NanoViricides to Present at the Global AMR Summit 2024 Tomorrow

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NanoViricides (NYSE American:NNVC) announces that its President, Dr. Anil R. Diwan, will present at the Global AMR Summit 2024 on October 9, 2024, in Cambridge, MA. Dr. Diwan will discuss the company's 'Trojan Horse' Platform Technology to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The technology enables delivery of 'war-heads' directly onto pathogens, potentially reducing toxicity and improving pharmacokinetics. NanoViricides' lead drug, NV-387, has completed Phase 1a/1b trials with no reported adverse events. It has shown strong antiviral activity against multiple virus families, including Coronaviruses, RSV, and Influenza A.

NV-387 could be the first single drug to treat all 'tripledemic' viral infections. The company is also developing 'dual-action' nanoviricides to potentially cure viral infections by blocking the complete Virus Life Cycle.

NanoViricides (NYSE American:NNVC) annuncia che il suo Presidente, Dr. Anil R. Diwan, presenterà al Global AMR Summit 2024 il 9 ottobre 2024, a Cambridge, MA. Il Dr. Diwan discuterà della tecnologia 'Trojan Horse' dell'azienda per combattere la resistenza antimicrobica (AMR).

Questa tecnologia consente di consegnare 'testate' direttamente ai patogeni, potenzialmente riducendo la tossicità e migliorando la farmacocinetica. Il farmaco principale di NanoViricides, NV-387, ha completato le fasi di prova 1a/1b senza eventi avversi riportati. Ha dimostrato una forte attività antivirale contro diverse famiglie di virus, tra cui i Coronavirus, RSV e Influenza A.

NV-387 potrebbe essere il primo farmaco singolo a trattare tutte le infezioni virali del 'tripledemic'. L'azienda sta anche sviluppando nanoviricides 'a duplice azione' per potenzialmente curare le infezioni virali bloccando il ciclo vitale completo del virus.

NanoViricides (NYSE American:NNVC) anuncia que su Presidente, Dr. Anil R. Diwan, presentará en el Global AMR Summit 2024 el 9 de octubre de 2024, en Cambridge, MA. El Dr. Diwan discutirá la tecnología de plataforma 'Trojan Horse' de la compañía para combatir la resistencia antimicrobiana (AMR).

Esta tecnología permite la entrega de 'cabezales explosivos' directamente a los patógenos, lo que podría reducir la toxicidad y mejorar la farmacocinética. El medicamento principal de NanoViricides, NV-387, ha completado los ensayos de fase 1a/1b sin eventos adversos reportados. Ha demostrado una fuerte actividad antiviral contra múltiples familias de virus, incluidos Coronavirus, RSV e Influenza A.

NV-387 podría ser el primer medicamento único para tratar todas las infecciones virales de 'tripledemic'. La empresa también está desarrollando nanoviricidas de 'doble acción' para potencialmente curar infecciones virales bloqueando el ciclo de vida completo del virus.

NanoViricides (NYSE American:NNVC)는 회사의 회장인 Dr. Anil R. Diwan이 2024년 10월 9일 매사추세츠주 캠브리지에서 열리는 Global AMR Summit 2024에서 발표할 것이라고 발표했습니다. Dr. Diwan은 항균 저항성(AMR)과 싸우기 위한 회사의 'Trojan Horse' 플랫폼 기술에 대해 논의할 것입니다.

이 기술은 '전투머리'를 병원체에 직접 전달할 수 있게 하여 독성을 줄이고 약물 동태를 개선할 가능성이 있습니다. NanoViricides의 주요 약물인 NV-387은 보고된 부작용 없이 1a/1b 단계 시험을 완료했습니다. 이 약물은 Coronavirus, RSV, 인플루엔자 A를 포함한 여러 바이러스 계열에 대해 강력한 항바이러스 활성을 보여주었습니다.

NV-387은 '삼중 전염병' 바이러스 감염을 치료하는 첫 번째 단일 약물이 될 수 있습니다. 회사는 또한 바이러스 생애 주기를 완전히 차단하여 바이러스 감염을 치료할 수 있는 '이중 작용' 나노바이러시드를 개발하고 있습니다.

