VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) Returns 17.29% YTD Amid Nuclear Resurgence

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The VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) has achieved a 17.29% return through Q3 2024, leading the nuclear energy ETF space. NLR provides investors exposure to the full nuclear energy ecosystem, capitalizing on the industry's resurgence driven by increasing global power demands and the push for clean energy solutions.

The nuclear energy revival is fueled by three key factors: rapidly growing electricity demand from AI, EVs, and cryptocurrency; the need for reliable, clean energy to reduce emissions; and renewed regulatory support from governments. NLR's diverse portfolio includes utilities, uranium miners, and companies developing advanced reactor technology, offering investors access to the entire nuclear value chain.

Recent deals, such as Microsoft's agreement with Constellation Energy and Google's partnership with Kairos Power, highlight nuclear energy's critical role in powering future technology. VanEck is hosting a webinar on October 17 to explore nuclear energy investment opportunities and NLR's pure-play exposure across the industry.

Il VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) ha realizzato un ritorno del 17,29% fino al terzo trimestre del 2024, guidando il settore degli ETF sull'energia nucleare. NLR offre agli investitori esposizione all'intero ecosistema energetico nucleare, capitalizzando sulla rinascita del settore spinta da un aumento della domanda globale di energia e dalla ricerca di soluzioni energetiche pulite.

La rinascita dell'energia nucleare è alimentata da tre fattori chiave: una domanda di elettricità in rapida crescita dovuta all'IA, ai veicoli elettrici e alle criptovalute; la necessità di energia pulita e affidabile per ridurre le emissioni; e il nuovo sostegno normativo da parte dei governi. Il portafoglio diversificato di NLR include servizi pubblici, minatori di uranio e aziende che sviluppano tecnologie di reattori avanzati, offrendo agli investitori accesso all'intera catena del valore nucleare.

Accordi recenti, come quello tra Microsoft e Constellation Energy e la partnership di Google con Kairos Power, evidenziano il ruolo critico dell'energia nucleare nel supportare le tecnologie future. VanEck organizzerà un webinar il 17 ottobre per esplorare le opportunità di investimento nell'energia nucleare e l'esposizione diretta di NLR all'intero settore.

El VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) ha logrado un retorno del 17.29% hasta el tercer trimestre de 2024, liderando el espacio de ETF de energía nuclear. NLR proporciona a los inversores exposición a todo el ecosistema de energía nuclear, capitalizando el resurgimiento de la industria impulsado por el aumento de la demanda global de energía y la búsqueda de soluciones de energía limpia.

El renacimiento de la energía nuclear está impulsado por tres factores clave: la creciente demanda de electricidad de la inteligencia artificial, los vehículos eléctricos y las criptomonedas; la necesidad de energía limpia y confiable para reducir las emisiones; y el renovado apoyo regulatorio de los gobiernos. El portafolio diverso de NLR incluye servicios públicos, mineros de uranio y empresas que desarrollan tecnología de reactores avanzados, ofreciendo a los inversores acceso a toda la cadena de valor nuclear.

Acuerdos recientes, como el acuerdo de Microsoft con Constellation Energy y la asociación de Google con Kairos Power, destacan el papel crítico de la energía nuclear en el suministro de tecnología futura. VanEck llevará a cabo un seminario web el 17 de octubre para explorar las oportunidades de inversión en energía nuclear y la exposición directa de NLR en toda la industria.

VanEck 우라늄 및 원자력 ETF (NLR)는 2024년 3분기까지 17.29%의 수익률을 달성하며 원자력 에너지 ETF 분야에서 선두를 달리고 있습니다. NLR은 투자자들에게 전체 원자력 에너지 생태계에 대한 노출을 제공하여, 글로벌 전력 수요의 증가청정 에너지 솔루션에 대한 노력을 기반으로 산업의 부활을 이루고 있습니다.

원자력 에너지의 부활은 세 가지 주요 요인에 의해 촉진됩니다: AI, 전기차 및 암호화폐로 인한 급속히 증가하는 전기 수요; 배출량을 줄이기 위한 신뢰할 수 있는 청정 에너지의 필요성; 그리고 정부의 재개된 규제 지원입니다. NLR의 다양한 포트폴리오는 유틸리티, 우라늄 채굴업체, 고급 원자로 기술을 개발하는 기업들을 포함하고 있으며, 투자자들에게 전체 원자력 가치 사슬에 대한 접근을 제공합니다.

