Natural Grocers® Expands Private-Label Line with Six New Household-Cleaning Products
Natural Grocers has introduced six new private-label household cleaning products, expanding its house brand portfolio. The new additions include Edition Dish Soap, Laundry Stain Remover, two variants of Organic Fabric Softener, Daily Shower Cleaner, and Organic Fruit & Veggie Wash, with prices ranging from $3.99 to $6.99.
All new products maintain the company's commitment to being vegan, cruelty-free and free from parabens, phthalates, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances. The organic selections feature containers made from sustainable sugar cane. The company also enforces full ingredient list disclosure for all cleaning products, exceeding federal requirements.
The house brand, established in 2016, now encompasses over 800 products available exclusively at Natural Grocers stores. Recent additions include four new Bath Bomb scents, with Organic Coffee Pods currently being rolled out across stores.
Natural Grocers ha introdotto sei nuovi prodotti per la pulizia della casa a marchio privato, ampliando così il portafoglio della propria marca. Le nuove aggiunte includono il sapone per piatti Edition, il removitore di macchie per la lavanderia, due varianti dell'ammorbidente biologico, il detergente per la doccia quotidiana e il lavaggio biologico per frutta e verdura, con prezzi che variano da $3,99 a $6,99.
Tutti i nuovi prodotti mantengono l'impegno dell'azienda ad essere vegan, cruelty-free e privi di parabeni, ftalati, solfati e fragranze sintetiche. Le selezioni biologiche sono confezionate in contenitori realizzati con canna da zucchero sostenibile. L'azienda garantisce anche la divulgazione completa dell'elenco degli ingredienti per tutti i prodotti per la pulizia, superando i requisiti federali.
Il marchio, istituito nel 2016, comprende ora oltre 800 prodotti disponibili esclusivamente nei negozi Natural Grocers. Tra le recenti aggiunte ci sono quattro nuove fragranze di bombe da bagno, con le cialde di caffè biologico attualmente in fase di distribuzione nei negozi.
Natural Grocers ha presentado seis nuevos productos de limpieza para el hogar de marca privada, ampliando su cartera de marca propia. Las nuevas adiciones incluyen jabón para platos Edition, removedor de manchas para lavandería, dos variantes de suavizante de telas orgánico, limpiador diario para la ducha y lavado orgánico para frutas y verduras, con precios que oscilan entre $3.99 y $6.99.
Todos los nuevos productos mantienen el compromiso de la empresa de ser veganos, libres de crueldad y estar libres de parabenos, ftalatos, sulfatos y fragancias sintéticas. Las selecciones orgánicas cuentan con envases hechos de caña de azúcar sostenible. La empresa también impone la divulgación completa de la lista de ingredientes para todos los productos de limpieza, superando los requisitos federales.
La marca propia, establecida en 2016, ahora abarca más de 800 productos disponibles exclusivamente en las tiendas de Natural Grocers. Las recientes adiciones incluyen cuatro nuevas fragancias de bombas de baño, y actualmente se están distribuyendo cápsulas de café orgánico en las tiendas.
내추럴 그로서스는 자사 브랜드 포트폴리오를 확장하여 여섯 개의 새로운 프라이빗 라벨 가정용 청소 제품을 소개했습니다. 새로운 제품에는 Edition 주방 세제, 세탁 얼룩 제거제, 두 가지 종류의 유기농 섬유 유연제, 일일 샤워 청소제 및 유기농 과일 및 채소 세척제가 포함되어 있으며 가격은 $3.99에서 $6.99 사이입니다.
모든 새로운 제품은 비건, 동물실험 반대 및 파라벤, 프탈레이트, 황산염 및 합성 향료가 없는 것을 유지합니다. 유기농 선택 제품은 지속 가능한 사탕수수로 만들어진 용기를 사용합니다. 회사는 또한 모든 청소 제품의 성분 목록을 완전 공개하여 연방 요구 사항을 초과 달성하고 있습니다.
2016년에 설립된 자사 브랜드는 현재 내추럴 그로서스 매장에서 독점적으로 제공되는 800개 이상의 제품을 포함합니다. 최근 추가된 제품으로는 네 가지 새로운 욕조 폭탄 향기가 있으며, 유기농 커피 포드는 현재 매장에서 배포되고 있습니다.
Natural Grocers a introduit six nouveaux produits de nettoyage pour la maison sous marque propre, élargissant ainsi son portefeuille de marques. Les nouvelles additions comprennent du savon à vaisselle Edition, un détachant pour le linge, deux variantes d'assouplissant biologique, un nettoyant pour douche quotidien, et un nettoyant biologique pour fruits et légumes, avec des prix allant de $3,99 à $6,99.
