NANO Nuclear Energy to Support Advanced Engineering Solutions and City University of New York on DOE SBIR Phase I Project Application for Microreactor Cooling and Smart Monitoring Technologies
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) announced its support for a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I application project. The initiative, in collaboration with City University of New York – City College (CCNY) and Advanced Engineering Solutions (AES), focuses on developing advanced cooling techniques and monitoring systems for microreactor transport safety.
The project, led by Dr. Dinesh Kalaga from AES, will investigate advanced Heat Pipes, Thermoelectric Cooling Modules, and Smart Alarming Systems for managing decay heat during nuclear microreactor transportation. If funded, the project aims to:
- Develop a Thermal Management System using passive and active cooling
- Create a Smart Alarming System with real-time monitoring
- Design and test a scaled-down prototype at CCNY's Thermal-Hydraulics Laboratory
The successful completion of Phase I could lead to Phase II expansion, including full-scale prototype development and real-world testing.
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) ha annunciato il suo supporto per un progetto di domanda per la Fase I della Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) del Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti (DOE). L'iniziativa, in collaborazione con la City University of New York – City College (CCNY) e Advanced Engineering Solutions (AES), si concentra sullo sviluppo di tecniche di raffreddamento avanzate e sistemi di monitoraggio per la sicurezza del trasporto dei microreattori.
Il progetto, guidato dal Dr. Dinesh Kalaga di AES, esaminerà tubi di calore avanzati, moduli di raffreddamento termoelettrici e sistemi di allerta intelligente per gestire il calore di decadimento durante il trasporto dei microreattori nucleari. Se finanziato, il progetto mira a:
- Sviluppare un sistema di gestione termica utilizzando raffreddamento passivo e attivo
- Creare un sistema di allerta intelligente con monitoraggio in tempo reale
- Progettare e testare un prototipo in scala ridotta presso il Laboratorio di Termo-idraulica della CCNY
Il completamento con successo della Fase I potrebbe portare a un'espansione della Fase II, inclusa lo sviluppo di un prototipo su larga scala e test nel mondo reale.
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) anunció su apoyo a un proyecto de solicitud de la Fase I de la Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) del Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. (DOE). La iniciativa, en colaboración con la City University of New York – City College (CCNY) y Advanced Engineering Solutions (AES), se centra en el desarrollo de técnicas de enfriamiento avanzadas y sistemas de monitoreo para la seguridad del transporte de microreactores.
El proyecto, liderado por el Dr. Dinesh Kalaga de AES, investigará tubos de calor avanzados, módulos de enfriamiento termoeléctrico y sistemas de alarma inteligente para gestionar el calor de descomposición durante el transporte de microreactores nucleares. Si se financia, el proyecto tiene como objetivo:
- Desarrollar un sistema de gestión térmica utilizando enfriamiento pasivo y activo
- Crear un sistema de alarma inteligente con monitoreo en tiempo real
- Diseñar y probar un prototipo a escala reducida en el Laboratorio de Termo-hidráulica de CCNY
La finalización exitosa de la Fase I podría llevar a una expansión de la Fase II, que incluiría el desarrollo de un prototipo a gran escala y pruebas en el mundo real.
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE)는 미국 에너지부(DOE)의 소기업 혁신 연구(SBIR) 1단계 신청 프로젝트에 대한 지원을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 뉴욕시립대학교(City College of New York, CCNY) 및 Advanced Engineering Solutions(AES)와 협력하여 마이크로 원자로 운송 안전을 위한 고급 냉각 기술 및 모니터링 시스템 개발에 중점을 두고 있습니다.
