis, is in preparation for the submission of a Phase 2 Investigational New Drug Application (IND) to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. A number of the company's pipeline candidates have received FDA orphan drug designation. 

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About DA-1726
DA-1726 is a novel oxyntomodulin (OXM) analogue functioning as a GLP1R/GCGR dual agonist for the treatment of obesity and Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH) that is to be administered once weekly subcutaneously. DA-1726 acts as a dual agonist of GLP-1 receptors (GLP1R) and glucagon receptors (GCGR), leading to weight loss through reduced appetite and increased energy expenditure. DA-1726 has a well understood mechanism and, in pre-clinical mice models, resulted in improved weight loss compared to semaglutide and cotadutide (another OXM analogue). Additionally, in pre-clinical mouse models, DA-1726 elicited similar weight reduction, while consuming more food, compared tirzepatide and survodutide, while also preserving lean body mass and demonstrating improved lipid-lowering effects compared to survodutide.

About NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals
NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on transforming cardiometabolic diseases. The company is currently developing DA-1241 for the treatment of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis (MASH) and is developing DA-1726 for the treatment of obesity. DA-1241 is a novel G-protein-coupled receptor 119 (GPR119) agonist that promotes the release of key gut peptides GLP-1, GIP, and PYY. In pre-clinical studies, DA-1241 demonstrated a positive effect on liver inflammation, lipid metabolism, weight loss, and glucose metabolism, reducing hepatic steatosis, hepatic inflammation, and liver fibrosis, while also improving glucose control. DA-1726 is a novel oxyntomodulin (OXM) analogue that functions as a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) and glucagon receptor (GCGR) dual agonist. OXM is a naturally-occurring gut hormone that activates GLP1R and GCGR, thereby decreasing food intake while increasing energy expenditure, thus potentially resulting in superior body weight loss compared to selective GLP1R agonists.

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Forward Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "may", "will", "should", "seeks", "approximately", "intends", "projects", "plans", "estimates" or the negative of these words or other comparable terminology (as well as other words or expressions referencing future events, conditions or circumstances) are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this press release, including, without limitation, those risks associated with NeuroBo's ability to execute on its commercial strategy; the timeline for regulatory submissions; the ability to obtain regulatory approval through the development steps of NeuroBo's current and future product candidates, the ability to realize the benefits of the license agreement with Dong-A ST Co. Ltd., including the impact on future financial and operating results of NeuroBo; the cooperation of NeuroBo's contract manufacturers, clinical study partners and others involved in the development of NeuroBo's current and future product candidates; potential negative interactions between NeuroBo's product candidates and any other products with which they are combined for treatment; NeuroBo's ability to initiate and complete clinical trials on a timely basis; NeuroBo's ability to recruit subjects for its clinical trials; whether NeuroBo receives results from NeuroBo's clinical trials that are consistent with the results of pre-clinical and previous clinical trials; impact of costs related to the license agreement, known and unknown, including costs of any litigation or regulatory actions relating to the license agreement; the effects of changes in applicable laws or regulations; the effects of changes to NeuroBo's stock price on the terms of the license agreement and any future fundraising; and other risks and uncertainties described in NeuroBo's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including NeuroBo's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date when made. NeuroBo does not assume any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals
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SOURCE NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


What is the purpose of NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals' joint research agreement with Dong-A ST and ImmunoForge?

The joint research agreement aims to develop a long-acting, once-monthly formulation of DA-1726, a novel dual oxyntomodulin analog agonist, for the treatment of obesity using ImmunoForge's ELP platform technology.

What is the current development stage of DA-1726 (NRBO)?

DA-1726 is currently in Phase 1 studies.

How much can ImmunoForge's ELP platform technology increase a drug's half-life?

ImmunoForge's ELP platform technology has the capability to increase the half-life of a drug by up to 200 times.

What potential benefit does the long-acting formulation of DA-1726 (NRBO) offer for obesity treatment?

The long-acting formulation of DA-1726 could enhance patient compliance and ease of administration for obesity treatment, potentially becoming a first-in-class, once-monthly obesity treatment.

NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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