최근 마이크로소프트의 Constellation Energy와의 계약 및 구글의 Kairos Power와의 파트너십은 미래 기술을 지원하는 데 있어 원자력 에너지가 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 강조합니다. VanEck는 10월 17일에 원자력 에너지 투자 기회를 탐색하고 NLR의 전반적인 노출에 대해 논의하는 웨비나를 개최할 예정입니다.

Le VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) a obtenu un rendement de 17,29% jusqu'au troisième trimestre 2024, dominant le secteur des ETF de l'énergie nucléaire. NLR offre aux investisseurs une exposition à l'ensemble de l'écosystème de l'énergie nucléaire, capitalisant sur le renouveau de l'industrie entraîné par l'augmentation de la demande mondiale en énergie et la recherche de solutions d'énergie propre.

Le renouveau de l'énergie nucléaire est alimenté par trois facteurs clés : la demande d'électricité en forte croissance due à l'IA, aux véhicules électriques et aux cryptomonnaies ; la nécessité d'une énergie propre et fiable pour réduire les émissions ; et le soutien réglementaire renouvelé des gouvernements. Le portefeuille diversifié de NLR comprend des entreprises de services publics, des mineurs d'uranium et des sociétés développant des technologies de réacteurs avancés, offrant aux investisseurs un accès à l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur nucléaire.

Des accords récents, tels que l'accord de Microsoft avec Constellation Energy et le partenariat de Google avec Kairos Power, soulignent le rôle crucial de l'énergie nucléaire dans l'alimentation de la technologie future. VanEck organisera un webinaire le 17 octobre pour explorer les opportunités d'investissement dans l'énergie nucléaire et l'exposition pure de NLR à travers l'industrie.

Der VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) hat bis zum dritten Quartal 2024 eine Rendite von 17,29% erzielt und führt damit den Bereich der Nuklearenergie-ETFs an. NLR bietet Anlegern Zugang zum gesamten nuklearen Energiesystem und nutzt den Aufschwung der Branche, der durch steigende globale Energiebedürfnisse und den Drang nach sauberen Energielösungen vorangetrieben wird.

Die Wiederbelebung der Kernenergie wird von drei Schlüsselfaktoren getragen: rasant wachsender Strombedarf durch KI, Elektrofahrzeuge und Kryptowährungen; die Notwendigkeit von zuverlässiger, sauberer Energie zur Reduzierung der Emissionen; und erneute regulatorische Unterstützung von den Regierungen. NLRs diversifiziertes Portfolio umfasst Versorgungsunternehmen, Uranbergbauer und Unternehmen, die fortschrittliche Reaktortechnologie entwickeln, und bietet Anlegern Zugang zur gesamten nuklearen Wertschöpfungskette.

Kürzliche Vereinbarungen, wie z.B. die Vereinbarung von Microsoft mit Constellation Energy und die Partnerschaft von Google mit Kairos Power, heben die kritische Rolle der Kernenergie bei der Energieversorgung zukünftiger Technologien hervor. VanEck veranstaltet am 17. Oktober ein Webinar, um Investitionsmöglichkeiten im Bereich der Kernenergie zu erkunden und die reine Anlagenexposition von NLR in der gesamten Branche zu beleuchten.

  • NLR achieved a 17.29% return through Q3 2024, outperforming other nuclear energy ETFs
  • NLR provides exposure to the full nuclear energy ecosystem, including utilities, uranium miners, and advanced technology companies
  • Nuclear energy is experiencing a resurgence due to growing electricity demand and clean energy initiatives
  • Major tech companies like Microsoft and Google are investing in nuclear power for data centers
  • NLR's diversified portfolio mitigates risk while capturing industry upside
  • None.


The VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) has shown impressive performance, with a 17.29% YTD return through Q3 2024. This outperformance in the nuclear energy ETF space signals strong investor interest in the sector. The ETF's success is driven by several factors:

  • Growing electricity demand from AI, EVs and cryptocurrency
  • Global push for clean, reliable energy sources
  • Increased regulatory support for nuclear power

NLR's diversified approach, covering the entire nuclear ecosystem, provides a balanced risk profile. Key holdings like Constellation Energy, Cameco and innovative companies like Oklo offer exposure to various segments of the industry. The fund's strategy of including stable utilities alongside growth-oriented miners and technology providers appears to be resonating with investors seeking both stability and upside potential in the nuclear sector.

The recent deals between tech giants and nuclear power providers (e.g., Microsoft with Constellation Energy) underscore the critical role of nuclear energy in supporting future technological advancements. This trend could further boost NLR's performance as demand for reliable, low-carbon energy sources continues to grow.

The resurgence of nuclear energy, as evidenced by NLR's strong performance, marks a significant shift in global energy policy. This trend is driven by three key factors:

  • Urgent need for decarbonization to meet climate goals
  • Increasing recognition of nuclear as a reliable baseload power source
  • Technological advancements improving safety and efficiency

The renewed regulatory support from governments worldwide is particularly noteworthy. This includes extending plant lifespans, expanding capacity and investing in advanced nuclear technologies. Such policy shifts are important for the long-term viability of the nuclear industry and could lead to sustained growth in the sector.

The involvement of major tech companies in nuclear power procurement is a game-changer. It not only provides a new, stable customer base for nuclear energy but also enhances public perception of nuclear power as a clean energy solution. This could potentially accelerate policy support and investment in the sector, benefiting ETFs like NLR in the long run.

However, investors should remain aware of potential policy risks, such as shifts in public opinion or changes in government stance on nuclear energy, which could impact the sector's growth trajectory.

NLR’s returns through Q3 places it at the top of its category, outperforming other nuclear energy-related ETFs. NLR provides investors exposure to the full nuclear energy ecosystem as accelerating global power demands and an intensifying drive for clean energy solutions fuel a resurgence in nuclear energy.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) has recorded a notable 17.29%* return through the third quarter of 2024 and is leading the nuclear energy ETF space amid ongoing demand for low-carbon, reliable power sources. NLR offers investors access to the entire nuclear ecosystem, from utilities to uranium miners and companies developing cutting-edge reactor technology and equipment.

Nuclear energy is experiencing a significant resurgence, driven by three key forces:

  1. Rapidly growing electricity demand due to the rise of AI technology, electric vehicles and cryptocurrency.
  2. Demand for reliable, clean energy source in global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Renewed regulatory support from global governments leading to extended plant life, expanding capacity and investment in advanced technologies.

"Nuclear energy’s ability to deliver consistent, low-carbon power makes it an ideal candidate to meet rising electricity needs. This renewed interest is evident in the recent deals by major tech companies to meet the power demands of next-generation data centers, including Microsoft’s agreement with Constellation Energy to restart Three Mile Island and Google’s agreement to purchase power from Kairos Power," said Brandon Rakszawski, Director of Product Management at VanEck. “These deals underscore the critical role nuclear energy plays in enabling the future of technology.”

NLR allows investors to tap into the rising demand for nuclear power within a diversified strategy. The fund provides access to companies that are expected to generate at least 50% of their revenues or assets from uranium, including mining; nuclear plant construction and maintenance; electricity production; and equipment, technology and services for the industry. Key holdings include Constellation Energy; Cameco Corporation, the largest uranium miner in the portfolio; BWX Technologies, an equipment and services provider recently awarded a U.S. contract to explore domestic uranium enrichment; and Oklo, a new addition that is innovating with advanced nuclear power plants and fuel recycling facilities.

“By providing exposure across the entire nuclear energy value chain—such as utilities, which offer stable cash flows—and not only miners, NLR gives investors access to a diversified portfolio that mitigates risk while capturing the upside of this essential industry,” said Rakszawski.

On October 17, VanEck is hosting a webinar to explore the nuclear energy investment opportunity: Nuclear Revival Powers New Opportunities. Discussions will include the investment case for nuclear energy and NLR’s pure-play exposure across the full value chain of the nuclear energy industry.

