Nel ASA: Saipem presents solution for large-scale green hydrogen production, utilizing Nel's technology

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Nel ASA's EPC partner Saipem has unveiled IVHY™ 100, a scalable and modular 100 MW green hydrogen solution utilizing Nel's technology. This innovative solution aims to advance the decarbonization of hard-to-abate industries and renewable hydrogen production. The IVHY™ 100 is powered by Nel's alkaline electrolysers, known for their robustness, durability, and energy efficiency.

The project is part of a collaboration between Nel and Saipem, where Nel provides the electrolyser technology and technical services, while Saipem handles the engineering, procurement, and construction of the overall green hydrogen facilities. The solution is designed to meet the increasing demand for carbon emission reduction in challenging industries and focuses on creating hydrogen derivatives like ammonia, methanol, and sustainable fuels.

The IVHY™ 100 concept is being showcased at Saipem's booth during the World Hydrogen Week in Copenhagen from September 30 to October 4, 2024.

Il partner EPC di Nel ASA, Saipem, ha presentato IVHY™ 100, una soluzione modulare e scalabile di idrogeno verde da 100 MW che utilizza la tecnologia di Nel. Questa soluzione innovativa mira a promuovere la decarbonizzazione delle industrie difficili da decarbonizzare e la produzione di idrogeno rinnovabile. L'IVHY™ 100 è alimentato dagli elettrolizzatori alcalini di Nel, noti per la loro robustezza, durabilità ed efficienza energetica.

Il progetto fa parte di una collaborazione tra Nel e Saipem, dove Nel fornisce la tecnologia degli elettrolizzatori e i servizi tecnici, mentre Saipem si occupa della progettazione, approvvigionamento e costruzione delle strutture complessive per l'idrogeno verde. La soluzione è concepita per soddisfare la crescente domanda di riduzione delle emissioni di carbonio in industrie sfidanti e si concentra sulla creazione di derivati dell'idrogeno come ammoniaca, metanolo e combustibili sostenibili.

Il concetto di IVHY™ 100 sarà presentato allo stand di Saipem durante la World Hydrogen Week a Copenhagen, dal 30 settembre al 4 ottobre 2024.

El socio EPC de Nel ASA, Saipem, ha presentado IVHY™ 100, una solución modular y escalable de hidrógeno verde de 100 MW que utiliza la tecnología de Nel. Esta innovadora solución tiene como objetivo avanzar en la descarbonización de las industrias difíciles de descarbonizar y la producción de hidrógeno renovable. El IVHY™ 100 es impulsado por los electrolizadores alcalinos de Nel, conocidos por su robustez, durabilidad y eficiencia energética.

El proyecto forma parte de una colaboración entre Nel y Saipem, donde Nel proporciona la tecnología de electrolizadores y servicios técnicos, mientras que Saipem se encarga de la ingeniería, adquisición y construcción de las instalaciones de hidrógeno verde en general. La solución está diseñada para satisfacer la creciente demanda de reducción de emisiones de carbono en industrias desafiantes y se centra en la creación de derivados de hidrógeno como amoníaco, metanol y combustibles sostenibles.

El concepto de IVHY™ 100 se exhibirá en el stand de Saipem durante la Semana Mundial del Hidrógeno en Copenhague, del 30 de septiembre al 4 de octubre de 2024.

넬 ASA의 EPC 파트너인 세이펨(Saipem)은 넬의 기술을 활용한 확장 가능한 100MW의 녹색 수소 솔루션 IVHY™ 100을 공개했습니다. 이 혁신적인 솔루션은 감축이 어려운 산업의 탈탄소화와 재생 가능한 수소 생산을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. IVHY™ 100은 넬의 알카라인 전해조에 의해 구동되며, 이는 강건성, 내구성 및 에너지 효율성으로 잘 알려져 있습니다.

이 프로젝트는 넬과 세이펨 간의 협력의 일환으로, 넬이 전해조 기술과 기술 서비스를 제공하고, 세이펨은 전체 녹색 수소 시설의 엔지니어링, 조달 및 건설을 담당합니다. 이 솔루션은 어려운 산업에서의 탄소 배출 감소에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족하도록 설계되었으며, 암모니아, 메탄올 및 지속 가능한 연료와 같은 수소 파생물의 생성을 중점적으로 다룹니다.

IVHY™ 100 개념은 2024년 9월 30일부터 10월 4일까지 코펜하겐에서 열리는 세계 수소 주간 동안 세이펨 부스에서 전시됩니다.

Le partenaire EPC de Nel ASA, Saipem, a présenté IVHY™ 100, une solution modulaire et évolutive de 100 MW pour l'hydrogène vert utilisant la technologie de Nel. Cette solution innovante vise à faire avancer la décarbonisation des industries difficiles à décarboniser et à produire de l'hydrogène renouvelable. Le IVHY™ 100 est alimenté par les électrolyseurs alcalins de Nel, reconnus pour leur robustesse, durabilité et efficacité énergétique.

Le projet fait partie d'une collaboration entre Nel et Saipem, où Nel fournit la technologie des électrolyseurs et des services techniques, tandis que Saipem s'occupe de l'ingénierie, de l'approvisionnement et de la construction des installations globales d'hydrogène vert. La solution est conçue pour répondre à la demande croissante de réduction des émissions de carbone dans des industries difficiles et se concentre sur la création de dérivés de l'hydrogène comme l'ammoniac, le méthanol et les carburants durables.

Le concept de IVHY™ 100 sera présenté au stand de Saipem lors de la Semaine Mondiale de l'Hydrogène à Copenhague, du 30 septembre au 4 octobre 2024.