Tous les nouveaux produits respectent l'engagement de l'entreprise à être végétalien, sans cruauté et exempts de parabènes, phthalates, sulfates et parfums synthétiques. Les sélections biologiques sont contenues dans des récipients en canne à sucre durable. L'entreprise impose également une divulgation complète de la liste des ingrédients pour tous les produits de nettoyage, dépassant les exigences fédérales.
La marque, établie en 2016, comprend désormais plus de 800 produits disponibles exclusivement dans les magasins Natural Grocers. Les ajouts récents incluent quatre nouvelles senteurs de bombes de bain, et des capsules de café biologique sont actuellement en cours de déploiement dans les magasins.
Natural Grocers hat sechs neue Eigenmarken-Haushaltsreinigungsprodukte eingeführt und sein Markenportfolio erweitert. Zu den neuen Produkten gehören Edition Spülmittel, Wäschefleckenentferner, zwei Varianten von biologischem Weichspüler, täglicher Duschreiniger und biologische Obst- und Gemüsewaschmittel, mit Preisen zwischen $3,99 und $6,99.
Alle neuen Produkte entsprechen dem Engagement des Unternehmens, vegan, tierversuchsfrei und frei von Parabenen, Phthalaten, Sulfaten und synthetischen Düften zu sein. Die biologischen Produkte verfügen über Behälter aus nachhaltigem Zuckerrohr. Das Unternehmen legt auch großen Wert auf die vollständige Offenlegung der Inhaltsstoffe für alle Reinigungsprodukte, was die bundesstaatlichen Anforderungen übertrifft.
Die Eigenmarke, die 2016 gegründet wurde, umfasst jetzt über 800 Produkte, die ausschließlich in den Natural Grocers-Filialen erhältlich sind. Zu den neuesten Ergänzungen gehören vier neue Duftrichtungen für Badebomben, während biologische Kaffeekapseln derzeit in den Filialen eingeführt werden.
- Expansion of private-label product line with higher-margin items
- Premium pricing strategy with products ranging from $3.99 to $6.99
- Growing house brand portfolio from 2016 now includes over 800 products
- None.
"At Natural Grocers, we are committed to expanding our house brand across all departments, and we are especially excited to grow our selection of forward-thinking household supplies," said Raquel Isely, Vice President of Marketing at Natural Grocers. "It's surprising—and concerning—that many conventional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals, problematic by-products, and other ingredients linked to health risks and environmental harm. That's why we now require all household cleaning products on our shelves to include a full ingredient list, even though it's not legally mandated under Federal guidelines. We believe every choice matters when it comes to protecting our planet—from the laundry room to the kitchen sink. We're thrilled for our customers to discover just how effective and reliable these new Always AffordableSM cleaning products are for tackling everyday messes!"
- Limited Edition Dish Soap – Spiced Apple (
oz)$3.99 /24 - Laundry Stain Remover – Floral Fresh (
oz)$6.99 /26 - Organic Fabric Softener - Lavender (
oz)$5.99 /32 - Organic Fabric Softener – Free & Clear (
oz)$5.99 /32 - Daily Shower Cleaner – Mint Eucalyptus (
oz)$4.99 /26 - Organic Fruit & Veggie Wash (
oz)$4.49 /16 - Organic Multi-Surface Cleaner – Unscented (
oz)$4.29 /26
Established in 2016, the house brand currently offers over 800 high-quality products, available exclusively at Natural Grocers stores. Learn more about Natural Grocers' product standards by clicking here. Recent additions to the private-label line include four new scents of Bath Bombs (Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Wildflower and Pumpkin Spice). Customers can look forward to more premium-quality products at Always Affordable PricesSM, including Organic Coffee Pods, arriving in all stores now.
- Click here for a media kit featuring the new cleaning products, courtesy of Natural Grocers.
- To learn more about Natural Grocers' household product standards, click here.
- To request media samples, or for any press-related questions, please contact Katie Macarelli:
Founded in 1955, Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. (NYSE: NGVC) is an expanding specialty retailer of natural and organic groceries, body care products, and dietary supplements. The grocery products sold by Natural Grocers must meet strict quality guidelines and may not contain artificial flavors, preservatives, or sweeteners (as defined by its standards), synthetic colors, or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. The Company sells only USDA-certified organic produce and exclusively pasture-raised, non-confinement dairy products, and free-range eggs. Natural Grocers' flexible smaller-store format allows it to offer affordable prices in a shopper-friendly, clean, and convenient retail environment. The Company also provides extensive free science-based Nutrition Education programs to help customers and Crew make informed health and nutrition choices. Natural Grocers is committed to its 5 Founding Principles—including its "Commitment to Community" and "Commitment to Crew". In fiscal year 2024, the Company invested more than
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SOURCE Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc.