NANO Nuclear Energy Closes Acquisition of Patented Micro Modular Reactor (MMR®) and Pylon Transportable Reactor Technologies
NANO Nuclear Energy (NASDAQ: NNE) announced the acquisition of patented Micro Modular Reactor (MMR®) and Pylon Transportable Reactor technologies from Ultra Safe Nuclear (USNC) for $8.5 million.
This acquisition enhances NANO Nuclear's patent portfolio with 38 issued and pending patents, including U.S. and Canadian patents, and brings key collaborations, such as the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign demonstration project.
The MMR® system is designed for stationary installations producing up to 45 MWth, while the Pylon reactor is portable, offering 1-5 MWth for various applications, including remote, marine, and space deployments. NANO Nuclear aims to demonstrate these technologies at Idaho National Laboratory's DOME facility by 2027.
The acquisition also includes contracts and potential future technology licenses in the UK, pending approvals. This move positions NANO Nuclear as a leader in advanced nuclear reactor technology, targeting high-energy-demand markets like data centers and industrial applications.
NANO Nuclear Energy (NASDAQ: NNE) ha annunciato l'acquisizione delle tecnologie brevettate del Micro Modular Reactor (MMR®) e del Pylon Transportable Reactor da Ultra Safe Nuclear (USNC) per 8,5 milioni di dollari.
Questa acquisizione arricchisce il portafoglio di brevetti di NANO Nuclear con 38 brevetti concessi e in fase di attesa, inclusi brevetti statunitensi e canadesi, e porta importanti collaborazioni, come il progetto dimostrativo con l'Università dell'Illinois a Urbana-Champaign.
Il sistema MMR® è progettato per installazioni stazionarie che producono fino a 45 MWth, mentre il reattore Pylon è portatile, offrendo 1-5 MWth per varie applicazioni, incluse le distribuzioni in ambienti remoti, marittimi e spaziali. NANO Nuclear mira a dimostrare queste tecnologie presso il DOME facility del Idaho National Laboratory entro il 2027.
L'acquisizione include anche contratti e potenziali licenze tecnologiche future nel Regno Unito, in attesa di approvazioni. Questa mossa posiziona NANO Nuclear come leader nella tecnologia dei reattori nucleari avanzati, mirando a mercati con alta domanda energetica come i data center e le applicazioni industriali.
NANO Nuclear Energy (NASDAQ: NNE) anunció la adquisición de las tecnologías patentadas del Micro Modular Reactor (MMR®) y del Pylon Transportable Reactor de Ultra Safe Nuclear (USNC) por 8,5 millones de dólares.
Esta adquisición enriquece la cartera de patentes de NANO Nuclear con 38 patentes emitidas y pendientes, incluidas patentes de EE. UU. y Canadá, y trae colaboraciones clave, como el proyecto demostrativo de la Universidad de Illinois en Urbana-Champaign.
El sistema MMR® está diseñado para instalaciones fijas que producen hasta 45 MWth, mientras que el reactor Pylon es portátil, ofreciendo de 1 a 5 MWth para diversas aplicaciones, incluidas las distribuciones remotas, marinas y espaciales. NANO Nuclear tiene como objetivo demostrar estas tecnologías en las instalaciones DOME del Laboratorio Nacional de Idaho para 2027.
La adquisición también incluye contratos y posibles licencias tecnológicas futuras en el Reino Unido, pendientes de aprobaciones. Este movimiento posiciona a NANO Nuclear como líder en tecnología de reactores nucleares avanzados, apuntando a mercados de alta demanda energética como centros de datos y aplicaciones industriales.
NANO Nuclear Energy (NASDAQ: NNE)는 Ultra Safe Nuclear (USNC)로부터 Micro Modular Reactor (MMR®) 및 Pylon Transportable Reactor 기술을 850만 달러에 인수했다고 발표했습니다.
이번 인수는 NANO Nuclear의 특허 포트폴리오를 38개의 발행 및 대기 중인 특허로 강화하며, 미국 및 캐나다 특허를 포함하고, 일리노이 대학교 어바나-샴페인에서의 시연 프로젝트와 같은 주요 협력을 가져옵니다.
MMR® 시스템은 최대 45 MWth를 생산하는 고정 설치용으로 설계되었으며, Pylon 원자로는 이동 가능하여 원격, 해양 및 우주 배치를 포함한 다양한 응용 분야에 1-5 MWth를 제공합니다. NANO Nuclear는 2027년까지 이 기술들을 아이다호 국립연구소의 DOME 시설에서 시연할 계획입니다.