Der EPC-Partner von Nel ASA, Saipem, hat IVHY™ 100 vorgestellt, eine skalierbare und modulare Lösung für grünen Wasserstoff mit 100 MW, die die Technologie von Nel nutzt. Diese innovative Lösung zielt darauf ab, die Dekarbonisierung von schwer abbaubaren Industrien und die Produktion von erneuerbarem Wasserstoff voranzutreiben. Das IVHY™ 100 wird von Nels alkalischen Elektrolyseuren betrieben, die für ihre Robustheit, Haltbarkeit und Energieeffizienz bekannt sind.

Das Projekt ist Teil einer Zusammenarbeit zwischen Nel und Saipem, wobei Nel die Elektrolyse-Technologie und technische Dienstleistungen bereitstellt, während Saipem die Ingenieurarbeit, Beschaffung und den Bau der gesamten Anlagen für grünen Wasserstoff übernimmt. Die Lösung ist darauf ausgelegt, der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Kohlendioxidreduzierung in herausfordernden Industrien gerecht zu werden und konzentriert sich auf die Herstellung von Wasserstoffderivaten wie Ammoniak, Methanol und nachhaltigen Kraftstoffen.

Das Konzept IVHY™ 100 wird während der World Hydrogen Week vom 30. September bis 4. Oktober 2024 am Stand von Saipem in Kopenhagen ausgestellt.

  • Launch of IVHY™ 100, a scalable 100 MW green hydrogen solution
  • Collaboration with world-leading EPC company Saipem
  • Potential for large-scale renewable hydrogen production
  • Targeting decarbonization of hard-to-abate industries
  • None.

OSLO, Norway, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nel ASA's (Nel) (OSE: NEL) EPC partner Saipem unveils IVHY™ 100, a scalable and modular 100 MW green hydrogen solution leveraging Nel's technology, advancing the decarbonization of hard-to-abate industries and renewable hydrogen production.

The innovative renewable hydrogen generation solution has been designed and industrialized to be scalable, modular, and to facilitate the installation and commissioning of large-scale systems. IVHY™ 100 is powered by Nel's alkaline electrolysers, which have been tested in the market for decades, demonstrating world-class robustness, durability, and energy efficiency, making it the ideal choice for businesses seeking to optimize their operations and total cost of ownership.

The project is part of a collaboration between the two companies, where Nel, as the technology provider, will offer its alkaline and PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) electrolyser technology as well as ancillary technical services, and Saipem, as the engineering service provider and EPC contractor, will be responsible for the basic design, detailed engineering, procurement and construction of the overall green hydrogen facilities.

"The IVHY™ 100 concept represents a significant step forward to promote innovative and sustainable solutions in the field of renewable hydrogen. Indeed, we aim to meet the increasing demand to reduce carbon emissions in challenging industries by utilizing renewable hydrogen. In addition, we focus on creating hydrogen derivatives like ammonia, methanol, and sustainable fuels," says Guido d'Aloisio, Chief Commercial Officer of Saipem

"We are proud that Saipem, a world-leading Engineering Procurement and Construction company actively contributing to the energy transition, has selected Nel and our technology. With this solution, we are simplifying large-scale renewable hydrogen production," says Håkon Volldal, President and CEO of Nel.

The IVHYTM 100 concept is displayed at Saipem's booth at the World Hydrogen Week in Copenhagen from 30 September to 4 October.

Contact information Nel ASA:
Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02 097
Wilhelm Flinder, Head of Investor Relations, +47 936 11 350
Lars Nermoen, Head of Communications, +47 902 40 153

About Nel ASA |

Nel has a history tracing back to 1927 and is today a leading pure play hydrogen technology company with a global presence. The company specializes in Alkaline and PEM electrolyser technology for production of renewable hydrogen. Nel's product offerings are key enablers for a green hydrogen economy, making it possible to decarbonize various industries such as transportation, refining, steel, and ammonia.

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About Saipem | 

Saipem is a global leader in the engineering and construction of major projects for the energy and infrastructure sectors, both offshore and onshore. Saipem is "One Company" organized into business lines: Asset Based Services, Drilling, Energy Carriers, Offshore Wind, Sustainable Infrastructures, Robotics & Industrialized Solutions. The company has 7 fabrication yards and an offshore fleet of 21 construction vessels (of which 17 owned and 4 owned by third parties and managed by Saipem) and 15 drilling rigs, of which 9 owned. Always oriented towards technological innovation, the company's purpose is "Engineering for a sustainable future". As such Saipem is committed to supporting its clients on the energy transition pathway towards Net Zero, with increasingly digital means, technologies and processes geared for environmental sustainability. Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, it is present in more than 50 countries around the world and employs about 30,000 people of over 120 nationalities.

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What is the IVHY™ 100 solution announced by Nel ASA (NLLSY) and Saipem?

IVHY™ 100 is a scalable and modular 100 MW green hydrogen solution unveiled by Saipem, utilizing Nel ASA's alkaline electrolyser technology. It aims to advance decarbonization in hard-to-abate industries and promote renewable hydrogen production.

How does the collaboration between Nel ASA (NLLSY) and Saipem work for the IVHY™ 100 project?

In the collaboration, Nel ASA provides the alkaline and PEM electrolyser technology and technical services, while Saipem is responsible for the basic design, detailed engineering, procurement, and construction of the overall green hydrogen facilities.

Where and when is the IVHY™ 100 concept being showcased by Nel ASA (NLLSY) and Saipem?

The IVHY™ 100 concept is being displayed at Saipem's booth during the World Hydrogen Week in Copenhagen from September 30 to October 4, 2024.

What are the key features of Nel ASA's (NLLSY) alkaline electrolysers used in the IVHY™ 100 solution?

Nel ASA's alkaline electrolysers used in IVHY™ 100 are known for their world-class robustness, durability, and energy efficiency. They have been tested in the market for decades, making them ideal for optimizing operations and total cost of ownership.



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