NanoViricides (NYSE American:NNVC) annonce que son Président, Dr. Anil R. Diwan, présentera au Global AMR Summit 2024 le 9 octobre 2024, à Cambridge, MA. Dr. Diwan discutera de la technologie de plate-forme 'Trojan Horse' de l'entreprise pour lutter contre la résistance antimicrobienne (AMR).

Cette technologie permet de délivrer des 'têtes de guerre' directement aux pathogènes, ce qui pourrait réduire la toxicité et améliorer la pharmacocinétique. Le médicament phare de NanoViricides, NV-387, a complété les essais de phase 1a/1b sans événements indésirables signalés. Il a montré une forte activité antivirale contre plusieurs familles de virus, y compris les coronavirus, le RSV et la grippe A.

NV-387 pourrait être le premier médicament unique à traiter toutes les infections virales 'tripledemic'. L'entreprise développe également des nanoviricides à 'action double' pour potentiellement guérir les infections virales en bloquant l'ensemble du cycle de vie du virus.

NanoViricides (NYSE American:NNVC) gibt bekannt, dass sein Präsident, Dr. Anil R. Diwan, am 9. Oktober 2024 auf dem Global AMR Summit 2024 in Cambridge, MA, präsentieren wird. Dr. Diwan wird die 'Trojan Horse' Plattformtechnologie des Unternehmens zur Bekämpfung der antimikrobiellen Resistenzen (AMR) erläutern.

Die Technologie ermöglicht die direkte Abgabe von 'Sprengköpfen' an Krankheitserreger, wodurch möglicherweise die Toxizität verringert und die Pharmakokinetik verbessert wird. Das Hauptmedikament von NanoViricides, NV-387, hat die Phase 1a/1b-Studien ohne berichtete Nebenwirkungen abgeschlossen. Es hat eine starke antivirale Wirkung gegen mehrere Virusfamilien, einschließlich Coronaviren, RSV und Influenza A, gezeigt.

NV-387 könnte das erste Einzelmedikament zur Behandlung aller 'Tripledemic'-virusinfektionen sein. Das Unternehmen entwickelt auch 'Dual-Action'-Nanoviricides, um potenziell Virusinfektionen zu heilen, indem der vollständige Lebenszyklus des Virus blockiert wird.

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Dr. Diwan to Discuss "Shape-Shifting", "Trojan Horse", Pathogen-Directed Attack Capability of NanoViricides Platform Technology to Combat AMR

SHELTON, CT / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / NanoViricides, Inc. (NYSE American:NNVC) (the "Company"), a clinical stage global leader in broad-spectrum antiviral nanomedicines, today announces that Anil R. Diwan, Ph.D., the Company's President and Executive Chairman, has been invited and will be presenting a talk at the Global AMR Summit, which is being held at the Kimpton Marlowe Hotel, Cambridge, MA, tomorrow, October 9, 2024.

AMR, or "Anti-Microbial Resistance" leads to the failure of antibiotic therapy in bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and other human pathogens, as these pathogens have been evolving to escape the anti-microbial drugs developed against them.

Dr. Diwan will present NanoViricides' "Trojan Horse" Platform Technology that enables delivery of one or more "war-heads" against a pathogen directly onto the pathogen, sparing normal host cells. This pathogen-directed therapy is expected to result in reduced toxicity and improved pharmacokinetics for the anti-microbial war-heads encapsulated within the nanoviricide micelle.

"The ‘shape-shifting' nanoviricide™ platform technology opens up new avenues for combatting anti-microbial resistance," commented Dr. Diwan, adding, "We have already developed nanoviricide drugs against viruses that promise to combat the problem of viral escape from a drug. We believe this technology can be applied to develop novel anti-microbial drugs in order to solve the AMR problem."

The global Antibiotic Resistance Market size was valued at USD 8.98 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 10.16 billion in 2023 to USD 27.39 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 13.19% during the forecast period (2024-2031), according to a Skyquest Market Report (

The Company's lead drug, NV-387, a broad-spectrum host-mimetic antiviral, has successfully completed Phase 1a/1b human clinical trials in healthy subjects, with no reported adverse events, indicating excellent safety and tolerability.