인수는 또한 승인 대기 중인 영국의 계약 및 잠재적인 향후 기술 라이센스를 포함합니다. 이번 조치는 NANO Nuclear가 데이터 센터 및 산업 응용 분야와 같은 높은 에너지 수요 시장을 겨냥한 고급 원자로 기술의 선두주자로 자리 잡게 합니다.
NANO Nuclear Energy (NASDAQ: NNE) a annoncé l'acquisition des technologies brevetées du Micro Modular Reactor (MMR®) et du Pylon Transportable Reactor d'Ultra Safe Nuclear (USNC) pour 8,5 millions de dollars.
Cette acquisition renforce le portefeuille de brevets de NANO Nuclear avec 38 brevets accordés et en attente, y compris des brevets américains et canadiens, et apporte des collaborations clés, comme le projet de démonstration avec l'Université de l'Illinois à Urbana-Champaign.
Le système MMR® est conçu pour des installations stationnaires produisant jusqu'à 45 MWth, tandis que le réacteur Pylon est portable, offrant de 1 à 5 MWth pour diverses applications, y compris des déploiements éloignés, marins et spatiaux. NANO Nuclear vise à démontrer ces technologies au sein de la facility DOME du laboratoire national de l'Idaho d'ici 2027.
L'acquisition comprend également des contrats et des licences technologiques futures potentielles au Royaume-Uni, en attente d'approbations. Ce mouvement positionne NANO Nuclear comme un leader dans la technologie des réacteurs nucléaires avancés, visant des marchés à forte demande énergétique tels que les centres de données et les applications industrielles.
NANO Nuclear Energy (NASDAQ: NNE) gab die Akquisition der patentierten Technologien des Micro Modular Reactor (MMR®) und des Pylon Transportable Reactor von Ultra Safe Nuclear (USNC) für 8,5 Millionen Dollar bekannt.
Diese Akquisition erweitert das Patentportfolio von NANO Nuclear um 38 erteilte und anhängige Patente, einschließlich US- und kanadischer Patente, und bringt wichtige Kooperationen mit sich, wie das Demonstrationsprojekt der Universität von Illinois in Urbana-Champaign.
Das MMR®-System ist für stationäre Installationen konzipiert, die bis zu 45 MWth produzieren, während der Pylon-Reaktor tragbar ist und 1-5 MWth für verschiedene Anwendungen, einschließlich Entsendungen in abgelegene, maritime und weltraumtechnische Bereiche bietet. NANO Nuclear beabsichtigt, diese Technologien bis 2027 im DOME-Anlage des Idaho National Laboratory zu demonstrieren.
Die Akquisition umfasst auch Verträge und potenzielle zukünftige Technologielizenzen im Vereinigten Königreich, die noch genehmigt werden müssen. Dieser Schritt positioniert NANO Nuclear als führend in der fortschrittlichen Reaktortechnologie und richtet sich an Märkte mit hohem Energiebedarf wie Rechenzentren und industrielle Anwendungen.
- Acquisition expands patent portfolio with 38 issued and pending patents.
- Enhances collaboration with University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Potential future technology licenses and support in the UK.
- Targets high-energy-demand markets, including data centers and industrial applications.
- Demonstration projects planned at Idaho National Laboratory and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories.
- Requires Canadian governmental approvals for certain assets.
- Acquisition cost of $8.5 million, with $250,000 held in escrow.
The acquisition strategically positions NNE to target the lucrative data center market, where power demands are escalating due to AI and cloud computing growth. The MMR®'s 45 MWth capacity fills a important gap in NANO's portfolio between their smaller 1-1.5 MWth ZEUS and ODIN reactors. The potential for additional U.K. government support and technology access could provide further upside.
The acquisition's technical value lies in the complementary nature of the reactor technologies. The MMR®'s proven design for stationary installations and the Pylon's versatile 1-5 MWth portable platform expand NANO Nuclear's market reach. The technology validation through partnerships with prestigious institutions like the University of Illinois and Idaho National Laboratory's DOME facility adds credibility to the development pathway.
The intellectual property portfolio's breadth, spanning both U.S. and Canadian patents, creates significant barriers to entry and positions NANO Nuclear as a formidable player in the advanced nuclear sector. The MMR®'s capability for high-efficiency hydrogen production also opens opportunities in the growing clean hydrogen market.
This acquisition transforms NANO Nuclear's competitive position in the small modular reactor market. By acquiring assets from USNC's bankruptcy proceedings at
The expanded product portfolio now addresses multiple market segments: remote power generation, industrial applications, space missions and data centers. This diversification reduces market risk and positions NANO Nuclear to capture share in the rapidly growing nuclear technology sector, particularly as demands for reliable clean energy solutions increase.