AES의 Dr. Dinesh Kalaga가 이끄는 이 프로젝트는 마이크로 원자로 운송 중 방사성 붕괴 열을 관리하기 위해 고급 열 파이프, 열전 냉각 모듈 및 스마트 경고 시스템을 조사할 것입니다. 자금 지원이 이루어지면 이 프로젝트는 다음을 목표로 합니다:
- 수동 및 능동 냉각을 사용하는 열 관리 시스템 개발
- 실시간 모니터링이 가능한 스마트 경고 시스템 생성
- CCNY의 열유체 실험실에서 축소된 프로토타입 설계 및 테스트
1단계의 성공적인 완료는 대규모 프로토타입 개발 및 실제 테스트를 포함하는 2단계 확장으로 이어질 수 있습니다.
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) a annoncé son soutien à un projet de demande pour la Phase I de la Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) du Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis (DOE). L'initiative, en collaboration avec la City University of New York – City College (CCNY) et Advanced Engineering Solutions (AES), se concentre sur le développement de techniques de refroidissement avancées et de systèmes de surveillance pour la sécurité du transport des micro-réacteurs.
Le projet, dirigé par le Dr. Dinesh Kalaga d'AES, examinera des tuyaux de chaleur avancés, des modules de refroidissement thermoelectriques et des systèmes d'alarme intelligents pour gérer la chaleur de désintégration lors du transport des micro-réacteurs nucléaires. Si le financement est accordé, le projet vise à :
- Développer un système de gestion thermique utilisant un refroidissement passif et actif
- Créer un système d'alarme intelligent avec surveillance en temps réel
- Concevoir et tester un prototype réduit dans le laboratoire de thermo-hydraulique de la CCNY
La réussite de la Phase I pourrait conduire à une expansion de la Phase II, y compris le développement d'un prototype à grande échelle et des tests dans le monde réel.
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) hat seine Unterstützung für ein Projekt zur Antragstellung in Phase I der Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) des US-Energieministeriums (DOE) bekannt gegeben. Die Initiative, in Zusammenarbeit mit der City University of New York – City College (CCNY) und Advanced Engineering Solutions (AES), konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung fortschrittlicher Kühltechniken und Überwachungssysteme für die Sicherheit des Transports von Mikroreaktoren.
Das Projekt, das von Dr. Dinesh Kalaga von AES geleitet wird, wird fortschrittliche Wärmeleitungen, thermoelektrische Kühlsysteme und intelligente Alarmsysteme untersuchen, um die Zerfallswärme während des Transports von nuklearen Mikroreaktoren zu verwalten. Im Falle einer Finanzierung zielt das Projekt darauf ab:
- Ein thermisches Managementsystem mit passiver und aktiver Kühlung zu entwickeln
- Ein intelligentes Alarmsystem mit Echtzeitüberwachung zu erstellen
- Ein verkleinertes Prototyp-Design und -Tests im Thermo-Hydraulik-Labor der CCNY durchzuführen
Der erfolgreiche Abschluss von Phase I könnte zu einer Erweiterung von Phase II führen, einschließlich der Entwicklung eines voll funktionsfähigen Prototyps und realer Tests.
- Potential development of first-of-its-kind transport system for microreactors
- Project could advance Type B-certified transport container development
- Successful Phase I completion could lead to Phase II expansion
- Project funding not yet secured from DOE
- Currently only in application phase
- Technology still requires development and testing
Project Would Investigate Advanced Decay Heat Removal Methods and a Smart Alarming System for Microreactor Transportation
New York, N.Y., March 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) (“NANO Nuclear” or “the Company”), a leading advanced nuclear energy and technology company focused on developing clean energy solutions, today announced its support of a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I application for a project in collaboration with the City University of New York – City College (CCNY) and Advanced Engineering Solutions LLC of Jersey City, New Jersey (AES). AES is headed by Dinesh Kalaga, Ph.D., a chemical engineer with experience on DOE funded projects, who would serve as the principal investigator of the project.
The project, titled "Investigation of Microreactor Cooling and Development of a Smart Alarming System for Reactor Pressure Vessel Surface Temperature Monitoring," is part of DOE’s Funding Opportunity Announcement and aims to develop advanced cooling techniques and monitoring systems for microreactor transport safety.
