Air Industries Group Receives Supplier Excellence Award
Air Industries Group (NYSE American: AIRI) has been honored with a Supplier Excellence Award from Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) for their strategic excellence in military and security solutions. The recognition highlights AIRI's important role in supporting Northrop Grumman's delivery of advanced technologies for national security.
The partnership between the companies dates back decades, beginning with AIRI's supply relationship with Grumman Aerospace Currently, AIRI provides direct support for the E2-D Advanced Hawkeye aircraft and indirect support for the F-35 Lightning II through landing gear components.
Ken Brown, VP of enterprise global supply chain at Northrop Grumman, emphasized the importance of supplier partnerships in delivering next-generation advantages in advanced weapons, aircraft, missile defense, and space. The award acknowledges AIRI's dedication to supporting U.S. Military forces through high-quality performance and operational excellence.
Air Industries Group (NYSE American: AIRI) è stata premiata con un Supplier Excellence Award da Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) per la sua eccellenza strategica nelle soluzioni militari e di sicurezza. Questo riconoscimento evidenzia il ruolo importante di AIRI nel supportare la fornitura di tecnologie avanzate da parte di Northrop Grumman per la sicurezza nazionale.
La partnership tra le aziende risale a decenni fa, iniziando con il rapporto di fornitura di AIRI con Grumman Aerospace. Attualmente, AIRI fornisce supporto diretto per il E2-D Advanced Hawkeye e supporto indiretto per il F-35 Lightning II attraverso componenti del carrello di atterraggio.
Ken Brown, VP della catena di approvvigionamento globale di Northrop Grumman, ha sottolineato l'importanza delle partnership con i fornitori nel fornire vantaggi di nuova generazione in armi avanzate, aerei, difesa missilistica e spazio. Il premio riconosce la dedizione di AIRI nel supportare le forze militari statunitensi attraverso prestazioni di alta qualità ed eccellenza operativa.
Air Industries Group (NYSE American: AIRI) ha sido honrada con un Supplier Excellence Award de Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) por su excelencia estratégica en soluciones militares y de seguridad. Este reconocimiento destaca el importante papel de AIRI en el apoyo a la entrega de tecnologías avanzadas por parte de Northrop Grumman para la seguridad nacional.
La asociación entre las empresas se remonta a décadas, comenzando con la relación de suministro de AIRI con Grumman Aerospace. Actualmente, AIRI proporciona apoyo directo para el E2-D Advanced Hawkeye y apoyo indirecto para el F-35 Lightning II a través de componentes del tren de aterrizaje.
Ken Brown, VP de la cadena de suministro global de Northrop Grumman, enfatizó la importancia de las asociaciones con proveedores para ofrecer ventajas de próxima generación en armas avanzadas, aeronaves, defensa de misiles y espacio. El premio reconoce la dedicación de AIRI en el apoyo a las fuerzas militares de EE. UU. a través de un rendimiento de alta calidad y excelencia operativa.
Air Industries Group (NYSE American: AIRI)는 Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC)으로부터 군사 및 보안 솔루션에서의 전략적 우수성으로 Supplier Excellence Award를 수상했습니다. 이 인정은 AIRI가 국가 안보를 위한 첨단 기술 제공을 지원하는 데 중요한 역할을 하고 있음을 강조합니다.
두 회사 간의 파트너십은 수십 년 전으로 거슬러 올라가며, AIRI의 Grumman Aerospace와의 공급 관계로 시작되었습니다. 현재 AIRI는 E2-D Advanced Hawkeye에 대한 직접 지원과 F-35 Lightning II에 대한 간접 지원을 착륙 기어 부품을 통해 제공합니다.
Ken Brown, Northrop Grumman의 글로벌 공급망 부사장은 첨단 무기, 항공기, 미사일 방어 및 우주 분야에서 차세대 이점을 제공하기 위한 공급업체 파트너십의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 이 상은 고품질 성과와 운영 우수성을 통해 미국 군대 지원에 대한 AIRI의 헌신을 인정합니다.
Air Industries Group (NYSE American: AIRI) a été honorée par un Supplier Excellence Award décerné par Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) pour son excellence stratégique dans les solutions militaires et de sécurité. Cette reconnaissance met en lumière le rôle important d'AIRI dans le soutien à la fourniture de technologies avancées par Northrop Grumman pour la sécurité nationale.
Le partenariat entre les entreprises remonte à des décennies, débutant avec la relation de fourniture d'AIRI avec Grumman Aerospace. Actuellement, AIRI fournit un soutien direct pour l'E2-D Advanced Hawkeye et un soutien indirect pour le F-35 Lightning II à travers des composants du train d'atterrissage.