Acquisition immediately adds one of the highest technology readiness level advanced nuclear reactors in development and significantly expands NANO Nuclear’s patent portfolio.
Acquisition also brings important contracts, collaboration and adds to existing pipeline of cutting edge small nuclear reactor technologies
New York, N.Y., Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) (“NANO Nuclear” or “the Company”), a leading advanced nuclear energy and technology company focused on developing clean energy solutions, today announced that it has closed its previously announced acquisition of select nuclear energy technology assets, including the patented Micro Modular Reactor (MMR®) Energy System and Pylon Transportable Reactor Platform, from Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation and certain of its subsidiaries (collectively, “USNC”).
The acquisition of these assets and related intellectual property and contracts significantly expands NANO Nuclear’s patent portfolio and adds to its existing pipeline of cutting edge small nuclear reactor technologies in development. The assets include 38 issued and pending or published patents, including six issued and four pending or published U.S. utility patents and three issued and four pending Canadian utility patents, as well as associated trademarks.
The acquisition also brings important demonstration project collaborations related to the MMR® system, notably at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Pending Canadian governmental approvals, the acquisition would also bring certain Canadian government relationships and support. Further, certain of the technology acquired by NANO Nuclear in this acquisition was being used by an affiliate of USNC to develop related technology in the United Kingdom, and NANO Nuclear may be able to explore a potential future license or acquisition of such related technology in the United Kingdom, which could be accompanied by U.K. government support.
NANO Nuclear paid a total of
Figure 1 – Renditions of NANO Nuclear Energy’s newly acquired technologies: Pylon for terrestrial (bottom) and space (top) applications and the Modular Micro Reactor (MMR®) Energy System (right).
NANO Nuclear plans to extend an existing MMR® collaboration with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with the aim of demonstrating the reactor’s high technology readiness level at the University. In parallel, NANO Nuclear will continue the MMR® licensing process with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Pending Canadian governmental approvals of the acquisition, further demonstrations of the MMR® are expected to take place at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories. The MMR® is the first small modular reactor to enter the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s formal licensing review.
Figure 2 - Rendition of NANO Nuclear Energy's newly acquired Modular Micro Reactor (MMR®) Energy System.
The MMR® Energy System compliments NANO Nuclear’s own ‘ZEUS’ and ‘ODIN’ microreactors in development and could be used to provide carbon-free, high-quality process heat for co-located industrial applications, and for high-efficiency hydrogen production. Whereas ‘ZEUS’ and ‘ODIN’ are being designed to be portable and produce 1 to 1.5 megawatts thermal (“MWth”) of power, the MMR® Energy System designed as a stationary installation capable of producing power up to 45 MWth.
The Pylon Transportable Reactor Platform is a portable nuclear reactor designed for versatility in application and deployment. Designed to provide between 1 MWth and 5MWth of power, it is tailored to specific applications ranging from remote terrestrial, marine, and space deployments. NANO Nuclear will continue efforts to demonstrate the reactor at the Idaho National Laboratory’s DOME facility by 2027, following USNC's selection for the National Reactor Innovation Center (NRIC) Front-End Engineering program.
Figure 3 - Rendition of NANO Nuclear Energy's newly acquired Pylon reactor in terrestrial applications.
The patented MMR® Energy System and Pylon reactor will augment NANO Nuclear’s existing portfolio of innovative nuclear power systems, which are designed for remote, industrial, infrastructural, maritime, and extra-terrestrial applications. The integration of the MMR® Energy System specifically will enable NANO Nuclear to better serve growing markets that have high energy demands, including large-scale data and artificial intelligence centers and other energy-intensive operations in manufacturing and infrastructure.
“We are delighted to start off the new year by completing this exciting acquisition,” said Jay Yu, Founder and Chairman of NANO Nuclear Energy. “The addition of the patented MMR® Energy System and Pylon transportable reactor enable us to expand our business strategy and further positions NANO Nuclear as an emerging leader in the advanced nuclear reactor technology market. These technologies significantly strengthen our intellectual property foundation and create additional commercial shots on goal for us as we continue to mature our reactor technologies through design, testing and demonstration towards regulatory licensing and eventual commercial deployment.”
Figure 4 - Rendition of NANO Nuclear Energy's newly acquired Pylon reactor in space applications.