Assuming SBIR Phase I approval and funding, the project will evaluate advanced Heat Pipes (HPs), Thermoelectric Cooling Modules, and Smart Alarming Systems as innovative solutions for managing decay heat during nuclear microreactor transportation. These technologies have the potential to evolve into a Type B-certified transport container with an integrated cooling system, ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of nuclear microreactors (including NANO Nuclear’s ZEUS microreactor in development) in compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations.
Figure 1 – NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. supports City University of New York and Advanced Engineering Solutions on for Microreactor Cooling and Smart Monitoring Technologies Supports For DOE SBIR Phase I Project
“Our support of AES and CCNY represents an important step forward in addressing one of the most significant challenges facing microreactor deployment—the safe and efficient removal of decay heat during transport,” said James Walker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Reactor Development of NANO Nuclear Energy. “By leveraging advanced heat pipe technologies and smart monitoring systems, we aim to develop a first-of-its-kind transport system that will significantly enhance microreactor safety and regulatory compliance. As the microreactor industry continues to grow, solving transportation challenges is crucial to ensuring ultimate widespread deployment. NANO Nuclear’s involvement in this potential DOE-funded initiative reflects our dedication to advancing safe, efficient, and scalable microreactor technologies.”
If funding from DOE is approved, the SBIR Phase I project will focus on:
- Developing a Thermal Management System for microreactor transport containers using advanced Heat Pipes (HPs) and Thermoelectric Cooling Modules to remove decay heat passively and actively.
- Creating a Smart Alarming System utilizing real-time monitoring sensors and computer vision technology to detect anomalies in temperature and pressure, enabling operators to take immediate corrective action.
- Designing and testing a scaled-down prototype system at CCNY’s Thermal-Hydraulics Laboratory to validate performance and regulatory compliance.
“This project aligns perfectly with our mission to pioneer the next generation of nuclear energy solutions, including those related to reactor transportation,” said Jay Yu, Founder and Chairman of NANO Nuclear Energy. “A robust and regulatory-compliant transport system is essential for unlocking the full potential of microreactors. By working with AES and CCNY, we are taking proactive steps to ensure microreactors can be safely delivered to locations where they are needed most.”
Microreactors are represent the cutting edge of innovation in nuclear energy, designed to provide clean, resilient power in remote locations, military bases, disaster relief operations, data centers and other industrial applications. However, once shut down, microreactors continue to generate decay heat, necessitating an advanced cooling system to prevent overheating during transport. By advancing the thermal management and monitoring technologies needed for microreactor transportation, the project will contribute to overcoming key deployment barriers, helping to accelerate the commercialization of microreactors. The successful completion of Phase I will pave the way for a Phase II expansion, where NANO Nuclear may actively collaborate with AES and CCNY in further development, including a full-scale prototype and real-world testing.
“This collaboration with NANO Nuclear, CCNY and AES brings together leading research and industry expertise to tackle one of the most pressing issues in microreactor deployment,” said Dr. Carlos O. Maidana, Ph.D., NANO Nuclear’s Head of Thermal Hydraulics and Space Program. “Our approach integrates passive and active cooling technologies, ensuring that microreactors meet strict transportation safety requirements while maintaining operational reliability.”
NANO Nuclear Energy’s suite of energy systems includes several next-generation microreactors in development. To support these technologies, NANO Nuclear is also leading efforts in domestic HALEU (High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium) fuel development through its subsidiary, HALEU Energy Fuel Inc., ensuring a secure and sustainable fuel supply for microreactors. NANO Nuclear will continue to engage with government agencies, national laboratories, and industry leaders to drive innovation in nuclear energy solutions and is committed to developing innovative reactor technologies and infrastructure that support the necessary transition to clean nuclear energy solutions.
About NANO Nuclear Energy, Inc.
