NANO Nuclear Energy Appoints Former Chief Financial Officer of the U.S. Department of Energy, John G. Vonglis as Chairman of its Executive Advisory Board for Strategic Initiatives

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NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) has appointed John G. Vonglis as Chairman of its Executive Advisory Board for Strategic Initiatives. Vonglis, former Chief Financial Officer of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Acting Director of DOE's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, brings extensive experience in government processes and energy innovations.

Vonglis joins NANO Nuclear's bipartisan Executive Advisory Board, which includes high-ranking military, political, and scientific leaders. His role will involve leveraging professional networks to connect the company with key industry stakeholders, potential partners, and clients.

NANO Nuclear is developing portable, clean energy solutions, including the 'ZEUS' and 'ODIN' microreactors. These technologies are designed to provide power for rescue operations and shelters in the aftermath of natural disasters, addressing the critical need for reliable and portable energy solutions.

NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) ha nominato John G. Vonglis come Presidente del suo Consiglio Consultivo Esecutivo per le Iniziative Strategiche. Vonglis, ex Chief Financial Officer del Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti (DOE) e Direttore ad interim dell'Agenzia per i Progetti di Ricerca Avanzata in Energia del DOE, porta con sé una vasta esperienza nei processi governativi e nelle innovazioni energetiche.

Vonglis si unisce al Consiglio Consultivo Esecutivo bipartisan di NANO Nuclear, che include alti ufficiali militari, leader politici e scientifici. Il suo ruolo prevede di utilizzare le reti professionali per connettere l'azienda con i principali attori del settore, potenziali partner e clienti.

NANO Nuclear sta sviluppando soluzioni energetiche portatili e pulite, tra cui i microreattori 'ZEUS' e 'ODIN'. Queste tecnologie sono progettate per fornire energia per operazioni di soccorso e rifugi dopo disastri naturali, rispondendo all'urgente necessità di soluzioni energetiche affidabili e portatili.

NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) ha nombrado a John G. Vonglis como Presidente de su Consejo Asesor Ejecutivo para Iniciativas Estratégicas. Vonglis, ex Director Financiero del Departamento de Energía de los EE. UU. (DOE) y Director Interino de la Agencia de Proyectos de Investigación Avanzada en Energía del DOE, aporta una amplia experiencia en procesos gubernamentales e innovaciones en energía.

Vonglis se une al Consejo Asesor Ejecutivo bipartidista de NANO Nuclear, que incluye a altos líderes militares, políticos y científicos. Su función consistirá en aprovechar redes profesionales para conectar a la empresa con actores clave de la industria, socios potenciales y clientes.

NANO Nuclear está desarrollando soluciones de energía portátil y limpia, incluidos los microreactores 'ZEUS' y 'ODIN'. Estas tecnologías están diseñadas para proporcionar energía para operaciones de rescate y refugios en la aftermath de desastres naturales, abordando la necesidad crítica de soluciones energéticas confiables y portátiles.

NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE)는 John G. Vonglis를 전략 이니셔티브를 위한 실행 자문위원회의 의장으로 임명했습니다. Vonglis는 미국 에너지부(DOE)의 전 재무 담당 관료이자 DOE의 첨단 연구 프로젝트 에너지 기관의 임시 이사로서 정부 프로세스 및 에너지 혁신에 대한 광범위한 경험을 가지고 있습니다.

Vonglis는 고위 군 관계자, 정치 및 과학 분야의 지도자가 포함된 NANO Nuclear의 초당적 실행 자문 위원회에 합류합니다. 그의 역할은 전문 네트워크를 활용하여 회사를 주요 산업 이해 관계자, 잠재적 파트너 및 고객과 연결하는 것입니다.

NANO Nuclear는 ‘ZEUS’와 ‘ODIN’ 마이크로 원자로를 포함한 포터블 청정 에너지 솔루션을 개발하고 있습니다. 이러한 기술은 자연 재해 후 구조작업 및 대피소에 전력을 제공하도록 설계되어, 신뢰할 수 있고 포터블한 에너지 솔루션에 대한 긴급한 필요를 충족시키고자 합니다.

NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) a nommé John G. Vonglis président de son conseil consultatif exécutif pour les initiatives stratégiques. Vonglis, ancien directeur financier du département de l'énergie des États-Unis (DOE) et directeur par intérim de l'agence des projets de recherche avancée en énergie du DOE, apporte une vaste expérience dans les processus gouvernementaux et les innovations énergétiques.

Vonglis rejoint le conseil consultatif exécutif bipartisan de NANO Nuclear, qui comprend des dirigeants militaires, politiques et scientifiques de haut rang. Son rôle consistera à tirer parti des réseaux professionnels pour connecter l'entreprise avec des acteurs clés de l'industrie, des partenaires potentiels et des clients.

NANO Nuclear développe des solutions énergétiques portables et propres, y compris les micro-réacteurs 'ZEUS' et 'ODIN'. Ces technologies sont conçues pour fournir de l'énergie pour les opérations de secours et les abris après des catastrophes naturelles, répondant ainsi au besoin crucial de solutions énergétiques fiables et portables.

NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) hat John G. Vonglis zum Vorsitzenden des Exekutivausschusses für strategische Initiativen ernannt. Vonglis, ehemaliger Finanzvorstand des US-Energieministeriums (DOE) und amtierender Direktor der Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy des DOE, bringt umfassende Erfahrung in Regierungsprozessen und Energieinnovationen mit.

Vonglis wird dem parteiübergreifenden Exekutivausschuss von NANO Nuclear beitreten, der hochrangige militärische, politische und wissenschaftliche Führungspersönlichkeiten umfasst. Seine Aufgabe wird es sein, berufliche Netzwerke zu nutzen, um das Unternehmen mit wichtigen Branchenakteuren, potenziellen Partnern und Kunden zu verbinden.

NANO Nuclear entwickelt tragbare, saubere Energielösungen, darunter die Mikreaktoren 'ZEUS' und 'ODIN'. Diese Technologien wurden entwickelt, um in der Folge von Naturkatastrophen Strom für Rettungsaktionen und Unterkünfte bereitzustellen und so den dringenden Bedarf an zuverlässigen und tragbaren Energielösungen zu decken.

  • Appointment of John G. Vonglis, former DOE CFO, as Chairman of Executive Advisory Board
  • Vonglis brings extensive experience in government processes and energy innovations
  • Potential for improved industry connections and partnerships through Vonglis' network
  • Development of 'ZEUS' and 'ODIN' microreactors for portable, clean energy solutions
  • Addressing critical need for reliable energy in disaster relief situations
  • None.

New York, N.Y., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) (“NANO Nuclear” or “the Company”), a leading advanced nuclear energy and technology company focused on developing portable, clean energy solutions, is proud to announce today that it has appointed The Honorable John G. Vonglis, former Chief Financial Officer of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Acting Director of DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, as the Chairman of NANO Nuclear’s Executive Advisory Board for Strategic Initiatives.

Mr. Vonglis joins a growing, world-class, bipartisan Executive Advisory Board comprised of high ranking and distinguished military, political and scientific leaders which is assisting NANO Nuclear by leveraging their professional networks and relationships to connect the Company with key industry stakeholders, potential partners, clients and other valuable contacts.

“It is a pleasure to join NANO Nuclear’s advisory team and leverage my expertise in navigating a myriad of DOE and private energy-related projects to advance the development of the Company’s microreactor and other nuclear technology solutions,” said John G. Vonglis, Chairman of the Executive Advisory Board for Strategic Initiatives of NANO Nuclear Energy. “During my time with the Department of Energy, I was exposed to numerous high-impact inventions, and I believe that technologies such as NANO Nuclear’s ‘ZEUS’ and ‘ODIN’ microreactors represent the innovative spirit of the United States at an important moment for nuclear energy.”

Mr. Vonglis served as the Senate-confirmed Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer of the DOE from 2017 to 2019. As Chief Financia Officer, Mr. Vonglis oversaw all financial matters for the DOE. He was also appointed by the President as Acting Director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), a federal agency focused on advancing early-stage, high-potential, high-impact energy technologies while minimizing risk to taxpayers.

Prior to his tenure at the DOE, Mr. Vonglis held several key roles at the U.S. Department of Defense from 2002 to 2009, initially as Director of Management Initiatives for the Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness (P&R) and lastly as Acting Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Air Force, where he also served as the first Chief Management Officer, performing the duties of the Under Secretary.

Figure 1 - NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. Appoints Former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Department of Energy (DOE) John G. Vonglis as its Chairman of its Executive Advisory Board for Strategic Initiatives.

Mr. Vonglis' private sector experience includes senior financial and operational roles at prominent advisory, aerospace/defense, financial services, and high-technology firms. Mr. Vonglis is a retired U.S. Army Reserve Colonel with 34 years’ experience in Army and Joint special operations, where he also advised ‘SOFWERX’ and the Army Cyber Institute at West Point. He holds a B.S. and M.B.A. from Fordham University and a Master’s in International Public Policy from The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

“Attracting an exemplary leader like John to serve on our Executive Advisory Board, with his years of experience on the inside of complex government processes and working on cutting edge innovations, is a validation of our vision and mission for NANO Nuclear,” said Jay Yu, Founder and Chairman of NANO Nuclear Energy. “John's addition brings credibility, valuable insight and a multitude of important contacts to NANO Nuclear and allows us to better position our company to fully capitalize on the significant momentum within the nuclear energy industry. We are honored to welcome him to the team.”

“We are confident that John’s contribution as an Executive Advisory Board member for NANO Nuclear will be invaluable as we continue to progress our microreactor and other technology solutions through design, testing, regulatory processes and ultimately to market,” said James Walker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of Reactor Development of NANO Nuclear Energy. “Recent natural disaster events, such as the devastation caused by Hurricanes Helene and Milton, highlight the critical need for reliable and portable energy solutions. Our portable nuclear microreactors, 'ZEUS' and 'ODIN,' are designed to provide power for rescue operations and shelters in the aftermath of such natural disasters. We are committed to advancing these technologies to market and delivering cutting-edge solutions to those who need them most.”

