FiscalNote Announces New AI-powered Enhancements for Fireside - the Industry-leading All-in-one Constituent Relationship Management SaaS Platform

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FiscalNote (NYSE: NOTE) has unveiled a new AI-powered feature for its Fireside platform, designed to revolutionize legislative inbox management. This innovative tool uses advanced AI and large language models to sort and prioritize constituent communications, addressing the challenge of managing an average of 30,000 messages per year for legislative offices.

The AI sorting feature categorizes incoming messages into four priority levels, with a focus on identifying potential threats or self-harm content. Key benefits include enhanced workflow management, improved transparency, and seamless integration with existing Fireside tools. This advancement aims to increase efficiency, responsiveness, and trust between legislators and constituents.

FiscalNote (NYSE: NOTE) ha presentato una nuova funzione potenziata dall'AI per la sua piattaforma Fireside, progettata per rivoluzionare la gestione della casella di posta legislativa. Questo strumento innovativo utilizza AI avanzata e modelli di linguaggio di grandi dimensioni per filtrare e dare priorità alle comunicazioni dei cittadini, affrontando la sfida di gestire in media 30.000 messaggi all'anno per gli uffici legislativi.

La funzione di ordinamento AI classifica i messaggi in arrivo in quattro livelli di priorità, concentrandosi sull'identificazione di potenziali minacce o contenuti autolesionisti. I principali vantaggi includono una gestione del flusso di lavoro migliorata, maggiore trasparenza e integrazione senza soluzione di continuità con gli strumenti esistenti di Fireside. Questo progresso mira a aumentare l'efficienza, la reattività e la fiducia tra i legislatori e i cittadini.

FiscalNote (NYSE: NOTE) ha presentado una nueva función impulsada por IA para su plataforma Fireside, diseñada para revolucionar la gestión de la bandeja de entrada legislativa. Esta herramienta innovadora utiliza IA avanzada y modelos de lenguaje de gran tamaño para clasificar y priorizar las comunicaciones de los ciudadanos, abordando el desafío de gestionar un promedio de 30,000 mensajes al año para las oficinas legislativas.

La función de clasificación por IA categoriza los mensajes entrantes en cuatro niveles de prioridad, con un enfoque en identificar posibles amenazas o contenidos autolesivos. Los beneficios clave incluyen una gestión del flujo de trabajo mejorada, mayor transparencia e integración perfecta con las herramientas existentes de Fireside. Este avance tiene como objetivo aumentar la eficiencia, la capacidad de respuesta y la confianza entre los legisladores y los ciudadanos.

FiscalNote (NYSE: NOTE)는 법안 우편함 관리를 혁신하기 위해 Fireside 플랫폼에 AI 기반의 새로운 기능을 공개했습니다. 이 혁신적인 도구는 고급 AI와 대형 언어 모델을 사용하여 유권자의 소통을 분류하고 우선순위를 정합니다, 연간 평균 30,000개의 메시지를 관리하는 과제를 해결하고자 합니다.

AI 분류 기능은 들어오는 메시지를 네 가지 우선순위 수준으로 분류하며, 잠재적인 위협이나 자해 내용을 식별하는 데 중점을 둡니다. 주요 이점으로는 향상된 작업 흐름 관리, 개선된 투명성, 기존 Fireside 도구와의 원활한 통합이 있습니다. 이 발전은 입법자와 유권자 간의 효율성, 반응성 및 신뢰를 높이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

FiscalNote (NYSE: NOTE) a dévoilé une nouvelle fonctionnalité alimentée par l'IA pour sa plateforme Fireside, conçue pour révolutionner la gestion des boîtes de réception législatives. Cet outil innovant utilise une IA avancée et de grands modèles linguistiques pour trier et prioriser les communications des citoyens, traitant ainsi le défi de gérer en moyenne 30 000 messages par an pour les bureaux législatifs.

