Natural Grocers® Introduces House-Brand Organic Coffee Pods
Natural Grocers, America's largest family-operated organic and natural grocery retailer, has launched its own line of Organic Coffee Pods under their house brand. The new product line features four varieties including Organic Breakfast Blend, Organic Decaf Breakfast Blend, and Organic French Roast, priced between $8.99 for 12-count and $18.99 for 32-count packages.
The coffee pods are designed with eco-friendly features including plant-based mesh filters, paper lids, and are certified compostable at industrial facilities. The packaging uses 100% recycled paperboard with 30% post-consumer materials. The products are Certified Organic, Fair Trade Certified, and compatible with most single-serve coffee makers.
This launch is part of Natural Grocers' private-label expansion, which currently includes over 800 products. The company has also announced upcoming releases including Organic Kombuchas and Tepaches.
Natural Grocers, il più grande rivenditore di prodotti biologici e naturali a conduzione familiare negli Stati Uniti, ha lanciato la sua nuova linea di Capsule di Caffè Biologiche sotto il proprio marchio. La nuova linea di prodotti include quattro varietà, tra cui il Mix di Colazione Biologica, il Mix di Colazione Decaffeinato Biologico e il Caffè Francese Biologico, con prezzi compresi tra $8.99 per il pacchetto da 12 e $18.99 per quello da 32.
Le capsule di caffè sono progettate con caratteristiche ecologiche, tra cui filtri in rete a base vegetale, coperchi di carta e sono certificate compostabili presso strutture industriali. Il packaging utilizza cartone 100% riciclato con il 30% di materiali post-consumo. I prodotti sono Certificati Biologici, Certificati Fair Trade e compatibili con la maggior parte delle macchine da caffè a una sola porzione.
Questo lancio fa parte dell'espansione del marchio privato di Natural Grocers, che attualmente include oltre 800 prodotti. L'azienda ha anche annunciato futuri rilasci, tra cui Kombucha Biologici e Tepache.
Natural Grocers, el mayor minorista de productos orgánicos y naturales operado por una familia en Estados Unidos, ha lanzado su propia línea de Cápsulas de Café Orgánico bajo su marca. La nueva línea de productos presenta cuatro variedades, entre ellas Mezcla de Desayuno Orgánico, Mezcla de Desayuno Descafeinado Orgánico y Tostado Francés Orgánico, con precios que oscilan entre $8.99 por el paquete de 12 y $18.99 por el de 32.
Las cápsulas de café están diseñadas con características ecológicas, que incluyen filtros de malla a base de plantas, tapas de papel y son certificadas compostables en instalaciones industriales. El empaque utiliza cartón 100% reciclado con un 30% de materiales post-consumo. Los productos son Certificados Orgánicos, Certificados Fair Trade y son compatibles con la mayoría de las máquinas de café de una sola porción.
Este lanzamiento forma parte de la expansión de la marca privada de Natural Grocers, que actualmente incluye más de 800 productos. La empresa también ha anunciado lanzamientos futuros, incluidos Kombuchas Orgánicos y Tepaches.
내추럴 그로셔스(Natural Grocers)는 미국 최대의 가족 운영 유기농 및 자연 식품 소매업체로서 자사 브랜드의 유기농 커피 팟 라인을 출시했습니다. 새로운 제품 라인은 유기농 아침 혼합, 유기농 디카페인 아침 혼합, 유기농 프렌치 로스트를 포함하여 12개입 패키지에 대해 $8.99에서 32개입 패키지에 대해 $18.99까지의 가격으로 제공됩니다.
커피 팟은 친환경 기능이 설계되어 있으며, 식물성 메쉬 필터, 종이 뚜껑이 포함되어 있으며, 산업 시설에서 퇴비화가 인증됩니다. 포장은 100% 재활용된 종이보드와 30%의 소비자 이후 재료를 사용합니다. 이 제품들은 유기농 인증, 공정 거래 인증을 받았으며 대부분의 단일 서브 커피 메이커와 호환됩니다.
이번 출시 는 현재 800개 이상의 제품을 포함하는 내추럴 그로셔스의 프라이빗 레이블 확장 일환입니다. 이 회사는 또한 유기농 콤부차 및 테파체와 같은 향후 출시 예정 제품을 발표했습니다.
Natural Grocers, le plus grand détaillant américain de produits biologiques et naturels exploité par une famille, a lancé sa propre gamme de Capsules de Café Bio sous sa marque. La nouvelle gamme de produits comprend quatre variétés, dont le Mélange de Petit-Déjeuner Bio, le Mélange de Petit-Déjeuner Décaféiné Bio et le Café Français Bio, avec des prix variant de 8,99 $ pour un paquet de 12 à 18,99 $ pour un paquet de 32.
Les capsules de café sont conçues avec des caractéristiques écologiques, comprenant des filtres en maille à base de plantes, des couvercles en papier et sont certifiées compostables dans des installations industrielles. L'emballage utilise du carton 100% recyclé avec 30% de matériaux post-consommation. Les produits sont certifiés biologiques, certifiés Fair Trade et compatibles avec la plupart des machines à café à portion unique.
