Nike Names Tom Peddie as VP, GM of North America Geography

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Nike (NYSE: NKE) has announced that Tom Peddie will become the new Vice President, General Manager of the North America Geography, effective October 21. Peddie, who recently returned to Nike as VP, Marketplace Partners, will succeed Scott Uzzell, who is leaving the company.

In his new role, Peddie will lead all aspects of Nike's North America Geography, including Direct, Sales, Marketing, Digital, Consumer Construct, and Territories. Peddie brings a wealth of experience from his 30-year career at Nike, having previously served in Global Sales, as GM of Emerging Markets, and leading the North America Geography.

Craig Williams, President of Geographies and Marketplace, expressed confidence in Peddie's ability to lead North America's strategic growth and highlighted his outstanding relationships with retailers and experience in developing an integrated marketplace as critical factors for future success.

Nike (NYSE: NKE) ha annunciato che Tom Peddie assumerà il ruolo di nuovo Vice Presidente, Direttore Generale della Geografia Nordamericana, a partire dal 21 ottobre. Peddie, che è tornato di recente in Nike come VP, Marketplace Partners, succederà a Scott Uzzell, che lascia l’azienda.

Nel suo nuovo ruolo, Peddie guiderà tutti gli aspetti della Geografia Nordamericana di Nike, inclusi Direzione, Vendite, Marketing, Digitale, Costruzione del Consumatore e Territori. Peddie porta con sé una vasta esperienza dai suoi 30 anni di carriera in Nike, avendo precedentemente lavorato nelle Vendite Globali, come GM dei Mercati Emergenti, e guidato la Geografia Nordamericana.

Craig Williams, Presidente delle Geografie e del Marketplace, ha espresso fiducia nella capacità di Peddie di guidare la crescita strategica del Nord America e ha sottolineato che le sue eccezionali relazioni con i rivenditori e l’esperienza nello sviluppo di un marketplace integrato sono fattori critici per il successo futuro.

Nike (NYSE: NKE) ha anunciado que Tom Peddie será el nuevo Vicepresidente, Gerente General de la Geografía de América del Norte, a partir del 21 de octubre. Peddie, quien regresó recientemente a Nike como VP, Socios de Marketplace, sucederá a Scott Uzzell, quien deja la empresa.

En su nuevo cargo, Peddie liderará todos los aspectos de la Geografía de América del Norte de Nike, incluidos Dirección, Ventas, Marketing, Digital, Construcción del Consumidor y Territorios. Peddie aporta una gran experiencia de sus 30 años de carrera en Nike, habiendo trabajado anteriormente en Ventas Globales, como GM de Mercados Emergentes y liderando la Geografía de América del Norte.

Craig Williams, Presidente de Geografías y Marketplace, expresó confianza en la capacidad de Peddie para liderar el crecimiento estratégico de América del Norte y destacó que sus excelentes relaciones con los minoristas y su experiencia en el desarrollo de un marketplace integrado son factores críticos para el éxito futuro.

나이키 (NYSE: NKE)는 톰 페디가 10월 21일부로 북미 지역 부사장 겸 총괄 관리자로 취임한다고 발표했다. 페디는 최근 VP, 마켓플레이스 파트너로 나이키에 복귀했으며, 회사를 떠나는 스콧 우젤의 후임이 된다.

그의 새로운 역할에서 페디는 나이키의 북미 지역의 모든 측면을 이끌며, 여기에는 직접 판매, 마케팅, 디지털, 소비자 구성 및 지역이 포함된다. 페디는 나이키에서 30년의 경력을 쌓은 경험을 바탕으로, 글로벌 판매, 신흥 시장 GM으로 활동한 경력 등이 있다.

크레이그 윌리엄스, 지리 및 마켓플레이스 사장은 페디가 북미의 전략적 성장 이끌 수 있는 능력에 대한 신뢰를 표명하며, 소매업자와의 뛰어난 관계와 통합된 마켓플레이스를 개발한 경험이 향후 성공의 중요한 요소라고 강조했다.

Nike (NYSE: NKE) a annoncé que Tom Peddie sera le nouveau Vice-Président, Directeur Général de la Géographie Amérique du Nord, à compter du 21 octobre. Peddie, qui est récemment revenu chez Nike en tant que VP, Partenaires du Marché, succédera à Scott Uzzell, qui quitte l'entreprise.

