N2OFF INC. to Pursue Food Waste Carbon Credit Verra VM00046 Methodology

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N2OFF Inc. (NASDAQ: NITO) announced plans to pursue food waste carbon credits using its subsidiary Save Foods 's patented treatment for extending fruit and vegetable shelf life. The company aims to monetize emission reductions by keeping food in the human supply chain, potentially qualifying for the Verra VM00046 methodology.

Save Foods engaged sustainability experts from Nibbana-Group to explore alternative revenue streams. The experts concluded that Save Foods may meet the conditions for food waste carbon credits. This methodology applies to projects reducing food loss and waste (FLW) at various stages of the food chain.

CEO David Palach stated that this approach could help farmers, packaging houses, and retailers reduce costs while potentially increasing revenues through carbon credits. N2OFF also plans to implement an inset strategy to monetize its technology for reducing N2O greenhouse gas emissions.

N2OFF Inc. (NASDAQ: NITO) ha annunciato piani per perseguire crediti di carbonio dai rifiuti alimentari utilizzando il trattamento brevettato della sua sussidiaria Save Foods per prolungare la conservazione di frutta e verdura. L'azienda mira a monetizzare le riduzioni delle emissioni mantenendo il cibo nella catena di approvvigionamento umano, potenzialmente qualificandosi per la metodologia Verra VM00046.

Save Foods ha collaborato con esperti di sostenibilità del Nibbana-Group per esplorare flussi di entrate alternativi. Gli esperti hanno concluso che Save Foods potrebbe soddisfare le condizioni per crediti di carbonio dai rifiuti alimentari. Questa metodologia si applica a progetti che riducono la perdita e lo spreco alimentare (FLW) a diverse fasi della filiera alimentare.

Il CEO David Palach ha dichiarato che questo approccio potrebbe aiutare agricoltori, case di imballaggio e dettaglianti a ridurre i costi mentre potenzialmente aumentano i ricavi attraverso i crediti di carbonio. N2OFF prevede inoltre di implementare una strategia inset per monetizzare la sua tecnologia per ridurre le emissioni di gas serra N2O.

N2OFF Inc. (NASDAQ: NITO) anunció planes para perseguir créditos de carbono por desechos alimentarios usando el tratamiento patentado de su filial Save Foods para extender la vida útil de frutas y verduras. La empresa tiene como objetivo monetizar las reducciones de emisiones manteniendo los alimentos en la cadena de suministro humano, potencialmente calificando para la metodología Verra VM00046.

Save Foods contrató a expertos en sostenibilidad del Nibbana-Group para explorar fuentes de ingresos alternativas. Los expertos concluyeron que Save Foods podría cumplir con las condiciones para créditos de carbono por desechos alimentarios. Esta metodología se aplica a proyectos que reducen la pérdida y el desperdicio de alimentos (FLW) en varias etapas de la cadena alimentaria.

El CEO David Palach declaró que este enfoque podría ayudar a los agricultores, casas de empaque y minoristas a reducir costos mientras potencialmente aumentan ingresos a través de créditos de carbono. N2OFF también planea implementar una estrategia inset para monetizar su tecnología para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero N2O.

N2OFF Inc. (NASDAQ: NITO)는 자회사가 보유한 특허 기술을 사용하여 과일과 채소의 유통 기한을 연장하고 식품 폐기물 탄소 크레딧을 추구할 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 식품을 인간 공급망에 남김으로써 배출량 감소를 수익화하는 것을 목표로 하며, 잠재적으로 Verra VM00046 방법론에 해당될 수 있습니다.

Save Foods는 Nibbana-Group의 지속 가능성 전문가들과 협력하여 대체 수익원을 탐색했습니다. 전문가들은 Save Foods가 식품 폐기물 탄소 크레딧의 조건을 충족할 수 있을 것이라고 결론지었습니다. 이 방법론은 식품 공급망의 여러 단계에서 식품 손실 및 폐기물(FLW)을 줄이는 프로젝트에 적용됩니다.

CEO David Palach는 이 접근 방식이 농민, 포장 회사 및 소매업체가 비용을 줄이는 데 도움을 주면서 탄소 크레딧을 통해 수익을 증가시킬 수 있다고 말했습니다. N2OFF는 또한 N2O 온실가스 배출을 줄이기 위한 기술을 수익화하기 위해 인셋 전략을 구현할 계획입니다.

N2OFF Inc. (NASDAQ: NITO) a annoncé des plans pour poursuivre des crédits carbone pour les déchets alimentaires en utilisant le traitement breveté de sa filiale Save Foods pour prolonger la durée de conservation des fruits et légumes. L'entreprise vise à monétiser les réductions d'émissions en maintenant les aliments dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement humaine, ce qui pourrait potentiellement la qualifier pour la méthodologie Verra VM00046.