Ce lancement fait partie de l'expansion de la marque de distributeur de Natural Grocers, qui comprend actuellement plus de 800 produits. L'entreprise a également annoncé de prochaines sorties comprenant des Kombuchas et des Tepaches biologiques.
Natural Grocers, der größte familiengeführte Einzelhändler für biologische und natürliche Lebensmittel in Amerika, hat eine eigene Linie von Bio-Kaffeekapseln unter ihrer Hausmarke eingeführt. Die neue Produktlinie umfasst vier Sorten, darunter Bio-Frühstücksblend, entkoffeinierter Bio-Frühstücksblend und Bio-Französischer Röstkaffee, mit Preisen von $8.99 für 12er-Packs bis $18.99 für 32er-Packs.
Die Kaffeekapseln sind mit umweltfreundlichen Eigenschaften gestaltet und verfügen über pflanzenbasierte Netzfilter, Papierdeckel und sind für die industrielle Kompostierung zertifiziert. Die Verpackung besteht aus 100% recyceltem Karton mit 30% Post-Consumer-Materialien. Die Produkte sind als biologisch zertifiziert, Fair Trade-zertifiziert und mit den meisten Einzelportionen-Kaffeemaschinen kompatibel.
Diese Einführung ist Teil der Erweiterung der Eigenmarke von Natural Grocers, die derzeit über 800 Produkte umfasst. Das Unternehmen hat auch kommende Releases angekündigt, darunter biologische Kombucha und Tepaches.
- Addition of new revenue stream through private-label coffee pods
- Expansion of house brand portfolio, now exceeding 800 products
- Premium pricing strategy ($8.99-$18.99 per package)
- Strategic alignment with eco-friendly consumer trends
- None.
This product launch represents a strategic move into the premium coffee pod segment, which has seen significant growth. The $18.99 price point for 32 pods (
Made with plant-based mesh filters and paper lids, the unique single-use pods are certified compostable at local industrial composting facilities
Natural Grocers' new coffee pods are compatible with most single-serve coffee makers. They're made with plant-based mesh filters and paper lids and are certified compostable at local industrial composting facilities.[i] The line is also packaged in
"Our new coffee pods offer more than just convenience—they're an invitation to enjoy exceptional taste while making thoughtful choices for our planet," said Raquel Isely, vice president of marketing at Natural Grocers. "Crafted with care, these premium products deliver rich, authentic flavors that have already become customer favorites. With their superior quality and alignment with our customers' values, we're proud to introduce these new varieties as part of our growing Natural Grocers Brand collection, reflecting our unwavering commitment to sustainability, nutrition, taste and affordability."
- Organic Breakfast Blend, 32 ct/11.57 oz (
)$18.99 - Organic Breakfast Blend, 12 ct/4.33 oz (
)$8.99 - Organic Decaf Breakfast Blend, 12 ct/4.33 oz (
)*$8.99 - Organic French Roast, 12 ct/4.33 oz (
- Certified Organic, Non-GMO
- Fair Trade Certified
100% Arabica Coffee- Plant-based Mesh Filter and Paper Lid
- Compatible with Most Single-Cup Brewers
- Vegan Friendly
- Outer Packaging is
100% Recycled Paperboard with30% Post-Consumer Waste
*Made with the Swiss Water® Process.
Established in 2016, the house brand currently offers over 800 high-quality products, available exclusively at Natural Grocers stores. Learn more about Natural Grocers' product standards by clicking here. Recent additions to the private-label line include Organic Durum Wheat Pasta and Organic Biodynamic Pasta Sauces. Customers can look forward to more premium-quality products at Always Affordable PricesSM, including a new line of Organic Kombuchas and Tepaches.
- Click here for a media kit, courtesy of Natural Grocers.
- To learn more about Natural Grocers' grocery standards, click here.
- To request media samples, or for any press-related questions, please contact Katie Macarelli:
Founded in 1955, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) is an expanding specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The grocery products sold by Natural Grocers must meet strict quality guidelines and may not contain artificial flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners (as defined by its standards), synthetic colors, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The Company sells only USDA-certified organic produce and exclusively pasture-raised, non-confinement dairy products, and free-range eggs. Natural Grocers' flexible smaller-store format allows it to offer affordable prices in a shopper-friendly, clean, and convenient retail environment. The Company also provides extensive free science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers and Crew make informed health and nutrition choices. Natural Grocers is committed to its 5 Founding Principles—including its "Commitment to Community" and "Commitment to Crew". In fiscal year 2024, the Company invested more than
[i] These facilities create the right conditions, like high heat and controlled moisture, to turn the pods into compost. However, they usually can't be composted in a regular backyard compost bin because those conditions aren't met at home. Check with your local waste management or composting center to see if they accept certified compostable items.
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SOURCE Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.