Norsk Hydro: Status share buyback program

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Norsk Hydro ASA has provided an update on its share buyback program, which was announced on September 11, 2024, and is set to conclude on February 28, 2025. The company has reported transactions from September 25 to October 1, 2024, with daily volumes ranging from 78,087 to 240,000 shares. The weighted average share prices varied between NOK 65.10 and NOK 68.54 per day.

To date, Norsk Hydro has accumulated 2,740,956 shares under this program, with a total transaction value of NOK 171,399,526. Prior to the buyback, the company owned 14,082,505 own shares. Following these transactions, Norsk Hydro now owns a total of 16,823,461 shares, representing 0.84% of its share capital. Detailed transaction information is available on

Norsk Hydro ASA ha fornito un aggiornamento sul suo programma di riacquisto di azioni, annunciato l'11 settembre 2024, che si concluderà il 28 febbraio 2025. L'azienda ha riportato transazioni dal 25 settembre al 1° ottobre 2024, con volumi giornalieri compresi tra 78.087 e 240.000 azioni. I prezzi medi ponderati delle azioni sono variati tra NOK 65,10 e NOK 68,54 al giorno.

Ad oggi, Norsk Hydro ha accumulato 2.740.956 azioni nell'ambito di questo programma, con un valore totale delle transazioni pari a NOK 171.399.526. Prima del riacquisto, l'azienda possedeva 14.082.505 azioni proprie. Dopo queste transazioni, Norsk Hydro possiede ora un totale di 16.823.461 azioni, pari allo 0,84% del suo capitale sociale. Informazioni dettagliate sulle transazioni sono disponibili su

Norsk Hydro ASA ha proporcionado una actualización sobre su programa de recompra de acciones, que fue anunciado el 11 de septiembre de 2024 y concluirá el 28 de febrero de 2025. La empresa ha reportado transacciones desde el 25 de septiembre hasta el 1 de octubre de 2024, con volúmenes diarios que oscilan entre 78,087 y 240,000 acciones. Los precios promedio ponderados de las acciones variaron entre NOK 65.10 y NOK 68.54 por día.

Hasta la fecha, Norsk Hydro ha acumulado 2,740,956 acciones bajo este programa, con un valor total de transacciones de NOK 171,399,526. Antes de la recompra, la empresa poseía 14,082,505 acciones propias. Tras estas transacciones, Norsk Hydro ahora posee un total de 16,823,461 acciones, lo que representa el 0.84% de su capital social. La información detallada sobre las transacciones está disponible en

Norsk Hydro ASA는 2024년 9월 11일에 발표된 자사주 매입 프로그램에 대한 업데이트를 제공했으며, 이는 2025년 2월 28일에 종료될 예정입니다. 회사는 2024년 9월 25일부터 10월 1일까지의 거래를 보고했으며, 일일 거래량은 78,087주에서 240,000주 사이였습니다. 가중평균 주가는 하루에 NOK 65.10에서 NOK 68.54 사이로 변동했습니다.

현재까지 Norsk Hydro는 이 프로그램을 통해 2,740,956주를 매입했으며, 총 거래 가치가 NOK 171,399,526에 달합니다. 자사주 매입 이전에 회사는 14,082,505주의 자사주를 보유하고 있었습니다. 이 거래들 이후에 Norsk Hydro는 총 16,823,461주를 보유하게 되어 자본의 0.84%에 해당합니다. 거래에 대한 상세 정보는 www.newsweb.no에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

Norsk Hydro ASA a fourni une mise à jour sur son programme de rachat d'actions, qui a été annoncé le 11 septembre 2024 et devrait se terminer le 28 février 2025. L'entreprise a rapporté des transactions du 25 septembre au 1er octobre 2024, avec des volumes journaliers variant entre 78 087 et 240 000 actions. Les prix moyens pondérés des actions ont varié entre 65,10 NOK et 68,54 NOK par jour.

À ce jour, Norsk Hydro a accumulé 2 740 956 actions dans le cadre de ce programme, pour une valeur totale de transaction de 171 399 526 NOK. Avant le rachat, l'entreprise possédait 14 082 505 actions propres. À la suite de ces transactions, Norsk Hydro possède désormais un total de 16 823 461 actions, représentant 0,84 % de son capital social. Des informations détaillées sur les transactions sont disponibles sur

Norsk Hydro ASA hat ein Update zu seinem Aktienrückkaufprogramm bereitgestellt, das am 11. September 2024 angekündigt wurde und am 28. Februar 2025 abgeschlossen sein soll. Das Unternehmen hat Transaktionen vom 25. September bis 1. Oktober 2024 gemeldet, mit täglichen Volumina von 78.087 bis 240.000 Aktien. Die gewichteten Durchschnittspreise der Aktien variierten täglich zwischen NOK 65,10 und NOK 68,54.

Bis heute hat Norsk Hydro im Rahmen dieses Programms 2.740.956 Aktien akkumuliert, mit einem Gesamttransaktionswert von NOK 171.399.526. Vor dem Rückkauf besaß das Unternehmen 14.082.505 eigene Aktien. Nach diesen Transaktionen besitzt Norsk Hydro nun insgesamt 16.823.461 Aktien, was 0,84% des Grundkapitals entspricht. Detaillierte Transaktionsinformationen sind auf verfügbar.

  • Share buyback program demonstrates confidence in company's value
  • Accumulated 2,740,956 shares, worth NOK 171,399,526
  • Increased ownership to 0.84% of company's share capital
  • Potential reduction in cash reserves due to share repurchases

Please see below information about transactions made under the share buyback program for Norsk Hydro ASA.

Announcement date of the share buyback program: September 11, 2024

End date of the share buyback program: February 28, 2025

Overview of transactions:

Date Aggregated daily volume (number of Shares)Weighted average share price per day (NOK)Total daily transaction value (NOK)
25/09/2024 240 000 65.10 15 623 376
26/09/2024 78 087 66.92 5 225 652
27/09/2024 114 000 68.35 7 791 535
30/09/2024 210 000 68.54 14 392 476
01/10/2024 196 780 68.33 13 446 627
Previous Transactions  1 902 089   
Accumulated to date 2 740 956 62.53 171 399 526

Prior to the share buyback program Norsk Hydro ASA owned a total of 14 082 505 own shares. Following the above listed transactions, Norsk Hydro ASA owns a total of 16 823 461 shares, corresponding to 0.84% of Norsk Hydro ASA's share capital.

Attachment: An overview of all the completed transactions under the program for the dates specified above is attached to this notification and available on

Investor contact:

Martine Rambøl Hagen

Head of Investor Relations

+47 91708918

This is information that Norsk Hydro ASA is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.



When did Norsk Hydro (NHYDY) announce its current share buyback program?

Norsk Hydro announced its current share buyback program on September 11, 2024.

What is the end date of Norsk Hydro's (NHYDY) current share buyback program?

The current share buyback program for Norsk Hydro is set to end on February 28, 2025.

How many shares has Norsk Hydro (NHYDY) repurchased under the current program as of October 1, 2024?

As of October 1, 2024, Norsk Hydro has repurchased a total of 2,740,956 shares under the current buyback program.

What percentage of Norsk Hydro's (NHYDY) share capital does the company own after recent buybacks?

Following the recent buybacks, Norsk Hydro owns 16,823,461 shares, corresponding to 0.84% of its share capital.



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