NIO Inc. Announces Completion of the Repurchase Right Offer for Its 0.50% Convertible Senior Notes due 2027
NIO has completed its previously announced repurchase right offer for its 0.50% Convertible Senior Notes due 2027. The repurchase right offer expired on January 30, 2025, at 5:00 p.m., New York City time. According to The Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, the paying agent, US$378,312,000 aggregate principal amount of the Notes were validly surrendered and not withdrawn before the offer's expiration.
The Company has forwarded the Repurchase Price to the Paying Agent for distribution to the Holders who validly exercised their Repurchase Right. Following the repurchase settlement, only US$213,000 aggregate principal amount of the Notes will remain outstanding, continuing under the existing terms of the Indenture and the Notes.
NIO ha completato l'offerta di diritto di riacquisto precedentemente annunciata per le sue Note Convertibili Senior con un tasso dello 0,50% in scadenza nel 2027. L'offerta per il diritto di riacquisto è scaduta il 30 gennaio 2025, alle ore 17:00, ora di New York. Secondo la Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, l'agente pagatore, 378.312.000 US$ di importo principale aggregato delle Note sono stati validamente consegnati e non ritirati prima della scadenza dell'offerta.
La Società ha trasferito il Prezzo di Riacquisto all'Agente Pagatore per la distribuzione agli Obbligazionisti che hanno validamente esercitato il loro Diritto di Riacquisto. Dopo la regolazione del riacquisto, rimarrà in circolazione solo 213.000 US$ di importo principale aggregato delle Note, continuando secondo i termini esistenti del Contratto e delle Note.
NIO ha completado la oferta de derecho de recompra previamente anunciada para sus Notas Senior Convertibles con un interés del 0.50% con vencimiento en 2027. La oferta de derecho de recompra expiró el 30 de enero de 2025, a las 5:00 p.m., hora de la ciudad de Nueva York. Según Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, el agente pagador, 378,312,000 US$ de monto principal agregado de las Notas fueron entregados válidamente y no se retiraron antes de la expiración de la oferta.
La Compañía ha enviado el Precio de Recompra al Agente Pagador para su distribución a los Tenedores que ejercieron válidamente su Derecho de Recompra. Después del acuerdo de recompra, solo 213,000 US$ de monto principal agregado de las Notas permanecerán en circulación, continuando bajo los términos existentes del Contrato y de las Notas.
NIO는 2027년 만기 0.50% 전환 선순위 채권에 대한 재매입 권리 행사 제안을 완료했습니다. 재매입 권리 행사는 2025년 1월 30일 오후 5시(뉴욕 시간)까지 유효했습니다. 데이츠 뱅크 신탁 회사 아메리카스에 따르면, 지급 대행사인 378,312,000 US$의 총 원금이 유효하게 제출되었으며, 제안 만료 전에는 철회되지 않았습니다.
회사는 재매입가를 지급 대행사에 전달하여 유효하게 재매입 권리를 행사한 보유자에게 분배하였습니다. 재매입 정산 후에는 총 213,000 US$의 원금만 남아있으며, 기존의 계약 조건 및 채권에 따라 계속됩니다.
NIO a complété son offre de droit de rachat annoncée précédemment pour ses Obligations Senior Convertibles à 0,50 % arrivant à échéance en 2027. L'offre de droit de rachat a expiré le 30 janvier 2025 à 17h00, heure de New York. Selon Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, l'agent payeur, 378.312.000 US$ du montant principal total des Obligations ont été valablement remises et n'ont pas été retirées avant l'expiration de l'offre.
La Société a transmis le Prix de Rachat à l'Agent Payeur pour distribution aux Détenteurs ayant exercé valablement leur Droit de Rachat. Après le règlement du rachat, seuls 213.000 US$ du montant principal total des Obligations resteront en circulation, continuant selon les termes existants de l'Indenture et des Obligations.
NIO hat das zuvor angekündigte Angebot zum Rückkauf seiner 0,50% wandelbaren Senior-Anleihen mit Fälligkeit im Jahr 2027 abgeschlossen. Das Rückkaufangebot lief am 30. Januar 2025 um 17:00 Uhr nach New Yorker Zeit aus. Laut der Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, dem zahlenden Agenten, wurden 378.312.000 US$ des Gesamtnennbetrags der Anleihen gültig eingereicht und vor Ablauf des Angebots nicht zurückgezogen.
Das Unternehmen hat den Rückkaufpreis an den zahlenden Agenten überwiesen, damit dieser an die Inhaber verteilt werden kann, die ihr Rückkaufsrecht gültig ausgeübt haben. Nach der Abrechnung des Rückkaufs bleiben nur noch 213.000 US$ des Gesamtnennbetrags der Anleihen ausstehend, die gemäß den bestehenden Bedingungen der Indenture und der Anleihen weiter bestehen bleiben.
- Significant debt reduction with US$378.3 million of convertible notes repurchased
- Lower future interest payment obligations due to reduced outstanding debt
- Substantial cash outflow of US$378.3 million for note repurchase
NIO's successful completion of the convertible notes repurchase represents a significant deleveraging event, with
Balance Sheet Impact: The repurchase substantially reduces NIO's convertible debt exposure, with only
Liquidity Considerations: The timing and scale of this cash outlay deserves scrutiny, particularly given the competitive pressures in the Chinese EV market and ongoing need for operational capital. While debt reduction is generally positive, the substantial cash deployment could impact NIO's flexibility for near-term investments in product development and market expansion.
Strategic Implications: This transaction effectively eliminates a significant portion of NIO's convertible debt, potentially providing greater financial maneuverability for future capital raising if needed. However, the high participation rate in the repurchase offer might indicate noteholders' concerns about the company's current market position and future prospects in the highly competitive EV sector.
SHANGHAI, Jan. 31, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NIO Inc. (NYSE: NIO; HKEX: 9866; SGX: NIO) (“NIO” or the “Company”), a pioneer and a leading company in the global smart electric vehicle market, today announced that it has completed its previously announced repurchase right offer relating to its
Materials filed with the SEC will be available electronically without charge at the SEC’s website, Documents filed with the SEC may also be obtained without charge at the Company’s website,
About NIO Inc.
NIO Inc. is a pioneer and a leading company in the global smart electric vehicle market. Founded in November 2014, NIO aspires to shape a sustainable and brighter future with the mission of “Blue Sky Coming”. NIO envisions itself as a user enterprise where innovative technology meets experience excellence. NIO designs, develops, manufactures and sells smart electric vehicles, driving innovations in next-generation core technologies. NIO distinguishes itself through continuous technological breakthroughs and innovations, exceptional products and services, and a community for shared growth. NIO provides premium smart electric vehicles under the NIO brand, family-oriented smart electric vehicles through the ONVO brand, and small smart high-end electric cars with the FIREFLY brand.
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How much of NIO's 2027 convertible notes were repurchased in January 2025?
What is the remaining amount of NIO's 2027 convertible notes after the repurchase?
What was the interest rate on NIO's repurchased convertible notes?