Netlist Prevails Against Samsung in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
Netlist (OTCQB:NLST) has secured a significant legal victory against Samsung as the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC) affirmed the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board's (PTAB) decision upholding the validity of Netlist's U.S. Patent No. 10,217,523 ('523 Patent). This patent is particularly relevant to DDR4 LRDIMM technology.
The ruling follows Samsung's preemptive declaratory judgment action and could expose Samsung to significant liability due to potentially infringing sales of DDR4 LRDIMM products worth billions of dollars. A related case in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware remains stayed pending developments in other courts regarding the Joint Development and License Agreement (JDLA). A jury trial for the JDLA case is scheduled for March 18, 2025, in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.
Netlist (OTCQB:NLST) ha ottenuto una significativa vittoria legale contro Samsung, poiché la Corte d'Appello degli Stati Uniti per il Circuito Federale (CAFC) ha confermato la decisione del U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) che sostiene la validità del brevetto statunitense di Netlist n. 10,217,523 ('brevetto '523'). Questo brevetto è particolarmente rilevante per la tecnologia DDR4 LRDIMM.
La sentenza segue l'azione di giudizio dichiarativo preemptivo di Samsung e potrebbe esporre Samsung a una responsabilità significativa a causa di vendite potenzialmente in violazione dei prodotti DDR4 LRDIMM del valore di miliardi di dollari. Un caso correlato presso il Tribunale Distrettuale degli Stati Uniti per il Distretto del Delaware rimane sospeso in attesa di sviluppi in altri tribunali riguardanti l'Accordo di Sviluppo e Licenza Congiunta (JDLA). Un processo con giuria per il caso JDLA è programmato per il 18 marzo 2025 presso il Tribunale Distrettuale degli Stati Uniti per il Distretto Centrale della California.
Netlist (OTCQB:NLST) ha conseguido una victoria legal significativa contra Samsung, ya que la Corte de Apelaciones de Estados Unidos para el Circuito Federal (CAFC) confirmó la decisión de la Junta de Juicio y Apelaciones de Patentes de EE. UU. (PTAB) que sostiene la validez de la Patente de EE. UU. No. 10,217,523 ('Patente '523'). Esta patente es particularmente relevante para la tecnología DDR4 LRDIMM.
La sentencia sigue a la acción de juicio declaratorio preventiva de Samsung y podría exponer a Samsung a una responsabilidad significativa debido a las ventas potencialmente infractoras de productos DDR4 LRDIMM por valor de miles de millones de dólares. Un caso relacionado en el Tribunal de Distrito de EE. UU. para el Distrito de Delaware permanece suspendido a la espera de desarrollos en otros tribunales respecto al Acuerdo de Desarrollo y Licencia Conjunta (JDLA). Un juicio con jurado para el caso JDLA está programado para el 18 de marzo de 2025 en el Tribunal de Distrito de EE. UU. para el Distrito Central de California.
넷리스트 (OTCQB:NLST)는 미국 연방 순회 항소 법원(CAFC)이 넷리스트의 미국 특허 번호 10,217,523('523 특허')의 유효성을 유지하는 미국 특허 심판 및 항소 위원회(PTAB)의 결정을 확인함에 따라 삼성에 대한 중요한 법적 승리를 확보했습니다. 이 특허는 DDR4 LRDIMM 기술과 특히 관련이 있습니다.
이 판결은 삼성의 예방적 선언적 판결 조치에 따른 것이며, 수십억 달러 규모의 DDR4 LRDIMM 제품의 잠재적 침해 판매로 인해 삼성에게 상당한 책임을 물을 수 있습니다. 델라웨어 지방법원에서 관련된 사건은 공동 개발 및 라이선스 계약(JDLA)과 관련된 다른 법원에서의 진행 상황을 기다리며 보류 중입니다. JDLA 사건에 대한 배심원 재판은 2025년 3월 18일 미국 캘리포니아 중부 지방법원에서 예정되어 있습니다.
Netlist (OTCQB:NLST) a remporté une victoire juridique significative contre Samsung, car la Cour d'appel des États-Unis pour le circuit fédéral (CAFC) a confirmé la décision de la Commission des essais et des appels en matière de brevets des États-Unis (PTAB) qui maintient la validité du brevet américain n° 10,217,523 ('brevet '523') de Netlist. Ce brevet est particulièrement pertinent pour la technologie DDR4 LRDIMM.