Ken Brown, VP de la chaîne d'approvisionnement mondiale chez Northrop Grumman, a souligné l'importance des partenariats avec les fournisseurs pour offrir des avantages de nouvelle génération dans les armes avancées, les avions, la défense antimissile et l'espace. Le prix reconnaît le dévouement d'AIRI à soutenir les forces militaires américaines grâce à des performances de haute qualité et à une excellence opérationnelle.
Air Industries Group (NYSE American: AIRI) wurde mit dem Supplier Excellence Award von Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) für ihre strategische Exzellenz in militärischen und Sicherheitslösungen ausgezeichnet. Diese Anerkennung hebt die wichtige Rolle von AIRI bei der Unterstützung von Northrop Grummans Lieferung fortschrittlicher Technologien für die nationale Sicherheit hervor.
Die Partnerschaft zwischen den Unternehmen reicht Jahrzehnte zurück und begann mit AIRIs Lieferbeziehung zu Grumman Aerospace. Derzeit bietet AIRI direkte Unterstützung für das E2-D Advanced Hawkeye und indirekte Unterstützung für den F-35 Lightning II durch Komponenten des Fahrwerks.
Ken Brown, VP der globalen Lieferkette bei Northrop Grumman, betonte die Bedeutung von Lieferantenpartnerschaften, um Vorteile der nächsten Generation in fortschrittlichen Waffen, Flugzeugen, Raketenabwehr und Raumfahrt zu bieten. Der Preis erkennt AIRIs Engagement an, die US-Streitkräfte durch hochwertige Leistungen und betriebliche Exzellenz zu unterstützen.
- None.
- None.
“Air Industries Group has supported Northrop Grumman in delivering technologies that enhance national security for the
Recognized for Strategic Excellence, Air Industries Group is instrumental in supporting Northrop Grumman with delivering innovative and cost-effective military and security solutions to give its customers the advantage in a complex world.
Lou Melluzzo, Chief Executive Officer of Air Industries Group commented: “We are very honored to receive the Supplier Excellence Award. Air Industries Group’s relationship with Northrop Grumman began decades ago as a supplier to a predecessor, the Grumman Aerospace Corporation which was located just a few miles from our
“This Award recognizes the dedication of our talented, hard-working employees in their mission to support the Military forces of the United States.”
Air Industries Group is a leading manufacturer of precision components and assemblies for large aerospace and defense prime contractors. Its products include landing gears, flight controls, engine mounts and components for aircraft jet engines, ground turbines and other complex machines. Whether it is a small individual component or complete assembly, its high quality and extremely reliable products are used in mission critical operations that are essential for the safety of military personnel and civilians.
Certain matters discussed in this press release are 'forward-looking statements' intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In particular, the Company's statements regarding trends in the marketplace, future revenues, earnings and Adjusted EBITDA, the ability to realize firm backlog and projected backlog, cost cutting measures, potential future results and acquisitions, are examples of such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the timing of projects due to variability in size, scope and duration, the inherent discrepancy in actual results from estimates, projections and forecasts made by management, regulatory delays, changes in government funding and budgets, and other factors, including general economic conditions, not within the Company's control. The factors discussed herein and expressed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission could cause actual results and developments to be materially different from those expressed in or implied by such statements. The forward-looking statements are made only as of the date of this press release and the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.
The Company uses Adjusted EBITDA, a Non-GAAP financial measure as defined by the SEC, as a supplemental profitability measure because management finds it useful to understand and evaluate results, excluding the impact of non-cash depreciation and amortization charges, stock based compensation expenses, and nonrecurring expenses and outlays, prior to consideration of the impact of other potential sources and uses of cash, such as working capital items. This calculation may differ in method of calculation from similarly titled measures used by other companies and may be different than the EBITDA calculation used by our lenders for purposes of determining compliance with our financial covenants. This Non-GAAP measure may have limitations when understanding performance as it excludes the financial impact of transactions such as interest expense necessary to conduct the Company’s business and therefore are not intended to be an alternative to financial measure prepared in accordance with GAAP. The Company has not quantitatively reconciled its forward looking Adjusted EBITDA target to the most directly comparable GAAP measure because items such as amortization of stock-based compensation and interest expense, which are specific items that impact these measures, have not yet occurred, are out of the Company’s control, or cannot be predicted. For example, quantification of stock-based compensation is not possible as it requires inputs such as future grants and stock prices which are not currently ascertainable.
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Air Industries Group
Chief Financial Officer
Source: Air Industries Group
What is the significance of AIRI's Supplier Excellence Award from Northrop Grumman?
Which specific aircraft programs does AIRI support through its partnership with Northrop Grumman?
How long has AIRI been partnering with Northrop Grumman?
What specific components does AIRI manufacture for Northrop Grumman's aircraft programs?