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) is an advanced technology-driven nuclear energy company seeking to become a commercially focused, diversified, and vertically integrated company across five business lines: (i) cutting edge portable and other microreactor technologies, (ii) nuclear fuel fabrication, (iii) nuclear fuel transportation, (iv) nuclear applications for space and (v) nuclear industry consulting services. NANO Nuclear believes it is the first portable nuclear microreactor company to be listed publicly in the U.S.
Led by a world-class nuclear engineering team, NANO Nuclear’s reactor products in development include “ZEUS”, a solid core battery reactor, and “ODIN”, a low-pressure coolant reactor, each representing advanced developments in clean energy solutions that are portable, on-demand capable, advanced nuclear microreactors. NANO Nuclear is also developing patented stationary KRONOS MMR™ Energy System and space focused, portable LOKI MMR™.
Advanced Fuel Transportation Inc. (AFT), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is led by former executives from the largest transportation company in the world aiming to build a North American transportation company that will provide commercial quantities of HALEU fuel to small modular reactors, microreactor companies, national laboratories, military, and DOE programs. Through NANO Nuclear, AFT is the exclusive licensee of a patented high-capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket developed by three major U.S. national nuclear laboratories and funded by the Department of Energy. Assuming development and commercialization, AFT is expected to form part of the only vertically integrated nuclear fuel business of its kind in North America.
HALEU Energy Fuel Inc. (HEF), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is focusing on the future development of a domestic source for a High-Assay, Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) fuel fabrication pipeline for NANO Nuclear’s own microreactors as well as the broader advanced nuclear reactor industry.
NANO Nuclear Space Inc. (NNS), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is exploring the potential commercial applications of NANO Nuclear’s developing micronuclear reactor technology in space. NNS is focusing on applications such as the LOKI MMR™ system and other power systems for extraterrestrial projects and human sustaining environments, and potentially propulsion technology for long haul space missions. NNS’ initial focus will be on cis-lunar applications, referring to uses in the space region extending from Earth to the area surrounding the Moon's surface.
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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This news release and statements of NANO Nuclear’s management in connection with this news release contain or may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In this context, forward-looking statements mean statements related to future events, which may impact our expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as “expects”, “anticipates”, “intends”, “plans”, “believes”, “potential”, “will”, “should”, “could”, “would” or “may” and other words of similar meaning. In this press release, forward-looking statements include those related to the SBIR application addressed herein and the anticipated benefits to NANO Nuclear of the research project described herein. These and other forward-looking statements are based on information available to us as of the date of this news release and represent management's current views and assumptions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, events or results and involve significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond our control. For NANO Nuclear, particular risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in our forward-looking statements include but are not limited to the following: (i) risks related to our U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) or related state or non-U.S. nuclear fuel licensing submissions, (ii) risks related the development of new or advanced technology and the acquisition of complimentary technology or businesses, including difficulties with design and testing, cost overruns, regulatory delays, integration issues and the development of competitive technology, (iii) our ability to obtain contracts and funding to be able to continue operations or fund research (including SBIR applications and other government funding, which might not receive DOE approval), (iv) risks related to uncertainty regarding our ability to technologically develop and commercially deploy a competitive advanced nuclear reactor or other technology in the timelines we anticipate, if ever, (v) risks related to the impact of U.S. and non-U.S. government regulation, policies and licensing requirements, including by the DOE and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, including those associated with the recently enacted ADVANCE Act, and (vi) similar risks and uncertainties associated with the operating an early stage business a highly regulated and rapidly evolving industry. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this news release. These factors may not constitute all factors that could cause actual results to differ from those discussed in any forward-looking statement, and NANO Nuclear therefore encourages investors to review other factors that may affect future results in its filings with the SEC, which are available for review at and at Accordingly, forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as a predictor of actual results. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this news release, except as required by law.

What is the main objective of NANO Nuclear Energy's (NNE) DOE SBIR Phase I project application?
Who are the key partners collaborating with NANO Nuclear Energy (NNE) on this microreactor transport project?
What specific technologies will be developed in NNE's microreactor transport project?