Ce jugement fait suite à l'action déclaratoire préventive de Samsung et pourrait exposer Samsung à une responsabilité significative en raison de ventes potentiellement contrefaisantes de produits DDR4 LRDIMM d'une valeur de milliards de dollars. Un cas connexe devant le tribunal de district des États-Unis pour le district du Delaware reste suspendu en attendant des développements dans d'autres tribunaux concernant l'accord de développement et de licence conjointe (JDLA). Un procès par jury pour l'affaire JDLA est prévu pour le 18 mars 2025, au tribunal de district des États-Unis pour le district central de Californie.
Netlist (OTCQB:NLST) hat einen bedeutenden rechtlichen Sieg gegen Samsung errungen, da das Berufungsgericht der Vereinigten Staaten für den Bundeskreis (CAFC) die Entscheidung des U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) bestätigt hat, die die Gültigkeit von Netlists US-Patent Nr. 10,217,523 ('523 Patent') aufrechterhält. Dieses Patent ist besonders relevant für die DDR4 LRDIMM-Technologie.
Das Urteil folgt auf Samsungs präventive deklaratorische Klage und könnte Samsung einer erheblichen Haftung aussetzen, da möglicherweise gegen die Verkaufszahlen von DDR4 LRDIMM-Produkten im Wert von Milliarden Dollar verstoßen wird. Ein verwandter Fall am U.S. District Court für den District of Delaware bleibt ausgesetzt, während Entwicklungen in anderen Gerichten bezüglich des Joint Development and License Agreement (JDLA) abgewartet werden. Ein Geschworenenprozess für den JDLA-Fall ist für den 18. März 2025 am U.S. District Court für den Central District of California angesetzt.
- CAFC upholds validity of Netlist's '523 Patent related to DDR4 LRDIMM technology
- Potential for significant monetary compensation from Samsung's DDR4 LRDIMM sales
- Strengthened patent position against Samsung
- Ongoing legal proceedings and associated costs
- Uncertain timeline for final resolution and potential compensation
-Upholds All Claims of Netlist's ‘523 Patent-
IRVINE, CA / ACCESS Newswire / March 6, 2025 / Netlist, Inc. (OTCQB:NLST) today announced that the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ("CAFC") has issued a judgement affirming the U.S. Patent Trial and Appeal Board's ("PTAB") Inter Partes Review ("IPR") decision upholding the validity finding of Netlist's U.S. Patent No. 10,217,523 (" ‘523 Patent "). Netlist's ‘523 Patent reads on DDR4 LRDIMM. The IPR followed a preemptive declaratory judgment action by Samsung against Netlist.
C.K. Hong, Netlist's Chief Executive Officer, said, "CAFC rulings are critically important. With this ruling affirming the PTAB's finding of validity of the ‘523 Patent, Samsung now faces significant exposure based on billions of dollars of potentially infringing sales of its DDR4 LRDIMM products."
On October 15, 2021, Samsung initiated a declaratory judgment action against Netlist in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware ("DDE"). Netlist has asserted in that action that Samsung infringes the claims of the ‘523 Patent. The DDE case remains stayed until the development of any action by any other court pertaining to Samsung's and Netlist's rights under the Joint Development and License Agreement ("JDLA"). The JDLA case is before the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California which has currently scheduled a jury trial for March 18, 2025.
About Netlist
Netlist is a leading innovator in advanced memory and storage solutions, pushing the boundaries of technology to deliver unparalleled performance and reliability. With a rich portfolio of patented technologies, Netlist inventions are foundational to the advancement of AI which is revolutionizing computing and empowering businesses and industries to thrive in the digital age. To learn more about Netlist, please visit
For more information, please contact:
The Plunkett Group
Mike Smargiassi
(212) 739-6729
SOURCE: Netlist, Inc.
View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire
What is the significance of Netlist's Federal Circuit Court victory against Samsung?
How does the CAFC ruling impact Netlist's patent dispute with Samsung?
When is the scheduled jury trial for Netlist vs Samsung JDLA case?
What technology does Netlist's '523 Patent cover?