*Please see below for NLR standardized performance as of 9/30/2024.

About VanEck

VanEck has a history of looking beyond the financial markets to identify trends that are likely to create impactful investment opportunities. We were one of the first U.S. asset managers to offer investors access to international markets. This set the tone for the firm’s drive to identify asset classes and trends – including gold investing in 1968, emerging markets in 1993, and exchange traded funds in 2006 – that subsequently shaped the investment management industry.

Today, VanEck offers active and passive strategies with compelling exposures supported by well-designed investment processes. As of September 30, 2024, VanEck managed approximately $118.3 billion in assets, including mutual funds, ETFs and institutional accounts. The firm’s capabilities range from core investment opportunities to more specialized exposures to enhance portfolio diversification. Our actively managed strategies are fueled by in-depth, bottom-up research and security selection from portfolio managers with direct experience in the sectors and regions in which they invest. Investability, liquidity, diversity, and transparency are key to the experienced decision-making around market and index selection underlying VanEck’s passive strategies.

Since our founding in 1955, putting our clients’ interests first, in all market environments, has been at the heart of the firm’s mission.


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An investment in the Fund may be subject to risks which include, but are not limited to, risks related to investments in nuclear energy companies, energy sector, utilities sector, industrials sector, special risk considerations of investing in Asian, Canadian, European and Australian issuers, foreign securities, foreign currency, depositary receipts, small- and medium-capitalization companies, cash transactions, equity securities, market, operational, index tracking, authorized participant concentration, no guarantee of active trading market, trading issues, passive management, fund shares trading, premium/discount and liquidity of fund shares, issuer-specific changes, non-diversified, index-related concentration and high portfolio turnover risks, all of which may adversely affect the Fund. Foreign investments are subject to risks, which include changes in economic and political conditions, foreign currency fluctuations, changes in foreign regulations, and changes in currency exchange rates that may negatively impact the Fund's return. Small- and medium-capitalization companies may be subject to elevated risks.

Average Annual Total Returns as of September 30, 2024


3 MO


1 Yr

5 Yr

10 YR









NLR (Share Price)







Returns less than one year are not annualized.

The performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor's shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Performance may be lower or higher than performance data quoted. Please call 800.826.2333 or visit for performance current to the most recent month ended.

NLR Gross Expense Ratio – 0.64%, Net Expense Ratio – 0.61%

Van Eck Associates Corporation (the "Adviser") has agreed to waive fees and/or pay Fund expenses to the extent necessary to prevent the operating expenses of the Fund (excluding acquired fund fees and expenses, interest expense, trading expenses, taxes and extraordinary expenses) from exceeding 0.60% of the Fund's average daily net assets per year until at least May 1, 2025.

Investing involves substantial risk and high volatility, including possible loss of principal. An investor should consider the investment objective, risks, charges and expenses of a Fund carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus and summary prospectus, which contain this and other information, call 800.826.2333 or visit Please read the prospectus and summary prospectus carefully before investing.

©️ Van Eck Securities Corporation, Distributor, a wholly owned subsidiary of Van Eck Associates Corporation
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Phone: 800.826.2333

Media Contact

Chris Sullivan

Craft & Capital

Source: VanEck


What is the year-to-date return of the VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) in 2024?

The VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) has recorded a 17.29% return through the third quarter of 2024.

What are the key factors driving the resurgence of nuclear energy according to the NLR ETF report?

The resurgence is driven by three key factors: rapidly growing electricity demand due to AI, EVs, and cryptocurrency; demand for reliable, clean energy to reduce emissions; and renewed regulatory support from global governments.

Which major tech companies have recently made deals related to nuclear power?

Microsoft has made an agreement with Constellation Energy to restart Three Mile Island, and Google has agreed to purchase power from Kairos Power for their data centers.

What types of companies does the VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF (NLR) include in its portfolio?

NLR's portfolio includes companies across the nuclear energy value chain, such as utilities, uranium miners, nuclear plant construction and maintenance firms, and companies developing advanced reactor technology and equipment.

VanEck Uranium and Nuclear ETF


NLR Rankings

NLR Stock Data

United States of America