About NANO Nuclear Energy, Inc.

NANO Nuclear Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: NNE) is an advanced technology-driven nuclear energy company seeking to become a commercially focused, diversified, and vertically integrated company across four business lines: (i) cutting edge portable microreactor technology, (ii) nuclear fuel fabrication, (iii) nuclear fuel transportation and (iv) nuclear industry consulting services. NANO Nuclear believes it is the first portable nuclear microreactor company to be listed publicly in the U.S.

Led by a world-class nuclear engineering team, NANO Nuclear’s products in technical development are “ZEUS”, a solid core battery reactor, and “ODIN”, a low-pressure coolant reactor, each representing advanced developments in clean energy solutions that are portable, on-demand capable, advanced nuclear microreactors.

Advanced Fuel Transportation Inc. (AFT), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is led by former executives from the largest transportation company in the world aiming to build a North American transportation company that will provide commercial quantities of HALEU fuel to small modular reactors, microreactor companies, national laboratories, military, and DOE programs. Through NANO Nuclear, AFT is the exclusive licensee of a patented high-capacity HALEU fuel transportation basket developed by three major U.S. national nuclear laboratories and funded by the Department of Energy. Assuming development and commercialization, AFT is expected to form part of the only vertically integrated nuclear fuel business of its kind in North America.

HALEU Energy Fuel Inc. (HEF), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is focusing on the future development of a domestic source for a High-Assay, Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) fuel fabrication pipeline for NANO Nuclear’s own microreactors as well as the broader advanced nuclear reactor industry.

NANO Nuclear Space Inc. (NNS), a NANO Nuclear subsidiary, is exploring the potential commercial applications of NANO Nuclear’s developing micronuclear reactor technology in space. NNS is focusing on applications such as power systems for extraterrestrial projects and human sustaining environments, and potentially propulsion technology for long haul space missions. NNS’ initial focus will be on cis-lunar applications, referring to uses in the space region extending from Earth to the area surrounding the Moon's surface.

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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements

This news release and statements of NANO Nuclear’s management in connection with this news release or related events contain or may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In this context, forward-looking statements mean statements (including statements related to the anticipated benefits of Mr. Vonglis joining the Company’ Executive Advisory Board) related to future events, which may impact our expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "plans", "believes", “potential”, "will", "should", "could", "would" or "may" and other words of similar meaning. These forward-looking statements are based on information available to us as of the date of this news release and represent management's current views and assumptions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, events or results and involve significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond our control. For NANO Nuclear, particular risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in our forward-looking statements include but are not limited to the following: (i) risks related to our U.S. Department of Energy (“DOE”) or related state nuclear fuel licensing submissions, (ii) risks related the development of new or advanced technology, including difficulties with design and testing, cost overruns, regulatory delays and the development of competitive technology, (iii) our ability to obtain contracts and funding to be able to continue operations, (iv) risks related to uncertainty regarding our ability to technologically develop and commercially deploy a competitive advanced nuclear reactor or other technology in the timelines we anticipate, if ever, (v) risks related to the impact of government regulation and policies including by the DOE and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, including those associated with the recently enacted ADVANCE Act, and (vi) similar risks and uncertainties associated with the business of a start-up business operating a highly regulated industry. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this news release. These factors may not constitute all factors that could cause actual results to differ from those discussed in any forward-looking statement, and the NANO Nuclear therefore encourages investors to review other factors that may affect future results in its filings with the SEC, which are available for review at and at Accordingly, forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as a predictor of actual results. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this news release, except as required by law.



Who did NANO Nuclear Energy (NNE) appoint as Chairman of its Executive Advisory Board?

NANO Nuclear Energy appointed John G. Vonglis, former Chief Financial Officer of the U.S. Department of Energy, as Chairman of its Executive Advisory Board for Strategic Initiatives.

What are the main products NANO Nuclear Energy (NNE) is developing?

NANO Nuclear Energy is developing portable, clean energy solutions, including the 'ZEUS' and 'ODIN' microreactors, designed to provide power for rescue operations and shelters in the aftermath of natural disasters.

What is John G. Vonglis' background and experience?

John G. Vonglis served as the Senate-confirmed Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer of the U.S. Department of Energy from 2017 to 2019. He also held key roles at the U.S. Department of Defense and has experience in the private sector with advisory, aerospace/defense, financial services, and high-technology firms.

How does NANO Nuclear Energy (NNE) plan to use Vonglis' expertise?

NANO Nuclear Energy plans to leverage Vonglis' expertise in navigating DOE and private energy-related projects to advance the development of the company's microreactor and other nuclear technology solutions. His network will be used to connect the company with key industry stakeholders, potential partners, and clients.

Nano Nuclear Energy Inc.


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