The same drug NV-387 has demonstrated strong antiviral activity against viruses from multiple families, including Coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-2, Long COVID, Seasonal coronaviral infections), RSV, Influenza A, as well as a Smallpox/Mpox related mouse virus in stringent, lethal viral infection animal models. In all of these cases, NV-387 led to improvement in survival that substantially exceeded or was at least on par with that from already approved drugs or known antiviral agents.

The host-mimetic design of the nanoviricide NV-387 is expected to make escape of viruses from the drug highly unlikely, thus solving the major problem in development of antiviral countermeasures.

NV-387 could be the very first single drug that can treat all of the "tripledemic" viral infections, namely, Coronaviruses, RSV, and Influenza A.

In addition, the Company is also developing "dual-action" nanoviricides that promise to completely cure viral infections by virtue of attacking both the "Re-Infection" part as well as the "Replication" part, thus blocking the complete Virus Life Cycle, by exploiting the "shape-shifting", and "Trojan-Horse" capabilities of the nanoviricide technology platform.

About Global AMR Summit 2024: The Premier Forum for Antimicrobial Resistance and Global Public Health

Welcome to the Global AMR Summit 2024, where global biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies will meet with leading experts and researchers in Boston, Massachusetts, to discuss the causes and response to antibiotic resistance and to understand the value of novel antibiotics to address the threat of AMR to public health.

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is a serious and growing concern to global public health, with 1.5 million deaths annually. Due to the escalation of Antibiotic Resistance Pathogenic Bacteria (ARPB) and Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR) in pathogenic bacteria, public health is returning to the "pre-antibiotic era" because of the non-effectiveness of present antibiotics against bacterial infections. The lack of rapid diagnostics and poor infection prevention control has transformed AMR into a global public health threat.

Next-generation antimicrobials and vaccines to combat the ‘silent pandemic' of antimicrobial resistance are on the priority list of global healthcare. Embracing new technologies, such as disrupting protein folding, photodynamic therapy, antimicrobial peptides, and AI-based antibiotics, will help overcome the challenges of Antimicrobial Resistance.

This year's Global AMR Summit will become the world's leading exhibition and conference exclusively for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to address scientific and business solutions in next-generation antimicrobials and vaccines to combat antimicrobial resistance.

This event will provide a forum for global pharmaceutical and biotechnology stakeholders to network and build cross-market relationships to explore new technologies and technical know-how to address the challenges in antimicrobial and antimicrobial resistance.

About NanoViricides

NanoViricides, Inc. (the "Company") ( is a clinical stage company that is creating special purpose nanomaterials for antiviral therapy. The Company's novel nanoviricide™ class of drug candidates and the nanoviricide™ technology are based on intellectual property, technology and proprietary know-how of TheraCour Pharma, Inc. The Company has a Memorandum of Understanding with TheraCour for the development of drugs based on these technologies for all antiviral infections. The MoU does not include cancer and similar diseases that may have viral origin but require different kinds of treatments.

The Company has obtained broad, exclusive, sub-licensable, field licenses to drugs developed in several licensed fields from TheraCour Pharma, Inc. The Company's business model is based on licensing technology from TheraCour Pharma Inc. for specific application verticals of specific viruses, as established at its foundation in 2005.

Our lead drug candidate is NV-387, a broad-spectrum antiviral drug that we plan to develop as a treatment of RSV, COVID, Long COVID, Influenza, and other respiratory viral infections, as well as MPOX/Smallpox infections. Our other advanced drug candidate is NV-HHV-1 for the treatment of Shingles. The Company cannot project an exact date for filing an IND for any of its drugs because of dependence on a number of external collaborators and consultants. The Company is currently focused on advancing NV-387 into Phase II human clinical trials.

