Norsk Hydro: Status share buyback program

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Norsk Hydro ASA (NHYDY) has initiated a share buyback program, running from September 11, 2024, to February 28, 2025. As of September 17, 2024, the company has repurchased 1,038,589 shares at an average price of NOK 59.09, totaling NOK 61,373,610. Key details include:

- Daily volumes ranged from 154,089 to 240,000 shares
- Share prices varied between NOK 57.40 and NOK 60.99
- Prior to the program, Norsk Hydro owned 14,082,505 own shares
- After these transactions, the company now owns 15,121,094 shares, representing 0.75% of its share capital

This buyback demonstrates Norsk Hydro's confidence in its stock value and commitment to enhancing shareholder returns.

Norsk Hydro ASA (NHYDY) ha avviato un programma di riacquisto di azioni, che si svolgerà dall'11 settembre 2024 al 28 febbraio 2025. Al 17 settembre 2024, l'azienda ha riacquistato 1.038.589 azioni a un prezzo medio di 59,09 NOK, per un totale di 61.373.610 NOK. I dettagli chiave includono:

- I volumi giornalieri sono variati da 154.089 a 240.000 azioni
- I prezzi delle azioni sono stati compresi tra 57,40 NOK e 60,99 NOK
- Prima del programma, Norsk Hydro possedeva 14.082.505 azioni proprie
- Dopo queste transazioni, l'azienda possiede ora 15.121.094 azioni, pari allo 0,75% del proprio capitale sociale

Questo riacquisto dimostra la fiducia di Norsk Hydro nel valore delle sue azioni e il suo impegno a migliorare i rendimenti per gli azionisti.

Norsk Hydro ASA (NHYDY) ha iniciado un programa de recompra de acciones, que se llevará a cabo desde el 11 de septiembre de 2024 hasta el 28 de febrero de 2025. A partir del 17 de septiembre de 2024, la empresa ha recomprado 1.038.589 acciones a un precio promedio de 59,09 NOK, totalizando 61.373.610 NOK. Los detalles clave incluyen:

- Los volúmenes diarios oscilaron entre 154.089 y 240.000 acciones
- Los precios de las acciones variaron entre 57,40 NOK y 60,99 NOK
- Antes del programa, Norsk Hydro poseía 14.082.505 acciones propias
- Después de estas transacciones, la empresa posee ahora 15.121.094 acciones, que representan el 0,75% de su capital social

Esta recompra demuestra la confianza de Norsk Hydro en el valor de sus acciones y su compromiso con el aumento de los rendimientos para los accionistas.

Norsk Hydro ASA (NHYDY)는 2024년 9월 11일부터 2025년 2월 28일까지 지속되는 자사주 매입 프로그램을 시작했습니다. 2024년 9월 17일 기준으로 회사는 평균 가격 59.09 NOK에 1,038,589 주를 매입하여 총 61,373,610 NOK에 달합니다. 주요 세부 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

- 일일 거래량은 154,089주에서 240,000주 사이였으며
- 주가는 57.40 NOK에서 60.99 NOK 사이에서 변동했습니다
- 프로그램 시작 전 Norsk Hydro는 14,082,505주를 보유하고 있었습니다
- 이러한 거래 후, 회사는 현재 15,121,094주를 보유하고 있으며, 이는 자본금의 0.75%에 해당합니다

이번 자사주 매입은 Norsk Hydro가 자사 주식의 가치에 대한 신뢰를 보여주며, 주주 수익을 증가시키겠다는 의지를 나타냅니다.