Save Foods a fait appel à des experts en durabilité du Nibbana-Group pour explorer des sources de revenus alternatives. Les experts ont conclu que Save Foods pourrait répondre aux conditions pour crédits carbone pour les déchets alimentaires. Cette méthodologie s'applique aux projets réduisant la perte et le gaspillage alimentaire (FLW) à différentes étapes de la chaîne alimentaire.

Le PDG David Palach a déclaré que cette approche pourrait aider les agriculteurs, les usines d'emballage et les détaillants à réduire les coûts tout en augmentant potentiellement les revenus grâce aux crédits carbone. N2OFF prévoit également de mettre en œuvre une stratégie inset pour monétiser sa technologie visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre N2O.

N2OFF Inc. (NASDAQ: NITO) hat Pläne angekündigt, Kohlenstoffgutschriften für Lebensmittelabfälle mit Hilfe der patentierten Behandlung ihrer Tochtergesellschaft Save Foods zur Verlängerung der Haltbarkeit von Obst und Gemüse zu verfolgen. Das Unternehmen strebt an, Emissionsreduzierungen zu monetarisieren, indem es Lebensmittel in der menschlichen Lieferkette hält, was potenziell zur Verra VM00046 Methodik qualifizieren könnte.

Save Foods hat Nachhaltigkeitsexperten von der Nibbana-Group beauftragt, alternative Einnahmequellen zu erkunden. Die Experten kamen zu dem Schluss, dass Save Foods die Voraussetzungen für Kohlenstoffgutschriften für Lebensmittelabfälle erfüllen könnte. Diese Methodik gilt für Projekte, die Lebensmittelverlust und -abfall (FLW) in verschiedenen Phasen der Lebensmittelkette reduzieren.

CEO David Palach erklärte, dass dieser Ansatz Landwirten, Verpackungsunternehmen und Einzelhändlern helfen könne, Kosten zu senken, während sie potenziell Einnahmen durch Kohlenstoffgutschriften erhöhen. N2OFF plant zudem die Implementierung einer Inset-Strategie, um seine Technologie zur Reduzierung der N2O-Treibhausgasemissionen zu monetarisieren.

  • Potential new revenue stream through food waste carbon credits
  • Subsidiary's treatment extends shelf life of fruits and vegetables
  • Possible qualification for Verra VM00046 methodology
  • Exploration of inset strategy to monetize N2O emission reduction technology
  • None.

N2OFF's pursuit of the Verra VM00046 methodology marks a significant step towards sustainable food management. By extending the shelf life of fruits and vegetables, their subsidiary Save Foods is directly addressing the global issue of food waste. This approach not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with decomposing food waste but also conserves resources used in food production.

The potential for carbon credits adds a financial incentive to their environmental efforts, which could accelerate adoption of their technology. However, the success of this initiative depends on rigorous verification processes and consistent results. It's important to monitor the actual impact on food waste reduction and ensure compliance with Verra's stringent standards.

If successful, this could create a ripple effect in the industry, encouraging more companies to invest in food preservation technologies. The dual benefit of waste reduction and potential carbon credit revenue could transform how the food industry approaches sustainability.

Save Foods' patented treatment represents a technological breakthrough in the agri-tech sector. By extending shelf life, it addresses a critical pain point in the food supply chain. The technology's potential to reduce both pre and post-harvest waste is particularly noteworthy, as it tackles inefficiencies at multiple stages.

The pursuit of Verra VM00046 methodology could validate the efficacy of Save Foods' treatment on a global scale. This recognition could lead to increased market adoption, especially among environmentally conscious retailers and consumers. However, the success hinges on the treatment's scalability and cost-effectiveness across various produce types and supply chain conditions.

Investors should watch for data on implementation costs, success rates in different climates and any regulatory hurdles. The technology's ability to adapt to diverse agricultural settings will be important for long-term growth and international expansion.

N2OFF's strategy to monetize their food preservation technology through carbon credits presents an innovative revenue stream. This approach could significantly enhance the company's financial profile, potentially leading to a diversified income model that combines direct sales with carbon credit revenues.

The market for carbon credits is growing, with increasing corporate commitments to sustainability. If N2OFF successfully qualifies for these credits, it could see a substantial boost in profitability. However, investors should be cautious as the carbon credit market can be volatile and regulatory changes could impact valuations.

Key financial metrics to monitor include the cost of implementing the technology versus the potential carbon credit revenue, as well as any impact on the company's operating margins. The success of this initiative could potentially lead to a re-rating of the stock, especially if it demonstrates a scalable model for combining agri-tech solutions with environmental finance.

