BTG Pactual Strategic Capital Announces Strategic Investment to Support UniTek Global Services, Inc. in Its Next Phase of Growth
BTG Pactual Strategic Capital (Strat Cap) has completed a strategic investment in UniTek Global Services, a super-regional broadband infrastructure services provider, in partnership with existing lead investor New Mountain Finance (NMFC).
UniTek specializes in broadband solutions, including engineering, design, and fiber installation services for aerial and underground infrastructure. The investment aims to accelerate UniTek's growth strategy in response to increasing bandwidth consumption, fiber expansion support, and growing data center connectivity needs.
The transaction is expected to benefit stakeholders by enhancing service delivery capabilities across the US and Canada. UniTek's management team, including CEO Charlie Smith, will continue their focus on providing infrastructure services while leveraging the new partnership to pursue organic and inorganic growth opportunities.
BTG Pactual Strategic Capital (Strat Cap) ha completato un investimento strategico in UniTek Global Services, un fornitore di servizi per infrastrutture a banda larga super-regionale, in collaborazione con l'attuale investitore principale New Mountain Finance (NMFC).
UniTek si specializza in soluzioni per la banda larga, inclusi servizi di ingegneria, progettazione e installazione di fibra per infrastrutture aeree e sotterranee. L'investimento mira ad accelerare la strategia di crescita di UniTek in risposta all'aumento del consumo di larghezza di banda, al supporto per l'espansione della fibra e alle crescenti esigenze di connettività dei data center.
La transazione dovrebbe avvantaggiare gli stakeholder migliorando le capacità di erogazione dei servizi negli Stati Uniti e in Canada. Il team di gestione di UniTek, incluso il CEO Charlie Smith, continuerà a concentrarsi sulla fornitura di servizi infrastrutturali, mentre sfrutterà la nuova partnership per perseguire opportunità di crescita organica e inorganica.
BTG Pactual Strategic Capital (Strat Cap) ha completado una inversión estratégica en UniTek Global Services, un proveedor de servicios de infraestructura de banda ancha superregional, en asociación con el inversor principal existente New Mountain Finance (NMFC).
UniTek se especializa en soluciones de banda ancha, incluyendo servicios de ingeniería, diseño e instalación de fibra para infraestructura aérea y subterránea. La inversión tiene como objetivo acelerar la estrategia de crecimiento de UniTek en respuesta al aumento del consumo de ancho de banda, al apoyo para la expansión de fibra y a las crecientes necesidades de conectividad de los centros de datos.
Se espera que la transacción beneficie a las partes interesadas al mejorar las capacidades de entrega de servicios en los Estados Unidos y Canadá. El equipo de gestión de UniTek, incluido el CEO Charlie Smith, continuará enfocándose en proporcionar servicios de infraestructura mientras aprovecha la nueva asociación para buscar oportunidades de crecimiento orgánico e inorgánico.
BTG Pactual Strategic Capital (Strat Cap)는 기존 주요 투자자인 New Mountain Finance (NMFC)와의 협력으로, 초지역적 광대역 인프라 서비스 제공업체인 UniTek Global Services에 전략적 투자를 완료했습니다.
UniTek는 공중 및 지하 인프라를 위한 엔지니어링, 설계 및 섬유 설치 서비스를 포함한 광대역 솔루션을 전문으로 합니다. 이번 투자의 목표는 대역폭 소비 증가, 섬유 확장 지원 및 데이터 센터 연결 요구 증가에 대응하여 UniTek의 성장 전략을 가속화하는 것입니다.
이번 거래는 미국과 캐나다 전역에서 서비스 제공 능력을 향상시켜 이해관계자에게 혜택을 줄 것으로 예상됩니다. UniTek의 경영진, CEO인 Charlie Smith를 포함하여, 새로운 파트너십을 활용하여 유기적 및 비유기적 성장 기회를 추구하는 데 집중할 것입니다.
BTG Pactual Strategic Capital (Strat Cap) a réalisé un investissement stratégique dans UniTek Global Services, un fournisseur de services d'infrastructure à large bande super-régional, en partenariat avec l'investisseur principal existant New Mountain Finance (NMFC).
UniTek se spécialise dans les solutions à large bande, y compris l'ingénierie, la conception et les services d'installation de fibre pour les infrastructures aériennes et souterraines. L'investissement vise à accélérer la stratégie de croissance d'UniTek en réponse à l'augmentation de la consommation de bande passante, au soutien de l'expansion de la fibre et aux besoins croissants en connectivité des centres de données.
La transaction devrait bénéficier aux parties prenantes en améliorant les capacités de prestation de services aux États-Unis et au Canada. L'équipe de direction d'UniTek, y compris le PDG Charlie Smith, continuera de se concentrer sur la fourniture de services d'infrastructure tout en tirant parti de ce nouveau partenariat pour rechercher des opportunités de croissance organique et inorganique.
BTG Pactual Strategic Capital (Strat Cap) hat eine strategische Investition in UniTek Global Services, einen superregionalen Anbieter von Breitbandinfrastruktur-Dienstleistungen, in Partnerschaft mit dem bestehenden Hauptinvestor New Mountain Finance (NMFC) abgeschlossen.
UniTek ist auf Breitbandlösungen spezialisiert, einschließlich Ingenieurwesen, Design und Installation von Glasfaser für Luft- und Untergrundinfrastrukturen. Die Investition zielt darauf ab, die Wachstumsstrategie von UniTek zu beschleunigen, um auf den zunehmenden Bandbreitenverbrauch, die Unterstützung der Glasfasererweiterung und die wachsenden Anforderungen an die Konnektivität von Rechenzentren zu reagieren.
Es wird erwartet, dass die Transaktion den Stakeholdern zugutekommt, indem die Servicebereitstellungskapazitäten in den USA und Kanada verbessert werden. Das Management-Team von UniTek, einschließlich CEO Charlie Smith, wird weiterhin den Fokus auf die Bereitstellung von Infrastrukturdiensten legen und die neue Partnerschaft nutzen, um organische und anorganische Wachstumschancen zu verfolgen.
- Strategic investment secured from BTG Pactual Strategic Capital
- Partnership with major investor NMFC maintained
- Positioned for organic and inorganic growth opportunities
- Operating in expanding markets (fiber, data centers, broadband)
- None.
This strategic investment by BTG Pactual Strategic Capital into UniTek Global Services represents a potentially positive development for New Mountain Finance (NMFC) shareholders. As a business development company with a
While financial terms remain undisclosed, this transaction likely accomplishes several strategic objectives for NMFC:
- Brings additional growth capital to a portfolio company without requiring NMFC to commit additional funds
- Validates NMFC's investment thesis in UniTek, as third-party investors are willing to participate
- Potentially enhances the valuation of NMFC's existing stake in UniTek
- Provides resources for UniTek to capitalize on significant industry tailwinds
The broadband infrastructure sector is experiencing substantial growth driven by several factors: the
For NMFC investors, this partnership may indicate a pathway toward eventual monetization of their UniTek investment. BDCs typically aim to generate investment returns through interest income, capital appreciation, and ultimately exits from portfolio companies. The introduction of a new financial partner often precedes additional growth initiatives that can enhance company value before a potential future exit.
This development suggests NMFC's management continues to actively manage their portfolio to maximize value, which supports their ability to maintain their dividend payments - a primary concern for BDC investors who typically seek income-oriented investments.
BTG Pactual Strategic Capital’s investment is in partnership with lead existing investor, New Mountain, to accelerate growth of the business
UniTek provides a comprehensive suite of broadband solutions, including engineering and design, fiber installation, and maintenance services for aerial and underground fiber infrastructure.
James Frank, Head of Strat Cap, said, “We are excited to partner with UniTek management and New Mountain Capital on this investment. With increasing bandwidth consumption, growing support for fiber expansion, and the increasing need for data center connectivity, UniTek is well positioned for substantial organic and inorganic growth. We believe this strategic collaboration will build upon the excellent foundation at the Company and position UniTek for long-term success.”
UniTek CEO, Charlie Smith, added “We are confident this transaction will deliver value for all of our stakeholders, including clients, employees and investors as it accelerates the growth strategy that we have developed for the company. Strat Cap’s investment is a recognition of the bright future ahead of our organization and we look forward to continuing to deliver top-tier infrastructure services and support to our clients across the US and
Harris Kealey, Managing Director at New Mountain Capital, commented, “The leadership team at UniTek continues to build on their reputation of providing excellent service to their clients. We are thrilled to continue our partnership with the team and are very excited to bring on Strat Cap as a partner to accelerate future growth in the very attractive fiber and broadband end markets.”
A&O Shearman served as legal counsel to UniTek.
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP served as legal counsel to Strat Cap.
About BTG Pactual Strategic Capital
BTG Pactual (BPAC11) is the largest investment bank in
About New Mountain Finance Corporation
New Mountain Finance Corporation (Nasdaq: NMFC) is a leading business development company (BDC) focused on providing direct lending solutions to
About UniTek Global Services, Inc.
UniTek is a leading broadband infrastructure services provider supporting the expansion of fiber and data center connectivity across the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic United States and
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Nick Weisser,
Source: BTG Pactual Strategic Capital
What is the purpose of BTG Pactual's strategic investment in UniTek Global Services?
How will the NMFC partnership with BTG Pactual Strategic Capital benefit UniTek?
What services does UniTek Global Services provide in the telecommunications sector?