La fonctionnalité de tri par IA catégorise les messages entrants en quatre niveaux de priorité, en mettant l'accent sur l'identification des menaces potentielles ou des contenus autodestructeurs. Les principaux avantages comprennent une gestion améliorée des flux de travail, une transparence accrue et une intégration fluide avec les outils existants de Fireside. Cette avancée vise à accroître l'efficacité, la réactivité et la confiance entre les législateurs et les citoyens.

FiscalNote (NYSE: NOTE) hat ein neues, von KI gestütztes Feature für seine Fireside-Plattform vorgestellt, das darauf abzielt, das Management des legislativen Posteingangs zu revolutionieren. Dieses innovative Werkzeug nutzt fortschrittliche KI und große Sprachmodelle, um Kommunikationen von Bürgern zu sortieren und zu priorisieren, und geht damit der Herausforderung nach, jährlich durchschnittlich 30.000 Nachrichten für legislative Büros zu verwalten.

Die KI-Sortierfunktion kategorisiert eingehende Nachrichten in vier Prioritätsstufen und konzentriert sich darauf, potenzielle Bedrohungen oder Selbstverletzungsinhalte zu identifizieren. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören verbessertes Workflow-Management, erhöhte Transparenz und nahtlose Integration mit bestehenden Fireside-Tools. Dieser Fortschritt zielt darauf ab, die Effizienz, Reaktionsfähigkeit und das Vertrauen zwischen Gesetzgebern und Bürgern zu erhöhen.

  • Launch of new AI sorting feature for Fireside platform to optimize legislative inbox management
  • AI technology prioritizes critical communications, including potential threats or self-harm content
  • Improved efficiency in managing an average of 30,000 constituent messages per year
  • Enhanced workflow management and transparency in message prioritization
  • None.

FiscalNote's new AI sorting feature for Fireside represents a significant advancement in legislative communication management. By leveraging large language models (LLMs), the system can intelligently categorize and prioritize constituent messages, addressing a major pain point for legislative offices.

The technology's ability to identify threats and self-harm indicators is particularly noteworthy, potentially enhancing safety measures for legislators and staff. However, the effectiveness of this feature will depend on the accuracy of the AI model and the quality of its training data.

While innovative, this solution also raises questions about data privacy and the potential for bias in AI-driven sorting. It's important to monitor how well the system performs in real-world scenarios and ensure transparency in its decision-making process.

This AI enhancement could significantly strengthen FiscalNote's market position in the government technology sector. By addressing a critical need in legislative offices, FiscalNote is likely to increase customer retention and potentially attract new clients.

The integration of AI into Fireside demonstrates FiscalNote's commitment to innovation, which could positively impact investor perception. However, the true value of this feature will be determined by its adoption rate and measurable improvements in office efficiency.

Investors should monitor key metrics such as customer acquisition costs, churn rate and revenue per customer in the coming quarters to assess the impact of this new feature on FiscalNote's financial performance.

Fireside Unveils Advanced AI Feature to Revolutionize Legislative Inbox Management - Enhancing Safety, Efficiency, and Responsiveness of Legislative Offices by Prioritizing Critical Constituent Communications

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- FiscalNote Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: NOTE) ("FiscalNote"), a leading provider of policy and global intelligence, today announced the launch of a groundbreaking AI sorting feature in its Fireside platform designed to optimize and modernize how legislative offices manage, prioritize, and streamline constituent communications delivered to their email inboxes.

Leveraging FiscalNote’s advanced AI tools and expertise, Fireside’s new feature provides an instant solution to the massive and time-consuming challenge of managing the 30,000 constituent messages legislative offices receive on average each year - while also providing the tools to quickly identify and separate messages with threats or self-harm language.

Fireside’s new AI sorting feature empowers users with the ability to prioritize constituent messages based on their significance, ensuring critical communications are promptly addressed. In the event a legislator’s office receives an email that explicitly mentions a threat of violence, Fireside's AI sorting feature immediately alerts and flags this message as high-priority - equipping the legislator’s team with the ability to inform law enforcement, reassess security measures, and ultimately protect the safety of the legislator, staff, and the public.