“The acquisition of these technologies marks another fulfillment of our strategy to add complimentary assets with key intellectual property and relationships to our company,” said James Walker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Reactor Development of NANO Nuclear Energy. “Their addition increases our flexibility and helps expand into new market segments, enabling us to meet the growing power requirements of sectors like large-scale data centers, which will demand substantial energy. Furthermore, the extensive patents, trademarks, and collaborations obtained through this acquisition empower us as we move forward with licensing and demonstration processes for our reactor systems. We look forward to highlighting the high technology readiness level of these newly acquired reactor technologies, which will further position NANO Nuclear as an innovator in the advanced nuclear technology sector.”
To accommodate the need for certain Canadian government approvals for the acquisition and continued diligence of the USNC Canadian entity, assets and contracts to be acquired upon such approvals, Canadian entities controlled by Mr. Yu acquired the Canadian portion of the assets (other than the Canadian issued and pending patents) and granted NANO Nuclear an option to purchase those assets for nominal consideration.
Further details regarding this transaction will be provided by NANO Nuclear in a Current Report on Form 8-K to be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
About NANO Nuclear Energy, Inc.
NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) is an advanced technology-driven nuclear energy company seeking to become a commercially focused, diversified, and vertically integrated company across five business lines: (i) cutting edge portable and other microreactor technologies, (ii) nuclear fuel fabrication, (iii) nuclear fuel transportation, (iv) nuclear applications for space and (v) nuclear industry consulting services. NANO Nuclear believes it is the first portable nuclear microreactor company to be listed publicly in the U.S.
Led by a world-class nuclear engineering team, NANO Nuclear’s reactor products in development include “ZEUS”, a solid core battery reactor, and “ODIN”, a low-pressure coolant reactor, each representing advanced developments in clean energy solutions that are portable, on-demand capable, advanced nuclear microreactors. NANO Nuclear is also developing patented stationary Micro Modular Reactor (MMR®) Energy System and space focused Pylon Transportable Reactor Platform.
Advanced Fuel Transportation Inc. (AFT), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is led by former executives from the largest transportation company in the world aiming to build a North American transportation company that will provide commercial quantities of HALEU fuel to small modular reactors, microreactor companies, national laboratories, military, and DOE programs. Through NANO Nuclear, AFT is the exclusive licensee of a patented high-capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket developed by three major U.S. national nuclear laboratories and funded by the Department of Energy. Assuming development and commercialization, AFT is expected to form part of the only vertically integrated nuclear fuel business of its kind in North America.
HALEU Energy Fuel Inc. (HEF), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is focusing on the future development of a domestic source for a High-Assay, Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) fuel fabrication pipeline for NANO Nuclear’s own microreactors as well as the broader advanced nuclear reactor industry.
NANO Nuclear Space Inc. (NNS), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is exploring the potential commercial applications of NANO Nuclear’s developing micronuclear reactor technology in space. NNS is focusing on applications such as the Pylon transportable reactor system and other power systems for extraterrestrial projects and human sustaining environments, and potentially propulsion technology for long haul space missions. NNS’ initial focus will be on cis-lunar applications, referring to uses in the space region extending from Earth to the area surrounding the Moon's surface.
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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This news release and statements of NANO Nuclear’s management in connection with this news release contain or may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In this context, forward-looking statements mean statements related to future events, which may impact our expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as “expects”, “anticipates”, “intends”, “plans”, “believes”, “potential”, “will”, “should”, “could”, “would” or “may” and other words of similar meaning. In this press release, forward-looking statements include those related to the anticipated benefits to NANO Nuclear of the assets acquired from USNC as well as the prospects for required governmental approvals of the acquisition and the development and regulatory licensing of such assets. These forward-looking statements are based on information available to us as of the date of this news release and represent management's current views and assumptions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, events or results and involve significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond our control. For NANO Nuclear, particular risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in our forward-looking statements include but are not limited to the following: (i) risks related to our U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) or related state nuclear fuel licensing submissions, (ii) risks related the development of new or advanced technology and the acquisition of complimentary technology or businesses, including difficulties with design and testing, cost overruns, regulatory delays, integration issues and the development of competitive technology, (iii) our ability to obtain contracts and funding to be able to continue operations, (iv) risks related to uncertainty regarding our ability to technologically develop and commercially deploy a competitive advanced nuclear reactor or other technology in the timelines we anticipate, if ever, (v) risks related to the impact of government regulation and policies including by the DOE and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, including those associated with the recently enacted ADVANCE Act, and (vi) similar risks and uncertainties associated with the operating an early stage business a highly regulated and rapidly evolving industry. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this news release. These factors may not constitute all factors that could cause actual results to differ from those discussed in any forward-looking statement, and NANO Nuclear therefore encourages investors to review other factors that may affect future results in its filings with the SEC, which are available for review at and at Accordingly, forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as a predictor of actual results. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this news release, except as required by law.