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Nickel 28 Capital Corp. (TSXV: NKL), formerly Conic Metals Corp., has announced its listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol 3JC. This strategic move aims to enhance trading liquidity and attract European investors. Nickel 28 retains its primary listing on the TSX Venture Exchange while facilitating broader market access through the FSE. The company holds an 8.56% interest in the Ramu Nickel-Cobalt Operation in Papua New Guinea, focusing on two critical metals for electric vehicle adoption.
Conic Metals Corp. (TSXV:NKL) has reported its Ramu Nickel-Cobalt mine in Papua New Guinea exceeded production targets for the fourth consecutive year. The mine produced 33,659 tonnes of nickel (103% of nameplate capacity) and 2,941 tonnes of cobalt in mixed hydroxide product (MHP). In H2 2020, nickel production rose to 17,421 tonnes, benefiting from higher nickel prices averaging $6.84 per pound, up over 20% from H1 2020. Conic holds an 8.56% interest in Ramu, which is operated by MCC, emphasizing a strong partnership and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.