Using the power of large language models (LLMs), the AI sorting feature evaluates each incoming message for urgency and content, categorizing them into four primary ranks:

  1. Threats to the legislator or emails indicating self-harm
  2. Casework and personal constituent issues requiring immediate attention
  3. Meeting requests with the legislator or office
  4. General topic-related messages, constituting the bulk of messages

Key Benefits of Fireside’s AI Sorting

  • Enhanced Workflow Management: Streamlines the management of legislative inboxes by automatically sorting and prioritizing messages, allowing staff to ensure all constituent messages are addressed in a timely manner.
  • Transparency and Accuracy: Includes an info button for each sorted message, providing users with insight into the rationale behind its prioritization. Users can also report miscategorized messages to refine and optimize ongoing AI sorting accuracy.
  • Seamless Integration: Complements existing communication, casework, and constituent relations tools within the Fireside ecosystem, ensuring a smooth addition to the platform's capabilities.
  • Efficiency and Responsiveness: By using Fireside’s AI sorting feature, lawmakers and their staff can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of office communications, improving the relationship between legislators and constituents and building a deeper sense of trust and confidence in public sector institutions and their ability to deliver results and solutions more rapidly.

“FiscalNote is uniquely positioned to deploy our expertise in AI and the use of LLMs to enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of the public sector for the benefit of lawmakers, their staff, and their constituents,” said Josh Resnik, President and Chief Operating Officer, FiscalNote. “Delivering results through enhanced communications helps strengthen the critical relationship between our elected representatives and the people they serve, reinforcing trust in our public institutions and the services they provide. We are excited to integrate these new AI enhancements into Fireside to help our customers meet the challenge of managing and prioritizing the large volume of inbound constituent messages they face every day. Further, these features provide yet another example of FiscalNote bringing impactful new AI features to existing products for the benefit of our customers.”

About Fireside

Fireside (Part of FiscalNote) is the premier all-in-one constituent relationship management (CRM) platform built for Federal, State, and Local governments. Our automated mailroom, relational database, mobile-ready newsletters, and casework hub are fully and seamlessly integrated, so all tools are accessible in a single, comprehensive platform designed to strengthen the ties between citizens and their government. Fireside’s efficient and collaborative platform empowers our customers to focus on what matters most — building stronger, more proactive relationships with constituents. Fireside was acquired by FiscalNote in May 2021.

About FiscalNote

FiscalNote (NYSE: NOTE) is a leader in policy and global intelligence. By uniquely combining data, technology, and insights, FiscalNote empowers customers to manage political and business risk. Since 2013, FiscalNote has pioneered technology that delivers critical insights and the tools to turn them into action. Home to CQ, Dragonfly, Oxford Analytica, VoterVoice, and many other industry-leading brands, FiscalNote serves thousands of customers worldwide with global offices in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. To learn more about FiscalNote and its family of brands, visit and follow @FiscalNote.


Nicholas Graham


Investor Relations


Source: FiscalNote


What new AI feature has FiscalNote introduced for its Fireside platform?

FiscalNote has introduced an AI sorting feature for its Fireside platform, designed to optimize and modernize how legislative offices manage, prioritize, and streamline constituent communications in their email inboxes.

How does the new AI sorting feature in Fireside categorize incoming messages?

The AI sorting feature categorizes incoming messages into four priority levels: 1) Threats or self-harm, 2) Casework and personal issues, 3) Meeting requests, and 4) General topic-related messages.

What are the key benefits of FiscalNote's new AI sorting feature for Fireside?

Key benefits include enhanced workflow management, improved transparency and accuracy in message prioritization, seamless integration with existing Fireside tools, and increased efficiency and responsiveness in office communications.

How many constituent messages do legislative offices receive on average each year, according to FiscalNote?

According to FiscalNote, legislative offices receive an average of 30,000 constituent messages each year.

FiscalNote Holdings, Inc.


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