Norsk Hydro ASA (NHYDY) a lancé un programme de rachat d'actions qui s'étendra du 11 septembre 2024 au 28 février 2025. Au 17 septembre 2024, l'entreprise a racheté 1.038.589 actions à un prix moyen de 59,09 NOK, totalisant 61.373.610 NOK. Les détails clés incluent:

- Les volumes quotidiens variaient entre 154.089 et 240.000 actions
- Les prix des actions ont fluctué entre 57,40 NOK et 60,99 NOK
- Avant le programme, Norsk Hydro détenait 14.082.505 actions propres
- Après ces transactions, l'entreprise possède désormais 15.121.094 actions, représentant 0,75 % de son capital social

Ce rachat démontre la confiance de Norsk Hydro dans la valeur de ses actions et son engagement à améliorer les rendements pour les actionnaires.

Norsk Hydro ASA (NHYDY) hat ein Aktienrückkaufprogramm gestartet, das vom 11. September 2024 bis zum 28. Februar 2025 läuft. Am 17. September 2024 hat das Unternehmen 1.038.589 Aktien zu einem Durchschnittspreis von 59,09 NOK zurückgekauft, was insgesamt 61.373.610 NOK entspricht. Die wichtigsten Details sind:

- Die täglichen Volumina schwankten zwischen 154.089 und 240.000 Aktien
- Die Aktienpreise variierten zwischen 57,40 NOK und 60,99 NOK
- Vor dem Programm besaß Norsk Hydro 14.082.505 eigene Aktien
- Nach diesen Transaktionen besitzt das Unternehmen nun 15.121.094 Aktien, was 0,75 % seines Eigenkapitals entspricht

Dieser Rückkauf zeigt das Vertrauen von Norsk Hydro in den Wert seiner Aktien und das Engagement zur Steigerung der Renditen für die Aktionäre.

  • Implementation of share buyback program, potentially increasing shareholder value
  • Acquisition of 1,038,589 shares, representing a significant investment in the company's stock
  • Total buyback value of NOK 61,373,610, demonstrating strong financial capacity
  • Increase in owned shares from 14,082,505 to 15,121,094, strengthening the company's position
  • Allocation of NOK 61,373,610 for share buybacks may reduce funds available for other investments or operations
  • Increase in treasury shares to 0.75% of share capital, potentially affecting liquidity

Please see below information about transactions made under the share buyback program for Norsk Hydro ASA.

Announcement date of the share buyback program: September 11, 2024

End date of the share buyback program: February 28, 2025

Overview of transactions:

DateAggregated daily volume (number of Shares)Weighted average share price per day (NOK)Total daily transaction value (NOK)
11/09/2024240 00057.4013 776 048
12/09/2024224 50058.9913 242 761
13/09/2024240 00058.8414 121 600
16/09/2024154 08960.079 255 649
17/09/2024180 00060.9910 977 552
Previous Transactions0  
Accumulated to date1 038 58959.0961 373 610

Prior to the share buyback program Norsk Hydro ASA owned a total of 14 082 505 own shares. Following the above listed transactions, Norsk Hydro ASA owns a total of 15 121 094 shares, corresponding to 0.75% of Norsk Hydro ASA's share capital.

Attachment: An overview of all the completed transactions under the program for the dates specified above is attached to this notification and available on

Investor contact:

Martine Rambøl Hagen

Head of Investor Relations

+47 91708918

This is information that Norsk Hydro ASA is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.



What is the duration of Norsk Hydro's (NHYDY) share buyback program?

Norsk Hydro's (NHYDY) share buyback program runs from September 11, 2024, to February 28, 2025.

How many shares has Norsk Hydro (NHYDY) repurchased as of September 17, 2024?

As of September 17, 2024, Norsk Hydro (NHYDY) has repurchased 1,038,589 shares under its current buyback program.

What is the average price per share in Norsk Hydro's (NHYDY) buyback program?

The weighted average price per share in Norsk Hydro's (NHYDY) buyback program is NOK 59.09.

What percentage of Norsk Hydro's (NHYDY) share capital does the company now own after the recent buybacks?

After the recent buybacks, Norsk Hydro (NHYDY) now owns 15,121,094 shares, corresponding to 0.75% of its share capital.



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