Nel ASA: Awarded EUR 135 million in grants for industrialization of next-generation electrolyser technology in Norway

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Nel ASA has been awarded a grant of up to EUR 135 million from the EU Innovation Fund for the industrialization of its next-generation pressurized alkaline electrolyser technology in Norway. The technology, currently in the prototype stage, shows promising results after five years of development. The grant will support a phased build-out of production at Herøya, Norway, with an initial annual capacity of 1-2 GW, potentially expanding to 4 GW.

Nel's CEO, Håkon Volldal, emphasized that this grant will significantly accelerate bringing their innovative technology to market, helping customers reduce the cost of green hydrogen. The final investment decision depends on successful testing and market acceptance. The project received support from Enova SF, the Norwegian national contact point for the EU Innovation Fund.

Nel ASA ha ricevuto un finanziamento fino a 135 milioni di EUR dal Fondo di Innovazione dell'UE per l'industrializzazione della sua tecnologia di elettrolizzatore alcalino pressurizzato di nuova generazione in Norvegia. La tecnologia, attualmente in fase di prototipo, mostra risultati promettenti dopo cinque anni di sviluppo. Il finanziamento supporterà una costruzione graduale della produzione a Herøya, Norvegia, con una capacità iniziale annuale di 1-2 GW, con possibilità di espansione fino a 4 GW.

Il CEO di Nel, Håkon Volldal, ha sottolineato che questo finanziamento accelererà significativamente l'introduzione della loro tecnologia innovativa sul mercato, aiutando i clienti a ridurre i costi dell'idrogeno verde. La decisione finale di investimento dipende da test riusciti e dall'accettazione del mercato. Il progetto ha ricevuto supporto da Enova SF, il punto di contatto nazionale norvegese per il Fondo di Innovazione dell'UE.

Nel ASA ha sido galardonada con una subvención de hasta 135 millones de EUR del Fondo de Innovación de la UE para la industrialización de su tecnología de electrólisis alcalina presurizada de nueva generación en Noruega. La tecnología, que actualmente se encuentra en la etapa de prototipo, muestra resultados prometedores tras cinco años de desarrollo. La subvención apoyará una construcción gradual de la producción en Herøya, Noruega, con una capacidad inicial anual de 1-2 GW, expandiéndose potencialmente a 4 GW.

El CEO de Nel, Håkon Volldal, enfatizó que esta subvención acelerará significativamente la llegada de su tecnología innovadora al mercado, ayudando a los clientes a reducir el costo del hidrógeno verde. La decisión final de inversión depende de pruebas exitosas y de la aceptación del mercado. El proyecto recibió apoyo de Enova SF, el punto de contacto nacional noruego para el Fondo de Innovación de la UE.

Nel ASA는 노르웨이에서 차세대 압력 알칼리 전해조 기술의 산업화를 위해 EU 혁신 기금으로부터 최대 1억 3천5백만 유로의 보조금을 받았습니다. 현재 프로토타입 단계에 있는 이 기술은 5년의 개발 끝에 유망한 결과를 보여주고 있습니다. 이 보조금은 Herøya, Norway에서의 생산 단계적 구축을 지원하며, 초기 연간 용량은 1-2 GW로, 잠재적으로 4 GW로 확대될 수 있습니다.

Nel의 CEO인 Håkon Volldal는 이 보조금이 혁신적인 기술을 시장에 도입하는 데 크게 가속화될 것이라고 강조했습니다. 이를 통해 고객들은 녹색 수소의 비용을 줄일 수 있습니다. 최종 투자 결정은 성공적인 테스트와 시장 수용에 달려 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 EU 혁신 기금의 노르웨이 국가 연락망인 Enova SF의 지원을 받았습니다.

Nel ASA a reçu une subvention pouvant atteindre 135 millions d'EUR du Fonds d'Innovation de l'UE pour l'industrialisation de sa technologie d'électrolyse alcaline sous pression de nouvelle génération en Norvège. La technologie, actuellement en phase de prototype, montre des résultats prometteurs après cinq ans de développement. La subvention soutiendra une construction progressive de la production à Herøya, Norvège, avec une capacité annuelle initiale de 1-2 GW, potentiellement extensible à 4 GW.

Le PDG de Nel, Håkon Volldal, a souligné que cette subvention accélérera considérablement l'introduction de leur technologie innovante sur le marché, aidant les clients à réduire le coût de l'hydrogène vert. La décision d'investissement finale dépend de tests réussis et de l'acceptation du marché. Le projet a reçu le soutien de Enova SF, le point de contact national norvégien pour le Fonds d'Innovation de l'UE.