Dans son nouveau rôle, Peddie dirigera tous les aspects de la Géographie Amérique du Nord de Nike, notamment la Direction, les Ventes, le Marketing, le Numérique, la Construction du Consommateur et les Territoires. Peddie apporte avec lui une vaste expérience de ses 30 ans de carrière chez Nike, ayant précédemment exercé dans les Ventes Globales, comme GM des Marchés Émergents et dirigé la Géographie Amérique du Nord.

Craig Williams, Président des Géographies et du Marché, a exprimé sa confiance dans la capacité de Peddie à diriger la croissance stratégique de l'Amérique du Nord et a souligné que ses excellentes relations avec les détaillants et son expérience dans le développement d'un marché intégré sont des facteurs critiques pour le succès futur.

Nike (NYSE: NKE) hat angekündigt, dass Tom Peddie zum neuen Vizepräsidenten und Generalmanager der Nordamerika-Region ernannt wird, und zwar ab dem 21. Oktober. Peddie, der kürzlich als VP, Marketplace Partners zu Nike zurückgekehrt ist, wird Scott Uzzell nachfolgen, der das Unternehmen verlässt.

In seiner neuen Rolle wird Peddie alle Aspekte der Nordamerika-Region von Nike leiten, einschließlich Direktion, Vertrieb, Marketing, Digitales, Verbraucherstruktur und Territorien. Peddie bringt eine Fülle von Erfahrungen aus seinen 30 Jahren bei Nike mit, wo er zuvor in den Global Sales, als GM der Schwellenmärkte und in der Leitung der Nordamerika-Region tätig war.

Craig Williams, Präsident der Geografien und des Marktplatzes, äußerte sein Vertrauen in Peddies Fähigkeit, das strategische Wachstum Nordamerikas zu leiten, und hob hervor, dass seine hervorragenden Beziehungen zu Einzelhändlern und seine Erfahrung in der Entwicklung eines integrierten Marktplatzes entscheidende Faktoren für den zukünftigen Erfolg sind.

  • Appointment of experienced executive Tom Peddie as VP, GM of North America Geography
  • Peddie brings 30 years of Nike experience, including previous leadership in North America Geography
  • Strong relationships with retailers and expertise in integrated marketplace development
  • Departure of Scott Uzzell from the company

BEAVERTON, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- NIKE, Inc. (NYSE: NKE) announces Tom Peddie will become Vice President, General Manager of the North America Geography, succeeding Scott Uzzell, who has decided to leave Nike.

“I’m excited to welcome Tom Peddie back to North America. No one is more qualified to lead North America’s next stage of strategic growth, grounded in sport. Importantly, Tom’s outstanding relationships with our retailers and deep experience developing an integrated marketplace will be critical to accelerating our future success,” said Craig Williams, President, Geographies and Marketplace.

“I’d also like to thank Scott for his dedication, passion and leadership during his six years with Nike and Converse. We wish him every success in the future,” said Williams.

Peddie will lead all aspects of Nike’s North America Geography, including Direct, Sales, Marketing, Digital, Consumer Construct and Territories, among others. Peddie recently returned to Nike as VP, Marketplace Partners after a 30-year Nike career spanning Global Sales, before becoming the GM of Emerging Markets, and then leading the North America Geography.

Peddie’s role will be effective October 21. Nike will announce the backfill for VP, Marketplace Partners soon.

About NIKE, Inc.

NIKE, Inc., based near Beaverton, Oregon, is the world's leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Converse, a wholly-owned NIKE, Inc. subsidiary brand, designs, markets and distributes athletic lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories. For more information, NIKE, Inc.'s earnings releases and other financial information are available on the Internet at Individuals can also visit and follow @NIKE.

Media Contact:

Virginia Rustique-Petteni

Investor Contact:

Paul Trussell

Source: NIKE, Inc.


Who is the new VP, GM of Nike's North America Geography?

Tom Peddie has been appointed as the new Vice President, General Manager of Nike's North America Geography, effective October 21.

What is Tom Peddie's background at Nike (NKE)?

Tom Peddie has a 30-year career at Nike, including roles in Global Sales, GM of Emerging Markets, and previously leading the North America Geography. He recently returned to Nike as VP, Marketplace Partners.

What responsibilities will Tom Peddie have in his new role at Nike (NKE)?

Tom Peddie will lead all aspects of Nike's North America Geography, including Direct, Sales, Marketing, Digital, Consumer Construct, Territories, and other areas.

Who did Tom Peddie replace as VP, GM of Nike's North America Geography?

Tom Peddie is succeeding Scott Uzzell, who has decided to leave Nike after six years with Nike and Converse.

Nike, Inc.


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