Subsidiary’s treatment aims to help reduce pre & post-harvest food waste by extending shelf life of fruits and vegetables, and to potentially provide an alternative revenue stream by issuing carbon credits

Neve Yarak, Israel, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- N2OFF, Inc. (NASDAQ: NITO) (FSE:80W) (“N2OFF” and the “Company”), a clean tech company engaged in sustainable solutions for energy and innovation for agri-tech, announced its plan to utilize its subsidiary, Save Foods Ltd.’s (“Save Foods”), patented treatment to extend shelf life of certain fruits and vegetables to pursue monetizing the quantification of emission reductions by keeping food in the human supply chain. If successful, the Company could receive designated food waste credit.

Save Foods engaged a team of sustainability strategy experts from the Nibbana-Group, led by Galit Kenigsberg, to examine potential avenues to provide alternative revenue streams from Save Food’s patented treatment. They concluded that Save Foods may meet the conditions of the Verra VM00046 methodology and could potentially be eligible to receive certain benefits such as food waste carbon credits.

This methodology applies to project activities that reduce food loss and waste (FLW) by increasing food available for human consumption and keeping food in the human supply chain. Eligible project activities may prevent FLW at different stages of the food chain, including at farms, food processing facilities, retailers, food services/hospitalities, and households. The methodology enables organizations to become eligible for carbon credits by reducing food waste.

David Palach, N2OFF’s CEO, commented, “This methodology provides us with an opportunity not only to continue helping farmers, packaging houses, and retailers reduce costs by extending shelf life, but also to potentially increase revenues by qualifying for credits through the use of Save Foods products. We are exploring the Verra VM00046 methodology, which we believe could align with our strategy. We also plan to implement an inset strategy to monetize our proprietary technology for reducing N2O greenhouse gas emissions.”

About N2OFF Inc:

N2OFF, Inc. (formerly known as Save Foods, Inc.) is a clean tech company engaged in sustainable solutions for energy and innovation for agri- tech. Through its operational activities it delivers integrated solutions for sustainable energy, greenhouse gas emissions reduction and safety, quality solutions for the agri- tech market. NTWO OFF Ltd., N2OFF's majority-owned Israeli subsidiary, aims to contribute in tackling greenhouse gas emissions, offering a solution to mitigate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, a potent greenhouse gas with 310 times the global warming impact of carbon dioxide. NTWO OFF Ltd., aims to promote agricultural practices that are both environmentally friendly and economically viable. N2OFF recently entered the solar PV market and will provide funding to Solterra Renewable Energy Ltd. for the current project in the total Capacity of 111 MWp, as well as future projects. Save Foods Ltd., N2OFF's majority-owned Israeli subsidiary, focuses on post-harvest treatments in fruit and vegetables to control and prevent pathogen contamination. N2OFF also has a minority ownership in Plantify Foods, Inc., a Canadian company listed on the TSXV that offers a wide range of clean-label healthy food options. For more information on Save Foods Ltd. and NTWO OFF Ltd. visit our website:

Forward-looking Statements:

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other Federal securities laws. Words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates” and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Because such statements deal with future events and are based on our current expectations, they are subject to various risks and uncertainties including our ability to generate revenue from the VM0046 methodology. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those described in or implied by the statements in this press release. The forward-looking statements contained or implied in this press release are subject to other risks and uncertainties, including market conditions as well as those discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in N2OFF’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on April 1, 2024 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC on August 14, 2024, and in any subsequent filings with the SEC. Except as otherwise required by law, we undertake no obligation to publicly release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release. We are not responsible for the contents of third-party websites.

Investor Relations Contacts:
Michal Efraty


What is N2OFF Inc.'s plan for food waste carbon credits?

N2OFF Inc. (NITO) plans to pursue food waste carbon credits using its subsidiary Save Foods 's patented treatment that extends the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. They aim to monetize emission reductions by keeping food in the human supply chain, potentially qualifying for the Verra VM00046 methodology.

How might N2OFF Inc. (NITO) benefit from the Verra VM00046 methodology?

If successful in meeting the conditions of the Verra VM00046 methodology, N2OFF Inc. could potentially receive food waste carbon credits. This could provide an alternative revenue stream while helping reduce food waste at various stages of the food chain.

What additional strategy is N2OFF Inc. (NITO) planning to implement?

N2OFF Inc. plans to implement an inset strategy to monetize its proprietary technology for reducing N2O greenhouse gas emissions, potentially creating another avenue for revenue and environmental impact.

How does Save Foods 's treatment contribute to reducing food waste?

Save Foods 's patented treatment extends the shelf life of certain fruits and vegetables, which helps reduce pre and post-harvest food waste by keeping food in the human supply chain for longer periods.

N2OFF, Inc.


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