Nel ASA hat einen Zuschuss von bis zu 135 Millionen EUR vom EU-Innovationsfonds für die Industrialisierung seiner nächsten Generation der Druck-Alkalielektrolysetechnologie in Norwegen erhalten. Die Technologie, die sich derzeit in der Prototyp-Phase befindet, zeigt nach fünf Jahren Entwicklung vielversprechende Ergebnisse. Der Zuschuss wird den schrittweisen Ausbau der Produktion in Herøya, Norwegen unterstützen, mit einer anfänglichen jährlichen Kapazität von 1-2 GW, die potenziell auf 4 GW ausgeweitet werden kann.

Der CEO von Nel, Håkon Volldal, betonte, dass dieser Zuschuss die Markteinführung ihrer innovativen Technologie erheblich beschleunigen wird, wodurch Kunden die Kosten für grünen Wasserstoff senken können. Die endgültige Investitionsentscheidung hängt von erfolgreichen Tests und der Marktakzeptanz ab. Das Projekt erhielt Unterstützung von Enova SF, dem norwegischen nationalen Ansprechpartner für den EU-Innovationsfonds.

  • Awarded EUR 135 million grant from EU Innovation Fund
  • Developing next-generation pressurized alkaline electrolyser technology
  • Planned initial production capacity of 1-2 GW, potentially expanding to 4 GW
  • Accelerated market entry for innovative technology
  • Final investment decision depends on successful testing and market acceptance
  • New technology introduction carries inherent risks

OSLO, Norway, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser AS, a fully owned subsidiary of Nel ASA (Nel) (OSE: NEL), has today been awarded a grant from the EU Innovation Fund of up to EUR 135 million for industrialization of its next-generation pressurized alkaline technology. The technology is currently being prototyped, and the potential industrialization is planned at Herøya, Norway.

"We continue to realize the full potential of our current technology at the same time as we develop future technologies to help our customers drive down the cost of green hydrogen. This grant will make it significantly easier for us to bring our new innovative pressurized alkaline technology to market," said Nel's President and CEO, Håkon Volldal.

Nel has been developing its next-generation pressurized alkaline technology for more than five years. The technology is currently in the prototype stage with promising results. Nel has now been awarded a grant for a phased build-out of production at Herøya, Norway. The grant application was supported by Enova SF, the Norwegian national contact point for the EU Innovation Fund.

"Building on nearly 100 years of electrolyser innovation, we have developed this new, differentiated technology that will be a step-change in cost and performance for renewable hydrogen. Bringing a new technology to market always entails risk, and we are thankful for the support we have previously received from the Research Council of Norway and Innovation Norway. With this substantially larger grant from the EU Innovation Fund, we will be able to bring the innovation to market at an accelerated pace," Volldal says.

The initial build-out is planned for an annual capacity of 1-2 GW, utilizing existing space at Nel's current facility in Herøya, Norway. The support will be phased with Nel's own investments for up to 4 GW of capacity for pressurized electrolyser equipment in Norway. A final investment decision to start building the capacity depends on achieving successful testing in the current prototype and planned pilot stage, as well as market acceptance of the new technology.

For additional information, please contact:
Kjell Christian Bjørnsen, CFO, +47 917 02 097
Wilhelm Flinder, Head of Investor Relations, +47 936 11 350
Lars Nermoen, Head of Communications, +47 902 40 153

About Nel ASA |

Nel has a history tracing back to 1927 and is today a leading pure play hydrogen electrolyser technology company with a global presence. The company specializes in Alkaline and PEM technology for production of renewable hydrogen. Nel's product offerings are key enablers for a green hydrogen economy, making it possible to decarbonize various industries such as transportation, refining, steel, and ammonia.

This information is subject to a duty of disclosure pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. This information was issued as inside information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation, and was published by Wilhelm Finder, Head of Investor Relations, at NEL ASA on the date and time provided.

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What grant did Nel ASA (NLLSY) receive for its electrolyser technology?

Nel ASA received a grant of up to EUR 135 million from the EU Innovation Fund for the industrialization of its next-generation pressurized alkaline electrolyser technology in Norway.

Where is Nel ASA (NLLSY) planning to build its new electrolyser production facility?

Nel ASA is planning to build its new electrolyser production facility at Herøya, Norway, utilizing existing space at their current facility.

What is the initial planned production capacity for Nel ASA's (NLLSY) new electrolyser technology?

The initial planned production capacity for Nel ASA's new electrolyser technology is 1-2 GW annually, with potential expansion to 4 GW.

What conditions must be met for Nel ASA (NLLSY) to make a final investment decision on the new production facility?

Nel ASA's final investment decision depends on achieving successful testing in the current prototype and planned pilot stage, as well as market acceptance of the new technology.



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