NV-CoV-2 (API NV-387) is our nanoviricide drug candidate for COVID-19 that does not encapsulate remdesivir. NV-CoV-2-R is our other drug candidate for COVID-19 that is made up of NV-387 with remdesivir encapsulated within its polymeric micelles. The Company believes that since remdesivir is already US FDA approved, our drug candidate encapsulating remdesivir is likely to be an approvable drug, if safety is comparable. Remdesivir is developed by Gilead. The Company has developed both of its own drug candidates NV-CoV-2 and NV-CoV-2-R independently.

The Company is also developing drugs against a number of viral diseases including oral and genital Herpes, viral diseases of the eye including EKC and herpes keratitis, H1N1 swine flu, H5N1 bird flu, seasonal Influenza, HIV, Hepatitis C, Rabies, Dengue fever, and Ebola virus, among others. NanoViricides' platform technology and programs are based on the TheraCour® nanomedicine technology of TheraCour, which TheraCour licenses from AllExcel. NanoViricides holds a worldwide exclusive perpetual license to this technology for several drugs with specific targeting mechanisms in perpetuity for the treatment of the following human viral diseases: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Rabies, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2), Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV), Influenza and Asian Bird Flu Virus, Dengue viruses, Japanese Encephalitis virus, West Nile Virus, Ebola/Marburg viruses, and certain Coronaviruses. The Company intends to obtain a license for RSV, Poxviruses, and/or Enteroviruses if the initial research is successful. As is customary, the Company must state the risk factor that the path to typical drug development of any pharmaceutical product is extremely lengthy and requires substantial capital. As with any drug development efforts by any company, there can be no assurance at this time that any of the Company's pharmaceutical candidates would show sufficient effectiveness and safety for human clinical development. Further, there can be no assurance at this time that successful results against coronavirus in our lab will lead to successful clinical trials or a successful pharmaceutical product.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that reflect the Company's current expectation regarding future events. Actual events could differ materially and substantially from those projected herein and depend on a number of factors. Certain statements in this release, and other written or oral statements made by NanoViricides, Inc. are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond the Company's control and which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. The Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the company's expectations include, but are not limited to, those factors that are disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in documents filed by the company from time to time with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. Although it is not possible to predict or identify all such factors, they may include the following: demonstration and proof of principle in preclinical trials that a nanoviricide is safe and effective; successful development of our product candidates; our ability to seek and obtain regulatory approvals, including with respect to the indications we are seeking; the successful commercialization of our product candidates; and market acceptance of our products.

The phrases "safety", "effectiveness" and equivalent phrases as used in this press release refer to research findings including clinical trials as the customary research usage and do not indicate evaluation of safety or effectiveness by the US FDA.

FDA refers to US Food and Drug Administration. IND application refers to "Investigational New Drug" application. cGMP refers to current Good Manufacturing Practices. CMC refers to "Chemistry, Manufacture, and Controls". CHMP refers to the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, which is the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) committee responsible for human medicines. API stands for "Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient". WHO is the World Health Organization. R&D refers to Research and Development.


NanoViricides, Inc.,

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SOURCE: NanoViricides, Inc.

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What is NanoViricides presenting at the Global AMR Summit 2024?

NanoViricides (NNVC) is presenting its 'Trojan Horse' Platform Technology at the Global AMR Summit 2024 on October 9, 2024. This technology enables delivery of anti-microbial agents directly onto pathogens to combat antimicrobial resistance.

What is the current status of NanoViricides' lead drug NV-387?

NV-387 has successfully completed Phase 1a/1b human clinical trials in healthy subjects with no reported adverse events. It has demonstrated strong antiviral activity against multiple virus families, including Coronaviruses, RSV, and Influenza A.

How could NV-387 potentially impact the treatment of viral infections?

NV-387 could potentially be the first single drug to treat all 'tripledemic' viral infections, namely Coronaviruses, RSV, and Influenza A. Its host-mimetic design is expected to make viral escape highly unlikely.

What is the market potential for antimicrobial resistance treatments according to the press release?

According to a Skyquest Market Report cited in the press release, the global Antibiotic Resistance Market is expected to grow from USD 10.16 billion in 2023 to USD 27.39 billion by 2031, with a CAGR of 13.19%.

NanoViricides Inc.


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